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SCHOOL OF ENGLISH Prepositions of Place

nn Fill in the sentences below with the following words:

in on at to

 Q1. I’ve put too much coffee ................................ my cup.

 Q2. There are a lot of dangerous people living ................................ this neighborhood.

 Q3. They went ................................ the station to catch their train.

 Q4. The car is ................................ the garage.

 Q5. I’ll be .......................... home having dinner with my family, so please don’t call me at that time.

 Q6. He dropped his phone ................................ the floor and it broke.

 Q7. Mr. Johansson lives ................................ the end of Raspberry Lane.

© Callan School of English S.L. - 2019

 Q8. Mr. Johansson lives ................................ a very nice town.

 Q9. You should keep your money ................................ the bank, not under your mattress.

Q10. Let’s see if we can run ................................ the store and back without stopping!

Oficines Centrals Seu 1 Seu 2 Tel1. 934 155 452
Avda. Diagonal 472-476, Via Augusta 6 Bxs. Sèneca 33 Bxs. Tel2. 933 686 148
1r 1a 08006 Barcelona (Cant. Avda. Diagonal) (Cant. Via Augusta)
SCHOOL OF ENGLISH Edifici Windsor, 08006 Barcelona 08006 Barcelona
entre Via Augusta
i Rambla Catalunya
SCHOOL OF ENGLISH Prepositions of Place


 A1. I’ve put too much coffee in my cup.

 A2. There are a lot of dangerous people living in this neighborhood.

 A3. They went to the station to catch their train.

 A4. The car is in the garage.

 A5. I’ll be at home having dinner with my family, so please don’t call me at that time.

 A6. He dropped his phone on the floor and it broke.

 A7. Mr. Johansson lives at the end of Raspberry Lane.

 A8. Mr. Johansson lives in a very nice town.

© Callan School of English S.L. - 2019

 A9. You should keep your money in the bank, not under your mattress.

A10. Let’s see if we can run to the store and back without stopping!

Oficines Centrals Seu 1 Seu 2 Tel1. 934 155 452
Avda. Diagonal 472-476, Via Augusta 6 Bxs. Sèneca 33 Bxs. Tel2. 933 686 148
1r 1a 08006 Barcelona (Cant. Avda. Diagonal) (Cant. Via Augusta)
SCHOOL OF ENGLISH Edifici Windsor, 08006 Barcelona 08006 Barcelona
entre Via Augusta
i Rambla Catalunya

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