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Paper Battery

Published on Jun 15, 2023

A paper battery is a flexible, ultra-thin energy storage and production device formed by combining carbon
nanotube s with a conventional sheet of cellulose-based paper. A paper battery acts as both a high-energy
battery and supercapacitor , combining two components that are separate in traditional electronics .This
combination allows the battery to provide both long-term, steady power production and bursts of energy.
Non-toxic, flexible paper batteries have the potential to power the next generation of electronics, medical
devices and hybrid vehicles, allowing for radical new designs and medical technologies. Paper batteries
may be folded, cut or otherwise shaped for different applications without any loss of integrity or
efficiency . Cutting one in half halves its energy production. Stacking them multiplies power output.
Early prototypes of the device are able to produce 2.5 volt s of electricity from a sample the size of a
postage stamp

Paper battery offers future power

They have produced a sample slightly larger than a postage stamp that can store enough energy to
illuminate a small light bulb. But the ambition is to produce reams of paper that could one day power a
car.Professor Robert Linhardt, of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, said the paper battery was a
glimpse into the future of power storage. The team behind the versatile paper, which stores energy like a
conventional battery, says it can also double as a capacitor capable of releasing sudden energy bursts for
high-power applications.

- As I researched paper battery, I saw that they can be used in various fields. Paper batteries are
commonly used in mobile phones, laptop computers, calculators, cameras, mice, keyboards,
Bluetooth devices, and other electronic equipment. Similarly, in medical sciences for artificial
tissues, cosmetics, medication delivery systems, and other applications. Because of its small
weight, paper batteries are employed in hybrid vehicles in automobiles and aviation.
There are numerous benefits of utilizing or creating a paper battery. It offers unique qualities such
as being more cost effective, biodegradable, and biocompatible. Paper battery can be reused and
recycled using standard paper recycling procedures. All electrolytes can be used to recharge the
paper batteries. It is long-lasting and works in a wide temperature range. It has no leakage issues
because it is designed with no leaky fluids. Due to its low resistance properties, it does not
overheat even under intense conditions. Lightweight and flexible. Paper battery with desired
shapes and sizes can be manufactured. Output voltage is customizable due to the fact that CNT
(carbon nanotubes) concentration can be varied and stacking/slicing can be changed. A 1.5V
paper battery can produce electrical energy.
The downsides are the carbon nanotubes used in paper batteries are very expensive. The paper
battery waste may damage the lungs if it is inhaled. The methods (e.g., arc discharge, CVD,
ablation, and electrolysis) used in carbon nanotube manufacturing are expensive and less
Overall, I was amazed at how the paper battery works and is made, and I saw that one of the
greatest issues plaguing the world right now is the energy crisis. Every country requires energy,
and everyone requires power. And the problem that bothers industrialized countries also bothers
developing countries like India to a far greater degree. At a time when there can't be a single day
without power, Paper Batteries can provide an entirely novel alternative.
Flexible paper batteries, which are biodegradable, lightweight, and nontoxic, have the potential to
power the next generation of future electronics, medical equipment, and hybrid vehicles, allowing
for radical new designs and, in particular, medical technology. However, India still has a long
way to go if it is to be self-sufficient in terms of energy. According to the literature, Indian
scholars possess the scientific acumen required for such innovative work. However, a lack of
facilities and financing is impeding their progress. Of course, the horizon of inquisitiveness is
infinite, and this paper is only one step in that direction.

Published on Jun 15, 2023

As corporations move rapidly toward deploying e-business systems, the lack of business intelligence
facilities in these systems prevents decision-makers from exploiting the full potential of the Internet as a
sales, marketing, and support channel.
To solve this problem, vendors are rapidly enhancing their business intelligence offerings to capture the
data flowing through e-business systems and integrate it with the information that traditional decision-
making systems manage and analyze. These enhanced business intelligence-or e-intelligence-systems
may provide significant business benefits to traditional brick-and-mortar companies as well as new dot-
com ones as they build e-business environments
Organizations have been successfully using decision-processing products, including data warehouse and
business intelligence tools, for the past several years to optimize day-to-day business operations and to
leverage enterprise-wide corporate data for a competitive advantage. The advent of the Internet and
corporate extranets has propelled many of these organizations toward the use of e-business applications to
further improve business efficiency, decrease costs and increase revenues - and to compete with new companies appearing in the marketplace.
The explosive growth in the use of e-business has led to the need for decision-processing systems to be
enhanced to capture and integrate business information flowing through e-business systems. These
systems also need to be able to apply business intelligence techniques to this captured-business
information. These enhanced decision processing systems, or E-Intelligence, have the potential to provide
significant business benefits to both traditional bricks-and-mortar companies and new companies
as they begin to exploit the power of e-business processing.

- E-intelligence systems enable internal company users, trading partners, and corporate clients to
quickly and easily access the e-business information, applications, and services they require to
compete effectively and meet consumer expectations. They provide numerous business benefits
to enterprises by leveraging the power of the Internet. For example, e-intelligence systems enable
an organization to

Having e- intelligence system helps a lot in economy especially these days. e-intelligence giving
business users a complete view of all corporate business operations and information. Help
business users make informed decisions based on accurate and consistent e-business information
that is collected and integrated from e-business applications. This business information helps
business users optimize Web-based offerings (products offered, pricing and promotions, service
and support, and so on) to match marketplace requirements and analyze business performance
with respect to competitors and the organization's business-performance objectives. Assist e-
business applications in profiling and segmenting e-business customers. Based on this
information, businesses can personalize their Web pages and the products and services they offer.
Extend the business intelligence environment outside the corporate firewall, helping the
organization share internal business information with trading partners. Sharing this information
will let it optimize the product supply chain to match the demand for products sold through the
Internet and minimizes the costs of maintaining inventory. Extend the business intelligence
environment outside the corporate firewall to key corporate clients, giving them access to
business information about their accounts. With this information, clients can analyze and tune
their business relationships with other organization, improving client service and satisfaction.
Link e-business applications with business intelligence and collaborative processing applications,
allowing internal and external users to seamlessly move among different systems.
Automatic Street Light

Published on Jun 15, 2023

We need to save or conserve energy because most of the energy sources we depend on, like coal
and natural gas can't be replaced. Once we use them up, they're gone forever. Saving power is
very important, instead of using the power in unnecessary times it should be switched off. In any
city “STREET LIGHT” is one of the major power consuming factors. Most of the time we see
street lights are ON even after sunrise thus wasting lot of energy.
Over here we are avoiding the problem by having an automatic system which turns ON & OFF
the street lights at given time or when the ambient light falls below a specific intensity. Each
controller has an LDR which is used to detect the ambient light. If the ambient light is below a
specific value the lights are turned ON.
A light dependent sensors is interfaced to the pic18f452 microcontroller it is used to track the sun
light and when the sensors goes dark the led will be made on and when the sensor founds light the
led will be made OFF. It clearly demonstrates the working of transistor in saturation region and
cut-off region. The working of relay is also known Microcontroller and the code is written in c
language in MikroC ide, the resulted value can be seen with the help of UART or LCD display
.Automatic Street Light Control System is a simple yet powerful concept, which uses transistor as
a switch.
By using this system manual works are 100% removed. It automatically switches ON lights when
the sunlight goes below the visible region of our eyes. This is done by a sensor called Light
Dependent Resistor (LDR) which senses the light actually like our eyes. It automatically switches
OFF lights whenever the sunlight comes, visible to our eyes. Aim of this seminar is to control the
street light using LDR. When the light falling occur means resistance value will be change. There
is no light then the resistance value is change. From this resistance change the voltage variation
can be obtained this value is given to ADC of PIC. PIC is stand for peripheral interface controller.

- Streetlights. They are so common that most of us are unaware of them. The only thing we know
for certain about streetlights is that they illuminate the streets continuously at night and are turned
off during the day. However, the typical lighting system that we are all accustomed to has
limitations: manually switching lights on and off, a lack of segmented operation, high operational
expenses, reliance on residents to detect grid failures, and delayed repairs. Automatic streetlight
control is a simple but effective approach that eliminates all of these constraints.

Today, communities are beginning to recognize why integrating autonomous streetlight systems
might provide a feasible choice for accomplishing their efficiency and sustainability goals in
order to affect the growth of cities and people's experiences in general. This is primarily because,
among other creative uses, streetlights play an important role in our surroundings that extends
beyond functional features. While it is vital for visibility and security, it also opens up new
opportunities for creating and reimagining the city nightscape and how residents interact with
their surroundings.

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