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A Senior High School 

Presented to the Faculty of Maryknoll Academy of Cateel 

Senior High School 

Cateel, Davao Oriental 

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements 

In Practical Research 1 (Qualitative Research) 

2nd Semester, SY 2022-2023 

Cervantes, Donalyn 

Iway, Riacille 

Gayanilo, Simonne 

Salomeri, Jamier 

Sedodo, Cherry Mae 

Chapter 1 


Background of the Study 

In this era of cutting-edge technology and development, inventions keep developing to
improve people’s lives. The use of gadgets, which usually take the shape of smart phones,
tablets, iPads, and other electronic devices, is a prevalent practice among both young people
and adults. The globe is a great and simple place to live thanks to gadgets. The development of
ever-more complex devices creates new opportunities for human potential. Billions of people
have a safe, comfortable, and nourished life thanks to gadgets. Modern technology is necessary
for people to be healthy and robust. Today's educational system includes resources like
computers, mobile devices, and the internet. While they have advantages in some academic
areas, they also have drawbacks, particularly for students. 
According to J.F. Sawm's (2019) research, technology has influenced and affected the
way people live nowadays. Gadgets have increased the efficiency and comfort of human life.
The growth of computers and technology in the modern world has had a significant impact on
It has an impact on a person’s academic performance, family life, social life, and
personal health. Excessive use of technology has an impact on a person’s psyche. Because
they are primarily focused on using technology or gadgets, the person loses concentration. The
person’s concentration wanes, he or she tends to neglect other significant aspects of life, and
they are unable to sustain their attention on other matters enough. A new venue for effective
learning has been made possible using technology in classrooms. Technology is crucial to
everyone’s future and professional development. The world of today is more reliant on
technology. It has grown and elevated its role in education. 
Purpose of the Study 
The purpose of the study is to know the advantages and disadvantages of using gadgets
to the students.  
Statement of the Problem  
 In this 21st Century generation, most are computer literate. Gadgets are used every day
in business, in schools, at work and in different activities. In our research we focus on the
general question of “Why students are getting distracted by gadgets?” 
Research Questions 
The main objective of this study is to know the advantages and disadvantages of using
gadgets to the students. Specifically, this study will seek to answer this following problem: 
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using gadgets? 
2. What is the significant relationship between students and using gadgets? 
Significance of the Study  
This study is regarding to the advantages and disadvantages of using gadgets to the
students is valuable to the following: 
Education. The results will be good reference for teachers to develop strategic teaching
methodologies with controlled technological applications. It will set limits to gadgets and
technology utilization of students as well. 
Students. The results of this study will aid the students in understanding how utilizing use of
gadgets affects people. Students can benefit from this study’s findings and avoid having a
detrimental impact on the problem. 
Parents. The information can aid them in determining how using gadgets affects their children.
They can help their kids avoid adverse impacts. 
Future Researchers. This study may help future researchers with their own research. They
may widen the scope of their own study or improve this research study. 
Theoretical Lens 
Almost every day, a new gadget or media device is introduced to the world. Specifically,
these gadgets are mostly used by students to aid them in their scholastic purposes or just mere
leisure usage at home. 
According to Miller and Campbell's (1959) Recency Effect Theory, our minds store
knowledge that has recently been obtained through particular occurrences and observations in
our environment. According to the Recency Effect Theory, if we are given a list of things to
memorize in a specific length of time, we are more likely to recollect the items near the end of
the list than those in the center. 
Scope and Delimitation  
The researchers will conduct an interview in the Municipality of Cateel specifically in the
vicinity of the school of Maryknoll Academy of Cateel. The goal of this study is to know the
advantages and disadvantages of using gadgets to the students. 
Definition of Terms  
1. Advantages - a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favourable or superior
2. Disadvantages - an unfavorable circumstance or condition that reduces the chances of
successor effectiveness. 
3. Gadgets - a small machine or device which does something useful. You sometimes
refer to    something as a gadget when you suggest that it is complicated and unnecessary. 
4. Phone - device that uses either a system of wires along which electrical signals are sent
or a system of radio signals to make it possible for you to speak to someone in another
place who has a similar device. 
5. Study - it has many different senses related to learning or concentrating. You might
make a drawing of something you'll paint later — the drawing's a study. Your boss might ask
you to do a study of your office's energy use. As a verb, study is for the work you do in the
library, or for the act of really taking something in, the way you study your friend's face to
see if she really forgot your birthday or if she's just joking. 
6. Technology - the application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of human life
or, as it is sometimes phrased, to the change and manipulation of the human environment. 
Chapter 2 


Overview of Related Literature 
Students typically use gadgets to obtain knowledge. There are numerous advantages and
disadvantages of gadgets that can be both beneficial and detrimental to the lives of students.
Advance perception about the positive and negative effects of using gadgets. 
Thematic Discussion 
According to the research from PerfectWriters, there are benefits of using gadgets to the

Promotes Independent Learning 

These days, pupils can learn on their own without the help of their parents or teachers.
Information can be found in abundance on the internet. Students use these tools to find the top
assignment writing service in the UK to complete their assignments quickly. In addition to using
online libraries to prepare their projects, they use the internet for their classes. They can greatly
improve their knowledge and skills thanks to this sophisticated technology. 

Enhance Communication 
It used to take days or even months for letters to be delivered when people used to
communicate by writing them; now, email has made things incredibly simple. 
Speed Up Work 
There are numerous devices that simplify living, and this technology enhances student
productivity. A student can finish any form of academic writing assignment, including a big
dissertation, in a shorter amount of time. 
According to Gillespie C, (2018) electronic gadgets offer many advantages to students:
greater access to information, increased opportunities for collaboration, independent learning
and enhanced communication. However, the effects of gadgets on students are not always
positive. Overuse of technology through gadgets like smartphones, iPods and video games may
interfere with a student's attendance, ability and interest in learning, these are the following
common cause of gadgets: 

Effects of Gadgets on Health 

Electronic devices have been shown to be harmful to our health in numerous studies.
The constant use of electronics promotes a sedentary lifestyle, which can result in bad posture
and weight gain. In extreme circumstances, this could result in obesity, wrist and hand pain,
back and neck problems, and obesity. A user's risk of developing macular degeneration, a main
cause of blindness, increases due to the backlit screens on computers, iPhones, and video
games, which can also contribute to headaches, eye issues, and macular degeneration itself.  
Effects of Gadgets on Sleep 
Late-night TV viewing, smartphone, tablet, laptop, or other electronic device use might
disrupt a student's sleep cycle. The artificial blue light created by electronics inhibits the
melatonin hormone's ability to induce sleep. 
Effects of Gadgets on Learning 
One drawback of technology is a shortening of attention span. The average attention
span was around 12 seconds prior to the widespread use of smartphones and tablets. But
according to research, this has decreased to about eight seconds, which is shorter than the
average goldfish's attention span. Students' grades could drop in class if they have trouble
Related Studies 
According to the observations obtained of Aparianti et al., (2022), many students utilize
electronic devices. Students use devices to pass the time at lunch, students use gadgets for
pleasure during lunch such as playing games and opening social media, and some students use
gadgets during break to hunt for more information that students do not yet know. On gadgets,
there are numerous applications features available, including not only programs for learning to
recognize letters and pictures, but also entertainment applications such as social media, videos,
images, and even online games. Students frequently utilize electronic devices to play games,
listen to music, open tick tock, and access YouTube. Students devote time to Playing with
gadgets at recess and not paying attention to the brightness of the screen and the screen's
distance from the student's eyes, which will ultimately have an effect on the student's vision and
eye health. Long periods of staring at electronic screens will result in a variety of problems,
including eye strain. Irritation or brief difficulties concentrating. Some youngsters avoid
socializing with their peers, become bored easily, and have difficulties learning. 
Humanity is now held captive by electronic technology. Modern individuals actively
employ electronics in their lives, regardless of their gender, age, education level, ethnicity, or
economic situation. They have instant access to any information and are always in touch with
their friends, family, and coworkers, no matter where they are. It is not surprising that at this
time, contemporary electronic technologies are firmly established in schooling. With the
advancement of mobile device capabilities, a rising number of students find it impossible to
envision their university studies without electronics. It illustrates the benefits and drawbacks of
the employment of electronic media in education and activity (Kabanova and Vetrova et al.,
Based on the previous research in the same study, the use of gadgets might be
advantageous and disadvantageous to the students' studies. That using gadgets is Not only is it
utilized for communication, but some students use it to play games instead of studying. The
beneficial effect of utilizing devices is that students can quickly obtain information and
communicate, however the bad effect of using gadgets is that students neglect to study, which
might have an impact on student learning outcomes. This qualitative research is intended to
instruct knowledge to future researchers. 
Chapter 3


             This chapter presents the outline of the procedure that was used to validate the study.
The researcher aims to discuss the research design that was appropriate for the study, how the
data was collected, the instruments that were used for the research and the procedure that were
followed will be thoroughly discussed in this chapter. It also includes the method that was used
to analyze the given data. 
Research Design  
The researcher use phenomenology in order to identify the advantages and
disadvantages of using gadgets to Grade 8 students at Maryknoll Academy of Cateel, INC. Data
acquired, such as usage hours per day, purpose categories such as educational, social, and
gaming, and kind of gadget used, such as mobile phone, tablet, and laptop, will be compared to
discover the pros and cons of utilizing gadget/technology. 
Locale of the Study  
             This study will be conducted in Maryknoll Academy of Cateel. The respondents will be
Grade 8 students. These respondents will be interviewed via a questionnaire given by the
Sampling Method  
             This study uses random sampling method. This sampling method is the equivalent of
pulling names randomly. The researchers randomly selected 30 Grade 8 students to be the
respondents of the research study.   
Research Respondents  
             The respondents are those individuals who are randomly selected by the researchers.
There are 30 randomly selected Grade 8 students from Saint Maria Goretti (SMG) and Saint
Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila (SLRDM). 
Research Instruments  
             The study uses a questionnaire. A set of orderly questions prepared to be answered by
the 30 students. The respondents will be given the chance to provide their responses
and suggestions by way of open-minded questions. The questionnaire that was used in this
study is designed to obtain information about the advantages and disadvantages of using
Data Collection Procedure 
               The first step before the interview is to make a consent letter for the respondents.
Upon approval, the researchers retrieve the consent letter. In administering the questionnaire,
the researchers used the allotted time for vacancy to avoid distraction to class discussion. The
respondents were given enough time to answer the questions. For more information, the
researchers collect some data and theories from the internet. 
Plan of Analysis  
The sources of this qualitative data use interviews and questionnaires to learn what the
benefit is and how gadgets can distract students from their studies. The data was analyzed
using phenomenology by the researcher. This study used overall information acquired by the
researcher to develop the study's concept; all of the material gathered related to the study. 
Chapter 4


This chapter presents the summary of results and findings of this qualitative research
that is guided by the questionnaire and the facts that is gathered from the participant of Grade 8
students of St. Maria Goretti (SMG) and St. Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila (SLRDM) of Maryknoll
Academy of Cateel. 
Presentation of Data 

Table 1. Do you get distracted by using gadgets? In what way? 

Respondents  Answer 
Respondent 1  Yes, by downloading games and playing them. 
Respondent 2  Yes, if someone texted me to play mobile
legend and I would easily agree with it. 
Respondent 3  No, because I only used gadgets sometimes
and I used to balance myself from studying and
using gadgets. 
Respondent 4  No, because I limit my screen time. 
Respondent 5  Yes, because some games are really tempting. 
Respondent 6  Yes, I neglect my duties at home and school. 
Respondent 7   Yes, because I tend to procrastinate with my
Respondent 8  Yes, but sometimes when I need to search for
some information about my studies, then get
distracted when I overuse it. 
Respondent 9  Yes, because gadgets are a distraction for me
when studying. 
Respondent 10  Yes, because gadgets reduce my time to
Respondent 11  Yes, it steals my focus from my study. 
Respondent 12  Yes, because I can’t avoid using my gadgets
when I’m studying? 
Respondent 13  Yes, because my phone keeps on ringing. 
Respondent 14  Yes, because by using gadgets I can’t focus on
my studies. 
Respondent 15  Yes, because my friends always invite me to
play mobile legend. 
Respondent 16  Yes, because I am always tempted to use my
phone when I study. 
Respondent 17  Yes, because of some video games. 
Respondent 18  Yes, because of online games. 
Respondent 19  Yes, because I am addicted when it comes to
playing online games. 
Respondent 20  Yes, because my day would not be perfect
without gadgets. 
Respondents 21  Yes, because in today’s generation, people are
always occupied with their gadgets, and I’m
one of them especially when I’m studying
because I’m always tempted to look at my
Respondent 22  No, because I know my limit. 
Respondent 23  Yes, because I get distracted by playing
Respondent 24  Yes, because I usually spend more time
playing games than studying. 
Respondent 25  Yes, because I tend to play games when I
Respondent 26  Yes, because I enjoy using my phone than
Respondent 27  Yes, because I’m always chatting with my
Respondent 28  Yes, because I am addicted to playing online
games with my friends. 
Respondent 29  Yes, because of watching videos on
Respondent 30  Yes, because playing online games is my
Table 1 shows the respondents answers to the question.” Do you get distracted by using
gadgets? In what way?” 25 out of 30 respondents answered “yes” they get distracted by using
gadgets through playing online games, watching videos, and communicating with their families
and friends. Meanwhile, 5 out of 30 respondents answered “no” they didn’t get distracted by
using gadgets because they know how to manage their time using gadgets and studying. 

Table 2. What are the benefits of using gadgets to your study? 

Respondents   Answer 
Respondent 1  I can search for things that I want to know. 
Respondent 2  I can look for the information that I can use in
my study. 
Respondent 3  I can easily search for some things on google if
I don’t understand those words.  
Respondent 4   I can research things that I don’t know. 
Respondent 5  I can research words through google. 
Respondent 6  I can use my phone to search for additional
information about their lesson. 
Respondent 7  I can use it for research. 
Respondent 8  I can finish my homework easily through using
Respondent 9  I can study well. 
Respondent 10  It can help me to learn more things through
Respondent 11  It can help me to know a lesson that is difficult
to understand. 
Respondent 12  It can help me to do my project and homework. 
Respondent 13  It helps me to gain more knowledge that is
needed for my studies. 
Respondent 14  It helps me to learn more and research things
that I didn’t learn from school. 
Respondent 15  I use gadgets for research. 
Respondent 16  I can automatically research something that I
don’t really understand. 
Respondent 17  I can do my project using gadgets. 
Respondent 18  I can search engines. 
Respondent 19  I can do my research. 
Respondent 20  I can finish my homework easily. 
Respondent 21  I can learn things without the teachers' help. 
Respondent 22  I can finish my task faster. 
Respondent 23  I can find information easily. 
Respondent 24  I can research my assignment as well as
Respondent 25  I can communicate with my family, relatives
and loved ones. Also, it can help me in my
studies through research. 
Respondent 26  I can understand specific words through
Respondent 27  I can look at applications that may be used in
my study. 
Respondent 28  I can get information from google. 
Respondent 29  I can communicate with my family in other
Respondent 30  I can gain additional knowledge that can help
me in my studies. 
Table 2 shows the respondents answers to the question. “What are the benefits of using
gadgets to your study?” 28 out of 30 respondents answered that they can do their homework
easily and gain additional knowledge through research with the use of gadgets. Meanwhile, 2
out of 30 respondents answered that through gadgets they can communicate their families,
friends and relatives to the other place. 
Table 3. Where do you think you spend your time the most in using gadgets or in studying?

Respondents  Answer 
Respondent 1  In gadgets because I’m addicted to it. 
Respondent 2  I spend more time in studying because it is
important to study our topic to pass the subject. 
Respondent 3  I spend my time the most in both studying and
using gadgets. 
Respondent 4  Something in between because I like playing and
studying together. 
Respondent 5  Probably studying because of the time, I devote
at school. 
Respondent 6  In studying because it is more important. 
Respondent 7  Using gadgets because I open Facebook, play
online games and watch movies. 
Respondent 8  In studying because it helps me a lot. 
Respondent 9  In using gadgets because I use it to check my
social media often. 
Respondent 10  In using gadgets because sometimes I forgot
that I have schoolwork, so I spend more time in
my gadgets. 
Respondent 11  Using gadgets because basically it's more fun in
using gadgets than on studying. 
Respondent 12  I focused more on my study. 
Respondent 13  In using gadgets because I’m admitted to some
video games. 
Respondent 14  I balance my time using gadgets and studying. 
Respondent 15  It depends on my mood because if I’m boring, I
use my gadget and if we need to study, I’m
studying our lesson. 
Respondent 16  I use gadgets the most because it’s more
entertaining than on studying. 
Respondent 17  In using gadgets because it helps me when I’m
Respondent 18  In studying because I needed it the most as an
honor student. 
Respondent 19  In gadgets because I always communicate my
family on the other place. 
Respondent 20  Using gadgets because I’m addicted on playing
online games. 
Respondent 21  In studying because if we don’t study, we can’t
Respondent 22  In gadgets because I use it in research to gain
more knowledge. 
Respondent 23  Both because I like spending time to my gadgets
and to my studies. 
Respondent 24  In studying because it gives us knowledge about
anything we want to know. 
Respondent 25  Well, I can’t really say. I balance my time in
using gadgets and studying. 
Respondent 26  In using gadgets because it helps me in my
Respondent 27  In using gadgets because I enjoy playing online
games than studying. 
Respondent 28  In studying because I want to pass the exam and
Respondent 29  Honestly, in using gadgets because I can use it
while studying. 
Respondent 30  In using gadgets because it helps me to
communicate my family as well as on my study. 
Table 3 shows the respondents answer to the question.” Where do you think you spend
your time the most? In using gadgets or in studying? Why?” 15 out of 30 respondents answered
that they most spend their time in gadgets, 9 out of 30 answered in studying and 6 respondents
answered both studying and using gadgets. 
Discussion of Findings  
After data collection and analysis, it was discovered that most students are distracted by
using gadgets. According to the study, students are distracted by using gadgets, and they
spend significantly more time distracted by texting, browsing the internet, checking social media,
and playing games. The majority of the 25 students indicated they are distracted by their
gadgets. Some students claim that they balance their use of gadgets and studying, and that
they limit their use of gadgets. 
As a result, students claim that gadgets are also an advantageous to their studies since
they utilize them to enhance learning, search for knowledge, and provide a large amount of
information. Most students believe that gadgets are beneficial to their education. 
It has been found that respondents spend more time utilizing gadgets than learning. This
is because respondents find it engaging and utilize it to communicate with their families and
friends. Because most respondents used gadgets to play games, they spent less time studying.
They had lost interest in learning and doing homework. However, some students continue to
balance the use of gadgets and studying; they can complete their tasks while also enjoying
playing games. As a result, they can still utilize gadgets while learning. 
Role of Researchers  
We, the researchers, are currently enrolled as the students of Maryknoll Academy of
Cateel under the strand of General Academic Strand (GAS) and Accountancy and Business
Management (ABM). We, as researchers, conducted this research study to fulfil the
requirements in Practical Research 1 and to learn how to make a research paper. As a
researcher, we also conduct this to know the advantages and disadvantages of using gadgets
to the Grade 8 students of Maryknoll Academy of Cateel. 
Chapter 5 


Restatement of the Research Problem 

Most people in today's world are knowledgeable about computers. Every day, gadgets
are utilized in business, schools, workplaces, and other activities. Our research focuses on the
broad subject of "Why students are getting distracted by gadgets?" 
Summary of Findings  
Overall, the information gathered from the respondents allows the researchers to
develop the study's concept; nonetheless, the researchers discovered that the distraction of the
usage of devices is a problem. The disadvantage of using gadgets is that they do not have time
to devote to their studies; yet some, despite the distraction, may balance the use of gadgets and
Implication of Practice  
The main goal of the researchers is to gather information about the importance of
following instruction. After analysis of all information which emanates from the participants, the
researchers personally make implications for individuals and groups that are considered as the
potential beneficiaries of this study. 
Today’s modern society has made using electronics a way of life. Gadgets are becoming
a need for living a regular life. Making things easier and faster is extremely beneficial to us.
Gadgets aid students much because they make their tasks more productive and advanced.
Meanwhile, other students spend more time using gadgets than studying because they enjoy
playing online games.  
The result shows that there is a significant relationship between students and using
 In conclusion, gadgets have both positive and negative effects on students. Students
should build up a barrier between themselves and the use of electronic devices. Furthermore, if
we use it constructively with limited usage, it is something to be appreciated. However, anything
used beyond its needs and limits will undoubtedly have negative consequences. 
Based on the findings, this research provides some recommendations for the students,
teachers and future researchers. 
Based on the findings of this study, students should learn about the positive and
negative aspects of using gadgets as tools so that they can use them effectively. Teachers
should consider the findings and the findings could help teachers use technology to improve
their teaching methods. In addition, future researchers can conduct research in a related field
using qualitative data and use this research as a reference or guideline. Furthermore, future
researchers are expected to evaluate, revise, reconstruct, or modify this research and write
additional research for other levels and objectives. 


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