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TRUONG DALH TH: DE THI KET THUC MON HOC Mén hoe: Tiéng Anh chuyén nganh Héa hoc ‘Ma MH: CH4302, hoc ky: I, nam hoc: 2022-2023 Nganb/khéi nganh: SP Hoa hoe, hinh thite thi: ty hun Thai gian lam bai: 90 phiit Cau 1 (3,0 diém). Hay trinh bay cic ngi dung sau day bing Tiéng Vigt. ‘Compounds are substances consisting of two or more elements combined in definite proportions by mass to give a material having a definite set of properties different from that of any of its constituent elements, For example, the compound water consists of 88.8 percent oxygen and 11.2 percent hydrogen by mass. The physical and chemical properties of water are distinctly different from those of both hydrogen and oxygen. For example, water is a liquid at room temperature and pressure, while the elements of which it is composed are gases under these same conditions. Chemically, water docs not bun; hydrogen may burn explosively in oxygen (or air). Any sample of pure water, regardless of its source, has the same composition and the same properties. Céu 2 (3,5 diém). Hay trinh bay cée ni dung sau day bing Tiéng Vigt. Electrons having the same value of n in an atom are said to be in the same shell Electrons having the same value of n and the same value of | in an atom are said to be in the same subshell. The number of subshells within a given shell is merely the value of n, the shell number. Thus, the first shell has one subshell, the second shell has two subshells, and so forth. ‘These facts are summarized in Table 3.3. Even the atoms with the most electrons do not have enough elecirons to completely fill he highest shells shown, The subshells that hold electrons in the ground states of the biggest atoms are in boldface type. Cau 3 (3,5 diém), Hay trinh bay cde ndi dung sau day bing Tiéng Vigt. ‘The elements helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon, known as the noble gases, occur in nature as monatomic (having only one atom) molecules. In nature, their atoms are not combined with atoms of other elements or with other atoms like themselves. These elements are very stable due to the electronic structures of their atoms. The charge on the nucleus and the number of electrons in the valence shell determine the chemical properties of the atom, The electronic configurations of the noble gases (except for that of helium) correspond to a valence shell containing eight electrons, a very stable configuration called an ‘octet, Atoms of other main group elements tend to react with other atoms in various ways to achieve the octet. The tendency to achieve an octet of electrons in the outermost shell is called the octet rule. If there is only one shell occupied, then the maximum number of electrons is two. Aconfiguration of two electrons in the first shell, with no other shells occupied by electrons, is stable and therefore is also said to obey the octet rule. - He Ghi chai: Sinh vién durge sir dung tai ligu. DAP AN DE THI KET THUC MON HQC ‘Mén hoe: Tiéng Anh chuyén nganh Héa hoc Ma MH: CH4302, hoe ky: I, nim hoo: 2022-2023 ‘Nginh/khéi nganh: SP Ho hoc Cau Noi dung Diem Hop chat la cde chat bao gm hai hoje nhiéu nguyén \gp theo ty Ié xac inh theo khoi lugng dé tg0 ra mot vit ligu c6 cde tinh chat xéc dinh Khée voi Dit ky nguyén (6 edu thinh nd, Vi dy, nude bao gdm 88,8 phan trim oxy va 11,2 phén trim hydro theo khéi Iugng. Céc tinh chat vat ly va héa hoc cia mute khéc biét r6 ring so véi tinh chat cia ca hydrogen va oxygen. Vi du, nude It mot chat long 6 ap suat va nhigt d6 phong, trong khi cfc nguyén t6 igo tao than nude la chat khi trong cling dieu kign. Vé mat héa hoe, nude khOng chay; hydro cé thé chy nd trong oxy (hose khong khi). Bat ky mau urge tinh khiét mio, bat ké nguén géc cba nd, déu c6 cing thanh phan va tinh chit gidng nhau, 3,0 Cée electron ¢6 cling gid trin trong mot nguyén tt duge cho Ia 6 trong cling mét lop. Cac electron c6 cing gid tri n va cling gia tri I trong mt nguyén tir durge cho la thude cing mot phan lop. S6 Iwong phan l6p trong mot Iép nhit dinh chi don thuan la gia tr cita n, s6 I6p. Do 6, lp thir nhat c6 mot phan 1p, lp thir hai c6 hai phan lép, v.v. Nhimg théng tin chi tiét duge tm tat trong Bing 3.3. Neay od cée nguyén tt 06 nhiéu electron nhat cing khong ¢6 dit electron dé lép day hoan toan lép v6 cao nhat. Céc phan lop chita cde electron & trang thai co ban ciia cdc nguyén tit Ion nhat duge in dim. 35 Cée nguyén 6 heli, neon, argon, krypton, xenon va radon, duge goi la khi hiém, xudt hién trong ty nhién dur6i dang cae phan ttr mét nguyén ti. Trong ‘tw nhién, céc nguyén tir cia ching khdng két hgp véi cae nguyén tir cla cée nguyén t6 Khe hode véi ede nguyén ti khée nhur chung, Cae nguyén t6 nay rat bén do cau tric electron cia ee nguyén tt cua ching, Bign sich hat nin vva s6 lurgng electron trong v6 héa tri xée dinh tinh chat héa hge ca nguyen tir, Cac céu hinh electron cia khi hiém (ngogi trit khi heli) twong tg voi vo héa trj chira tam electron, m6t cdu hinh electron rat bén duge goi la octet. Cac nguyén tir cia cde nguyén 16 nhém chinh khdc c6 xu huéng phan img voi cdc nguyén tir khée theo nhiéu cach khdc nhau dé dat duge octet. Xu hudng dat duge mot edu trinh electron octet 6 Ip vo ngoai cling duge goi ld quy the ‘octet. Néu chi cé mét lop electron bj chiém, thi s6 lurgng electron toi da la hai, Céu hinh ¢6 hai electron trong lép thir nhdt, khong c6 lép nao khéc bj chiém gitt béi ede electron, la bén vimg va do dé cing duge cho Ia tuan theo quy tic octet. 35 ‘Tong 10 Y kién phan bién Nguoi gidi thigu laa Ngay 16 chite thi: .........0.. olan er oe CAU TRUC DE THI Mén hoe: Tiéng Anh chuyén nginh Héa hoc 6 tin chi: 2 Ma mén: CH4302 Nganh/ khi nganh: Su pham H6a hoe ‘Thai gian lam bai: 90 phut ie Mite tri nding Tong 88 4 Nha Hiéw van dung | P.tich, T-hop, | céu hoi Linh vue kién thite anh gid s$ |pitm | SOCH] Dim | Sd | Diém cH cH Basic concepis i 3.0 i Electronic configuration of atom 1 35 1 Chemical bonding 1 3,5 1 ‘Tong sO 10 3 Neay ...... thing ....ndm ... Duyét iia trung bg mén Nguoi bién soan Bene = iva

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