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THIS IS THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT - ofme- JOHN CECIL BURNSIDE REYNOLDS (known as Cecil Reynolds) of 68 Fens (Crescent Brierley Hill West Midlands 1, Thereby revoke all former Wills and testamentary dispositions made by me 2. (@) T appoint my nieces JANET JARVIS of 8 Thomhill Rond Halesowen West Midlands and JUNE EDWARDS of 1 Ainsdale Gardens Halesowen aforesaid to be the Executrices and Trustees ofthis my Will (hereinafter called “my Trustees”) () Igive all my property to my Trustees upon trust to sell the same with power to postpone the sale thereof for so long as they shall in their absolute discretion think fit without being liable for loss (©) My Trustees shall hold the net proceeds of the said sale upon the following tests: () Upon ust 10 pay thereout all my just debts duties taxes fuera! and testamentary expenses Gi) Upon trust to invest the residue after such payment in their names in any investment hereinafter authorised and to stand possessed of such investments and all parts of my este forthe time being unsold (hereinafter called “my residuary eats") (iy Upon tus to divide my residuary estate oo teat it as being divided into one hundred shares of equal value and to hold them upon the fllowing trusts and subject othe following provisions: (a)My Trustces shall hold such shares upon trust absolutely: As to twenty five of them for my niece JANET JARVIS (Gi) Asto-twenty ive of them for my niece JUNE EDWARDS Gil)__Asto twenty of them for my nephew JOHN WEBB (iv) Asto twenty of them for my great nephew WAYNE CLARK, (¥) _Astoten of them for my friend STEPHEN DEANS (®) Provided that if at any time the trusts declared by sub clause (a) ofthis clause in respect of any share or shares of my residuary estate lapse or fail then from the date of such lapse or failure such share or shares (and any future share or shares of part thereof which may have accrued thereto by virtue of this provision) shall scerue tothe other share or shares and if more than one in proportions which they bear to each other the trusts of which have not at that date lapsed or failed and be held upon the trusts and with and subject to the powers and provisions from time to time affecting such other share or shares 3 I declare that all monies lishle to be or requiring to be invested under this my Will may be invested without any restriction whatsoever just as if the Trustees ‘were making such investments for themselves beneficially and my Trustees shall ‘not be liable for loss arising out of the exercise of their powers under this Clause 4 No person shall take any benefit under this my Will nor act as executor and trustee hereof unless he or she survives me by atleast twenty eight days and any person not so surviving me shall be deemed to have predeceased me and Seation 31 (1) of the Trustee Act 1925 shall have no application during the said period of twenty eight days 5. L wish to be cremated at Gomal Wood Crematorium IN WITNESS whereof Ihave hereunto set my hand this 2.3’ day 1 of — Vptemctser Two thousand and three C. Reynobh. SIGNED by the Testator in our presence and by us in his Ler. eee, FH tlle Stprensens aoe Brenig Vein Breed atl ee GPE Assistene uuu eat ABI991308

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