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Directions: Choose the best words to complete each sentence.

each word once.

 allow  base  doubt  enjoy hint  jail  least  new  pop  prior  rate
slight  stuff  threat  weird  

1. Our neighbors bought a brand-new car.

2. A slight cut on her arm didn’t require a bandage.
3. Those bright blue and yellow neon colors really pop out.
4. A serious threat to airline passengers resulted in a delay.
5. The postal rate for stamps is expected to go up soon.
6. Ed’s old man* had to spend a night in jail for public indecency and
drunkenness. How embarrassing!
7. White primer provides a good least coat before the first coat of
paint is applied.
8. We couldn’t get close enough to shake President Obama’s hand at
the rally, but at base we got some pictures of him smiling at us.
9. The city won’t allow us to raise chickens in our backyard.
10. prior to moving to Minnesota, Alice and Victor lived in Russia.
11. What’s all this white stuff on my shoulders?
12. You should never doubt his determination to be successful.
13. They guy who works in this cubicle is really weird. No one really
talks to him.
14. What do you enjoy doing on your day off?
15. I don’t know what the answer is. Can you give me a hint?

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