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                               Education Should be our culture!

“Give the students  something to do, not something to learn; and the
doing is of such a nature as to demand thinking; learning naturally
― John Dewey
Considered the 'Modern Father of Experiential Education,' Dewey's
philosophy of learning through experience went against both traditional
and progressive education and focused on experiential education,
encouraging educators to provide quality educational experiences that
would influence students' future decisions.

Indian population right now is the majority of youth. Educating the youth
means in educating our country.The youth defines the path of growth for
any country. They need proper education, So the youth of the country
needs to be looked after properly.
Building a culture through education can begin within the leaders of the
school.  School principals and leaders are models for how to react and
cope with stress, setbacks, and disputes. Students look to the top for
how to bounce back, adjust and proceed against school challenges.
When a school leader ensures that students and parents are not only
informed but have an active voice in their school community, they build
a culture of inclusive, eliminating feelings of distrust, uncertainty, and

Positive behaviour is a way for schools to encourage good behavior

with a focus on prevention rather than punishment.This improves the
social culture and the behavioral climate of classrooms and schools
which ultimately lead to enhanced academic performance.When we
shift a school’s cultural focus away from punishment to a focus on
recognizing and praising positive behaviors and successes, we build
confidence in them. We let them know it's ok to be wrong and it is
important to learn from that. This is why disciplinary procedures,
specifically zero tolerance policies, actually increase the probability of
young minds becoming resentful and hostile. Every positive word or
action matters. Constructive criticism is something every educator
should dwell on. A way of teaching kids to understand their mistakes,
yet not feel embarrassed or angry. 
We at Credence Edutech help build culture through education. We want
young minds to not only educate in basic knowledge, but also build a
sense of culture. We empower our future generation for intellectual

 It's Not Rocket Science

Technology will not replace great teachers but technology in

the hands of great teachers can be transformal.~ George Couros

Over the last two years, the pace of digital disruption has
picked up and virtually every industry is feeling the impact. Digital
advancements have empowered the Education industry with a new set
of opportunities. In a relatively short period of time, the focus has
changed from teaching to learning, from teacher to learner, from
blackboards to electronic whiteboards, and from on-demand learning to
continuous learning. Digital technologies are opening up new methods
and opportunities to improve the learning process.
              Implementing Technology with Learning:
We are going to speak about some of the technologies of
information available that can be used in education. We are going to
evaluate their implementation in the learning context.
 Microsoft PowerPoint or other presentation software:
The use of PowerPoint during teaching has a significant
amount of potential for encouraging more visual use and proficient
presentations, since one can add text, audio, videos, pictures, graphs
and much more. PowerPoint is a widely used presentation programme
which originated in the business world but today has found a very
comfortable place in the world of teaching. The popularity of
PowerPoint in the educational technology system directly from one of its
famous features, that is, the ease of use, also by those who cannot be
considered as experts on computers. 
Good use of PowerPoint enhances the teaching and learning
experience of both teachers and the students. This is continuously
developing, such as the integration of video clips and words at the same
time and the use of the presenters view, in order for whom is doing the
presentation to see what comes next or work with other programs at
the same time. As well, the templates provided can help to make a
simple professional look of the presentation in order to be more
effective and successful. PowerPoint software also gives the accessibility
to print what had been shown in the presentation in order for students
to have a copy of the presentation shown during the lesson.
In many countries and homes, the Internet and the World
Wide Web in particular can be considered as part of the household and
as common household term. This is proven by the amount of reference
to the internet in daily life and the amount of time which people,
especially those who are still studying in schools, spend surfing on the
internet. The popularity of the internet has made it an important tool in
education as a great resource. It is a network of networks that is made
up of so many networks which are private, public, academic, business
and government use. The internet holds a vast range of information
resources and services. 
When for the first time teachers were introduced to the
internet, their first reaction was about the tremendous educational
potentials which exist on the internet. The Internet was seen as an
instrument to answer the learning needs of many students since it has a
vast amount of resources. The use of the internet adds something new,
some real value, to teaching. 
Video clip
The use of video clips in education is developing very fast,
since time has passed on static images and pictures. Today we are
developing the idea of movement in pictures and in our presentations.
The fact that video editing programs are now available for everyone to
use on their personal computer, the trend that is developing is to create
videos to enhance more the attention and motivation of the students.
The use of these available technologies and others can make
our teaching more effective and interesting. This use of old methods of
learning is a bit out of this world, since students are all surrounded by
the new technologies which are developing very fast. This does not
mean that we have to trash all old methods but it is important to
incorporate technology to make lessons more enjoyable, creative and

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