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Magazine Questions for JS

1. What do you imagine a Junior School section of the magazine to include? 
Lots of captioned images as these demonstrate a terrific snapshot of learning in the Junior School
years. Important to ensure there is a spread of focus across both Forde and Valley campuses.
2. What aspects of Junior School would you wish the rest of the school to read
I think what we are doing in our Wellbeing program (Grow Your Mind) Literacy, our camps (we have
Years 3 and 4 camps this semester), K-1 Swimming program in Term 4, how we use technology in
Junior, perhaps a focus on our STEM classes with Mr Perfect.
3. Are there any students/staff you would like the magazine delegate to engage
Mr Perfect (STEM), Mrs Koberler (Literacy), Mr Pye (Student Wellbeing / Grow Your Mind program)

4. Which topics of interest do you see are valuable to include in a Burgmann Student
I think the list is endless, but super critical to have a balance across JS/MS/SS. Must have a feel of
student voice, but also recognise the great work our teachers and support staff are doing to
support learning

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