2roads Newsletter Q1 2023

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“ Greetings All!

t’s hard to believe that we are fast approaching

acquisition is anything to go by, further proof that
with quality service, regular and focused customer
interaction, you will achieve success.
the middle of 2023, that we entered but a few
short months back, with the firm intention to INDT has consolidated its position as a service pro-
“Reinvent” and “Reinforce”. In essence, vider of choice and introduced a range of advanced
these concepts are exemplified by tackling chal- NDT techniques among them Phased Array, to fur-
lenges we face with new approaches while sup- ther demonstrate its capability for innovation and
porting the processes and systems that were/are adding value to current and future clients.
working. Our Executive Chairman will elaborate
further on this, in this edition. PSC Integrity is also busy qualifying new and ex-
citing procedures that will expand its offerings to
Quarter 1 (Q1) of our Financial Year finds us build- the market. Watch this space.
ing up a good head of steam with many of our plans Groupline is facing its challenges head-on and has
coming to fruition. The new management team at recently undergone a change in management that
Paltech Valves has made enormous strides in sta- we are confident will restore the company’s for-
bilising the business and building a very healthy tunes and re-position it as the first port-of-call for
order book. They have “reinforced” our ability to industrial wear-linings.
supply existing clients through sound management
practices and have also introduced many new cus- We have consolidated our relationships in oth-
tomers into the system. Paltech Pumps continues er African countries and both our Paltech Ghana
to make inroads into the market and will soon be and Mwendo (Mozambique) companies now have
introducing an innovative pump replacement mod- in-country managers committed to driving the suc-
el to its clients. cess of the 2Roads group on a continental scale.
We have had great success with the sale of valves
NDT Projects is seriously in danger of “Cap- and pumps into both countries and are eagerly
turing the Vaal” if its rate of new customer awaiting news of other proposals submitted to
significant players in these markets. In addition we
have made forays into Senegal and Cote d’Ivoire
and our plans for the continent and further afield
will also be expounded upon, in this issue.

While our business continues to thrive through

all your efforts, hard work and dedication, I
want to return to the matters of “reinvention”
and “reinforcement”, but at a personal level.
At 2Roads, we are firm advocates for self-im-
provement, continuous learning and devel-
opment of the individual. We have a relative-
ly young workforce and are striving to correct
the gender imbalances in our technical and
management staff. This creates many oppor-
tunities for growth and the acquisition of new
skills to advance your careers within the organ-
isation. Much effort has gone into developing
Workplace Skills Plans that link to Personal De-
velopment Plans to identify opportunities for
study and training. The Company will provide
the necessary financial support in this regard
and only requires you to “put up your hands”
to take advantage of these opportunities. Our
HR, Change and Communications Departments
are standing by, waiting for your call, to take
you through the requisite steps once you’ve
accepted the challenge of reinventing your-
self and reinforcing your existing capabilities.

We continue to promote excellence and reward

dedication and hard work not only through
monetary means but through the provision of
opportunities to our employees to broaden
their horizons and learn at a global level. You
may find yourself invited to accompany our
delegations to international tradeshows, expos
and client engagements. Examples include our
recent exhibition at Valve World in Dusseldorf,
Germany, Offshore Technology Conference in
Houston, Texas and frequent client visits to
Mozambique, Ghana, and Senegal, amongst
others. Get involved, demonstrate your abilities,
indicate your interest and become an ambassa-
dor for your Company and the 2Roads Group.

I invite you ALL to reinvent your-

selves and reinforce your skills and
capabilities and help us become the
“Premier Industrial Holdings com-
pany from the African continent”

Dr Andre Botha
Access to Cutting-Edge Wide Product Range and
Technology: Solutions:

B y becoming official distributors
S chneider Electric boasts an extensive
of Schneider Electric’s instrumentation product portfolio, encompassing a
products, Paltech, Paltech Ghana, and Mwen- comprehensive range of instrumentation prod-
do Engineering gain access to cutting-edge ucts tailored for various industries, including
technology developed by a renowned global energy, manufacturing, infrastructure, and
leader. Schneider Electric’s commitment to in- more. By integrating these products into their
novation ensures that their products are at the offerings, the distributor companies can pro-
forefront of technological advancements, offer- vide a one-stop solution to their customers’
ing state-of-the-art features and functionalities. instrumentation needs. This breadth of prod-
This access empowers the distributor companies ucts allows for customisation, enabling the Af-
to cater to the growing demands of the African rican market to benefit from tailored solutions
market, offering reliable and efficient solutions that optimise performance, reduce downtime,
that meet the needs of diverse industries. and improve overall operational efficiency.

Brand Credibility and Technical Support and

Trust: Training:

P artnering with Schneider Electric

S chneider Electric understands the
elevates the reputation and credibility importance of technical support and
of Paltech, Paltech Ghana, and Mwendo Engi- training to ensure the success of its part-
neering as leading distributors in their respec- ners. As official distributors, Paltech, Paltech
tive countries. Schneider Electric’s global pres- Ghana, and Mwendo Engineering gain access
ence and recognition for excellence in the field to comprehensive technical support, including
of energy management and automation lend training programs, online resources, and ded-
instant credibility to the distributor companies. icated technical experts. This support equips
This association instills trust among customers, the distributor companies with the necessary
as they perceive the distributor companies as knowledge and skills to effectively market,
providers of reliable, high-quality products, and install, and maintain Schneider Electric’s
solutions backed by a reputable global brand. instrumentation products, ultimately leading
to enhanced customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Market Expansion and Enhanced Customer Re-
Growth Opportunities: lationships:

B y adding Schneider Electric’s

S chneider Electric instrumentation
products to their range, the distributor products are known for their reliability,
companies unlock significant market expansion durability, and performance. By offering these
and growth opportunities in their respective high-quality products, Paltech, Paltech
countries. Schneider Electric’s global reputa- Ghana, and Mwendo Engineering can strength-
tion and proven track record make its products en their customer relationships. The ability to
highly sought after by industries across the Af- provide reliable and efficient solutions enhances
rican continent. This demand, coupled with the customer trust and loyalty, fostering long-term
distributor companies’ local expertise and mar- partnerships. Moreover, Schneider Electric’s
ket knowledge, positions them for exponential products are designed to meet the specific
growth and increased market share. The part- needs of African industries, ensuring custom-
nership with Schneider Electric also enables er satisfaction and reinforcing the distributor
the companies to tap into new industries, diver- companies’ position as trusted providers of cut-
sify their customer base, and expand their geo- ting-edge instrumentation solutions.
graphical reach.

Paltech Schneider Launch: Dr Andre Botha and Hennie Colyn

Pierre de la Guerre
D ue to the rapid Growth of the company and keeping in mind that our end goal is client sat-
isfaction and delivering quality service that is second to none, we have opened the INDT Projects
Middelburg branch. The Branch is strategically placed in the Mpumalanga area due to our vast
amount of clients currently within the province, we are now able to reduce the turnaround time to
call-outs for all our clients. The new branch will be fully stocked with all necessary equipment and
consumables which will aid in quicker turnaround times for inspection results to all our existing and
new clients. The Middelburg branch is a walk in and call-out office and can assist with all Conven-
tional and Advanced NDT, as required by the Customer. We can also do Heat treatment as part
of our service.

S • MPI (Magnetic Particle Inspection)

• DPT (Dye-Penetrant Testing)
E • UT (Ultrasonic Testing)
• WT (Wall Thickness Testing)
R • PAUT (Phased Array Ultrasonics) – Large bore and small bore.
• CR (Computed Radiography)
V • VT (Visual Inspections including full dimensional checks)
I • HT (Hardness Testing)
• PMI (Positive Material Identification)
C • Rep. (Replication) – To Inspect materials microstructure.
• RT (Radiographic Testing)
E • Heat Treatment

Gerhard de Lange
D ue to the rapid Growth of the company and keeping in mind that our end goal is client sat-
isfaction and delivering quality service that is second to none, we have opened the INDT Projects
Middelburg branch. The Branch is strategically placed in the Mpumalanga area due to our vast
amount of clients currently within the province, we are now able to reduce the turnaround time to
call-outs for all our clients. The new branch will be fully stocked with all necessary equipment and con-
sumables which will aid in quicker turnaround times for inspection results to all our existing and new
clients. The Middelburg branch is a walk in and call-out office and can assist with all Conventional and
Advanced NDT as required by the Customer. We can also do Heat treatment as part of our service.


Middelburg Office,

New office Signage

“ Dear 2RoadStars,

continue to shape our actions in the coming
s we approach the second quarter of 2023,
it is with great pleasure that I share some excit-
ing updates and reinforce our commitment to
the themes of Reinvention and Reinforcement.
Our journey towards growth continues, and I am
thrilled to announce the establishment of 2Roads
International, based in Dubai, as our new parent
company for our expanding international ventures.

2Roads International will oversee the operations

of Mwendo Engineering and Paltech Ghana,
along with other international businesses that we
acquire or register in the future. This strategic move
strengthens our global presence and positions us
for greater opportunities in diverse markets. The
synergy and expertise generated through this con-
solidation will fuel our growth and create a solid
foundation for our expansion plans.

As we reflect on our progress so far, it is crucial to

remind ourselves of the six pillars that define our
approach to business: Leadership, Innovation, Hu-
man Capital, Customer Orientation, Cost Structure,
and Economic Profits. These pillars have guided us
through the first quarter of the year, and they will
Leadership: We will lead by example, inspiring
and empowering our teams to achieve greatness.
Together ,
let us embrace the second quarter of 2023 with
renewed determination, unwavering commitment,
Innovation: We will foster a culture of cre- and a steadfast belief in our capabilities. We have
ativity and forward-thinking, constantly seek- the power to shape our future and make a positive
ing new ways to add value to our clients impact in the world. Let us rise to the occasion and
and differentiate ourselves in the market. achieve greatness.

Human Capital: Our people are our greatest as- Thank you for your unwavering support and
set, and we remain committed to their growth, dedication.
development, and well-being. By investing in
their skills and creating an inclusive work en- Yours sincerely,
vironment, we will unlock their full potential.

Customer Orientation: We will always put our Kingsley Duba

clients at the centre of everything we do. By un- Group Chairman, 2Roads Group
derstanding their needs and exceeding their
expectations, we will build lasting relationships
and secure our position as their trusted partner.

Cost Structure: Efficient operations and cost op-

timisation are vital for sustained success. We will
continuously evaluate our processes and make
strategic decisions to ensure competitiveness
and profitability.

Economic Profits: While we aim to generate eco-

nomic profits, we also recognise the importance
of responsible and ethical business practices. By
balancing financial success with social and envi-
ronmental responsibility, we will create sustainable
value for all stakeholders.

I would like to share a few lines from Rudyard

Kipling’s powerful poem, “IF.” These words beau-
tifully capture the essence of our journey, resil-
ience, integrity, and perseverance, qualities we
must embody as we navigate the challenges and
opportunities that lie ahead. Let them serve as a
reminder of our collective strength:

"If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;...
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!"
“ We’ve been attending various events and exhibitions, showcasing
our commitment to innovation and sustainable solutions. Here’s a
roundup of some of the notable
gatherings we participated in:

1. Mining Indaba:

We kicked off the year by attending the prestigious Mining Indaba, where industry lead-
ers and experts converged to discuss the future of mining. It was a great opportunity for
us to engage in meaningful discussions about responsible mining practices and techno-
logical advancements within the industry.
2. Offshore Technology
Conference 2023:
We had an incredible week at the Offshore Technology Conference 2023 in Houston, Tex-
as! Our very own Alexander Agyemang Lartey, GM of Paltech Ghana, had the privilege of
witnessing ground-breaking solutions that are shaping the future of offshore energy. We are
proud to contribute to this vital industry and work towards a sustainable future.
3. INDT Leaders Team
Integrity NDT hosted its first INDT Leaders Team Building at Loskop Dam in Mid-
delburg. The event was filled with exciting activities, including Dragons Den and Foot
based Amazing Race, fostering teamwork and collaboration among our leaders. The
day ended with a prize-giving ceremony, celebrating the achievements and unity of our
4. Schneider Electric Global
Distribution Partnership Launch:

On Thursday, 25th May 2023, we announced the launch of our groundbreaking partnership with
Schneider Electric. The event was attended by the 2Roads Group CEO, Schneider representatives,
Paltech and Groupline staff. This partnership extends beyond our South African operations to include
Paltech Ghana and Mwendo Engineering based in Mozambique. Through this collaboration - we will
integrate Schneider’s state-of-the-art automation instrumentation into select valves, such as the highly
acclaimed Pal-T. This integration will enhance our offerings, providing cutting-edge solutions to our
clients in South Africa and beyond.

Left to right: Andre Botha, Ryno Alberts, Martenique Dube, Hennie Colyn, Stephen Price, Elmo Moore, Nomonde Sihlahla
5. Commemorating Africa Day:
Embracing Diversity and
Economic Integration

Africa Day is of huge significance for the 2Roads Group as we take the oppor-
tunity to reflect on our diverse offerings across the African continent. This annual
celebration highlights the achievements and boundless potential of the African
continent and serves as a reminder of our continued commitment to its growth and

This year, the African Union has chosen

“Acceleration of AfCFTA implementation” as
its theme, emphasising the importance of the Af-
rican Continental Free Trade Area in fostering
economic integration and creating a single mar-
ket for over 1.3 billion people across the continent.

As 2Roads, we proudly align ourselves with

this theme. We understand that true progress
lies in collaboration and unity. By leveraging
our operations and partnerships, we actively
participate in the AfCFTA’s objectives of job
creation, poverty alleviation, inclusivity, and
industrialisation. Through our diverse range
of offerings, we contribute to the continent’s
transformation into a global powerhouse.

As the AfCFTA continues to unfold, we remain

dedicated to supporting its implementation
and facilitating cross-border trade. We embrace
the opportunity to connect markets, foster in-
novation, and create meaningful partnerships
across Africa. By doing so, we aim to unleash
the full potential of the continent and build a
prosperous future for generations to come.

Join us as we continue to commemorate

and celebrate the rich diversity, entrepre-
neurial spirit, and vibrant cultures that make
Africa truly unique. As 2Roads, we are
committed to driving positive change and con-
tributing to Africa’s remarkable growth story.

#WeAre2Roads, united in our pursuit of a

prosperous, interconnected, and sustainable

Sello Ramosepele
6. Integrity NDT: Vuyo Majali’s Visit
to ACMO Factory in Roncade,
Date: 16-19 May 2023

We are excited to share the latest updates from Vuyo Majali’s recent trip to the ACMO Factory in
Roncade, Italy, where he represented Integrity NDT. Vuyo had the opportunity to participate in a
series of engaging activities and gain valuable insights into ACMO’s needle valve production process.
Let’s take a closer look at the highlights of his visit.

The agenda for Vuyo’s visit 5. Hydrostatic Body Test: 15 bar for At Integrity NDT, we are proud to
included various informative 15 minutes: have representatives like Vuyo Maja-
sessions and hands-on
Vuyo oversaw a hydrostatic body test, li, who actively engage with industry
subjecting the needle valve to a rig- leaders and stay abreast of the latest
orous 15-bar pressure for a duration advancements in the field. Such visits
1. ACMO Presentation on Needle of 15 minutes. The successful com- contribute to our continued growth
Valves: pletion of this test demonstrated the and allow us to offer cutting-edge
Vuyo attended an enlightening pre- valve’s robustness and ability to with- solutions to our clients.
sentation by ACMO experts, focusing stand high-pressure conditions.
on the intricacies of needle valves. Stay tuned for more updates on our
The session provided a comprehen- 6. Hydrostatic Seat Test: 15 bar for team’s endeavors and exciting indus-
sive understanding of their design, 15 minutes: try developments. We are committed
functionality, and applications. Another crucial evaluation involved a to delivering excellence in non-de-
hydrostatic seat test, where Vuyo as- structive testing services and exceed-
2. Factory Tour: sessed the valve’s seat performance ing our clients’ expectations.
Vuyo had the privilege of exploring under a pressure of 15 bar for 15 min-
ACMO’s state-of-the-art manufac- utes. This test aimed to confirm the
turing facility. The tour offered an valve’s leak-tight integrity and ensure
up-close look at the advanced ma- its reliability in critical applications.
chinery and processes employed by
ACMO to produce high-quality nee- During the tests, the valve exhibited
dle valves. exceptional performance. Notably, it
demonstrated no leaks whatsoever
3. Visual Inspection of a Ring Nee- during the 15-minute duration. Ad-
dle Valve DN1600: ditionally, the valve’s integration with
One of the key highlights of Vuyo’s the Auma Actuator showcased its
visit was the visual inspection of a versatility, as it could be effectively
Ring Needle Valve DN1600. This in- operated in emergency situations or
spection involved meticulously exam- during planned maintenance activi-
ining the valve to ensure its dimen- ties to the required specifications that
sions and coating thickness adhered the valve operated smoothly and re-
to the required specifications. liably.

4. Functional Test (Open and Close Vuyo Majali’s visit to the ACMO Fac-
Limits): tory was an enriching experience that
To assess the performance of the deepened his understanding of nee-
needle valve, Vuyo conducted a func- dle valves and their vital role in flow
tional test, carefully verifying its abili- control and isolation. The trip pro-
ty to open and close within the spec- vided valuable insights into ACMO’s
ified limits. This critical test ensured manufacturing processes and their
that the valve operated smoothly and commitment to producing high-qual-
reliably. ity products.

STAFF New Appointments
M • Stephen Price – General Manager - Valves (Paltechnologies Pty Ltd)
O • Ashley Jackson – Internal Sales Manager (Paltechnologies Ltd)
• Ansie Naude – Procurement Officer (Two Roads Pty Ltd)
V • Zikhona Hlazo – SHEQ Manager (Integrity NDT)
E •

Jabulane Bucibe – Assistant & Driver (NDT Projects Pty Ltd)
Anthony Joubert – Assistant (NDT Projects)
M • Khuthadzo Maligana – Finance Assistant (Integrity NDT)
E •

Sandiso Ncanana – IT Coordinator (Two Roads Pty Ltd)
Zwonaka Mukatuni – Graphic Design Intern (Two Roads Pty Ltd)
N • Xolani Neguvha – Group Finance Manager (Two Roads Pty Ltd)
• Nonhlanhla Gasa – Procurement Assistant (Integrity NDT)
T • Vhugala Ramagoma – Procurement and Quality (Paltechnologies Pty Ltd)
S • Solomon Boy – Site Manager – Hendrina (Integrity NDT Projects)

Promotions & Movements

• Kabelo Molaudzi – Group Procurement Manager
• Mmamokete Thompson – Acting Operations Manager (Groupline Projects Pty Ltd)
• Welcome Mgqala – SHEQ Officer (Groupline Projects Pty Ltd & Paltechnologies Pty Ltd)
• Orlanda Edwardo – Stock and Quality Control Administrator (Paltechnologies Pty Ltd)
• Themba Butaza – Site Manager - Duvha (Integrity NDT Projects)

Corne van Antwerp, Bertus van der Merwe, Bret Alberts, Mosa Mokwana, Bokang Mok
goatjana, Zwavhudi Mamafha, Samkelisiwe Mkhonza, Heinrich Louw, Nico Titus, Berlize Els,
Wynand Bezuidenhout, Precious Khumalo

Corrections [Long Service Employees]

• Victor Malele – 25 years at Paltech
In the Q4 2022 issue of our newsletter, we incorrectly stated that Victor Malele has served 10
years at Groupline, when in fact, he’s been with Paltech for 25 years. We apologise for the con-
fusion and inconvenience caused.

1. Mining Indaba:

:abadnI gniniM .1
I.T (Information Technology

and efficient resolution of support

Reinforcing and Reinventing Facilitating Seamless Com-
IT Support: Empowering tickets and end user inquiries. The munication and Proactive
End Users for Success (IT) team’s ability to provide innovative Support:
solutions to complex issues enhanc-
es end user satisfaction and fosters a
In the era of digital transformation, culture of continuous improvement. An essential aspect of reinforcing
organisations must continuously IT support lies in seamless commu-
reinforce and reinvent their IT sup- nication and proactive assistance.
port to meet the evolving needs of end Effective communication channels
Enhancing Knowledge
users. With the addition of Sandiso Management and are established to keep end users
Ncanana, an IT graduate— 2Roads Collaboration: informed about IT updates, main-
has taken a significant step towards tenance schedules, and potential
enhancing our technical expertise service disruptions. Additionally, the
and expanding support capabilities. In the pursuit of IT support reinven- implementation of a comprehensive
Here, we will explore the journey tion, knowledge management and ticketing system ensures support re-
of IT support reinforcement and collaboration play pivotal roles. By quests are tracked, managed, and
reinvention, focusing on the em- establishing a centralised repository resolved in a prompt and account-
powerment of end users through im- of frequently asked questions, trou- able manner. This proactive approach
proved assistance and collaboration. bleshooting guides, and best prac- minimises operational disruptions
tices, the IT team creates a valuable and enhances end-user experiences.
knowledge base. This knowledge By providing reliable and efficient
base, actively contributed to by support, the IT structure becomes a
Strengthening Technical
Expertise and Helpdesk
team members, empowers both the catalyst for productivity and success.
Capabilities: IT team and end users, encouraging
self-sufficiency and reducing reliance
on support. Furthermore, a culture of
The integration of Sandiso Ncanana collaboration is fostered through reg-
into the IT team has brought a fresh ular team meetings, brainstorming
wave of technical expertise. His ac- sessions, and knowledge-sharing ini-
ademic background and familiarity tiatives. This collaboration amplifies
with information technologies has the expertise within the team, lead-
reinforced the IT structure, enabling ing to robust problem-solving and a
the team to tackle a broader range more efficient IT support structure.
of challenges with confidence. With
this strengthened technical knowl-
edge, the helpdesk capabilities have
been expanded, allowing for prompt
Continuous Learning and
Empowering End Users:

Reinventing IT support involves continuous

learning and empowering end-users. Ongoing
investment in the development of the IT De-
partment ensures they remain at the forefront
of emerging technologies and best practices.
This commitment to continuous learning re-
inforces the IT structure, equipping the team
to handle diverse challenges with confidence.
Simultaneously, end-users are empowered
through access to the knowledge base and
self-help resources. Encouraging self-suffi-
ciency among end-users not only reduces de-
pendence on IT support but also contributes
to the overall efficiency of the organisation.

The reinforcement and reinvention of IT sup-

port through the addition of Sandiso Ncanana
and strategic initiatives have led to an em-
powered end user experience. By leveraging
technical expertise, expanding helpdesk capa-
bilities, enhancing knowledge management,
fostering collaboration, improving communi-

cation channels, and empowering end users,
2Roads is positioned for success. As IT, we
embrace the themes of ‘Reinforcement’ and
‘Reinvention’ to create a resilient IT support
system that drives productivity and satisfaction.

T ogether, let us forge a path towards

enhanced end-user empowerment and a
future where IT support is a catalyst for

Elmo Moore
H.R/ Change Management

System that will help us to identify room for

Season Change improvement in all of us and rewarding those
who excel. Also, in the recent months, un-
der the leadership of Thembeka Mntung-
wa, we can proudly say that our organisation

has a Skills Development Committee which
is responsible to ensure that we have a skills
s I write this article, we are in the middle development plan for employees across the
of changing seasons from autumn to winter, group and that we are compliant with all the
and as usual, humans are in shock at the May relevant SETA’s. So, to ensure that employees
rains that are steadfastly ushering in the winter can keep up, we have managed to partner with
weather with its cold temperatures that are fu- the Johannesburg Parent & Child Counselling
riously dropping. We find ourselves particularly Centre which will help us manage our mental
worried about this winter as it comes when we wellness. I hope that we all do our best to keep
are still in the last numbers of load shedding the flu and corona viruses at bay this winter.
schedules. This season change is uncomfort- May we all be in alignment as we contin-
able. Days are shorter as the sun rises late and ue to find ways to reinvent and reinforce
sets early subsequently seeing people coming our capabilities in our departments be-

late to work because among other factors, they ing guided and grounded by our 6 pillars.
fear for their safety as they can’t leave home when
it’s that dark (06:00am in winter and 06:00am in
summer are different). Having said that, what
are we doing to ensure that our productivi-
ty does not deteriorate during this season?
As a group of Two Roads companies, this is
our season for growth, and we are chang-
ing gears into being a performance driven
L et’s be kind and mindful of
one another.
organisation. This urgently requires us to
change our business-as-usual approach. We are
transitioning to a new business as usual, which
is riddled with a high-performance culture.
To assist us in achieving this goal, we have
implemented a Performance Management

Deliwe Radebe

Couples who intend to commence with lobo-
la negotiations, should note that an accep-
tance of the partial payment of the lobola by

A WILL is one of the most instrumental

components when it comes to estate plan-
the bride’s family will be construed marriage
in community of property unless the cou-
ple have concluded an antenuptial contract
prior to the commencement of the lobola.
ning, others often describe it as legacy
bridge. It empowers the author/ testator
with the right to determine how their assets will
be distributed to their chosen beneficiaries.

It is therefore imperative that this right is

exercised diligently and within the borders
of the law, just like any other rights. A Mat-
rimonial regime may limit the rights of the
testator when it comes to distribution of their
assets. Spouses who are married in commu-
nity of property (this includes these who
have made partial payment towards lobola
but have not as yet signed at Home Affairs)
can only distribute 50% of their joint estate.

Success Theko

All companies within the group have generate brand awareness and ex-

En Route
finalised their plans, and implementa- pand our market share in that region.
tion is currently taking place. Howev- We are also busy with our ‘Capture
er, some adjustments, such as the 2R the Vaal’ creative execution for NDT
Annual Awards and the 2R Wellness Projects and we will shed more light,

Welcome to the first news-

Programme, have been made, and in the next issue of ‘The Route’.
we will announce a later date for their
letter instalment of 2023! The first formal introduction to the group. In addition, our company websites
quarter of the year has indeed been Nonetheless, thanks to our Group are currently being revamped to offer
eventful and full of exciting devel- HR, certain aspects of the Wellness a more user-friendly experience and
opments. The marketing team has Programme have already been im- enhanced lead generation. We wel-
approached the new year with verve plemented. come your feedback as we upgrade
and vigour, and we are pleased to our communication portals. We also
announce the addition of Graphic During the first quarter, we had encourage you to actively engage
Designer Zwonaka Mukatuni to our several noteworthy activities on our with our social media pages and help
team, enhancing our creativity and calendar. We attended the Mining us increase our brand awareness and
reinforcement of brand consistency Indaba in February, which focused on positioning within our target market.
across all channels. “Unlocking Africa’s Mining Invest- For any updates that occur between
ments.” Additionally, AWT is in the this issue and the next one in August,
process of rolling-out its vibrant new we will keep you informed through
As part of the Two Roads Group’s
brand identity, which will soon be in- other internal channels.
theme of “Reinvention” and “Rein-
forcement,” we have taken a close troduced to the market. Paltech also
look at our assets and made some made an important announcement
changes. One notable change is the as Schneider Electric’s sole OEM

renaming of our newsletter to “The Process Instrumentation Distributor
Route,” aligning all our communica- in Sub-Saharan Africa, benefiting
n conclusion, we have made signif-
tion assets with our brand and mark- our companies Mwendo Engineer-
icant progress in the first quarter of
ing the first step in our reinvention ing SA in Mozambique and Paltech
2023, and there are many exciting
process. “The Route” will provide Ghana. These achievements earned
developments ahead. Stay connect-
relevant updates within the group, us features in EngeneerIT and Engi-
ed, stay engaged, and let’s continue
reinforce positive attitudes, and align neering News.
on this Route, together.
everyone towards our common goals.
Looking ahead, we have many excit-
We are proud to report that the ex- ing plans in the pipeline. One of them
ecution of our marketing plans for is the opening of a new branch office
2023 is well underway. for INDT in Mpumalanga, which will
contribute to our ongoing efforts to
Nomonde Sihlahla
Please send comments and suggestions to: marketing@2roads.co.za

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