Science Fair Expla

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Hello my name is Yuan Madriaga, I am a grade 11 student and my project is Purifying used

cooking oil. As we know cooking oil is an everyday use for everyone and its used in preparing in
our foods. Oil now a days is somewhat expensive depending on what oil you use but oils like
golden fiesta is 140P per litter and poverty is a big thing in the Philippines, so with my invention
I think it can help re use oil and save money at the same time. This invention also helps in the
environment as we don’t have to continuously pour oil into sinks that leads to pipes and may
lead to the environment and it also helps for your pipes not to be clogged with oil.
My research aims to achieve that
purified oil to have the same quality as commercialized ones
To be easy and accessible to everyone
To lessen odor of used oil
The methods I used for this experiment is pot, ginger, used oil, strainer, cheesecloth, container
1. Cut ginger into pieces
2. Strain the cooking oil using a strainer to remove any coarse food particles
3. To heat the oil to a temperature abt 76-93 degrees celcius then when the oil reaches
desired temperature we then put off the heat and put the ginger slices in. as this ginger
gets cooked the ginger absorbs the odor and taste of the of the foods that was in the oil.
We let the ginger sit there till the oil is not hot and the ginger is cooked
4. Place a cheesecloth above the jar and let it filter through the cheesecloth
Firstly The color may not compare to the commercialized ones. Secondly The odor of the
Purified cooking oil disappeared but the smell of the ginger has been infused in the oil.
Thirdly The clarity of the oil has improved and I would say about the same as commercialized
one. Overall it is still useable and beneficial to everyone
I recommend for future researchers to find an alternative to ginger as the gingers smell gets
infused to the oil. Another recommendation is that to find alternative to Ginger as gingers sell
about P50+ nowadays.

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