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The growth of microblogging, social networks, mobile applications, location-based services and similar

technologies has led to an explosion of global data. This rich big data provides a valuable resource for
data mining and analysis, yielding increasingly meaningful and even unexpected results. This article
addresses the challenges of film and television data processing by proposing a model to address these
issues. The article describes processing strategies and techniques based on advances in big data
processing and model filtering algorithms. In addition, it introduces a method for mining big data.
Comparing film and television data and considering different data characteristics and processing needs,
the study finds that both visual and textual elements in both media are integral and important in the big
data model. Further studies include the selection of appropriate data processing methods, the
implementation of processing flows, and the successful implementation of the proposed big data
processing strategy for film and television. This application provides reliable data support for analyzing
movie and TV content. The model-based filtering algorithm calculates the relationship between images
and text and converts that relationship into a probabilistic node placement path formula, ultimately
achieving an efficient model by learning approximations.

We present a "data quality usage model" to address the lack of data quality models suitable for
big data evaluation, although several models are available for routine data evaluation. This
model includes three attributes of data quality and is generally applicable to big data projects
without any prerequisites or technologies [1]. This paper outlines a big data model for a
recommender system based on social network data that includes factors related to social
networks. This model can improve the reliability of recommendation information in various social
behaviors [2]. The paper examines the role of online medical care, mobile cloud service and big
data analysis in its implementation. It introduces the momentum of online medical applications
and systems and supports the use of big data and mobile cloud computing in the design of such
systems [3]. A transformational model based on a practical perspective is developed for big data
analysis. This model explores the causal relationships between big data analytics capabilities,
IT-based transformation practices, revenue metrics, and business value. It also provides
strategic insights into big data analysis and practical management [4]. By exploring the big data
analysis model, the paper establishes a relevant big data management architecture model for
future pipeline systems. This highlights the importance of big data to promote the industry [5].
The study introduces a new approach to big data mining using a cloud model, rooted in the
theory of uncertain artificial intelligence. Empirical results on real materials demonstrate the
effectiveness of this method [6]. Anchored in the perspective of big data and cloud technology,
the paper examines the construction of a multiple regression model for management
accounting. The final predictive model structure combines linear and curvilinear predictive
components [7]. The paper explores China's national image, attempting to strengthen cultural
soft power through a positive national image. It emphasizes wushu culture promoting peace and
harmony by proposing initiatives to standardize the Wushu film and television market [8].
Despite the remarkable progress of the Chinese film and television industry, driven by rapid
economic and technological growth, the global market for Chinese works has lagged behind.
Thus, the work proposes strategies to solve the problems of international distribution of Chinese
audiovisual content [9]. This study focuses on virtual expression in the art of film and television
animation. It explores various aspects of virtual technology in film and television production and
delves into the virtual aesthetics of animation art, including images, scenes, character design
and methodology [10]. Using a combination of an Oracle database and GIS, this paper
examines distribution models for film and television material. The system application test
effectively meets the requirements of databases and geographic searches for rapid localization
of regional audio-visual content formats [11]. The study begins by identifying the attitudes of
domestic audiences towards foreign film and television works, revealing challenges in
understanding foreign content. The implications of these works for cultural and language
education are then explored and finally practical strategies are offered [12]. Using a framework
of radical change, this study hypothesizes that textual practice and readership expectations are
increasing. The study examines the relationship between students' individual text preferences
and, in particular, school library choice

Full reference:H. Demirkan and D. Delen, “Leveraging the capabilities of service-oriented

decision support systems: putting analytics and big data in cloud,” Decision Support Systems,
vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 412–421, 2013.

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