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Nompilo Kholeka Gcaleka Curriculum Vitae ProFile ‘ard member ofthe international Ombudsman nut ‘Aetng Chairperson of the Arcan Ombudeman Reach Centre (RORC) Co-author ofthe aca Per Review Mechanism South Ares, Experienced Legal Adviser nd Senior tate Advocate Former Senior Deputy Decora able Prosecutions ‘amited Advocate of the High Court f South Aten Fermer National Chaireron ofthe Society of State Aaocates of Sau atria Member ofthe South sean Womens Lawyers Aesociation oo bee oe To tiee my legat seamen and experience in he advancement of good Strategic human resources management, ahing deveopment end Inowiedge management and development in ICT forthe ngroverent of the organization orm and substance \ am an entering and astute egal profesional with 3 combined 19, yeas of fgal advisory, ledersNp execute, and puble proseewions “aperence. began my jure a the Public Protector South Aran 3 ‘the Deputy Pbte Protector ands of 3 hone 2022, have Bee the ting Pubic Protector of the Republic of South zc, Sere and Admiitvation where | advised on administration lel pokey, satay, compllance and governance. Prior to ths, (was the Specs Advise tothe Minster nthe Minty of Home Affairs withthe Sore cuties inci asin on shareholeroversigt on al OCs under ve ban 2 Spell Adviser to the Minster a the Department of Home ‘Mfrs where | advised on edmintation, legal poly, sratey, Compliance and governance Prior oth, | wat the Spe Advert the "Minster inthe Mins of France with he same duties including ang ‘shareholder oversght nal OCs under the Department of Finance "have seong acumen in proving iigaton ana lg airy services to the exec, senor government olla, department, and Worked the NPA for over 2 yor, PERSCNAL DETALS South ican Isbin, zo, Seswana, Ssoth,Enlsh & ‘eksans Masters in ber Seity Govenance Unt Commerc aw Universi of okanresburg Matriuate Lite ower High Shoat OPO CCOURSES/CeRTCATION Meal & Pubic wring advertising, news tending, presenting) — 2000 Communeation andthe Medi — 2001 Busines Developmantin the Communty TV hid aw = 2008: Sonal offenders ~ 2005 Psychology andthe aw 2006, DNA testing and ana — 2006 Fraud and Corupten —2007 Human Trafking (nding Immigration Laws) ‘organizes by SADC ~ 2007 Enpoyee Wee nH 620078208 Cosehng and Mentrng ~2012 Investigating Cases of Seual and Gender-ased ondcting Commision of Ener (ees of SSenocse\war mes) 2013, bow Relstons 12 Diverty Management ~ 2013 2nd 2015 (hid Pomogrepiy and Cybercrime 2015, PROFESSIONAL SKIS Negotatin/Mediton Legal Wetingané Dang expertise Lngation Publ Prosecutions sate eaderhig | have ben involve in the ow ad sratege development, governance, nd panning envionment tnavean excelent rack record andcompetenses nein ci labour fand_conmerdol lew. My acumen stent legal complance, tovernane, legal writing, dating of contact, Ary, andra "have sol strategy formulation, an erganztinal management sa ith the unique sity to work with stakeholders the design and Implementation of ga solution 3¢ well as the by to execute tvougN people PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Postion: —_Aetng Publi Protetor Inetion: Publ Protector South Aes Petod: January 2021 ~Morch 2021, Shue 221 date Seepe of Work Done + esfrmed my functions a the Acting Pu Protector, as ‘entrastea tome bythe Consttution and National epson 1+ Recount tothe tional Assembly + Toivestisation manage contol snd ec anor fate the resolution ofcomplains pertaining tothe Publi Proxecor’s ‘mandate reas as eninge ners of sector (0 68) (Gh aed 6) of the Ato wl a aan lgition intorming the Public Prteco's mandate a ersaged Section 1821) of ating asthe Execute Authorty and Accounting Authority of Pub Protector south Avian ter ofthe Pub Protector Act eae wth the IreatryReplations for Deparment, Ted, Ents, onstitoralnstrutons and Public Enis, + Ensuring acces othe Puble Protector inte of 182 of ho Interest ad enaring public intrest, Evaluate te performance ofthe PPSA aint the trate lan, Inetrion: Publ Protector South Bea Period: February 2020 date Scope of Work Done Proud step advice on policy issues and programme decisions. Provide options. for ection. incdng. potental take and Conzequences, to eneice an Informed dean by the. Puble Estabtsh postive and effective relationships and collaborating with fatehowers and ci society. Develop business pons and srateles for ofce that support the Inetttioralagends over the long ter Commitee on tapiton nd Poles rom ‘amber ofthe Iveta egal Serves ad Knowadge Management nd legs Research Units and ranches, n my capacty 35 be Deputy able Protector to amongst others, Review and daft proposals forte {amendment of the Publ Prtecte Ae + Revie anda the standards cperatng procedures or vestigation prceze fhe PubiePretecor + Oeilop sn guideline forthe exrie of the PubieProtectors powers to cond search snd sesure of evidence, 4 Revise interal erate document, Inter formatting of formalin nd adiscry reports 5 walls nerveson Leste egatresearch and dating ot ‘mendeents tothe Pub Protector At lahich ace intended to improve the Ack by frhancing the operations ofthe Otic Public Protector vera while ipportng the ty ofthe Public Protector to pursue her Constitutens mandate tt flit and to South fries, The motwatd ution on ‘the legal nasi ad proposals fr Protector Amendment il hve been ened of and iscurrerey with the Miniter af Isis and Correctional Services or rocesing by the Deparment of tien cordance wth thelegsatve process map. (Sef service Fora and develo of the Remedial Acton poral ‘+ stabishment ofthe Charge Management + Esabishment ofthe enterse Resource Planing (ERP Busnes ese sablshment ofthe Ebr + Poly for Reviews on investors card ember of the ternsios! COmbudemaninsitteOt a member ofthe United Nations Working Group ofthe 1k ‘ating Csiperion ofthe Arean “Ombudsman feserch Cer ROR) Non-Executive Bard Drector of arate ManeteAcacemic Hospital 20112014 National Charperson ofthe Society of State ‘dvocates of South Arie 2010-2012 + Champion and parciat incorporate satin. 1 Implement Fue Protector SA poses and deciion, eaing and Siecting stat, and ensurng acts ae algned with the Public Protectors sate open. ‘+ Ensrethe PPSH's structure systems and roceses under my onto enable staff to allecinely and etelety implement programs and «+ Enoring the haan fia inormation aed program resources under ry contr are masimize and effete managed to meet gal ‘+ Modeling sound Conztatonl srvcedevery ales, 1 Fosterlesderah ails throughout te organation nd ensuring tat human eroure management plane meet fue resource aad + Emre imerntional and reponl co-operation + Oversee the opeatonsof the Conpiint and Stakeholder “Managersnt Branch inducing provincial tandardsation (Lertake, prope sessment too flefl and eat eesolton, tea eutorner serve {tovenance proceres nal ofce of Pub Protector South ae. + Chie erage Digute Resotion and signing of Settement ‘Aareerents and Complance thereto Poon: Special dizer to Minter Department: Deparment of Public Service and Administration Scope of Work Done: “+ Advising the Minter on administration leg pot, compkance, ‘Adminstration Adviing on the Daitration business care of Pub Serce and Adriniraton Stakeholder interaction ‘+ Adina on oversight over the Government pining works a Postion: Special Adviser to Minister Deparment: Oeparimentof ance Petog: YAprI2017 28 Febuary 2038 Scape of Work Done: + Adie the Minster on Legal, Administration, Governace,Suatsy, Poe, easton ana Camtance Adie on the Reguntons othe Franc neligence Cente ct Leste interentont on Finacial poe ae Tasation Adie on dratng of the Tin Peaks Regulations on Financ Services Board and the South Aan Raserve Bank ‘arsed on araturg of shareholder Compacts ‘dre the Deputy Minter on his delegated tes ‘COMFERENCES PREPARED FOR, ATTENDED AND, PARTICIPATED ‘+ Arma esting of he 01 Board Decors Viena, Asta on 7-11 May 2023, 1+ Annual BHF Conference The Constitution and protec te terest fhe healt ctaen 15 1+ ational ress cus discussion evening -The Aube Protector 2 vanguard of South Me's Constitutional Democracy 27 Yearson27 March 2023 1+ Seateg Planing ofthe NHTL and khsean Leaders ertabisimentandcatalvang statehelder parreraips forthe Beef of {eadtona connie. 23:26 ania) 2023 ‘Theimpact ofthe Fe a6 consiaons) ‘nattuton a South Alea +2425 lamry 1+ txerationl Conference The Future of rman igen the 238 Century = 312 January 203, Ankara Turkey 1+ ube Serves Commi -Inenationsl ect and btnees told pltal eaders srapublioffcals to secount othe cite former action= @ December 2022 + Gis white blower protection week The Support ae ecsyter- Whisiblowing as an Sntcrrption tool ~ 5-9 December 2022 1+ Gauteng ies havsry Counc ~ Proposes DAezountabilty regarding he Alepatons of Corruption within the GER? December 2022 + Oepareen of Ean Development, Tourism pd Environmental tere 26 1 Oeparment of Public serie and amination The Capacity Sats 2nd Impacto Oversight bok in erhancng goverment performance ord service deiery {ood Governance in A pu Schols 31 (ctobar 2022 + Conference on the Unite Nations Convention seas Contin, “+ Aa Froscitors Atocton Aon Gane ewig heldn Morambaque 2010 Combating Corruption in Area by Aes Prosciors ‘Assocition held in Suth Alien Department: Department of Home ars ‘Scope of Work Done: 1 ovis the Minster on Lega, Adminstration, Governance, State, + noted in rafting te Seater Management Author i + Aavising on the Repastioning of Home Aas ito 2 secunty deoartment + Ade on oversight onthe tte Owned Companies nd Government Postion: Senior Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions {OoputyHesd of South Gauteng Ovison) Ingetion: Nationa Proseeuting Author Periods June 2011-31 October 2016 ‘Scope of Work Done: 1 Pesfrm al utes ating with dates of Senior Managers within he 1+ Decision malig in Prosecutor Deisins within the South Gavtene + Head of Specialize Prosecution in the South Gauteng Dion + Represented NPAin the Law Reform Commision on Cyber Crimes and yer Security, Child Pornography and Tricking Persons 1+ Member ofthe NPA Navona Sex! Ofences Tsk Team Team on Sexal Offences and Homan Trafickne + Responsbe forthe operations of the High court and Lower cousin the South Gacterg Dison; + Asited inthe Extabishnent of Palmsge Mapistrates Court 1 Assisted Eablatment of Oeugnated Sua Offences Couns in South 1 Member ofthe Bid evalution commie of nes Chambers Buldng Project 1+ Project Manager forthe lustice Mining Recordin South Gavtene 1 Managed the project onthe Tranter of Agpea Records from Lower ours to High Courts “+ Ghaportn ofthe Horh Wert Province Performance Moderation ‘Commas patina intervention team) “+ Liigate on Cat matters deriving fom crmialprocesings where the NPA and Minster of ste are ted, ‘+ Parisgate in Cour effcerey meeting and Provincial Stakeholder vec ‘+ Edsating Communities on Senual and ender Based olen ana Abu and accesso utes: + Ooing awareness fhe funeining ofthe exinalusic stem; 1 Altend to Appest ard Rapresertations: + conducting Training nthe Dion of Prosestrs, members ofthe + All Chicren and Vlnrabe groups related mates and Substance soos + Cid Porograoy and Cybercrime: 1 _Tateing in person Human sulin using ‘+ Mutual Legal Assistance and Extractions (highly involved with other counties) peal: + Review Opions: 1 rating eta Opinions tothe Director of Public Prosecutions; ‘Choiberson of he Raid Response Tas team and Gauteng Inston: National Protecting Asthorty Peviog: August 2008- May 2013 ‘Scop of Work Done Prosecuting Criminal Ofences; ‘tending to metion court ‘Arguing Crinal Appeals in High Cour: Handling representations fom the publ and fom the offce ofthe minster ofusiee, Deasion making and dating of ndcumens and ober ulin invertiation: Mat! Lega Assistance and avadiions; Mental Cases (mently dete) Guide and Ast mir Rovere [env Exporure to Senior Management dis Potion: Junio State Aocate Inathution: tonal roreciting Raho Peviod: October 2006 ly 2008 ‘Scope of Work Done: 4 reseetng Ciminal Offences; wing Lega Opinions; + wring hee of arguments 1 Arguing CminlAppeasin Wh Court Minter of rte, + Oscision mating and dating of Indcments and other Lagat document 1 Giving intron to investing Oi: Mental ates (mental aetected Postion: Spell Prosecutor n Seu Offences Period: ‘anuaty 2005- September 2006, Postion; Aspirant Prosecutor Dstt Court Prosecutor Inettion: atonal Prosecuting Authorty Company: Lk esis sno Peri: 2000-2001 1. Profesor Bongan histopher Moola 2. prof Managay Redd ‘cig Deputy Vice-Chancellor and ‘ting Head: Coleg of Law and Management Sties Unies of KwaZule Natal nal 2. wrenefied Preset iteratonl Ombosiman ne Ena

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