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Group 2 - 1 CLM


Bicycles are a cost-effective and environmentally beneficial means of transportation. It should

be promoted as a principal alternative to cars and motorcycles, not just for sports and
enjoyment. Aside from that, the use of bicycles may promote robust, equitable, and long-term
economic development. Bicycle tourism has the potential to attract visitors and stimulate growth.
They can also help to decongest traffic, either eliminating or at least reducing travel time and
opportunity expenses. As a result, it is critical that the city supports the usage of bicycles.
Regulations are also required to enable the efficient progress of the local government's goals to
establish a bicycle-friendly community. Thus, the passage of this ordinance is required.

Be it ordained, therefore, by the Sangguiniang Panglungsod of the City of Quezon:

Article 1

Section 1. Title. This ordinance shall be known as the “Quezon City Bicycle Regulation

Section 2. Declaration of Policy. It is hereby declared policy of the City Government of

Quezon City to:

a) Recognize cyclists' right to safe road conditions and a suitable biking environment, as
well as the city's related obligation to provide them with such conditions and facilities, as
it does for other road users;
b) Promote cycling as a convenient, inexpensive and sustainable mode of transportation;
c) Provide enough funds for the improvement of bike lanes.

Section 3. Purpose and Scope. The purpose and scope of this ordinance are as follows:
a) The purpose of this ordinance is to regulate the use and management of bike lanes
within Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines for the safety and convenience of cyclists
and other road users.

b) This ordinance applies to all designated bike lanes within the jurisdiction of Quezon City.

Section 4. Definition of Terms. For purposes of the ordinance the following terms shall mean
as follows:

a) Bicycle/Bike - a non-motorized vehicle propelled by human power consisting of a light

frame mounted on two wire-spiked wheels one behind the other and having a seat,
handlebars for steering, breaks and two pedals;

b) Bike Lane - refers to a designated lane on a roadway, separated from vehicular traffic,
intended for the exclusive use of cyclists;

c) Cyclist - refers to any person operating a bicycle;

d) Cycling - also called as biking, is the used of bicycles for transport, recreation, exercise
or sport;

e) E-bike - or electric bicycle which is also known as booster bike is a bicycle with an
integrated electric motor which can be used for propulsion;

f) Shared Lane - refers to a roadway segment where bicycles and motor vehicles share the
same travel lane.

Section 5. Designation and Maintenance of Bike Lanes

a) The local transportation authority shall be responsible for designating, constructing, and
maintaining bike lanes within the jurisdiction of Quezon City.

b) Bike lanes shall be clearly marked with appropriate signage, symbols, and pavement
markings to indicate their exclusive use by cyclists.

c) Regular maintenance, including but not limited to cleaning, repainting, and repairing,
shall be conducted to ensure the safety and usability of bike lanes.

Section 6. Use of Bike Lanes. The following usage of bike lanes shall be observed:

a) Bike lanes are reserved for the exclusive use of cyclists. Motor vehicles, including
motorcycles, shall not enter or park in designated bike lanes, except as permitted for
necessary access or emergencies.
b) Pedestrians shall not use bike lanes for walking, jogging, or any other activities, except
when crossing the bike lane with caution.

c) Cyclists shall use designated bike lanes whenever available and practical. They shall not
impede the flow of traffic by unnecessarily riding outside the bike lane, except when
necessary for safety reasons or when preparing to turn.

d) When a bike lane is unavailable or obstructed due to construction, maintenance, or other

temporary conditions, cyclists may use the regular travel lanes, while exercising caution
and adhering to traffic rules.

Section 7. Safety Measures and Regulations.

a) Motorists shall exercise caution when crossing or merging with bike lanes and shall yield
to cyclists already within the bike lane.

b) Cyclists shall obey all traffic laws and regulations, including traffic signals, stop signs,
and yielding right-of-way to pedestrians.

c) It is prohibited to park, stop, or otherwise obstruct a bike lane with any object or vehicle,
except for authorized vehicles engaged in official duties or emergencies.

d) The local transportation authority shall have the authority to implement additional safety
measures, such as protective barriers, traffic calming measures, and bike lane-specific
traffic signals, where deemed necessary.

Section 8. Enforcement and Penalties

a) Violation of any provision of this ordinance may result in penalties, fines, or other
appropriate enforcement measures as determined by the local authorities.

b) Local law enforcement officers and designated officials shall have the authority to
enforce this ordinance and issue citations or warnings for violations.

c) Penalties and fines for violations shall be determined by Quezon City and may be
adjusted periodically as deemed necessary.

Section 8. Public Awareness and Education

a) The local transportation authority shall conduct public awareness campaigns and
educational programs to promote bike lane safety, proper use, and awareness among
cyclists, motorists, and pedestrians.
b) The local transportation authority may collaborate with community organizations,
schools, and other stakeholders to facilitate bike safety workshops, training programs,
and public outreach events.

Section 8: Severability.

a) If any provision of this ordinance is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining

provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

Section 9: Effective Date.

a) This ordinance shall take effect after approval by the appropriate authorities and
compliance with all legal requirements.

Mr. Mikey Belmonte

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