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Impact of Renewable and Non-renewable Energy Consumption on the Environmental

Degradation: Evidence from ASEAN Countries

Renewable energy consumption on carbon dioxide

The world is heavily relying on the sources of renewable and non-renewable energy that leads to
serious problems and concerns. In fact, the world is also emphasizing over the potential decrease
of environmental issues, energy security and non-renewable energy sources. _________
discussed the dynamics of consuming renewable energy and its impact on the economic growth
as well as on the carbon emissions in certain countries. Carbon dioxide is considered as a major
concern and problem for the world that is causing environmental degradation. The issues of
environmental degradation has been severely highlighted due to the potential impact of diseases
on the human in ASEAN countries. _________ indicated the relationship between urbanization,
economic growth, non-renewable energy, renewable energy and carbon emissions in the
common markets. It is dependent on the renewable energy consumption that how it could be
consumed and how it impacts the environment. Therefore, the effective approaches for the
renewable energy consumption in ASEAN countries must be taken into consideration. These
approaches not only helps to control the environmental degradation but also helps to uplift the
energy sector. _________ narrated the forecasts and analysis of carbon dioxide emissions from
industries resulted from the consumption of energy. Sophisticated measures are required to be
adapted where the consumption of renewable energy must be controlled that last less influence
upon the degradation of environment. Governments are usually paying attention on the
investments that are collected from the renewable energy technologies. Therefore, this increment
in technology over the consumption and production of renewable energy sources must be
effectively managed. _________ explored the impacts and effects of transiting renewable energy
on the emissions of carbon dioxide in developed countries. The management is overall dependent
on the planning and managing of energy resources that generates carbon dioxide which is
harmful for the environment. Even though, the environments of many countries are also
degraded due to the continuous and increasing consumption of renewable energy. This continuity
of renewable energy enormously expands prompt attention toward the carbon dioxide that
damages the environment.

Fossil fuel energy consumption on carbon dioxide

The consistency of using renewable and non-renewable energy sources are lasting influence on
the degradation of environment. This is due to the burning of various material energy sources
that disrupts the levels of environment and places harm to the human being as well as animals.
The world has shown concern over the use of fossil fuels in developing the energy sources.
________ enumerated the reduction of carbon emissions that is effectively done by controls over
the carbon taxation, energy efficiency and fossil fuel prices. The use of energy sources in
ASEAN countries has been considerably increased due to vast prevalence of energy resources. In
the energy resources, different materials like fossil fuels are more highlighted as their
consumption has lasted severe impact on the environmental degradation. __________ examined
the fractions of fossil fuels energy consumption that increasingly results in emission of carbon
dioxide impacting environment. This is due to the emergence of carbon dioxide gasses which are
generated by the burning of fossil fuels. Several gasses emerge from the burning of fossil fuels as
coal, natural gas and oil are nominated one that evacuate gasses. ________ elaborated the
dependency of fossil fuel energy consumption in the energy sector that impacts the carbon
emission. Most of the ASEAN countries use fossil fuel energy consumption that emits the carbon
dioxide which is harmful for environment. The temperature of the planet has been increased due
to the severe burning of fossil fuels as due to its smog as well as gasses. __________ emphasized
over the relationship between economic growth, fossil fuel consumption, carbon emissions and
financial development. The environments are disrupted due to everlasting prevalence of carbon
dioxide and the continuous emerges of carbon dioxide. The industries in all over the world are
showing concerns on the possible measures for effective consumption of fossil fuels and
generation of energy from them. The global environmental and socio-economic conditions has
also asserted the tendency of rising carbon dioxide due to fossil fuels energy consumption.

Electricity power consumption on carbon dioxide

The emergence and development of technology has so far benefited the world but left the world
on radiation waves that are harmful for the human being. The breeds of animals as well as human
are severely impacted by the consistent emergence of radio waves that are generated by the
electricity consumption. ________ analyzed the relationship between consumption and
production of electricity with the significant role toward carbon emissions. In many countries,
power sector is the main barrier to the economic growth as well as environment stability.
Electricity power consumption helps every sector to boosts its financial condition on the other
hand it also influence the environmental situation. _________ assessed the intensity of electricity
grids that are important in the emission of carbon dioxide and its impact toward the
environmental degradation. Usually the electricity power generation is based on the water, coal,
fuel, oil and many other material items that produce carbon dioxide. The generation and
production of carbon dioxide is considered as harmful to the human life as well as to the
environment in ASEAN countries. _________ investigated the intensity of temporal carbon with
the relevance of renewable fossil fuel and electricity systems. The transition of renewable and
non-renewable energy consumption is considered as vital factor that impacts the environment.
This is through the ways of large carbon dioxide production from the consumption of electricity
energy in many industries. Electricity production has been considerably increased from the past
few decades in ASEAN countries. _________ discussed the causal impacts of industrialization,
economic growth, electricity consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. This production is
based on the energy resources and also generates carbon dioxide. Somehow, the non-renewable
energy consumption supports the verdict of electricity power but on other side influence the
environment. Overall the electricity power consumption is widely supporting the numerous
industries for their production and operations. The support of electricity power consumption
booms the growth of industries but lasts prominent influence by producing carbon dioxide.

Energy import on carbon dioxide

The nature has provided many energy resources to the world and the nature has organized these
energy resources according to the environments. Ultimately, the energy consumption in the
parent countries from where these are generated or founded are feasible for their environment.
____________ discussed about the balance of energy security and its import that is required to
be optimized for the sustainability of environment. This is due to the use of effective technology
that forms these energy resources in certain ways that do not harm the environment. Even
though, the certain limits are also prescribed for the energy consumption that supports the
sustainability of environment. ________ narrated the substitution of equipment and technology
imports in the energy sector that is dangerous for the environmental degradation. In ASEAN
countries, the energy import is evident in production of huge carbon dioxide that impacts the
environmental degradation. The world is importing energy from the rich mineral countries and
prominently influencing their environment. _________ analyzed the trade of energy its structural
decomposition and extraction methods that influence the environmental sustainability. This is
due to the emergence of past technologies that are used for the energy which is imported from
other countries and are not feasible according to their quality. Huge amount of carbon dioxide is
emitted from the energy imports that is highly influential for the sustainability and
maintainability of environment. _________ assessed the defense and energy industries due to the
substitution of imports and its role toward the emission of carbon dioxide. Crude oil is the best
example that is imported from the rich mineral countries and is used in the vehicles and
machineries that are not according to the oil quality. Usually, the energy import is required to be
adjusted and formulated in certain ways that supports the sustainability of environment. Nearly
the electric power plants that are imported for the sake of energy consumption severely impacts
the natural environment. Although, petroleum products are the main imports and extractions
through which the environment is facing disrupting impacts.

Energy use on carbon dioxide

Environmental problems are rising from the past few decades in many ASEAN countries as due
to the consistent usage of energy. There are various allocation of measures for the effective use
of energy and that helps in controlling the impacts over the environment. __________ examined
the energy use in the office buildings and resulting carbon dioxide impact on the environmental
degradation. The developing as well as developed countries are helping their industries by the
effective use of energy that also emits the carbon dioxide. This emitting of carbon dioxide is
certainly managed at the end of developed countries in effective way that positively manages to
sustain the environment. ________ enumerated the sustainability of energy use through the
electricity busses its impact on the environment by the consistency in noise, cost and effects.
Energy is used in various ways for the support of industries as well as for the mankind. Many
medicine production as well as food production is dependent on the energy use. The overall
production is processed by the application and implementation of technology that produces large
amount of carbon dioxide. ___________ viewed the energy use from various aspects like its use
in the water supply and its emerging impact on the environmental degradation. This large
production of carbon dioxide is harmful for the environment and the requirement of energy use
consistently raising this harm. The changing patterns of climate are the main component of
environment that frequently changes due to emergence of carbon dioxide. ________ analyzed
the emission of greenhouse gasses and energy use in irrigation sector and its impact on the
environment. This emergence is dependent on the high energy use in the world that is producing
gasses as well as the smog in all over the world. Excessive energy use is also harmful for the
ecosystems as well as to the animals that is associated with the provisions of carbon dioxide. In
ASEAN countries, the energy use has certainly increase due to the production of minerals and
necessity of industries.

Gross domestic product on carbon dioxide

Environmental degradation has been considerably renowned chapter for all over the world due to
production of carbon dioxide. There are several consequences of carbon dioxide production as it
dependents on the renewable energy and non-renewable energy consumption. It where impacts
the environment also impacts the gross domestic product. _________ demonstrated the
importance of real GDP and the carbon dioxide emissions that are eminent in the emerging
countries to attract investments. In ASEAN countries, the gross domestic product is considered
as integral part of the economic growth. Many countries economic growth is dependent on the
environmental stability and the instability could be due to the emergence of carbon dioxide
emissions. _______ enumerated the relationship between trade, gross domestic product and
carbon emissions that are highly influential for the international trade and growth. Huge amount
of investment is stopped and decrease due to the bad environment which is developed by the
emission of gasses and carbon dioxide. The world considers the gross domestic product for the
purpose of moving its investment. The rising issues of global warming has considerably
impacted the investment and businesses in all over the world. ___________ analyzed the
dynamic linkage between international tourism, energy use, real gross domestic product and
carbon emissions from transports. That indicates that high levels of pollution due to the increased
renewable energy and non-renewable energy consumption induces certain impacts on the
environment. Gross domestic product is also dependent on the sustainability and maintainability
of environment for the investors. Lower gross domestic product not only indicates the lower
economic growth but there are several issues associated with it. _________ examined the
relationship between population, energy use, carbon dioxide emissions and gross domestic
product with the relevance of environmental degradation. Slight or major difference in the gross
domestic product not only causes impact on the environment but also on the emissions of carbon
dioxide. It is necessary to strengthen the economic growth while emphasizing the concerns over
the environmental stability. With the stability of environment, the gross domestic product as well
as the economic growth should be dynamically increased.


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