Chapter 1.lesson 1

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Many diseases and health issues are due to a lack of awareness among
people and untimely action.
This chapter will describe the concepts and principles of physical
activity and its benefits to a physically active lifestyle. Moreover, students will
learn about the different health-related fitness components that make-up
physical fitness. These components enable students to determine which part
of their fitness approach they should address.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Demonstrate an awareness of the concepts and terms regarding
physical activity and physical fitness
2. Relate fitness concepts to personal physical activity experiences;
3. Perform basic health-related fitness component-activities to grasp
knowledge obtained from the lectures in the module;
4. Explain the significance of regular physical activity and exercise
through different activities that develop each health-related fitness
5. Describe the rewards of a physically active lifestyle;
6. Demonstrate self-reliance when doing physical activities.
7. Share information about the importance of physical activity, both
during the younger years and later life.


Physical activity (PA): is the body movement produced by skeletal muscle

actions that increases energy usage, including physical exercise.
Physical exercise: a precise term where physical exercise is planned,
organized, and done repeatedly to improve or maintaining physical fitness.
For example, gardening or walking upstairs in one’s home may not be
classified as structured “exercise”, but it is undoubtedly physical activity.

Physical Fitness (PF): Physical fitness is the ability to meet all the ordinary
demands of life without becoming tired and to respond to extra demands when

Physical Activity Log: This is the students’ journal that help fit exercise into
their daily life. It is a good way to measure their progress so they can see small
improvements over time. Giving the feeling of satisfaction, boost their
confidence, and keep them committed to regular activity.

Health: is an indication of an individual’s overall physical, mental, and social

well-being. It is more than an absence of disease. Health is a trait that is not
constant in time and can change from near-death (ill health) to optimal well-
being (high-level wellness).



Death Illness Good Health


Lesson 1: Physical Activity

Do you believe that you are physically healthy? Why do you say so?
Being fit means the body can do everything it want to do. Because the body
comes with flexibility, endurance, strength, etc.
Physical fitness is more about your physical ability to meet everyday life
demands and handle life’s emergencies. Being fit is represented by the type of
exercise you perform, how long you do it, and the level of intensity you are
working. To be considered healthy, an individual should be physically,
emotionally, and mentally fit.
Being healthy inside and the outside is essential. Other people are just
lucky because they can still stay slim even if they eat all kinds of food.
However, they cannot say that they are healthy. Eating right, doing exercise,
and maintaining an ideal weight are all basics for lifelong health.

What is Physical Activity?
Physical activity means the performance of the body that uses energy.
Walking, gardening, climbing the stairs, playing soccer, doing house chores,
or dancing are good examples of being active. To be healthy, participate in
moderate to vigorous intensity of physical activity.
The intensity level can classify physical activity, whether it is exercise or
non-exercise. These could be light, moderate, and vigorous. Physical activity
has many benefits when done regularly. It will:
• Reduce the risk of heart attack
• Manage weight better
• Have lower cholesterol level
• Decrease the possibility of having type 2 diabetes and some cancer
• Have lower blood pressure
• Have strong bones, muscles, and joints and lower the risk of developing
• Recover better from periods of hospitalization
• Feel better – energetic, good mood, relaxed and sleep better
Physical activity pyramid:
The physical activity pyramid will
help the student understand the
kinds of physical activity. It is a guide
to improve their physical fitness and
produce different health and
wellness. To get the best benefits,
performing the actions from all level
each week is essential.
✓ Level 1 You should do daily such
as walking, gardening, household
✓ Level 2 You should do 5-6 times a
week – sports like basketball, tennis and aerobic activities like biking,
and jogging.
Source: Malaysian Dietary Guidelines 2010, Ministry of ✓ Level 3 You should do 2-3 times a
Health Malaysia
week. These are exercises for
flexibility, like stretching, yoga and also exercises for muscle strength
and endurance like weights lifting, calisthenics.
✓ Level 4 must be limited.

What is the difference between PA and PF?

• Physical Activity is a behavior (something that you do)
• Physical Fitness is a physical trait or characteristics (something that
you have)

Activity 1: PA Log

Name: ___________________________ Group No. ________________

Time/Day:________________________ Course:___________________

1. List physical activities that you do for 3 weeks. Accomplish your

physical activity log (PA log). See the template below as a guide.
2. Write a reflection of the experience when doing physical activities for
your PA Log.
3. Document your Physical activity through compilation Video. (20 points)

Physical Activity Log Example:

Date Type of Activity Number of Remarks
Aug. 14 Walking 20 minutes Going to and from the
Aug. 15 Zumba 3 minutes With members of the
dancing family
Aug. 16 Cleaning 5 minutes Scrubbing the floor


PHYSICAL ACTIVITY 5-10 min. of PA 11-16 min. of 17-22 min. of Total
(8 pts) PA PA Pts
(10 pts) (12 pts)
Aerobic Activity
Flexibility (stretching)

Activities are done with the Less than 2 3 -4 5 or more

members of the participants participants participants


Rubrics for reflection:

Organization of words 5pts
Content 5pts
Relevance 5pts
Total 15 pts

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