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NEET PATTERN TEST Brahmastra Semi Major Test-05

13th NEET - Phase 11

Date: 19-Feb-2023 Duration: 3 Hours 20 Mins Max Marks: 720

Biology - Section A

1. Answer: A 2. Answer: D


NCERT XIth Pg. No. 68

3. Answer: A 4. Answer: A

Sol: Sol:

Cytotaxonomy is the branch of biology The members of chlorophyceae are

dealing with the relationships and commonly called green algae.
classification of organisms using
comparative studies of chromosomes. The sexual reproduction shows
considerable variation in the type and
formation of sex cells and it may be
isogamous, anisogamous or oogamous.

Some commonly found green algae are:

Chlamydomonas, Volvox, Ulothrix,
Spirogyra and Chara

Hence correct option is A

5. Answer: C 6. Answer: C


NECRT XIth Pg. 75, 78

7. Answer: A 8. Answer: D


NCERT XIth Pg. No. 72

9. Answer: B 10. Answer: A

Sol: Sol:

The plant kingdom has been divided into When a living organism's cells or tissues
divisions. The division tracheophyta is die or degenerate, the condition is called
characterised by the presence of vascular necrosis. In a plant, necrosis causes
tissues which are required for the leaves, stems and other parts to darken
conduction of water, mineral and food. and wilt. Necrosis weakens the plant and
The water and minerals are transported makes it more susceptible to other
through xylem and food through the diseases and pests.
phloem. There are three groups of
vascular plants including Pteridophyta, Necrosis occurs due to deficiency of P, K,
Gymnosperms and Angiosperms.So, the Mg, Ca, Cu.
correct answer is option B. Chlorosis  is a physiological disorder that
occurs to  deficiency  of mineral elements
(eg: Mn, Zn, Fe, and
S).  When  carbon  dioxide levels are
low,  plants  are not able to
photosynthesize efficiently and their
growth slows.  

11. Answer: A 12. Answer: C

Sol: Sol:

NCERT XIth Pg. No. 88 Spirogyra are free-floating green algae

(division Chlorophyta) found in
freshwater environments around the
world. Sexual reproduction occurs by a
process known as conjugation, in which
cells of two filaments lying side by side
are joined by outgrowths called
conjugation tubes. The vegetative
structure or plant body is known as
thallus. Thallus is an unbranched
multicellular filamentous structure formed
by arrangement of cylindrical cells head
to head in a single row. This thallus is
haploid in nature. Spirogyra reduction
division (meiosis) occurs at the time of
zygospore formation. 

13. Answer: B 14. Answer: D

Sol: Sol:

Amides are organic compound having 2 NCERT XIth Pg. No. 96

amino groups and derived from amino
acid by removal of –OH from –COOH and
replace it with amino (-NH2) group.

Due to 2 amino group amides store more

nitrogen and transported to other plant
parts through xylem vessels

The correct answer is option (B)

15. Answer: C 16. Answer: D

Sol: Sol:

Moses includes in bryophytes. So, the The Emerson effect is the increase in the
correct option is D. rate of photosynthesis after chloroplasts
are exposed to  light  of  wavelength  680
nm (deep red spectrum) and more than
680 nm (far red spectrum).

17. Answer: A 18. Answer: D

Sol: Sol:

NCERT XIth Pg. No. 86 The gymnosperms are plants in which the

ovules are not enclosed by any ovary wall
and remain exposed, both before and
after fertilisation. The seeds that develop
post-fertilisation, are not covered, i.e.,
are naked.  Fruits are not formed in
gymnosperms due to absence of ovary.
The ovules of gymnosperm do not
develop in an ovary but are "naked". So,
the correct option is D.

19. Answer: B 20. Answer: A

Sol: Sol:

correct ans is (2) glucose. The endosperm is a tissue in which the

nutritive substances necessary for the
 6CO2 + 2 H2O  →  C6H12O6 + 6H2O  + development of the embryo are
6O2 deposited. In gymnosperms, the
( In presence of sunlight and chlorophyll ) endosperm is formed in the ovule during
germination of the megaspore is a
Photosynthesis is a process in which gametophytic tissue, which consequently
green plants prepare their own food with becomes the female prothallus or the
the help of carbon dioxide and water in gametophyte with a haploid set of
the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll . chromosomes. So, the correct option is A.
Glucose is the product formed by it .

21. Answer: D 22. Answer: C

Sol: Sol:

The  light reaction  takes place in the Heterospory is the production of two
thylakoid discs. There, water (H20) is different types of spores by the
oxidized, and oxygen (O2) is released. sporophytes of land plants. Of all the
The electrons freed up from water are options given in the question Selaginella,
transferred to ATP and NADPH. The  dark Pinus and Cycas all produce microspores
reaction occurs outside of the thylakoids. and megaspores for reproduction.
Hence, During the process of However, Dryopteris is homosporous. So,
photosynthesis the light reaction and the correct option is C.
dark reaction respectively occurs at
Thylakoids and stroma.

23. Answer: D 24. Answer: A


A gametophyte is the haploid

multicellular stage, which occurs during
the alternation of generations in the life
cycle of plants. In case of heterosporous
plant, the gametophytes are unisexual
and produce either eggs or sperm. The
evolution of plants however, also
showcases a steady reduction in the
independence and size of the
gametophytic generation. While the male
gametophyte develops inside the pollen
grain, the female gametophyte develops
inside the ovule. In angiospermae, the
gametophytic phases are reduced to a
few cells and are dependent on the
sporophytic phase for their nutrition. So,
the correct option is B.

25. Answer: A 26. Answer: D


Chrysophytes includes diatoms and

golden algae (desmids). They are found
in fresh water as well as in marine
environments. Diatoms are the chief
‘producers’ in the oceans.

Dinoflagellatesare mostly marine and

photosynthetic. They appear yellow,
green, brown, blue or red depending on
the main pigments present in their cells.

Euglenoids are photosynthetic in the

presence of sunlight, when deprived of
sunlight they behave like heterotrophs by
predating on other smaller organisms.

27. Answer: C 28. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

The link between glycolysis and the The  classification  of  Linnaeus  is an
citric acid cycle is the oxidative artificial one. Thus the Linnaeus system is
decarboxylation of pyruvate to form also known as sexual  system. Based on
acetyl CoA. In eukaryotes, this the number, size, length and union of
reaction and those of the cycle take place stamens, he  classified  the  plant  kingdom
inside the mitochondria, in contrast into 24 classes, such as Monandria
with glycolysis, which takes place in the (flower with one stamen), Diandria
cytosol. (flower with two stamens), etc. Hence,
Linnaeus system of plant classification is
Oxidative decarboxylation occurs during artificial.
the oxidation of pyruvate to acetyl-
CoA, during the conversion of
oxalosuccinate from isocitrate, and
during the formation of succinyl-CoA
from a-ketoglutarate in the Krebs
cycle. Oxidative decarboxylation is a
process in which carbon dioxide is
produced through the removal of a
carbon group as a result of oxidation
reactions. In the citric acid cycle, it is
used three times to generate CO2 while
also reducing NAD+ to NADH.

29. Answer: C 30. Answer: A


The word systematics is derived from the

Latin word 'systema' which means
systematic arrangement of organisms.
Linnaeus used Systema Naturae as the
title of his publication.

31. Answer: B 32. Answer: D

Sol: Sol:

Diagram showing ATP synthesis in The cycle begins with the reaction
oxysomes, where  A is the between acetyl-CoA and the four-carbon
mitochondrial matrix  and  B is the oxaloacetate to form six-carbon citric
inner mitochondrial membrane. acid. During the eight reactions that take
place, for every molecule of acetyl-CoA
the cycle produces three NADH and one
flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD/FADH2),
along with one molecule of ATP.

The energy released during the electron

transport system is utilised in
synthesising ATP with the help of ATP
synthase (complex V). This complex
consists of two major components,
F1  and F0. The F1  headpiece is a
peripheral membrane protein
complex and contains the site for
synthesis of ATP from ADP and
inorganic phosphate.

33. Answer: A 34. Answer: D


In arithmetic growth, one of the daughter

cells continues to divide, while the other
differentiates into maturity following
mitotic cell division. The rate of growth is
constant and increase in growth occurs in
arithmetic progression. On plotting the
length of the organ against time, a linear
curve is obtained. Mathematically, it is
expressed as

Lt = L0 + rt

Lt = length at time 't'

L0 = length at time 'zero'

r = growth rate / elongation per unit time

35. Answer: A


IAA is an auxin but has potential role of

herbicide and weedicide. ABA is stress
inducing plant growth regular. It can
induce closure of stomata, Ethylene on
other hand increases climactic rate and
hence, used for fruit ripening, GA or
gibberlic acid are known to cause bolting
in crucifers. Cytokinins were first isolated
from Herring sperm DNA.

Thus, the correct answeris 'A-(iv), B-(iii),

C-(v), D-(ii), E-(i).
Biology - Section B

36. Answer: C


NCERT XIth Pg. No. 68

37. Answer: B 38. Answer: D

Sol: Sol:

NCERT XIth Pg. No. 71 NCERT XIth Pg. No. 88

39. Answer: B 40. Answer: A

Sol: Sol:

Prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea) Oospores are the sexual spores. So, fungi
reproduce asexually through binary shows asexual reproduction by all the
fission. Most prokaryotes reproduce mentioned kinds of spores except
rapidly. oospores.

Transduction is the transfer of genetic

material from one strain to other via viral
particles. The virus infects bacteria and
released viral particles carry part of
bacterial genetic material which is then
transferred to next host bacterium.

Conjugation is transfer of genetic

material between two bacterial strains via
conjugation tube. Conjugation and
transduction are the methods of sexual
reproduction in bacteria which occur
during unfavourable conditions.

Yeasts reproduce by budding wherein a

bud on the side of yeast cell, the nucleus
divides, and a daughter nucleus migrates
into the bud. The buds may either remain
attached to parent cell or separates to
form an independent cell.

41. Answer: C 42. Answer: A

Sol: Sol:

Members of phycomycetes are found in A mycorrhiza is a symbiotic association of

aquatic habitats and on decaying wood in a fungus with a root system. The
moist and damp places or as obligate fungal  filaments form a network around
parasites on plants. the young root or they penetrate the root
cells. The hyphae have a very large
surface area that absorb mineral ions
and water from the soil from a much
larger volume of soil that perhaps a
root cannot do. The fungus provides
minerals and water to the roots, in turn
the roots provide sugars and N-
containing compounds to the
mycorrhizae. Some plants have an
obligate association with the
mycorrhizae. For example, Pinus seeds
cannot germinate and establish without
the presence of mycorrhizae.

Thus, the association of mycorrhiza

promotes the growth of the plant.
43. Answer: A 44. Answer: D


Guttation is the process in which loss of

water occurs in the form of droplets
through the hydathodes.

These hydathodes are the small pores

found in angiosperms from where the
water discharge occurs.

Hydathodes are made of a group of living

cells with numerous intercellular spaces
filled with water, but few or no
chloroplasts, and represent modified

Hydathodes are always associated with

the vein ends of leaves. Hydathodes
always remain open (both day and

Hence, the correct answer is option

"4" - Always open.

45. Answer: B 46. Answer: D


Enzyme nitrogenase catalyses the

conversion of atmospheric N2 to NH3. It
possesses two units is Mo-Fe protein &
unit-IInd is Fe-S protein and found in
phylogenetically diverse prokaryotes
(archaea and bacteria, including

Nitrogenase is extremely sensitive to

oxygen. So to protect it from oxygen,
leguminous nodule contains an O2
scavenger called leghaemoglobin (Lhb)
which combines with O2 to form oxy
leghaemoglobin (LhbO2).

The correct answer is option (B)

47. Answer: D 48. Answer: D


Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (GPI),

the second  enzyme  in the glycolytic
pathway, is a dimeric  enzyme  that
catalyzes the conversion of  glucose-6-
phosphate  to  fructose-6-phosphate.
This  enzyme  has been linked to the
proliferation and motility of cancer cells
via its control over  glucose-6-
phosphate levels.

Within a cell, glucose 6-phosphate is

produced by phosphorylation of
glucose  on the sixth carbon. This is
catalyzed by the enzyme hexokinase in
most cells, and, in higher animals,
glucokinase in certain cells, most notably
liver cells.

Glycolysis is the metabolic pathway that

converts glucose C₆H₁₂O₆, into pyruvate,
CH₃COCOO⁻, and a hydrogen ion, H⁺.
Glycolysis  takes place in the cytoplasm.
Within the mitochondrion, the citric acid
cycle  occurs  in the mitochondrial matrix,
and oxidative metabolism  occurs  at the
internal folded mitochondrial membranes

49. Answer: B 50. Answer: D

Sol: Sol:

Two molecules of ATP are produced per Auxin is a hormone produced in plants at
molecules of FADH2  oxidized during ETC. the tip of the stems and roots. They
promote flowering in pineapple and litchi.
The ATP molecules are produced by ATP They make unpollinated pistils to induce
synthase enzyme. parthenocarpy in tomato. They are used
Hence, the correct answer is option as herbicides to kill broad leaved dicot
"2" - Two. weeds in cereal crops and they do not
affect monocotyledons.

Thus the right answer is option D.

Biology - Section C

51. Answer: D 52. Answer: C

Sol: Sol:

Mesosomes are absent in eukaryotes. a. The columnar epithelium is composed

Mesosomes refers to the folded of a single layer of tall and slender cells.
invaginations in the plasma membrane of They are found in the lining of stomach
prokaryotes or bacterial cells. Its main and intestine and help in secretion and
function is to increase the surface area of absorption.
the plasma membrane.
b. The squamous epithelium is made of a
A  nuclear membrane  is a single thin layer of flattened cells with
double  membrane  that encloses the cell irregular boundaries. They are found in
nucleus. It serves to separate the the walls of blood vessels and air sacs of
chromosomes from the rest of the cell. lungs and are involved in functions like
forming a diffusion boundary.
The  cytoskeleton  is a network of
filaments and tubules that extends c. If the columnar or cuboidal cells bear
throughout a cell, through the cytoplasm, cilia on their free surface they are called
which is all of the material within a cell ciliated epithelium. They are mainly
except for the nucleus. present in the inner surface of hollow
organs like bronchioles and fallopian
A  histone  is a protein that provides tubes.
structural support to a chromosome. In
order for very long DNA molecules to fit d. The cuboidal epithelium is composed of
into the cell nucleus, they wrap around a single layer of cube-like cells. This is
complexes of histone proteins, giving the commonly found in ducts of glands and
chromosome a more compact shape. tubular parts of nephrons in kidneys.
Hence, out of all given options
eukaryotes does not have mesosomes.

53. Answer: C 54. Answer: D

Sol: Sol:

Additional chambers like crop and The human neural system is divided into
gizzard in alimentary canal are present two parts :
in birds.Pavo (Peacock), Psittacula
(Parrot), Corvus (Crow) and Columba the central neural system (CNS)
(Pigeon) are birds. Catla is a bony fish, and  the peripheral neural system
Crocodilus, Chameleon and Bangarus are (PNS).
reptiles, Bufo is an amphibian and The PNS is divided into two divisions
Balaenoptera is an aquatic mammal. called somatic neural system and
autonomic neural system.

The autonomic neural system is further

classified into sympathetic neural
system and parasympathetic neural

Visceral nervous system is the part of the

peripheral nervous system that involves
involountary muscles.

Hence the correct option is D

55. Answer: A 56. Answer: D


With the help of the diagram, we

conclude that; due to noncompetitive
inhibition a change into b.

Hence, the correct answer is option


57. Answer: A 58. Answer: C

Sol: Sol:

Cytoplasm of eukaryotic animal cells Stinging cells or Cnidoblast is a

contains two cylindrical, rod-shaped, characteristic feature of phylum Cnidaria.
microtubular structures, called centrioles, These cells are present in the vicinity of
near the nucleus. the mouth and tentacles.

  Though centrioles have not been found These cells perform functions like
to contain DNA, yet they are capable of capturing prey, defense mechanism,
forming new centrioles  with the help of helps in the attachment to a substratum
pre existing centriole or pericentriolar or helps in anchorage.
satellites which function as nucleating
centres. So, among the following options, they do
not perform the function of reproduction.
Thus the right answer is option A. Hence, the correct option is "3" -

59. Answer: C 60. Answer: A

Sol: Sol:

Sol Areolar connective tissue is loose Protonephridia or flame cells are the
connective tissue. Fibroblast cells are excretory structures in Platyhelminthes.
largest cell of connective tissue proper.
They synthesize most part of matrix of Nephridia are the tubular excretory
connective Tissue. (Chief matrix structures of earthworms and other
producing cell). Main function or primary annelids. It help to remove nitrogenous
function of these cells is to produces wastes and maintain a fluid and ionic
fibres. Fibres are composed of protein. balance.

Macrophage are phagocytic in nature. Malpighian tubules are the excretory

They destroy bacteria & viruses by structures of most of the insects including
phagocytosis. Mast cells are like cockroaches. It help in the removal of
basophils of blood in structure and nitrogenous wastes and osmoregulation.
function . Antennal glands or green glands perform
So Fibroblast are principal cells of areolar the excretory function in crustaceans like
connective tissue and secrete maximum prawns.
amount of matrix.
61. Answer: A 62. Answer: C

Sol: Sol:

Autophagy is the body's way of cleaning

out damaged cells in order to regenerate
newer, healthier cells. "Auto" means
"self," and "phagy" means "eat." So
the literal meaning of autophagy is "self-

Autophagic vacuole: a membrane-bound

The human neural system is divided vacuole, derived from within the cell, that
into two parts: contains intracellular material (e.g.,
redundant organelles) that is to be
(i) the central neural system (CNS) digested. The combination of major
(ii) the peripheral nervous system executors and crucial regulators of
(PNS). autophagy positions lysosomes as a
central cellular hub for aging control.
The CNS includes the brain and the This involves a whole range of specific
spinal cord and is the site of information autophagy types that are intimately
processing and control. The PNS connected to longevity.
comprises all the nerves of the body
associated with the CNS (brain and
spinal cord). The nerve fibres of the
PNS are of two types: (a) afferent
fibres (b) efferent fibres The afferent
nerve fibres transmit impulses from
tissues and organs to the CNS, and the
efferent fibres transmit regulatory
impulses from the CNS to the concerned
peripheral tissues and organs. The
PNS is divided into two divisions called
the somatic neural system and the
autonomic neural system. The somatic
neural system relays impulses from the
CNS to skeletal muscles, while the
autonomic neural system transmits
impulses from the CNS to the
involuntary organs and smooth
muscles of the body. The sympathetic
and parasympathetic nervous
systems are subsets of the autonomic
nervous system.

63. Answer: C 64. Answer: D


Phylum Porifera have a canal system (a

complex system of pores), Aschelminthes
have muscular pharynx, Annelids have
segmentation (metameric), Arthropods
have jointed appendages, Echinodermata
has a water vascular system.

Hence, the correct option is "3" - A-i,

B-iii, C-v, D-iv, E- ii.

Pancreatic juice is composed of two

secretory products critical to proper
digestion: digestive enzymes and
bicarbonate. The enzymes are
synthesized and secreted from the
exocrine acinar cells, whereas
bicarbonate is secreted from the
epithelial cells lining small pancreatic

Paneth cells  are highly specialized

secretory epithelial  cells  located in the
small intestinal crypts of Lieberkühn. 

Goblet cells  are modified

epithelial cells that secrete mucus on the
surface of mucous membranes of organs,
particularly those of the lower digestive
tract and airways.

Kupffer cells  are resident liver

macrophages and play a critical role in
maintaining liver functions. Hence,
Pancreatic juice contain bicarbonate
which is secreted by acinar cell.

65. Answer: C 66. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

Spindle fibers are microscopic protein

structures that help divide genetic
material during cell division and organize
cellular components. The spindle fibers
form out of the centrosome, also known
as the microtubule-organizing center, or

67. Answer: A 68. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

Both assertion and reason are correct. Peyer's patches are groupings of
Due to the absence of air bladder, lymphoid follicles in the mucus
Chondrichthyes  have to swim constantly membrane that lines your small
to avoid sinking.Buoyancy is assisted by intestine.These  play an important role in
light oils in the liver in some fishes. immune surveillance of materials within
your digestive system.

Hence the correct option is B

69. Answer: C 70. Answer: A

Sol: Sol:

A ligase is an enzyme that can catalyze

the joining (ligation) of two large
molecules by forming a new chemical

Isomerase, is  a class of enzymes that

catalyze reactions involving a structural
rearrangement of a molecule.

Transferases are enzymes that catalyze

the transfer of a group of atoms, such as
amine, carboxyl, carbonyl etc.

a Lyase is an enzyme that catalyzes the

breaking (an elimination reaction) of According to given figure-
various chemical bonds. A- receptors
Hence the correct option is C B-synaptic cleft

C-synaptic vesicles

D-post synaptic membrane

71. Answer: B 72. Answer: D


Based on the position of the

centromere, the chromosomes can be
classified into four types -

Metacentric chromosome  :
Centromere forming two equal arms of
the chromosome.

Sub-metacentric chromosome  :
Centromere slightly away from the
middle of the chromosome resulting into
one shorter arm and one longer arm.

Acrocentric chromosome : Centromere

is situated close to its end forming one
extremely short and one very long arm.

Telocentric chromosome  : Centromere

is at terminal point.

73. Answer: C 74. Answer: D


The gastric folds (or gastric rugae) are

coiled sections of tissue that exist in the
mucosal and submucosal layers of the
stomach. When the stomach is empty,
the walls are folded into rugae (stomach
folds), which allow the stomach to
expand as more food fills it. Therefore,
they are only present in empty stomach.

Hence, option C is correct.


The centrosome is an organelle usually

containing two cylindrical structures
called centrioles. They are surrounded by
amorphous pericentriolar materials.
Both the centrioles in a centrosome lie
perpendicular to each other, and each has
an organization like the cartwheel. They
are made up of nine evenly spaced
peripheral fibrils of tubulin. Each of
the peripheral fibrils is a triplet. The
adjacent triplets are also linked. The
central part of the centrioles is also
proteinaceous and called the "hub,"
which is connected with tubules of the
peripheral triplets by radial spokes made
of protein.
It has nine triplet fibers of tubulin.
Arrangement of (9 + 0). 

75. Answer: C 76. Answer: A

Sol: Sol:

NCERT 11th Page No. 270 Leucocytes are also known as white blood
cells (WBC) as they are colourless due to
the lack of haemoglobin. They are
nucleated and are relatively lesser in
number which averages 6000-8000 mm–
3 of blood.

Leucocytes are generally short lived.

We have two main categories of WBCs –

granulocytes and agranulocytes.

77. Answer: B 78. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

The brain stem controls the message flow In a human cell with 46 chromosomes
between the brain and the rest of the inits nucleus, there are approximately 6. 4
body and it also controls breathing, billion base pairs. Each of these base
swallowing, heart rate. pairs has a length of about 0. 34  nm. Thus,
the length of the total amount of DNA in
The brain stem is divided into three a diploid cell would have a length of
regions: about 2. 2 m
1) Midbrain - It controls vision and

2) Pons - It helps in hearing, taste, eye

movement, sensation, etc.

3) Medulla oblongata - It helps in

breathing, blood pressure, heart rate.

Hence, the correct answer is option

"2" - Mid brain, pons, medulla

79. Answer: B 80. Answer: C

Sol: Sol:

In 100 ml of blood, there is about 15g of If there is some damage to the chordae
Hb, so that 100 ml of blood has the tendineae, the immediate effect would be
capacity to bind 20.1 ml of oxygen. But the backflow of blood into the atria.
our tissue can utilise only 25% O2 carried
by the Arterial blood that is only 4-5ml of So, the flow of blood into systemic aorta
blood. is affected.

81. Answer: B 82. Answer: B


A chromosome is said to be telocentric

when the centromere is terminal, or
located at the tip of the chromosome.

A chromosome is said to be acrocentric

when the centromere is subterminal or
located near the tip. Thus, the position
of the centromere distinguishes
telocentric chromosomes from acrocentric

When the centromere is located in the

middle of the chromosome, it is called

Submetacentric is when the

centromere is located near the center
of the chromosome.

83. Answer: C 84. Answer: D


Plaque is made of cholesterol, fat, and

calcium. Coronary artery disease
indicates that the plaque buildup in your
arteries has caused the arteries to narrow
and harden. Blood clots can further block
the arteries. Coronary artery disease
develops over time.

85. Answer: D
Biology - Section D

86. Answer: A


An increase in blood flow to the atria of

the heart can cause the release of Atrial
Natriuretic Factor (ANF). It  can cause
vasodilation (dilation of blood vessels)
and thereby decrease the blood pressure.

Rest all aldosterone, ADH and renin are

secreted when blood pressure decreases.
They reabsorb water and elecrolytes from
kidney and other body part and thus
increase blood pressure.

87. Answer: A 88. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

Henle’s Loop : Reabsorption is minimum The allosteric term is defined as

in its ascending limb. However, this different steric conformations or the
region plays a significant role in the occurrence of more than one shape.
maintenance of high osmolarity of Allosteric modulators bind to a site
medullary interstitial fluid. different from the active site and bring
about changes in the shape or
Collecting Duct : It plays a role in the conformation of the enzyme molecule.
maintenance of pH and ionic balance of The change in shape can either activate
blood by the selective secretion of H+ or inhibit the enzyme's activity. An
and K+ ions. allosteric inhibitor will bind to the
Distal Convoluted Tubule (DCT) : allosteric site and bring about
Conditional reabsorption of Na+ and conformational changes to reduce the
water takes place in this segment. enzyme activity.

Nearly 99% of the filtrate is reabsorbed A competitive inhibitor is one that

by renal tubules. In PCT,  maximum resembles the normal substrate, binds
reabsorption and nearly all the essential to the enzyme, usually at the active
nutrients and 70-80% of electrolytes and, site, and prevents the substrate from
water are reabsorbed by this segment. binding.

A coenzyme is an organic, non-protein

compound that binds with an enzyme to
catalyse a reaction.

89. Answer: C 90. Answer: A

Sol: Sol:

Amino acids differ from each other due to The second stage of prophase I called
their side chains. which is referred to as zygotene. During this stage chromosome
the "R group" for the amino acids, will start pairing together and this process of
differ in structure, electrical charge, association is called synapsis. Such
and polarity. paired chromosomes are called
homologous chromosomes has four
chromatids and two centromeres.
Electron micrographs of this stage
indicate that chromosome synapsis is
accompanied by the formation of complex
structure called synaptonemal complex.

91. Answer: D 92. Answer: C

Sol: Sol:

11th NCERT Page No: 105 Cells of the tapetum exhibit

endomitosis. Endomitosis is the
Intercalated discs are microscopic duplication of chromosomes without
identifying features of cardiac muscle. division of the nucleus. It leads to
Cardiac muscle consists of individual polyploidy, i.e., an increase in the
heart muscle cells (cardiomyocytes) number of sets of chromosomes.
connected by intercalated discs to work Tapetum is important for the nutrition
as a single functional syncytium. and development of pollen grains.
All smooth muscles does not contain When tapetum cells divide, chromosomes
intercalated discs. duplicate, but the nucleus does not.
Thus, many cells of the mature tapetum
become multinucleate. As a result, the
tapetum's unusually large nuclear
constitution aids it in providing
nutrients and regulatory molecules to
the forming of pollen grains.

Mitosis occurs at the meristematic


Meiosis occurs in reproductive cells.

93. Answer: C 94. Answer: C

Sol: Sol:

The P-wave represents the electrical The following phenomena leads to

excitation (or depolarisation) of the atria, variation in DNA:
which leads to the contraction of both the
atria. 1) Mutation - It is the heritable change in
the nucleotide sequence of the genes of
The T-wave represents the return of the an organism.. For example, if the normal
ventricles from excited to normal state sequence was ATT, the change to AAT
(repolarisation). The end of the T-wave may lead to entirely different amino acid
marks the end of systole. into a polypeptide chain. 

So, the mutation is the result of stable

and heritable changes in the nucleotide
sequence of the DNA. 

2) Recombination - This is through non-

parental combination.

Hence, the correct answer is option

"C" - Mutation and recombination.

95. Answer: C 96. Answer: A

97. Answer: B 98. Answer: C


In Urochordata, notochord is present only

in larval tail, while in Cephalochordata, it
extends from head to tail region and is
persistent throughout their life.  Thus all
vertebrates are chordates but all
chordates are not
vertebrates.  Cyclostomes have a sucking
and circular mouth without jaws. Their
body is devoid of scales and paired fins.
Cranium and vertebral column are

99. Answer: B 100. Answer: B


The diffusion membrane is made up of

three major layers namely, the thin
squamous epithelium of alveoli, the
endothelium of alveolar capillaries and
the basement substance (composed of a
thin basement membrane supporting the
squamous epithelium and the basement
membrane surrounding the single layer
endothelial cells of capillaries) in between
them. However, its total thickness is
much less than a millimetre. Therefore,
all the factors in our body are favorable
for diffusion of O2 from alveoli to tissues
and that of CO2 from tissues to alveoli.
Physics - Section A

101. Answer: B 102. Answer: D

Sol: Sol:

Launching from the earth's surface takes As we know that the work done in
significantly more fuel than the way back. stretching the wire is 

The force of gravity is specially  W =  1

× stress × strain × volume

corresponding to mass 2
2 2
W = =
Therefore, the correct answer is (B)
2L 2L

∴ W ∝

W2 R2 L1
∴ = ( )
W1 R1 L2

2R L
= ( ) ( ) = 8
R L/2

∴ W2 = 8W1 = 8 × 4 = 32 J

103. Answer: A 104. Answer: C

Sol: Sol:

Given that the energy required to break 1 u = 1 ×

3 RT

+ 2 ×
5 RT

+ 3 ×
6 RT

31 RT

DNA is 10 J −20

As we know that 1eV means energy

acquired by an electron accelerating is
equal to

the 1. 6 × 10 −19

1eV = 1. 6 × 10 J

1J = −19

−20 1 −20
10 J = × 10

E = 0. 625 × 10

E = 0. 0625 eV

Therefore option (A) is correct

105. Answer: D 106. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

∵  g ∝ r (inside) σ =


and g ∝   If r>R


⇒ 0. 25 =



so, the correct figure will be (D). L

= 0. 05

Therefore, the correct answer is (D).

107. Answer: C 108. Answer: A


The distance covered by the ball in nth

second is given by
sn = u + a(2n − 1)

So, sn ∝ (2n − 1)

Therefore, the correct answer is (C).


Vs =√


Vav = √
8 RT


Vrms = √
3 RT


Vmp = √
2 RT


Vrms > Vav > Vmp > Vs

Therefore, the correct answer is (A)

109. Answer: B 110. Answer: D

Sol: Sol:

For satellite's orbital radius (rs) = 4 (rc)

where rc = orbital radius of

communication satellite

Tc ∝ (rc)3/2        ............(i)

& Ts ∝ (rs)3/2   .............(ii)

Ts ∝ t
for A;
on dividing eq (ii) & (i) 2
2u sinθ.cosθ
R =

= (

)    (Tc = 1 days) 2usinθ
T =

= (4)3/2 
for B;
Ts = 8 days 2u
sin(90−θ) cos(90−θ)
R =

Therefore, the correct answer is (B)

2u cosθ.sinθ

2 usin(90−θ)
T =


Note: Depending on the value of θ, one

can have same or different time of flight,
range or maximum height.

Therefore must statement is wrong.

They may be equal or may not be.

This is only possible for θ= 45°.

The correct answer is (D)

111. Answer: D 112. Answer: A


Total translational kinetic energy (E) =

3/2 PV
PV = E

2 7.5×10
P = −3
3 10×10

P =

× 10
= 0. 5 × 10
= 5 × 10

Therefore correct option is (D)

113. Answer: A 114. Answer: B


As P1V1 + P2V2 = P (V1 + V2)

3 × 5 + 5 × 3 = P (5 + 3)

P= 30

= 3.75 atoms

Therefore, the correct answer is (B).

115. Answer: C 116. Answer: A

Sol: Sol:

After releasing the string, centripetal We know that

acceleration will become zero, due to 2
d x

which the direction of velocity cannot

= −ω π

change now and stone flies tangentially

outwards. The angular velocity is given by ω = 2 k

 the equation of motion can also be

represented as-
d x k
= x
dt m

117. Answer: C 118. Answer: D

Sol: Sol:
ΔU = = =
γ–1 γ–1 γ–1

from the given figure it is clear that 

ar = acos (θ)

          ∴ a
r = 15 cos (30°) =

Now a
r =

∴ v = √ = 5. 7m/s

119. Answer: C 120. Answer: B

100– 80 = Q– 60

∴ Q = 80 J

B2-B1 = 10log( ) I'

Where B1 & B2 is sound intensity level of

one person and eight person talking
simultaneously respectively.

I & I' is intensity due to one and eight

person simultaneously.

Now I' = 8I & B1=60dB

B2- 60 dB = 10log( 8I


B2- 60 dB = 30log2

B2- 60 dB = 30×0.3

B2 = 69 dB

121. Answer: A 122. Answer: B


I1 = I         I2 = 4 I

IA = I1 + I2 = 5I

IB = I

ΔI = (IA − IB) = 4I

Therefore, the correct answer is (B)

123. Answer: A 124. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

loudness depends upon amplitude there is no external force so car will be

deaccelerate due to friction.
Therefore, the correct answer is (A)
using third equation of motion
v 100×100
s = =
2μk g 2×0.5×10

= = 1000  m

125. Answer: C 126. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

fL = 0. 3 × 100 = 30 N

T  −  1000g  =  1000  ×  1
fext < fL 
T  =  1000  ×  11

T  =  11000 N

fs =20 N

127. Answer: A 128. Answer: A


K1 2m
1 m2 5
= 2
K2 p m1 1


Let the block has mass m.

For block to be rest

ma = μN = μmg

⇒ a = μg

129. Answer: B 130. Answer: D

Sol: Sol:

For equilibrium  Fnet = 0 Because linear momentum is vector

quantity where as kinetic energy is a
F = −
= 16x − 4
scalar quantity.
16x – 4 = 0

x =  1

x = 0.25 m

Therefore, the correct answer is (B).

131. Answer: D 132. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

The acceleration of both balls =–  g

m1 g+m2 g
acm = = g
m1 +m2

For this question go for option


Here xx' is major axis of ellipse so

masses are concetrated near to the axis
hence, moment of inertia is minimum
along xx'.

And yy' is minor axis of ellipse so,

masses are concentrated away from the
axis yy' than xx' hence, moment of
inertia is more about yy' than xx'

Now by perpendicular axis theorem 

Izz ' = Ixx ' + Iyy '

hence moment of inertia is not same

about these three axis and that is
maximum along zz'

133. Answer: A 134. Answer: A

ω = ω0 + αt

τ = Iα

Angular impulse is defined as the product of the

torque, exerted on an object or rigid system, over a
time interval.

135. Answer: B


Applying the formula of stress

Stress =

Stress=force × Area             (1) −1

The dimensional formula of area

A = [M L T ]
2 0

Where M is mass, L is length and T is


The dimensional formula of force

Force=M × a

Where M is mass and a is acceleration

0 1 −2
F = [M] × [M L T ]

F = [M L T
1 −2
]                          (3)

Putting the values of equations (2) and

(3) in (1)

1 1 −2 0 2 0
L T ] × [M L T ]

1 −1 −2
Stress = [M L T ]

Therefore option (2) is correct

Physics - Section B

136. Answer: C


P.E. = 1

× stress × strain × volume
Y =

P.E. 1 2
∴ = y(strain)
Volume 2

1 2
= Y(α)

Therefore, the correct answer is (C).

137. Answer: A 138. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:
T1 +T2
(Vrms ) = v
1 T =
(Vrms ) =
2 2

T = 327 °C  = 600 K,  T2   =?

3 RT
Vrms = √

Vrms ∝ √T

(Vrms ) T1
= √
(Vrms )2 T2

V 600
= √
V T2

T2 = 150 K

T2 = 150–273 = –123 °C

139. Answer: C 140. Answer: D

Sol: Sol:

We know
TV =   constant

v T ∝ V
f =
λ 3
1– γ =–

Velocity of sound  ∝ √T
γ = 1 +

4 4

f1 T1
= √
f2 T2

400 273+27 300 1

      = √ = √ =
f2 273+90 363 1.1

⇒  f2 = 440 Hz

141. Answer: C 142. Answer: D


3π π
Δd = – = π
2 2

143. Answer: B 144. Answer: C

Sol: Sol:

Mgsinθ + μMgcosθ = mg

3 4
100 × + 0. 3 × 100 × = m
5 5

60 + 24 = m

84 =  m

<Speed> = dis tan ce


distance = Area under v-t curve in 0-4


distance = A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 

1 1
( × 10 × 1) + (3 × 10) + ( × 10 × 1) + (1 × 10)
2 2

= 5 + 30  + 5 + 10 = 50 m

<speed > =  50

= 12. 5 m/s

145. Answer: A 146. Answer: C

a =

40 2
a = = 4 m/s


Sr = u rt +

ar t

1 2
16 =  0  +   × 8 × t


t=2 s

147. Answer: A 148. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

According to Property of conserved force 

r × F  =0
∣ ˆi
k ∣

∴ θ = 90° ∣
2 −6 −12 ∣
= 0
∣ ∣
W = 0 ∣α 3 6 ∣

ˆ ˆ ˆ
(−36 + 36) i − (12 + 12α) j + (6 + 6α)k = 0

ˆ ˆ ˆ
0 i − 12 (1 + α) j + 6 (1 + α)k = 0

− 12 (1 + α) = 0

α = −1

Hence Option (B) is correct 

149. Answer: A 150. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

By balancing torque As we know that moment of inertia of

ring whan the axis passing through the
centre is given by I = mr2
2g × 20 = 0. 5g × 60 + mg × 120

0.5 1
m =  kg = kg
m1 1 r1 2
6 12
= =
m2 2 r2 1

I1 m1 r1
I2 m2 r2 2

I1 1 4 2
= × =
I2 2 1 1

Therefore, the correct answer is (B)

Chemistry - Section A

151. Answer: D 152. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

no. of atom = atomicity ×no. of molecule N2  is a neutral, non-polar, inert molecule
while CN- is a highly polar, highly active
(A)     14×(mol×NA) ion. Absence of bond polarity in N2.
          14 ×
× NA

    =   atom
× NA

(B)  2×(mol×NA)

× NA )

     =   atom

(C)  1×(mol×NA)

       1 ×
× NA


(D)  dH
= 1g\ml

      d = m

1 = ⇒ m  =  1g

no.   of   atom   in  1g H2 O 

=  3 × × NA

=   atom

Ans. (D)

153. Answer: D 154. Answer: C

Sol: Sol:

2CH3COO–Na+ −−−−−→ 2CH3COO  + 2Na+
Θ The given set of reactions are shown
at anode :

2CH3COO Θ  → 2CH COO⋅+2e–


2CH3COO  → 2 CH +CO2 ⋅ ∙

∙ ∙

CH3 + CH3  → CH –CH

3 3
at cathode :
H2 and NaOH are formed

155. Answer: C 156. Answer: A

Sol: Sol:

Given: % mass of Nitrogen = 5.37% The hydration enthalpy of alkali metal

Mass % of Nitrogen =
mass of Nitrogen
ions decrease with increase in ionic sizes.
mol. mass of compound

×100 The order of increasing radius is

K (aq) < Na (aq) < Li (aq).
+ + +

5.37 = 14

mol. mass of compound
× 100 {at. wt. = 14
g mol }

Molecular mass of compound = 1400

260.7 gm

So, the correct option is (C).

157. Answer: C 158. Answer: D

Sol: Sol:

Balanced chemical equation : When we add one more electron in X–

ion, there will be repulsion for upcoming
electron. Therefore energy is required to
AlCl3 + 3 NaOH → Al (OH) + 3 NaCl

Initially moles 1 1 0 0 add 2nd electron.

1 1
L. R.
1 3
∴ IInd electron affinity is always
NaOH is present in lesser amount in the endothermic.
reaction, hence it is limiting reagent.

1 mole of NaOH react with 1

 mole of

excess moles of AlCl3 = 1− = 1


moles of AlCl3 left = 2

159. Answer: A 160. Answer: A

Sol: Sol:

HBr in the presence of peroxides gives

the anti-markonivkov product. This
product proceeds a free radial mechanism
the reaction can be given as-

Most stable free radical require less

∴  (A) is the correct answer energy for homolytic dissociation.

161. Answer: B 162. Answer: C


Let the equivalent weight of the metal be

M weight of the metal oxide = 3 g

weight of the metal chloride = 5 g

weight   of   the   metal   chloride

weight   of   the   metal   oxide

equivalent   of   the   metal   chloride

equivalent   of   the   metal   oxide

5 M+35.5
3 M+8

M = 33.25g

SiO2 exists as a 3D coordinate structure

with a coordination number of 4   of the
central atom 

sp3 is the hybridisation on the central

atom of SiO2

Therefore, the correct answer is (C).

163. Answer: D 164. Answer: A

Sol: Sol:

radius of bohr's model When we go down the group, bond length

increases and hence BE increases.
r = 0. 529 × A

For second stationary orbit n = 2 and

third orbit n = 3

= 0.529×4
⇒ R' = 9R

= 2.25 R B. E. CH4 > SiH4 > GeH4 > SnH4
R 0.529×9

165. Answer: D 166. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

given :- λ = 6.62×10–35 m , mass = x kg B.P. ∝ Molecular weight

Velocity (v) = 100 m sec–1 B.P. ∝ H-Bonding

According to de-broglie equation, NH3 has the lowest molecular weight. So,
NH3 should have the least B.P. But NH3
= 6.62×10–35 =

has the H-Bonding to this strong H-

h 6.62×10
λ →
mv x×100

Bonding B.P. of NH3 is high. So,

x= 10

= 0.1 kg
PH3 has the lowest boiling point because
  it does not form Hydrogen bond.

167. Answer: C 168. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

Total e– = 2n2 CaO + CO2 → Mulky  appearence + H2 O → Ca (HCO3 )


  is formed.
= 2(4)2
Therefore, the correct answer is (B)
= 32 e–

e– with S =   are 16

169. Answer: D 170. Answer: A

Sol: Sol:

Electronic configurations of given ions : Gypsum contains a lower percentage of

Ni3+ (28) = [Ar] 3d7
Ca than plaster of paris.
Mn (25) = [Ar] 3d

3+ 4

Fe3+ (26) = [Ar] 3d5

Co3+ (27) = [Ar] 3d6

Therefore , The correct option  is (4)

171. Answer: C 172. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:


550 C
+ B ⇌ C + D
Zn + 2NaOH −−→ Na2 ZnO2 + H2
Δ Sodiumzincate

t0               1      1         

teq.          1–x    1–x     x      x

KC = = 9

= 9

x 2
[ ] = 3

= 3

x = 3 – 3x

4x = 3
x =

[C] = = 0 .75

Therefore, the correct answer is (C).

173. Answer: A 174. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:
AB2 ⇌ AB + B Molten potassium chloride conduct
Initial 600 mmHg
electricity due to the presence of free
At eq 600 − p p p

Total = 600 + p = 800
In molten form, KCl exits as free ions K+
p = 200 mmHg and  Cl− which are bounded very lightly
Actual values       400   200   200 and are free to move.

K  =  200×200
 = 100mmHg Therefore, it conducts electricity.

Hence, the correct answer is (A).

Therefore, the correct answer is (A)

175. Answer: D 176. Answer: D

Sol: Sol:

Kc depends only on temperature and When Na  &  Li are placed in dry air we
stoichiometric coefficients. Here get;
temperature is constant but
Na + dry   air /O2 → Na2 O
stoichiometric coefficient is changed.
reaction is reversed ( equillibrium 6 Li   +  N2   → 2 Li3 N

constant will be the reciprocal of original

one) and then reaction is multiplied by
4Li + O2   → 2 Li2 O

1/2, so we will put the power half on Lithium results in the formation of
equilibrium constant value. Hence new Kc monoxides, sodium results in the
becomes option 4. peroxides
Therefore, the correct answer is (D) Thus we get, Na O,   Li2 O,   Li3 N

177. Answer: D 178. Answer: A


BCl3 + H2O → H3BO3 + HCl


Increase in volume, i.e., decrease in

pressure shifts the equilibrium in the
direction in which number of moles
increases (Dn positive)

179. Answer: B 180. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

(A) pH of 10−9 MHCl will be < 7 h = √


–5 –1
10 ×10

(B) pOH of 10−5 NaOH =−log[OH−]

 h = 1 × 10–4
= −log[1×10−5 ]
∴ percentage hydrolysis of NaX salt
= 1 × 10–4 × 100
pH + pOH=14
= 1 × 10–2 = 0.01 %
Therefore the correct answer is (B).
(C) pH of 10 M

KOH will be slightly greater than 7 .

Therefore, the correct answer is (B).

181. Answer: C 182. Answer: A

Sol: Sol:

When the concentration of NH OH(weak 4 CaC2O4 ⇌ Ca2+ + C2O42–

base) is higher than the strong acid (HCl)
Ksp =  [S2] = 2.5 × 10–9
, a mixture of weak base and its
conjugate acid is obtained, which acts as [S] = 5 × 10–5 It means 5 × 10–5 moles
basic buffer. of CaC2O4 will dissole in distilled water to
NH4 OH + HCl → NH4 Cl + H2
make one litre of saturated solution.

Initially             0 .1 M 0 .05 M 0 0

Mass = Moles × Molar mass
After reaction 0 .05 M 0 0 .05 M 0
          = 5 × 10–5 × 128 = 0.0064 g
So, the correct answer is option 'C'.
So 0.0064g of CaC2O4 will dissolve in
distilled water to make one litre of
saturated solution.

183. Answer: A 184. Answer: D

Sol: Sol:

= 10  mL  s
The correct expression for the Vander
Waals equation is (P +
) (V − nb) = nRT 2
100 −1 V
⇒ rx = mLs

Here, the term ​represents the


rO 2
2 10t t M(X) V
= √
10 M(O2 ) pressure correction and the term nb
represents the volume correction.
(a) M (X) = H 2 = 2 g  mol
,  t = 2. 5 s
Therefore, the correct answer is (D).
then ( 2.5

) = √



Thus, true.

(b) M (X) = SO 2 = 64 g  mol

,  t = 16 s

then  16

= √

= √2  Thus, incorrect.

(c)  and (d) are also incorrect

185. Answer: D

A gas can be liquefied by decreasing the

temperature or increasing the pressure.
When a gas is compressed at nay
temperature the intermolecular distance
decreases. As as a result, intermolecular
forces become effective and decreases
kinetic energy, this causes liquefaction.

Liquefaction as intermolecular force,

Increasing order of liquefaction of some

CO2 < HCl < NH3 < SO2
Chemistry - Section B

186. Answer: D


187. Answer: B 188. Answer: C

Sol: Sol:

The ozonolysis of  (BN)x is inorganic graphite.

1 − methyl  cyclopent − 1 − ene   is shown

Hence, the correct answer is (B).

189. Answer: B 190. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

PCl3 on hydrolysis gives HCl and H3PO3. Moseleys works on X-ray spectrum.
ν=a(z–b),z →  atomic no.

ν → frequency  a,b  → constants.

Phosphorus trichloride,  PCl   undergoes,


hydrolysis at room temperature to produce an

orthophosphorus oxoacid.

Therefore, the correct answer is (B).

191. Answer: C 192. Answer: C


CaCO3 on thermal decomposition gives

CaCO3 → CaO   +   CO2

               (basic)   (acidic)

On heating,  Li CO   decomposes to form

2 3

lithium oxide and carbon dioxide.

Li2 CO3   → Li2 O  +   CO2

               (basic)    (acidic)

Be(NO3)2  on heating gives amphoteric

and acidic oxide.


 2  Be (NO3 )   →   2  BeO   +  4  NO2   +  O2


                            (amphoteric) (acidic)

Therefore, the correct answer is (C).

193. Answer: B 194. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

Borazole is polar compound.

195. Answer: A 196. Answer: D

Sol: Sol:

In reaction  CrO42− → Cr2O72− According to question

Oxidation number of Cr in CrO


(x + 4(–2) = +2;    

              x = –2 + 8

               x = 6.
Hence v.f in conversation of Analine to
and in Cr2O72− nitro –benzene = 6
2x + 7(– 2) =– 2
∵     Equivalent wt = M


x =

x =

x  =  6

So there is no change in oxidation


Therefore the correct answer is (A).

197. Answer: B 198. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

ΔH  and   Δ U at constant pressure are

related as
ΔH    =    Δ U  +   Δ ng RT

for this reaction

2 HI(g) → H2 (g) + I2 (g)       ΔH  is equal to ΔU

ΔH    =    Δ U  +   Δ nRT ---------------(1)

Δn  is the difference between the number

of moles of gaseous products and

Δn = 1+1-2 = 0

  Δ n  = 0 value put on equation no. (1)

ΔH    =    Δ U  +  0 × RT

ΔH    =    Δ U 

199. Answer: B 200. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

Δ ng > 0   ΔS > 0 1 gm Benzene liberates → 2.5 kJ Heat

Δ H < 0 (Exothermic) 78 gm Benzene liberates → 2.5 × 78

Δ G<0
→ 195 kJ

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