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Two Way Tables: Reading and Representing

1. The two-way table gives information about the wildlife observed in a garden.

Wings No Wings TOTAL

Less than 1cm tall 1 3 4
1cm to 5cm tall 2 3 5
More than 5cm tall 5 4 9
TOTAL 8 10

What was the total amount of wildlife observed in the garden?

2. The two-way table gives information about the snacks sold in a local shop.

Hot Cold TOTAL

Sweet 8 14 22
Savoury 10 28
TOTAL 26 24 50

How many hot, savoury snacks were sold in the local shop?

3. The two-way table gives information about animals at a zoo.

Mammal Non-Mammal TOTAL

Predator 18 20
Non-Predator 22 30
TOTAL 26 42 68

a. How many animals are predators?

b. How many mammals are non-predators?

4. The two-way table gives information about the number of people sitting or standing on
different modes of public transport, when they arrived at a station.

Sitting Standing TOTAL

Bus 80 25 105
Train 125
TOTAL 58 230

a. How many people were standing on a train?

b. How many people were sitting, in total?

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Two Way Tables: Reading and Representing Data
5. The two-way table gives information about all the people in a local swimming pool and
whether they were wearing goggles.

Adults Children TOTAL

Goggles 16 24
No Goggles
TOTAL 12 40

a. Complete the two-way table.

b. How many adults were in the pool?
c. How many people were in the pool, altogether?
d. How many children were not wearing goggles?

6. The two-way table gives information about the colour of different pets.

Dog Cat Rabbit TOTAL

White 2 3 9
Black 8 2 12
Brown 5 9
Grey 1 9
TOTAL 19 50

a. Complete the two-way table.

b. What is the total number of dogs?
c. What is the total number of rabbits?
d. How many cats are grey?
e. How many dogs are black?

7. The two-way table gives information about the preferred drink choices of adults and children.

Lemonade Water Orange Juice TOTAL

Adults 10 20
Children 14 48
TOTAL 34 22 90

a. Complete the two-way table.

b. How many people chose orange juice as their preferred drink choice?
c. How many children chose lemonade as their preferred drink choice?
d. How many adults chose water as their preferred drink choice?

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Two Way Tables: Reading and Representing Data
8. The two-way table gives information about the colour of different shaped counters.

Circular Oval Triangular Hexagonal TOTAL

Purple 2 10 1 18
Pink 18 4 5 38
Blue 64
TOTAL 55 29 25

a. Complete the two-way table.

b. What is the total number of counters?
c. What is the total number of hexagonal counters?
d. How many triangular counters are blue?
e. How many pink counters are oval?
f. How many counters are purple?

9. 100 students in years 10 and 11 study either French, German or Spanish (but they can only
study one).
Out of the 52 year 10s, 24 study French.
34 students study German.
26 students study Spanish.
20 of the year 11 students study Spanish.

Draw and complete a two-way table to show this information.

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Two Way Tables: Reading and Representing Data
10. Nadia counts the stock available for an online shop which sells small, medium or large T-shirts,
jumpers, coats and jeans.
There are 180 items of clothing in total.
63 items of clothing are small.
Out of the 26 pairs of jeans, 8 are large.
Of the 10 coats available, 1 is small and 3 are medium.
There are 36 small jumpers and 42 large jumpers.
Of the 38 T-shirts available, 12 of the T-shirts are small, while 14 of the T-shirts are medium.

Draw and complete a two-way table to show this information.

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