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LM 9



1. C. Ghent

2. B. Valentin Ventura

3. C. Jeweler

4. D. Lamp

5. C. Isagani


1. In the modern world, individuals' behaviors and actions are significantly influenced by the values
that they hold. People are better able to make wise choices and lead meaningful lives when they
have been helped to acquire strong morals and proper conduct through the process of values
formation. Values are just as critical to upholding success as are abilities and accomplishments
when it comes to building and establishing a successful career.
2. force to achieve one's goals is not an effective means of bringing about genuine change in
society. Through Simoun's character, Rizal was able to illustrate the dangers of pursuing revenge
and the consequences of one's actions. If I were to revise the ending of the story, I would
consider emphasizing the power of peaceful and nonviolent means to effect change in society.
Perhaps Simoun could have had a change of heart and realized that his quest for revenge was
not worth the price he would have to pay, and instead worked towards a peaceful resolution to
the issues he was fighting for. This could have been a powerful message about the importance
of forgiveness, reconciliation, and nonviolence in achieving lasting social change.

1. The term "values" is used to describe the ideas, ideals, and principles that an individual or group
of people considers to be essential and deserving of utmost regard. These are the fundamental
beliefs that shape one's behaviors and decisions throughout life. Culture, religion, familial
background, personal experiences, and societal standards are only few of the many influences
on an individual's set of core values.
2. El Filibusterismo's characters and their actions illustrate the novel's theme of valuelessness.
Many of the novel's protagonists and antagonists are shown to be morally bankrupt and greedy
3. The values portrayed in the novel are important in depicting the life of society because they
serve as a reflection of the societal norms and attitudes of the time. The novel El Filibusterismo
portrays a society that is deeply flawed and corrupt, with individuals who lack values such as
honesty, integrity, and social responsibility. This depiction highlights the negative consequences
of a society that is driven by greed, ambition, and self-interest, and that lacks a sense of
compassion and justice.
4. Rizal's belief that the youth is the hope of tomorrow is still relevant today but of course we
cannot expect that 100% of us young ones would always be on the positive side of the life and
there are many examples of young people making positive changes in the Philippines and
around the world. One recent news story that illustrates this is the case of Gretchen Ho, a
former volleyball player and TV host who has been using her platform to promote social causes
and effect change in her community. Ho has been involved in initiatives such as the Rise for
Education Alliance, which advocates for accessible and quality education for all, and the
#DonateABikeSaveAJob campaign, which aims to provide bicycles to commuters who have lost
their jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The negative side are those teens who are facing
pregnancy at the age of 16-19 without any means of raising the child it is sad to see and
disappoint but it is the reality and we cannot do anything about it but to improve our influence
on the young ones to lessen the negatives and enhance the positive side.

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