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Question 1

Fill in the blank in the sentences by choosing the best answers:

1. After Noah _________________ his degree, he intends to work in an office.

will complete – will have completed – completed – is completing - completes

1. Lilly looked down to find a snake at her feet. When she saw it she _________________.

screamed – was screaming – had screamed - screams

1. I borrowed four books on gardening the last time I _________________ to the library.

go – went – had gone – have gone

1. Charles Dickens _________________ most of his life in London.

was lived – had lived – lived – has lived

1. When my parents _________________ tomorrow, they will see our new baby for the first

will arrive – arrive – will have arrived – arrived

1. Until you learn how to take a break, you _________________ your ability to do well in

haven’t improved – aren’t improving – don’t improve – won’t improve

1. My grandfather _________________ in an airplane before, so this is his first time.

never flies – had never flown – has never flown – never flew

1. I _________________ this city since I was a small child.

has been visiting – am visiting – had been visited – have not visited
Question 2

Classify the below sentences by putting the sentence number in the right column:

Simple Sentences Compound Sentences Complex Sentences

1. For millions of people, life has never been easier than it is now.

2. It is never a bed of roses. It is true.

3. Man struggles hard to earn his living.

4. He runs after money, and he wants to enjoy power.

5. When man competes for money and power, he gets hurt.

6. Fears, worries, and frustration hurt his mind, and he becomes restless and loses peace of mind.

7. He realizes that money is not everything in life. 

8. It gives temporary satisfaction, but robs him of peace and happiness in life. 

9. What makes man happy is contentment.

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