Philosophysummative Week 4

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Name:_____________________________________ Date:_____________Score:____________
DIRECTION: Read and understand the question. Write your answer before the number.

1. It is the totality of all surroundings of a living organism, including natural forces

and other living things.

A. Ecosystem B. Environment C. Human Person D. Philosophy

2. According to him, “The world involves in an ongoing process governed by the law of change”.
A. Aristotle B. Heraclitus C. Hephaestus D. Einstein
3. What is an Environmental Ethics?
A. It is an ideology that promotes the protection and preservation of the environment.
B. It is the totality of all surroundings of a living organism, including natural forces and other living things.
C. It is the discipline in philosophy that studies the moral relationship of human beings with the environment and its
nonhuman contents.
D. focuses on the significant role of humankind in the world and considers nature as the means by which humans are able
to meet their needs and survive.
4. Through research and experiments scientists created a vaccine to cure NCOVID 19, because of their efforts the vaccines are
spread throughout the world and already gave it to those who needed. What type of philosophical views on nature and man’s
relationship with the environment is being described?
A. Anthropocentrism B. Biocentrism C. Deep Ecology D. Ecocentrism
5. It focuses on reconciling human activities and economic development with the protection of environment.
A. Environmental integrity B. Economic efficiency C. Social ecology D. Sustainable development
6. It is an area of study that focuses on the ethical dimensions of climate change.
A. Climate Ethics B. Climate Justice C. Frugal D. Prudence
7. What is an environmentalism?
A. It is an ideology that promotes the protection and preservation of the environment.
B. It is the study of the ethical basis of environment or discussion of the ethical basis of environmental protection.
C. It applies an ecological and ethical approach in analyzing society and sees a relationship between social problems and
environmental problems.
D. It refers to the fair distribution of environmental benefits, as well as the burden of meeting environmental challenges
greatly influenced the concepts of climate ethics and climate justice.
8. Michael joins a movement that helps promote environmental awareness, together with his friends they joined rallies that fight
against environmental abuse, He also planted mangrove trees in different coastal areas, He also helped in cleaning the beaches
covered with wastes and garbage. What ideology does Michael have?
A. Environmentally awake B. Environmental Ethics C. Environmentalism D. Environmentally concern
9. It is the ability to regulate one’s actions and behavior.
A. Equity B. Economic efficiency C. Frugality D. Prudence
10. It is being thrifty with the use of one’s resources.
A. Ethics B. Frugality C. Prudence D. Thrifty
11. This demands that we use our natural resources in such a manner that these are conserved so that the next generation will be
able to use them.
A. Ethics B. Equity C. Frugality D. Prudence
12. What is Environmental Integrity?
A. Refers to maintaining the state of the environment.
B. It refers to prudence in decision-making regarding the use of resources to ensure that there is minimum to zero waste.
C. This is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to
meet their own needs.
D. All of these
13. What does economic efficiency mean?
A. refers to prudence in decision-making regarding the use of resources to ensure that there is minimum to zero waste.
B. focuses on reconciling human activities and economic development with the protection of environment.
C. Promotes the idea that order and balance in nature brings about stability and beauty.
D. places great value on ecosystems and biological communities.
14- 15. Encircle the letter that shows a person of being frugal or prudence.
A. Ben has 500 pesos from his uncle, his uncle told him that it will be his allowance for a week but then, the money did not
reach a week even though, he used it to buy food, and the things he needed.
B. Ana is a student who rent a house with her monthly allowance of 4,000 pesos, she only
used the money to the things that she needed such as foods, school fees, and fare. At the end of the month she even
saves the extra money for the next month’s consumption
C. Claude collected P100,000.00 because of a coin challenge, whenever she has an extra
money from her allowance she always put it on her alkansya. When she opened it she buy
foods and daily needs of their family, she even bought appliances, such as washing machine, gas stove and a T.V. for her
family. After buying all their needs she put the extra money on her bank account.
D. Lesley has a project required by his teacher; she will make a portfolio to pass the subject Philosophy. The portfolio she
is going to make is to test her creativity and her thriftiness. Since Lesley has a lot of money, she bought the things she
needed for her portfolio, she bought stick glue, yarns, folders, construction papers, scented paper, silver dusts, etc. After
she is done creating her portfolio, she has a lot of extra materials that have not been used.
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