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R-RDTA 9238: 2017 International Comparison Program for Asia and the Pacific Regional Results

About the International Comparison Program

The International Comparison Program (ICP) is the largest worldwide data collection initiative, implemented under the guidance of the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) with
the objective of producing comparable price and volume measures of national accounts aggregates across the economies of the world. Along with purchasing power parities (PPPs), the ICP
produces price level indexes (PLIs) and other comparable aggregates of gross domestic product (GDP) expenditure and its components.

More specifically, the PPPs are used to compute real measures of GDP, its main aggregates, and selected expenditure aggregates at level below the main aggregates. The main aggregates include
individual consumption expenditure by households (ICEH) and nonprofit institutions serving households (NPISH), individual consumption expenditure by government (ICEG), collective
consumption expenditure by government (CCEG), government final consumption expenditure (GFCE), gross capital formation (GCF), gross fixed capital formation (GFCF), changes in
inventories, acquisitions less disposals of valuables, and balance of exports and imports. These measures allow more meaningful inter-economy comparisons, as they correct for distortions
due to differences in the price levels between economies.

The International Comparison Program in Asia and the Pacific

The Asian Development Bank (ADB), through its Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, has been the regional implementing agency (RIA) of the ICP for Asia and
the Pacific since the 2005 ICP round. ADB in its capacity as the RIA was responsible for coordinating with the 22 economies that participated in the 2017 ICP. These 22 economies are:
Bangladesh; Bhutan; Brunei Darussalam; Cambodia; Fiji; Hong Kong, China; India; Indonesia; the Lao People's Democratic Republic; Malaysia; Maldives; Mongolia; Myanmar; Nepal; Pakistan;
the People's Republic of China; the Philippines; Singapore; Sri Lanka; Taipei,China; Thailand; and Viet Nam.

Concepts and Measures

Purchasing Power Parity The amount of currency units required to purchase a common basket of goods and services in an economy that can be purchased with one
unit of the reference currency in the reference economy.
Price Level Index The ratio of PPP to exchange rate with respect to a common reference currency. PLI expresses the general price level in an economy as
percentage of reference economy’s price level and shows how the price levels of economies compare with each other. The PLI of the reference
economy is 100. A PLI greater than 100 means that when the national average prices are converted at exchange rates, the resulting prices
tend to be higher on average than prices in the reference economy.
Real Expenditure Expenditure in the currency units of an economy converted to a common currency by dividing the expenditure by its corresponding PPP,
and hence, valued at a uniform price level across economies.
Nominal Expenditure Expenditure in the currency units of an economy converted to a common currency using the exchange rate of a reference economy without
adjusting for the differences in prices of goods and services across economies.
Per Capita Expenditure Total expenditure divided by the total population of a given economy. Per capita expenditure measures the standard of living in an economy.
This can be expressed either in real or nominal terms.
Per Capita Relative Expenditure Per capita expenditure that has been converted to the relative units of the reference economy by (i) dividing the per capita expenditure of
a given economy by the per capita expenditure of the reference economy and (ii) multiplying by 100.
Transitivity An important property of PPP whereby the direct PPP between any two economies yields the same result as an indirect comparison via
any other economy.
Base Economy Invariance The property under which the relativities between the PPPs, PLIs, and volume indexes of economies are not affected by the choice of
reference economy or currency.
Economy Share to Asia and the Pacific An economy's real or nominal expenditures for an aggregate, expressed as a percentage of the total real or nominal expenditure of all
participating economies in Asia and the Pacific.
Shares of Nominal Expenditure An aggregate's nominal expenditure as a percentage of the total nominal expenditure within the economy.

Data and Sources

This file has two tables: one for the 2017 ICP results and second for 2011 ICP (revised) results. Each table contains indicators on PPPs, PLIs, and GDP and its components such as ICEH and
NPISH, ICEG, CCEG, GFCE, GCF, GFCF, changes in inventories, acquisitions less disposals of valuables, balance of exports and imports, and lower levels of national accounts aggregates. In
addition to these, actual individual consumption by households (AICH), which is the aggregate of ICEH, NPISH, and ICEG, is also presented. The five components of AICH are (i) housing, water,
electricity, gas and other fuels; (ii) health; (iii) recreation and culture; (iv) education; and (v) miscellaneous goods and services. In contrast, expenditures for the other AICH components of
food and nonfood household consumption are incurred by households only. Results are also presented for another broad aggregate called “domestic absorption,” which represents the domestic
expenditures as aggregate of AICH, CCEG, GFCF, changes in inventories, and acquisitions less disposals of valuables.

The 2017 ICP results are compiled with Hong Kong, China as the reference economy and the Hong Kong dollar as the reference currency. The PPPs for the expenditures aggregates at all levels
were derived using the Gini-Éltető-Köves-Szulc (GEKS) method. The real expenditure for each aggregate is derived by dividing the nominal expenditures estimated in local currency units by
a PPP that is specific to that aggregate, so real expenditure for such an aggregate may not equal the total of its components’ real expenditures within an economy. Some PPPs presented are
reference PPPs. For the detailed list of reference PPPs, see Appendix 5 of the 2017 ICP Main Report for Asia and the Pacific. When an economy is not able to provide prices for any of the items
for any category corresponding to the available GDP expenditures, the PPP for this category is estimated using gap-filling techniques based on country-product-dummy (CPD) by the RIA.

The 2011 revised results are based on revisions in the 2011 estimates of GDP, population, refinements in the methodology for estimating productivity adjustment factors, changes in some
reference PPPs, and changes in ICP classification.

The results presented in these tables are produced by the ICP RIA for Asia and the Pacific, based on data supplied by all the participating economies, and in accordance with the methodology
recommended by the ICP Technical Advisory Group and approved by the Asia and the Pacific Regional Advisory Board. As such, these results are not produced by participating economies as
part of the economies’ official statistics.
Expenditure Categories
Gross domestic product (GDP) Actual individual consumption by households (AICH) at purchasers’ prices plus collective consumption expenditure by
government (CCEG) at purchasers’ prices plus gross capital formation (GCF) at purchasers’ prices plus the free on board
(FOB) value of exports of goods and services less the FOB value of imports of goods and services.
Actual individual consumption by households (AICH) The total value of the individual consumption expenditures by households (ICEH), nonprofit institutions serving households
(NPISH), and individual consumption expenditure by government (ICEG) at purchasers’ prices.
Food and non-alcoholic beverages Household expenditure on food products and non-alcoholic beverages purchased for consumption at home. It excludes
expenditures on food products and non-alcoholic beverages sold for immediate consumption away from home by hotels,
restaurants, cafés, bars, kiosks, street vendors, automatic vending machines, and other vendors; cooked dishes prepared by
restaurants for consumption off their premises; cooked dishes prepared by catering contractors, whether collected by the
customer or delivered to the customer’s home; and products sold specifically as pet foods.
Food Household expenditure on food products purchased for consumption at home. It excludes food products sold for immediate
consumption away from the home by hotels, restaurants, cafés, bars, kiosks, street vendors, automatic vending machines, etc.;
cooked dishes prepared by restaurants for consumption off their premises; cooked dishes prepared by catering contractors,
whether collected by the customer or delivered to the customer’s home; and products sold specifically as pet food.
Bread and cereals Household expenditure on rice; other cereals, flour, and other cereal products; bread; other bakery products; and pasta
products and couscous, purchased for consumption at home.
Meat Household expenditure on fresh, chilled, frozen, preserved or processed animals and poultry meat purchased for consumption
as food at home. It also includes animals and poultry purchased live for consumption as food.
Fish and seafood Household expenditure on fresh, chilled, frozen, preserved or processed fish and seafood purchased for consumption as food
at home. It also includes fish and seafood (such as crustaceans, molluscs and other shellfish, sea snails, land crabs, land snails
and frogs) purchased live for consumption as food.
Milk, cheese and eggs Household expenditure on fresh or preserved milk, other milk products such as soya milk, cheese and curd; and egg including
egg-based products purchased for consumption as food at home.
Oils and fats Household expenditure on butter, margarine and other vegetable fats such as peanut butter; and other edible oils and fats
purchased for consumption as food at home.
Fruit Household expenditure on fresh, chilled, frozen, preserved or processed fruit and fruit-based products purchased for
consumption as food at home.
Vegetables Household expenditure on fresh, chilled, frozen, preserved or processed vegetable and vegetable-based products purchased
for consumption as food at home.
Sugar, jam, honey, chocolate and confectionery Household expenditure on sugar and artificial sugar substitutes; jams, marmalades and honey; and chocolate, confectionery
and ice cream purchased for consumption at home.
Food products n.e.c. Household expenditure on sauces and condiments; salt, spices and culinary herbs; baby food; ready-made meals when the price
only covers the cost of the product; and other food products not elsewhere classified purchased for consumption at home.
Non-alcoholic beverages Household expenditure on non-alcoholic beverages purchased for consumption at home. It excludes non-alcoholic beverages
sold for immediate consumption away from home by hotels, restaurants, cafés, bars, kiosks, street vendors, automatic vending
machines, and other vendors.
Alcoholic beverages, tobacco and narcotics Household expenditure on alcoholic beverages purchased for consumption at home. It includes low or non-alcoholic beverages
that are generally alcoholic such as non-alcoholic beer, and excludes alcoholic beverages sold for immediate consumption
away from the home by hotels, restaurants, cafés, bars, kiosks, street vendors, automatic vending machines, and other
vendors; and household expenditure on tobacco (which covers all purchases of tobacco, including purchases of tobacco in
cafés, bars, restaurants, and service stations).
Alcoholic beverages Household expenditure on alcoholic beverages purchased for consumption at home. It includes low or non-alcoholic beverages
which are generally alcoholic such as non-alcoholic beer, and excludes alcoholic beverages sold for immediate consumption
away from the home by hotels, restaurants, cafés, bars, kiosks, street vendors, automatic vending machines, and other vendors.
Tobacco and narcotics Household expenditure on tobacco, including purchases of tobacco in cafés, bars, restaurants, service stations; and narcotics.
Clothing and footwear Household expenditure on clothing materials; other articles of clothing and clothing accessories; garments for men, women,
children, and infants; cleaning, repair, and hire of clothing; all footwear for men, women, children, and infants; and repair
and hire of footwear.
Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels Household expenditure on actual and imputed rentals for housing; maintenance and repair of the dwelling; water supply and
miscellaneous services related to the dwelling; and electricity, gas, and other fuels plus expenditure by NPISH on housing
plus ICEG on housing services provided to individuals.
Furnishings, household equipment and routine household Household expenditure on furniture and furnishings; carpets and other floor coverings; repair of furniture, furnishings and
maintenance floor coverings; household textiles; household appliances; glassware, tableware, and household utensils; tools and equipment
for house and garden; and goods and services for routine household maintenance.
Health Household expenditure on pharmaceuticals; medical products, appliances, and equipment; outpatient services; and hospital
services plus expenditure of NPISH on health plus ICEG on health benefits and reimbursements, and the production of
health services.
Transportation Household expenditure on purchase of vehicles, operation of personal transport equipment, and transport services.
Expenditure Categories
Purchase of vehicles Household expenditure on purchase of new and second-hand motor cars; motor cycles of all types, scooters and powered
bicycles; bicycles and tricycles of all types; and animal-drawn vehicles, which include animals required to draw the vehicles
and related equipment such as yokes, collars, harnesses, bridles, and reins.
Transport services Household expenditure on purchases of transport services classified by mode of transport; cost of meals, snacks, drinks,
refreshments or accommodation services must be included if covered by the fare and not separately priced. It includes school
transport services but excludes ambulance services and package holidays.
Communication Household expenditure on postal services, telephone and telefax equipment, and telephone and telefax services.
Recreation and culture Household expenditure on audiovisual, photographic, and information processing equipment; other major durables for recreation
and culture; other recreational items and equipment; gardens and pets; recreational and cultural services; newspapers, books,
and stationery; and package holidays plus expenditure by NPISH on recreation and culture plus ICEG on recreation and culture.
Education Household expenditure on pre-primary, primary, secondary, post-secondary, and tertiary education plus expenditure of NPISH
on education plus ICEG on education benefits and reimbursements and the production of education services.
Restaurants and hotels Household expenditure on food products and beverages sold for immediate consumption away from the home by hotels,
restaurants, cafés, bars, kiosks, street vendors, automatic vending machines, and other vendors (including cooked dishes
prepared by restaurants for consumption off their premises and cooked dishes prepared by catering contractors, whether
collected by the customer or delivered to the customer’s home) and household expenditure on accommodation services
provided by hotels and similar establishments.
Miscellaneous goods and services Household expenditure on personal care, personal effects, social protection, insurance, and financial and other services plus
expenditure by NPISH on social protection and other services plus ICEG on social protection.
Net purchases abroad Purchases by residential households in the rest of the world (as tourists, people traveling on business, and government officials,
crews, border and seasonal workers, diplomatic and military personal stationed abroad) less purchases by nonresidential
households in the economic territory of the country (as tourists, people traveling on business, and government officials, crews,
border and seasonal workers, diplomatic and military personal stationed abroad). Zero expenditure values for ‘Net purchases
abroad’ may imply that this expenditure category is allocated under other GDP expenditure components based on the best
judgments of the implementing agencies of the participating economies.
Individual consumption expenditure by government (ICEG) The total value of actual and imputed final consumption expenditures incurred by government on individual goods and
services. These include expenditures incurred by the government considered to be individual services such as housing, health,
recreation and culture, education, and social protection.
Collective consumption expenditure by government (CCEG) The final consumption expenditure of government on collective services or the service provided by the government
simultaneously to all members of the community.
Gross capital formation (GCF) The total value of expenditure on gross fixed capital formation (GFCF), changes in inventories, and acquisitions less disposals
of valuables.
Gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) The total value of acquisitions less disposals of fixed assets by resident institutional units during the accounting period plus
the additions to the value of nonproduced assets realized by the productive activity of resident institutional units.
Machinery and equipment Capital expenditure on fabricated metal products, electrical and optical equipment, general-purpose machinery,
special-purpose machinery, and transport equipment.
Construction Capital expenditure on the construction of new structures and renovation of existing structures. Structures include residential
buildings, nonresidential buildings, and civil engineering works.
Other products Capital expenditure on furniture and other manufactured goods; computer software that a producer expects to use in
production for more than one year; plantation, orchard, and vineyard development; change in stocks including breeding stock,
draught animals, dairy cattle, and animals raised for wool clippings; land improvement, including dams and dikes that are part
of flood control and irrigation projects; mineral exploration; acquisition of entertainment, literary, or artistic originals; and
other intangible fixed assets such as research and development, weapons and ammunition; and ownership transfer costs on
nonproduced assets, including ownership transfer costs relating to land.
Changes in inventories The value of physical change in inventories of raw materials, supplies and finished goods held by producers; inventories of
goods acquired for resale by wholesalers and retailers; inventories of all goods stored by government; work-in-progress in
manufacturing, construction and service industries; work-in-progress on cultivated assets (e.g., the natural growth prior to
harvest of agricultural crops, vineyards, orchards, plantations and timber tracts and the natural growth in livestock raised
for slaughter).
Acquisitions less disposals of valuables Acquisitions of valuables (produced assets, such as nonmonetary gold, precious stones, antiques, paintings, sculptures and
other art objects, that are not used primarily for production or consumption but purchased and held as stores of value) less
disposals of valuables.
Balance of exports and imports The FOB value of exports of goods and services less the FOB value of imports of goods and services.
Individual consumption expenditure by households (ICEH) The total value of actual and imputed final consumption expenditures incurred by households and NPISH for goods and services
consumed by the households on housing, health, recreation and culture, education, and social protection and other services. It
also includes expenditures on individual goods and services sold at prices that are not economically significant.
Individual consumption expenditure by households (ICEH) ICEH and NPISH, without actual and imputed rentals for housing and excluding expenditure by NPISH on housing.
without housing
Government final consumption expenditure (GFCE) The total value of actual and imputed final consumption expenditures incurred by government on individual goods and services
and final consumption expenditure of government on collective services.
Domestic absorption AICH at purchasers’ prices plus CCEG at purchasers’ prices plus GFCF at purchasers’ prices plus changes in inventories, and
acquisitions less disposals of valuables.
2017 International Comparison Program for Asia and the Pacific
Indonesia, 2017
Per Capita Nominal
Purchasing Real Expenditure Per Capita Real Expenditure Nominal Expenditure Nominal PLIs
Expenditure Expenditure
Expenditure Category Power Parities Expenditure
Economy Shares Index Economy Shares Index (billion LCU)
(HK$ = 1.00) (HK$ billion) HK$ (HK$ billion) HK$ Shares, (%) (HKG = 100) (AP = 100)
to AP, (%) (AP = 100) to AP, (%) (AP = 100)
Gross Domestic Product 781.12 17,394.5 7.49 66,419 108 7,913.4 5.32 30,217 77 100.00 45 71 13,587,212.60
Actual Individual Consumption by Householdsa 780.92 10,578.0 7.88 40,391 114 4,811.1 6.10 18,371 88 60.80 45 77 8,260,567.38
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 1,029.47 2,335.1 8.50 8,916 123 1,400.1 8.91 5,346 129 17.69 60 105 2,403,877.11
 Food 1,021.42 2,100.0 7.88 8,019 114 1,249.3 8.29 4,770 120 15.79 59 105 2,145,012.46
  Bread and cereals 1,209.55 468.9 8.44 1,791 122 330.4 9.64 1,261 139 4.17 70 114 567,208.37
  Meat 982.41 350.7 8.23 1,339 119 200.7 7.24 766 105 2.54 57 88 344,519.15
  Fish and seafood 737.53 402.0 14.47 1,535 209 172.7 12.45 659 180 2.18 43 86 296,497.39
  Milk, cheese and eggs 977.77 251.1 7.00 959 101 143.0 7.93 546 115 1.81 57 113 245,509.49
  Oils and fats 1,318.37 73.9 7.65 282 111 56.7 8.67 217 125 0.72 77 113 97,405.48
  Fruit 1,089.77 190.8 6.52 729 94 121.1 7.67 463 111 1.53 63 118 207,978.23
  Vegetables 1,163.52 134.0 3.08 512 44 90.8 4.60 347 66 1.15 68 149 155,946.75
  Sugar, jam, honey, chocolate and confectionery 1,028.92 78.9 10.53 301 152 47.3 12.28 181 177 0.60 60 117 81,191.94
  Food products n.e.c. 838.67 177.4 9.86 677 142 86.6 8.01 331 116 1.09 49 81 148,755.64
 Non-alcoholic beverages 1,163.38 222.5 23.30 850 337 150.8 23.24 576 336 1.91 68 100 258,864.66
Alcoholic beverages, tobacco and narcotics 959.33 602.1 23.87 2,299 345 336.4 18.42 1,285 266 4.25 56 77 577,637.00
 Alcoholic beverages 2,291.06 4.9 0.95 19 14 6.6 1.22 25 18 0.08 133 128 11,316.58
 Tobacco and narcotics 508.16 1,114.5 37.67 4,255 545 329.8 25.61 1,259 370 4.17 30 68 566,320.43
Clothing and footwear 1,070.50 255.1 5.11 974 74 159.1 4.28 607 62 2.01 62 84 273,097.91
Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuelsa 451.72 1,545.4 6.81 5,901 98 406.6 3.79 1,553 55 5.14 26 56 698,108.62
Furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance 1,000.08 333.1 8.11 1,272 117 194.0 6.19 741 89 2.45 58 76 333,094.87
Healtha 423.42 858.9 3.57 3,280 52 211.8 2.35 809 34 2.68 25 66 363,688.33
Transportation 906.71 1,222.3 8.86 4,667 128 645.5 8.34 2,465 121 8.16 53 94 1,108,299.62
 Purchase of vehicles 1,897.15 160.5 5.65 613 82 177.3 7.18 677 104 2.24 110 127 304,481.48
 Transport services 837.69 451.7 9.99 1,725 144 220.4 9.93 842 144 2.78 49 99 378,399.34
Communication 1,074.36 286.8 8.31 1,095 120 179.5 7.80 685 113 2.27 63 94 308,171.43
Recreation and culturea 1,284.49 280.2 7.13 1,070 103 209.6 6.08 801 88 2.65 75 85 359,960.53
Educationa 403.71 1,707.3 9.28 6,519 134 401.4 5.03 1,533 73 5.07 24 54 689,268.50
Restaurants and hotels 787.72 960.7 17.79 3,668 257 440.8 12.63 1,683 183 5.57 46 71 756,765.63
Miscellaneous goods and servicesa 925.59 419.8 3.12 1,603 45 226.3 2.26 864 33 2.86 54 72 388,597.83
Net purchases abroad 1,716.98 – – – – – – – – – 100 100 –
Individual Consumption Expenditure by Government 491.78 960.6 5.04 3,668 73 275.1 2.43 1,051 35 3.48 29 48 472,399.00
Collective Consumption Expenditure by Government 598.80 1,272.8 8.40 4,860 121 443.9 4.54 1,695 66 5.61 35 54 762,155.34
Gross Capital Formation 834.43 5,305.0 6.69 20,257 97 2,578.2 4.45 9,844 64 32.58 49 67 4,426,664.86
Gross fixed capital formation 830.33 5,263.7 7.02 20,099 102 2,545.5 4.63 9,720 67 32.17 48 66 4,370,574.77
 Machinery and equipment 1,652.77 434.0 3.86 1,657 56 417.8 3.53 1,595 51 5.28 96 91 717,377.04
 Construction 498.40 6,588.0 9.85 25,156 142 1,912.3 5.28 7,302 76 24.17 29 54 3,283,435.90
 Other products 1,657.84 223.0 3.36 852 49 215.4 3.11 822 45 2.72 97 93 369,761.83
Changes in inventories 920.11 61.0 1.53 233 22 32.7 1.22 125 18 0.41 54 80 56,090.09
Acquisitions less disposals of valuables 1,716.98 – – – – – – – – – 100 100 –
Balance of Exports and Imports 1,716.98 80.3 3.43 307 50 80.3 3.43 307 50 1.01 100 100 137,825.02
Individual Consumption Expenditure by Householdsb 815.39 9,551.5 8.16 36,471 118 4,536.0 6.71 17,320 97 57.32 47 82 7,788,168.38
Individual Consumption Expenditure by Households without Housingb 890.67 8,202.4 8.15 31,320 118 4,254.9 7.05 16,247 102 53.77 52 87 7,305,594.75
Government Final Consumption Expenditure 550.85 2,241.2 6.65 8,558 96 719.0 3.41 2,746 49 9.09 32 51 1,234,554.34
Domestic Absorption 775.40 17,345.1 7.53 66,230 109 7,833.2 5.35 29,910 77 98.99 45 71 13,449,387.58

Reference Data
Exchange rate (LCU/HK$) 1716.98
Total Population (in million) 261.89
Population Share to AP (%) 6.92
– = magnitude equals zero; AP = Asia and the Pacific; HK$ = Hong Kong dollar; HKG = Hong Kong, China; LCU = local currency units; n.e.c. = not elsewhere classified; PLI = price level index.
Notes: Each real aggregate value is derived by using a purchasing power parity that is specific to that aggregate, so real aggregates may not sum up to the total of their real components for an economy. Nominal expenditure aggregates are the best possible estimates provided by
the participating economies, using most recent available data sources, and some of these aggregates may be different from the published expenditure estimates by the economies.
a Includes individual consumption expenditure by households, nonprofit institutions serving households, and government.
b Includes expenditure by nonprofit institutions serving households.

Sources: Asian Development Bank estimates. Data for expenditure at local currency units and mid-year population estimates were supplied by the participating economies for the International Comparison Program. For exchange rates: International Monetary Fund. International
Financial Statistics. (accessed 17 September 2019).
2017 International Comparison Program for Asia and the Pacific
Indonesia, 2011 (Revised)
Per Capita Nominal
Purchasing Real Expenditure Per Capita Real Expenditure Nominal Expenditure Nominal PLIs
Expenditure Expenditure
Expenditure Category Power Parities Expenditure
Economy Shares Index Economy Shares Index (billion LCU)
(HK$ = 1.00) (HK$ billion) HK$ (HK$ billion) HK$ Shares, (%) (HKG = 100) (AP = 100)
to AP, (%) (AP = 100) to AP, (%) (AP = 100)
Gross Domestic Product 671.29 11,666.7 8.08 48,211 119 6,950.9 6.91 28,724 102 100.00 60 86 7,831,726.00
Actual Individual Consumption by Householdsa 655.87 7,022.4 8.83 29,019 130 4,087.7 8.07 16,892 119 58.81 58 91 4,605,767.64
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 834.78 1,676.8 9.35 6,929 138 1,242.3 10.55 5,134 155 17.87 74 113 1,399,721.16
 Food 831.23 1,550.9 8.91 6,409 131 1,144.2 10.10 4,728 149 16.46 74 113 1,289,172.52
  Bread and cereals 917.57 421.1 10.72 1,740 158 342.9 12.14 1,417 179 4.93 81 113 386,407.55
  Meat 938.34 176.9 7.51 731 111 147.4 8.60 609 127 2.12 83 114 166,025.67
  Fish and seafood 575.91 312.7 17.20 1,292 253 159.8 13.80 660 203 2.30 51 80 180,062.90
  Milk, cheese and eggs 908.44 152.5 6.41 630 94 123.0 8.66 508 128 1.77 81 135 138,559.41
  Oils and fats 1,179.76 62.4 8.48 258 125 65.4 11.06 270 163 0.94 105 130 73,660.60
  Fruit 1,000.51 115.4 7.21 477 106 102.5 9.38 424 138 1.47 89 130 115,486.58
  Vegetables 624.35 135.6 4.35 560 64 75.1 5.03 310 74 1.08 55 116 84,659.68
  Sugar, jam, honey, chocolate and confectionery 871.17 54.9 8.43 227 124 42.4 11.04 175 163 0.61 77 131 47,822.38
  Food products n.e.c. 846.35 114.0 12.30 471 181 85.6 13.15 354 194 1.23 75 107 96,487.76
 Non-alcoholic beverages 892.38 123.9 21.27 512 313 98.1 21.84 405 322 1.41 79 103 110,548.64
Alcoholic beverages, tobacco and narcotics 925.53 258.1 14.86 1,067 219 212.1 17.04 876 251 3.05 82 115 238,922.37
 Alcoholic beverages 2,439.85 2.7 0.96 11 14 5.9 1.53 25 22 0.09 217 159 6,698.22
 Tobacco and narcotics 438.43 529.7 22.82 2,189 336 206.1 24.10 852 355 2.97 39 106 232,224.16
Clothing and footwear 1,157.91 151.9 4.63 628 68 156.1 5.42 645 80 2.25 103 117 175,860.06
Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuelsa 332.53 1,233.9 8.18 5,099 121 364.2 5.13 1,505 76 5.24 30 63 410,308.90
Furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance 773.61 238.7 8.83 986 130 163.9 7.46 677 110 2.36 69 84 184,625.21
Healtha 504.53 433.8 3.55 1,792 52 194.2 3.70 803 55 2.79 45 104 218,842.05
Transportation 735.38 801.9 11.71 3,314 173 523.3 11.64 2,163 171 7.53 65 99 589,664.98
 Purchase of vehicles 1,504.72 139.4 9.95 576 147 186.2 13.77 769 203 2.68 134 138 209,775.13
 Transport services 636.12 297.0 10.69 1,227 157 167.7 10.67 693 157 2.41 56 100 188,951.03
Communication 1,368.73 152.0 9.77 628 144 184.6 11.64 763 171 2.66 121 119 208,022.53
Recreation and culturea 876.29 229.7 8.40 949 124 178.6 7.46 738 110 2.57 78 89 201,286.84
Educationa 300.71 1,213.9 12.47 5,016 184 324.0 7.32 1,339 108 4.66 27 59 365,022.34
Restaurants and hotels 723.00 532.7 14.04 2,201 207 341.8 13.24 1,413 195 4.92 64 94 385,156.06
Miscellaneous goods and servicesa 661.58 345.1 5.15 1,426 76 202.7 4.14 837 61 2.92 59 80 228,335.14
Net purchases abroad 1,126.73 – – – – – – – – – 100 100 –
Individual Consumption Expenditure by Government 358.86 738.9 6.11 3,053 90 235.3 3.47 973 51 3.39 32 57 265,162.21
Collective Consumption Expenditure by Government 516.14 860.8 8.49 3,557 125 394.3 6.00 1,629 88 5.67 46 71 444,288.56
Gross Capital Formation 702.73 3,682.6 6.88 15,218 101 2,296.8 5.56 9,491 82 33.04 62 81 2,587,858.63
Gross fixed capital formation 696.19 3,521.9 7.05 14,554 104 2,176.1 5.65 8,993 83 31.31 62 80 2,451,914.02
 Machinery and equipment 1,038.22 445.1 3.96 1,839 58 410.1 3.65 1,695 54 5.90 92 92 462,113.25
 Construction 477.77 3,750.6 9.21 15,499 136 1,590.4 6.77 6,572 100 22.88 42 73 1,791,932.43
 Other products 1,019.14 194.2 5.04 802 74 175.6 4.60 726 68 2.53 90 91 197,868.34
Changes in inventories 772.60 176.0 5.58 727 82 120.7 5.02 499 74 1.74 69 90 135,944.61
Acquisitions less disposals of valuables 1,126.73 – – – – – – – – – 100 100 –
Balance of Exports and Imports 1,126.73 172.0 8.49 711 125 172.0 8.49 711 125 2.47 100 100 193,811.17
Individual Consumption Expenditure by Householdsb 689.25 6,297.5 9.15 26,024 135 3,852.4 8.78 15,920 129 55.42 61 96 4,340,605.42
Individual Consumption Expenditure by Households without Housingb 756.95 5,391.8 9.14 22,281 135 3,622.3 9.17 14,969 135 52.11 67 100 4,081,324.97
Government Final Consumption Expenditure 445.73 1,591.6 7.32 6,577 108 629.7 4.71 2,602 69 9.06 40 64 709,450.78
Domestic Absorption 656.30 11,637.8 8.06 48,092 119 6,778.9 6.88 28,013 101 97.53 58 85 7,637,914.83

Reference Data
Exchange rate (LCU/HK$) 1126.73
Total Population (in million) 241.99
Population Share to AP (%) 6.79
– = magnitude equals zero; AP = Asia and the Pacific; HK$ = Hong Kong dollar; HKG = Hong Kong, China; LCU = local currency units; n.e.c. = not elsewhere classified; PLI = price level index.
Notes: Each real aggregate value is derived by using a purchasing power parity that is specific to that aggregate, so real aggregates may not sum up to the total of their real components for an economy. Nominal expenditure aggregates are the best possible estimates provided by
the participating economies, using most recent available data sources, and some of these aggregates may be different from the published expenditure estimates by the economies.
a Includes individual consumption expenditure by households, nonprofit institutions serving households, and government.
b Includes expenditure by nonprofit institutions serving households.

Sources: Asian Development Bank estimates. Data for expenditure at local currency units and mid-year population estimates were supplied by the participating economies for the International Comparison Program. For exchange rates: International Monetary Fund. International
Financial Statistics. (accessed 17 September 2019).

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