7. 公因数和公倍数 C5

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AOMATH 下册: 公因数与公倍数 C5



1. 写出以下的因数和倍数:Write the factors and multiples of the following:

A.3 C.12

B.5 D.15

2. 写出以下的因数和倍数:Write the factors and multiples of the following:

A. 16 C.20

B. 18 D. 14

Alpha Olympiad Mathematics- 阿尔法数学奥林匹克网校 负责老师:姚伟雄老师(012-9373346) 1

AOMATH 下册: 公因数与公倍数 C5

3. 12 和 16 的最小公倍数是多少?最大公因数是多少? What is the least common multiple

of 12 and 16? What is the greatest common factor?

4. 30 和 45 的最小公倍数是多少?最大公因数是多少? What is the least common multiple

of 30 and 45? What is the greatest common factor?

5. 24 和 32 的最小公倍数是多少?最大公因数是多少? What is the least common multiple

of 24 and 32? What is the greatest common factor?

6.12 和 42 的的最小公倍数是多少?最大公因数是多少? What is the least common multiple

of 12 and 42? What is the greatest common factor?

Alpha Olympiad Mathematics- 阿尔法数学奥林匹克网校 负责老师:姚伟雄老师(012-9373346) 2

AOMATH 下册: 公因数与公倍数 C5


1. 妈妈有 30 个饺子和 84 个云吞,要把这些食材平分成若干碗,使得每一碗的饺子和云

吞个数一样多,且刚好分完,那么妈妈最多能把它们分成多少碗?Mom has 30 dumplings
and 84 wontons. She wants to divide these ingredients into several bowls, so that each bowl has
as many dumplings as the wontons, and just finished dividing them. How many bowls can
mother divide them into at most?

2. 48 个苹果和 88 个梨最多能平分成几袋,使得每个袋子里的苹果和梨的个数一样多,
且恰好分完?How many bags can 48 apples and 88 pears be equally divided into at most, so
that there are as many apples and pears in each bag, and they are just divided nicely?

3. 36 位男同学和 42 位女同学最多能分成多少班,使得每班的男同学和女同学的人数一
样多,且刚好分完?How many classes can 36 male students and 42 female students be
divided into at most, so that the number of male students and female students in each class is
the same, and the division is just completed?

Alpha Olympiad Mathematics- 阿尔法数学奥林匹克网校 负责老师:姚伟雄老师(012-9373346) 3

AOMATH 下册: 公因数与公倍数 C5

4. 在儿童节当天,工作人员正在商讨如何把 24 个凤梨酥、30 个巧克力饼干和 72 颗糖

问:最多能分成多少袋?On Children's Day, the staff is discussing how to divide 24
pineapple cakes, 30 chocolate biscuits and 72 candies into several bags, so that each bag has the
same number of pineapple cakes, chocolate biscuits and candies, and it is just divided nicely.
How many bags can it be divided into?

5. 吉隆坡某新村的村长要把 210 包米、120 个罐头和 150 公斤的洋葱平分给贫穷家庭。

最多能把这些食品分给多少户贫穷家庭? The head of a village in Kuala Lumpur will
distribute 210 bags of rice, 120 cans and 150 kilograms of onions equally to poor families. To
make each family get the same amount of rice, canned food, and onions (kg), how many poor
families can the village chief distribute these foods to at most?

6. 把一张长 84cm、宽 72cm 的长方形纸张剪成几个大小相同的正方形, 正方形的边长都

是整数且全部刚好剪完。问:正方形的边长最大是多少 cm?Cut a piece of rectangular
paper with a length of 84cm and a width of 72cm into several squares of the same size. What is
the maximum length of a side of a square in cm?

Alpha Olympiad Mathematics- 阿尔法数学奥林匹克网校 负责老师:姚伟雄老师(012-9373346) 4

AOMATH 下册: 公因数与公倍数 C5

7. 把一张长 48cm、宽 72cm 的长方形纸张剪成几个大小相同的正方形, 正方形的边长都

是整数且全部刚好剪完。问:正方形的边长最大是多少 cm?Cut a piece of rectangular
paper with a length of 48cm and a width of 72cm into several squares of the same size. What is
the maximum length of a side of a square in cm?

8. 把一张长 84cm、宽 105cm 的长方形纸张剪成几个大小相同的正方形, 正方形的边长

都是整数且全部刚好剪完。问:正方形的边长最长是多少 cm?Cut a piece of rectangular
paper with a length of 84cm and a width of 105cm into several squares of the same size. What
is the longest side of the square in cm?

9. 将一个 30cm X 12cm X 60cm 的长方体切割成数个大小相等的小正方体,此正方体的

边长最大是多少?这时可切割成多少个?Cut a 30cm X 12cm X 60cm cuboid into several
small cubes of equal size, what is the maximum side length of the cube? How many pieces can
be cut at this time?

Alpha Olympiad Mathematics- 阿尔法数学奥林匹克网校 负责老师:姚伟雄老师(012-9373346) 5

AOMATH 下册: 公因数与公倍数 C5

10. 将一个 24cm X 30cm X 42cm 的长方体切割成数个大小相等的小正方体,此正方体

的边长最大是多少?这时可切割成多少个?Cut a 24cm X 30cm X 42cm cuboid into several
small cubes of equal size, what is the maximum side length of the cube? How many pieces can
be cut at this time?

11. 将一个 105cm X 120cm X 180cm 的长方体切割成数个大小相等的小正方体,此正方

体的边长最大是多少?这时可切割成多少个?Cut a 105cm X 120cm X 180cm cuboid into
several small cubes of equal size, what is the maximum side length of the cube? How many
pieces can be cut at this time?

12. 在吉隆坡巴士总站,A 巴士每 15 分钟开一辆,B 巴士每 25 分钟开一辆,如果 A 巴

士和 B 巴士同时在早上 9 时开出,那么 A 巴士和 B 巴士在什么时候第二次同时开出? At
the Kuala Lumpur bus terminal, bus A runs every 15 minutes, and bus B runs every 25 minutes.
If bus A and bus B leave at 9 am at the same time, when will bus A and bus B depart at the
same time for the second time?

Alpha Olympiad Mathematics- 阿尔法数学奥林匹克网校 负责老师:姚伟雄老师(012-9373346) 6

AOMATH 下册: 公因数与公倍数 C5

13. 在吉隆坡巴士总站,A 巴士每 8 分钟开一辆,B 巴士每 14 分钟开一辆,如果 A 巴士

和 B 巴士同时在早上 6 时开出,问:A 巴士和 B 巴士在什么时候第二次同时开出? At the
Kuala Lumpur bus terminal, bus A runs every 8 minutes, and bus B runs every 14 minutes. If
bus A and bus B leave at 6:00 am at the same time, when will bus A and bus B leave for the at
the same time for the second time

14. 国庆日当天,老师和同学们在校外的马路旁每隔 15 米插一幅国旗和每隔 18 米插一

时出现?On National Day, teachers and students planted a national flag every 15 meters and a
state flag every 18 meters by the road outside the school. At the beginning, the gate outside the
school planted both the national flag and the state flag. Where will the national flag and the
state flag appear at the same place?

15. 大华在马路旁每隔 14 米种一棵大红花树、每隔 18 米插一幅国旗和每隔 12 米摆放

在马路的多少米处大红花树、国旗和花盆同时出现?Dahua planted a hibiscus tree every
14 meters beside the road, placed a national flag every 18 meters, and placed a flowerpot every
12 meters. He planted a hibiscus tree, placed a national flag, and placed a flowerpot at the
beginning. How many meters away from the beginning will the hibiscus tree, the national flag
and the flowerpot appear at the same place?

Alpha Olympiad Mathematics- 阿尔法数学奥林匹克网校 负责老师:姚伟雄老师(012-9373346) 7

AOMATH 下册: 公因数与公倍数 C5

16. 以照以下的规律,第几行会再次出现“阿尔法奥数网校 ALPHA”?According to the

following rules, which line will appear “阿尔法奥数网校 ALPHA”again?

1. 阿尔法奥数网校 ALPHA

2. 尔法奥数网校阿 LPHAA

3. 法奥数网校阿尔 PHAAL

4. 奥数网校阿尔法 HAALP

5. 数网校阿尔法奥 AALPH

17.以照以下的规律,第几行会再次出现“我很热爱奥数 LOVEMATH”?According to the
following rules, which line will appear "“我很热爱奥数 LOVEMATH” again?

1. 我很热爱奥数 LOVEMATH

2. 很热爱奥数我 OVEMATHL

3. 热爱奥数我很 VEMATHLO

4. 爱奥数我很热 EMATHLOV

5. 奥数我很热爱 MATHLOVE

. HARDWORK”?According to the
following rules, which line will appear “我是乖同学 HARDWORK”again?
1. 我是乖同学 HARDWORK

2. 是乖同学我 ARDWORKH

3. 乖同学我是 RDWORKHA

4. 同学我是乖 DWORKHAR

5. 学我是乖同 WORKHARD

Alpha Olympiad Mathematics- 阿尔法数学奥林匹克网校 负责老师:姚伟雄老师(012-9373346) 8
AOMATH 下册: 公因数与公倍数 C5

19. 用长 14cm、宽 8cm 的长方形纸张拼排成一个正方形,所拼排成的正方形边长最小为

多少 cm?Use rectangular paper with a length of 14 cm and a width of 8 cm to form a square.
What is the minimum side length of the square formed?

20. 用长 12cm、宽 22cm 的长方形纸张拼排成一个正方形,所拼排成的正方形边长最小

为多少 cm?Use rectangular paper with a length of 12cm and a width of 22cm to form a square.
What is the minimum side length of the square?

21. 用长 4cm、宽 6cm、宽 10cm 的长方体排成一个正方体,所拼排成的正方体边长最小

为多少 cm?

22. 用长 4cm、宽 6cm、宽 10cm 的长方体排成一个正方体,所拼排成的正方体边长最小

为多少 cm?If a cube is formed from cuboids with a length of 4cm, a width of 6cm, and a width
of 10cm, what is the minimum side length of the cube?

Alpha Olympiad Mathematics- 阿尔法数学奥林匹克网校 负责老师:姚伟雄老师(012-9373346) 9

AOMATH 下册: 公因数与公倍数 C5

23. 图书馆里有很多故事书,如果把 126 本故事书借出,平均分给 2A 班的每一位同学

后还剩下 1 本;如果把 96 本故事书借出平均分给每一位同学,则差 4 本;如果借出 70
本,平分给每一位同学,则差 5 本。这班最多有多少人?There are a lot of story books in
the library. If 126 story books are borrowed out, there will be 1 book left after the average
distribution to each student in class 2A; if 96 story books are loaned out to each student on
average there will be a lack of 4 books; if 70 books are lent out and distributed equally to each
student there will be a lack of 5 books. How many people are there at most in this class?

24. 老师把几种口味的糖果分给同班同学,如果把 94 颗榴莲口味的糖果平均分给每一位

同学,则差 2 颗,如果把 49 颗咖啡口味的糖果平均分给每一位同学,则剩下 1 颗,如
果把 59 颗咖啡口味的糖果平均分给每一位同学,则差 5 颗。问:这班最多有多少人?
The teacher distributes candies of several flavors to the classmates. If 94 durian-flavored
candies are distributed equally to each student there will be a lack of 2 candies If 49 coffee-
flavored candies are distributed to each student on average, then there will be 1 left. If 59
coffee-flavored candies are distributed equally to each student there will be a lack of 5 candies.
How many people are there at most in this class?

Alpha Olympiad Mathematics- 阿尔法数学奥林匹克网校 负责老师:姚伟雄老师(012-9373346) 10

AOMATH 下册: 公因数与公倍数 C5

25. 妈妈到孤儿院做善事,当妈妈把 93 盒饼干平分给小朋友时,则少了 3 盒,当妈妈

把 86 个巧克力蛋糕平分给小朋友时,则多了出 2 个蛋糕,当妈妈把 64 个饭盒干平分给
小朋友时,则多了 4 个。问:这里最多有多少个小朋友?The mother went to the
orphanage to do good deeds. When the mother distributed 93 boxes of biscuits to the children
there will be a lack of 3 boxes. When the mother distributed 86 chocolate cakes to the children,
there were 2 more cakes left. When mother gave 64 lunch boxes equally distributed to the
children, there are 4 more lunch boxes left. How many children are there at most in the


Alpha Olympiad Mathematics- 阿尔法数学奥林匹克网校 负责老师:姚伟雄老师(012-9373346) 11

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