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People's Republic
The people’s Republic of  "Tsou, tsou; ts'ou, ta'ou, kai kai" means Act, act you will make
China says mistakes; correct them, correct them
1954 Constitution declared  "A long history of oppression and enslavement."
Constitution claimed  The necessary condition had been created for planned economic
construction and a gradual transition to Socialism
Constitution pledged  "For the noble cause of world peace and the progress of
international affairs humanity."
 Built an indestructible friendship "with the great Union of the
Soviet Socialist Republics."
First National People's  On September 20, 1954, the solemnly adopted at its first session,
Congress held in Peking,
Draft of the 1982 Constitution
National Constitutional The new draft of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China was
Revision Committee on April 21, 1982.
adopted The Revision Committee presided over by Peng Zhen

Standing Committee its 23rd Session that opened on April 22, 1982 considered the revised
draft of the Constitution consisting of a preamble and four chapters
containing 140 articles
greatest change the reinstatement of a chairman of the People's Republic and the
establishment of a Central Military Council of the People's Republic to
lead the armed forces of the country
approved by the Standing Committee
The New Constitution
Draft Constitution Adopted December 4, 1982 by the Fifth National People's Congress at its Fifth
series fourth in the series; three in 1954, 1975 and 1978 preceding
Stated under the leadership of the Communist Party and the guidance of
Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong
, "steadily improve socialist institutions, develop socialist democracy,
and improve, socialist legal system and work hard and self-reliantly to
modernize industry, agriculture, national defence and science and
technology step by step to turn China into a socialist country with a high
level of culture and democracy."
principal points of the since the founding of the People's Republic, China has had three
revised drafts Constitutions: the 1954 document was comprehensive in content, while
1975 and 1978 documents, restricted by the historical conditions at that
time, were undesirable."
Comprehensive contains 138 Articles.

Continued Faith in  Full faith in Marxism-Leninism and Maoism.

Marxism-Leninism-  Faith in decentralization and liberalization of the economy.
Maoism but with a  advocates the need to maintain the process of streamlining and strengthening
New Approach the institutional framework
 China's socialist development reflects the common will and fundamental
interests of all nationalities in the country conforms to the situation in China,
and meets the needs of socialist modernization.
 China stands for Three Represents Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong, and
Deng Xiaoping.
The preamble of the  Sets forth the task ahead.
1982 Constitution  The transition of Chinese society from a new democratic to a socialist society
was effected step by step.
 The Chinese people of all nationalities will continue to adhere to the people's
democratic dictatorship and follow the established road."
 "In the years to come, China will concentrate its efforts on social
modernization through hard work and self-reliance."
Socialist Constitution  Article 1 of the Constitution declares, "China is a socialist State under the
people's democratic dictatorship led by the working class and based on the
alliance of workers and peasants”.
Faith in Panchsheel  China stands for an independent foreign policy based on mutual respect for
and Opposition to territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other's
Imperialism internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence through
developing diplomatic relations and economic and cultural exchanges.
Written and Enacted  ,

1954 1975 1978 1982

160 Articles 30 Articles 60 Articles 138 Articles
 The first chapter has 32 Articles (Articles 1 to 32) describing the general
principles of the Constitution.
 The second chapter has 23 Articles from Articles 33 to 55 that enumerate the
rights and duties of the citizens.
 The third chapter has 79 Articles (56 to 135) and lays down the organization
and powers of the organs of government
 Finally, the fourth chapter has only three Articles (136 138) and it describes
the national flag, the national anthem
A Difficult Method of  Provides a special method of amendment.
Amendment  The National People's Congress has the power to amend it by a majority of
Constitution as the two-thirds votes.
Supreme Law  The fundamental law of the State and has supreme legal authority.
Separation between  Article 1 simply describes China as a people's democratic dictatorship led by
the Government and the working class
the Party  "The Constitution of the Communist Party should be in accordance with the
constitution and law."

Restoration of the  restores the office of the president of People's Republic of China and provides
Republican for his election by the National People's Congress for a term of five years
Character of the
Faith in the  Article 2 States that all power in China belongs to the people.
Sovereignty of the  Article 5 States "All State organs, the armed forces, all political parties, and
Popular Will public organizations
Fundamental Rights  Article 13 States, "The State protects the right of the citizens to own lawfully
and Duties of the earned income, savings, houses, and other lawful property. The State protects
People of China by law the right of the citizens to inherit private property."
A Unitary State  the need for democratization and decentralization, the 1982 Constitution,
maintains the unitary character of the State
National People's  Article 3 of the 1982 Constitution provides for a direct election of the National
Congress People's local authorities
 Defines the relationship between the people and their representatives.
provides guidelines for the relations between central and local organs
 Article 31 of the Constitution provides that "the State may establish special
administrative when necessary."
A Sort of  The cabinet called the State Council and the prime minister is called the
Parliamentary premier.
System  It is the real executive of e by the president of the Republic.
Provision for the  Unitary State divided into several provinces and municipalities, cities, units,
Institutions of Local districts, sub-divisions, etc. to all local levels, local people's congresses have
Government been established.
 These have been created on the basis of the location of different nationalities
within China.
general Principles of  the incorporation of the General Principles of the Constitution. Article 1
Governance describes China as a socialist State under people's democratic dictatorship
 No mention of the leadership of the Communist Party has now been made.
Provisions Regarding  Public ownership of the means of production continues to be the basis of
Economic Policies China's socialist economic system
 The "Open Door" policy involving limited and gradual economic
liberalization continues to be the official policy.
 In 2002, the 16th Party Congress, announced that now rich business people
were welcome to apply for party membership.
China as a Multi-  The People's Republic of China is a single multi-national State.
National State  56 nationalities who have integrated to form the modern Chinese nation.
 Article 4 declares that all nationalities are equal.
The Structure of Political Power In China
Direct Control State Council, President, Central Military, Courts and Prosecutors,
Communist party
Exerts Influences National People Congress


Highest Organ of  The National People's Congress is the highest organ of State power and all
State Power authorities of convey to the appropriate organs the opinions.
A Unicameral  unitary multinational State
Legislature  Deputies are elected by provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities
directly under the Central Government, and by the armed forces.
Membership  The number of deputies and the manner of their election are prescribed by law.
 3000 members
Elections  The election of deputies is conducted by the Standing Committee of the
National People's Congress for a term of five years.
Duties of Deputies  Article 76 mentioned the duties
Functions and Powers
Restored  The 1982 Constitution restored the original majority of two-thirds as it existed
in the 1954 Constitution.
Acts  All acts in violation of the Constitution "must be looked into.
Defines  The “basic system and basic tasks of the State in legal form",
fundamental law  Law of the State and has supreme legal authority.
Enacts and amends  Statutes relating to criminal offenses, civil affairs, the State organs, and other
matters on which Congress necessary and expedient to legislate.
Deputies  The procedure prescribed by law, to submit bills and proposals within the scope
of its functions and powers
Congress  Nationalities Committee, a Law Committee, a Financial and an Education,
establishes Science, Culture and Public Health Committee, a Foreign Economic Committee
Bills and draft  transferred to the Standing , resolutions under the direction of the Congress and
its Standing Committee
Elects  Congress the president and the vice-president of the
 National People's Congress and its Standing Committee
Examines and  the plan for the national and said development, and the State budget, and the
Approves reports on their respective implementation
Decisions  on questions of war and peace are taken by the National People's Congress


Permanent  The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.
Session  No session of the Congress was convened between 1964 to 1974
Advanced or  Constitution of 1982 became operative the session of the Congress could be
postponed "advanced or postponed."
Composition and Organization
Composed  of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairmen, the Secretary- general and the members, all
told about 200 in number
Term  The term of the Standing Committee is five years, but the National People's
Congress has the power to recall them from office
Tenure State functionaries to two consecutive terms, limited
Standing The secretary-general “handles the important day-to-day work" of the Committee

Powers and Functions
Communist  Though the constitutions are written,
countries  The judiciary is specifically debarred from interpreting the constitution.
 The theory of separation of powers has no relevance in a communist polity.
Standing  The National People's Congress has the power to legislate.
Enacts and  The basic statutes and the nature of these basic statutes are explained in Article
amends 62(3) of the Constitution
Propose  The Standing Committee is competent to enact or amend residuary matters.
amendments to
the Constitution.
The committee  To interpret statutes embraces the basic statutes that the National People's
exercises the Congress had enacted as well as the statutes enacted by the Standing Committee
power itself.
Appoints And  Vice-presidents and judges of the Supreme Court, members of the Judicial
Removes Committee and the president of the Military Court at the suggestion of the
president of the Supreme Court; appoints and removes Deputy Procurator-
General and procurators of the Supreme Procuratorate,
 Members of the Procuratorial Committees and Chief Procurator of the Military
Procuratorate at the suggestion of the Procurator-General of the Supreme
 Approves the appointment and removal of the chief procurators of the people's
procuratorate of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under
the Central Government.
Examines and  Partial adjustment of the plan for national economic and social development and
Approves the State budget that prove necessary in the course of their implementation
Empowered  To exercise such other functions and powers as the National People's Congress
may assign to it. Role of the Standing Committee
Exercise  Other functions and powers as the highest organ of State power should exercise

 Restored the offices of the president and the vice-president of the Republic that
Constitution of
had existed under the Constitution of 1954
 had succeeded Mao in this post of president till the outbreak of the Cultural
Liu Shaochi
Revolution when he was removed from the office and disgraced
Election and  Any citizen has the right to vote and to stand for election and has reached the age
Term of Office of 45 years is eligible for election as president of the Republic
 The vice-president fulfils all the conditions of the president for his eligibility to
the office and is elected in the same way and for the same term as the president
 Appoints and removes the premier, vice-premiers, State councillors, ministers in
Functions of the
charge of ministries and commissions and the Auditor-General and secretary-

general of the State Council

 Confers State medals and titles of honour and issues orders of special pardons
 The president proclaims martial law and a State of war and issues mobilization
 The Central Government of the People's Republic of China and it is the executive
Highest Organ of
body of the highest organ of State power
 Highest executive body of the highest organ of State power,
Composition of  Composed of the premier, the vice-premiers, the State councillors, the ministers
the State Council in charge of ministries, the ministers in charge of Commissions, the Auditor-
General, and the secretary-general.
Term of Office of  Charge of ministries or commissions and the Auditor-General and the secretary-
the State general of the Council is five years
Power to Recall  National People's Congress has the the premier, vice-premiers, State councillors,
or Remove From ministers in charge of ministries or commissions and the Auditor-General and the
Office secretary-general of the Council.
Working of the State Council
 The Premier directs the work of the State Council. The vice-premiers and State councilors assist
in the work of the premier
 The ministers in charge of ministries or commissions are responsible for the work of their
respective departments and convene and preside over ministerial meetings or commission
 The State Council has a Secretariat under the direction of the secretary-general of the Council.
 The Constitution now stipulates that the executive meetings of the State Council are composed of
the premier, the vice-premiers, the State councillors and the secretary-general of the State Council.

Functions and Powers

Submits its  The National People's Congress or its Standing Committee, when the Congress
proposals is not in session, for necessary approval and implementation.
Lays down the  The ministries and the commissions to exercise unified leadership over the work
tasks and of the ministries, and commissions and to direct all other administrative work of
responsibilities a national character that does not fall within the jurisdiction of the ministries and
Draws up and  It directs and administers economic affairs and urban and rural development,
implements affairs of education, science, culture, public health, physical culture and family
Directs and  Civil affairs, public security, judicial administration, supervision and other
administers related matters.
Conduct  Foreign affairs, and conclusion of treaties and agreements with foreign States,
direction and administration of the national defence, affairs concerning the
nationalities and safeguarding the rights of minority nationalities, and the right of
autonomy of the national autonomous areas constitute another important bunch
of the functions and powers of the State Council.
The Council  The legitimate rights and interests of Chinese nationals residing abroad, and

protects protects the lawful rights and interests of returned oversee Chinese
enforcement of  The Council of State shares with the Standing Committee the power to decide on
martial law the in parts of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under
the Central Government.
 It has no power to decide on the enforcement of martial lave throughout the
country. It is within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Standing Committee..
Article 67(21)  Relating to the powers and functions of the Standing Committee.
 All-embracing power that Article 62(5) confers on the National People's
Exercise  The Standing Committee and the State Council: such functions and powers as the
National People's Congress may "assign" to them.
 The term of office of the Central Military Commission is five years.
 It is a single five-year tenure for the chairman of the Commission as well as for its other
 Xu Bing, a researcher with the Law Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,
says: "Most countries place their heads of States in command of their armed forces.
But our armed forces are under an organization so as to guarantee that the command
of the armed forces does not fall in the hands of one person, but remains in the hands
of the people."
 Article 29 of the Constitution declares that the armed forces of the People's Republic of
China belong to the people..
Appraisal of the State Council
 There is no sphere of administration that it does not direct and control.
 "the highest executive body of the highest organ of State power.
 ." Liu Shao-ch said that "It must also combat any tendency to departmentalism, which
reduces the party's role and weakens its unity and must answer the questions in a
responsible way".
 The position of the premier is fourth government policy regardless of their titles or
constitutionally vested responsibilities.
 Party members were not to limit their loyalties just to government and, thus, become the
tools of 'departmentalism. The Party constitution prescribed that:
 "Party decisions must be carried out unconditionally.
 Individual Party members will obey the Party organisation, the minority Country shall
obey the National Party Congress and the Central Committee."

Party the Leader and Core of the Country

 The general programme of the Chinese Communist Party declares that as the "highest
for of class organization”
 Democratic centralism.

 Marxist-Leninists have long since publicly declared that we stand for centralism
 Political system has a high degree of centralism but it is based on a high degree of
 Mao Zedong, in his book, On Coalition Government, Stated that the political system of
China was "at once democratic and centralised, that is, centralised on the basis of
democracy and democratic under centralized guidance."
Party under the 1975 Party under the 1978 Party under the 1982
Constitution Constitution Constitution

China "is the core of the The 1978 constitution of the This "headquarter" was
leadership of the whole People's Republic of China proclaimed "the sole leading
Chinese People" and "the was the replica of its organ of the entire party
working class exercises predecessor Constitution
leadership over the State
through the vanguard of the
Communist Party of China."
Explicitly affirmed the Article 2 stipulates Article 2 The command of a
principle of centralized and Communist Party of China democratic dictator ship led
direct Party rule over the was the core of the leadership by the working class and
government and the armed of the whole Chinese people based on the alliance of
forces and the working class workers and the army no
exercised leadership over the longer vests in the chairman
State through its vanguard, of the Central Committee of
the Communist Party of the Party.
Committed China to Article 1 of the 1978 Article 1. There is no
"continued revolution" Constitution declared that the provision in any Article of the
under the guidance of the People's Republic of China Constitution which may
Party was a Socialist State of the describe the role of the
dictatorship of the proletariat Communist Party. The
led by the working class and People's Republic of China is
based on the alliance of the now a socialist State under
workers and peasants. the people's peasants
"They will vanquish enemies Article 19 Stated that the The Central Military
at home and abroad and Chinese Liberation Army was Commission directs the
surmount all difficulties to the workers' and peasants' armed forces of the country
build China into powerful own armed force led by the Article 93.
socialist State of the Communist Party of China The armed forces r China
dictatorship of the proletariat and it was the pillar of the belong to the people. Their
so as to make a great dictatorship of the proletariat tasks are to strengthen
contribution to humanity." national defence, resist
aggression, defend the
motherland, safeguard the
people's peaceful labour,
participate in national

reconstruction and work hard

to serve the people (Article
Membership and Organization

 In 1921, 13 anarchists, radicals and Marxists met in Shanghai and established the first
Congress of the Chinese Communist Party.
 In 1951, the membership of the Party had gone to 5.8 million and in another decade it
went up to 17 million.
 In August 1977 the membership exceeded 35 million, in
 1980 it was over 50 million
 1986, it exceeded 62 million and currently, its members are about 80 million.
 The membership is strictly limited.
 Candidate must be recommended by two full members of the Party.
 The Politburo with a membership of 23 is the core of the important decision-makers and
"probably acts as a controlling nucleus for the larger body." .
 It gives legitimacy to Politburo decisions in accordance with the party constitution.
 Party leaders, as it once had Mao Zedong, Chou En-lai, Chow Ch'en Yun and Teng-
 The Secretariat monitors the execution of policy on a daily basis through the Party Central
organs, Bureaus and Committees.
 It originally consisted of 17 regular and four alternative members.

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