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Creative leadership and employee work wellness: Supervisor support as a mediator

Does transformational leadership foster innovative work behavior? The roles of

psychological empowerment, intrinsic motivation, and creative process engagement

Resources Matter: Combined Influence of Job Demands and Job Control

on Creative Process Engagement

Using the Strategy Tripod to Understand Strategic Management in the “Evaluation-

Friendly” Organizations of Cultural and Creative Industries

‘Shit is hard, yo’: young people making a living in the creative industries

Team-level high-performance work systems, self-efficacy and creativity: differential

moderating roles of person–job fit and goal difficulty

The complex within-person relationship between individual creative expression and

subsequent creative process engagement

Bringing out the creativity in you: How a competitive climate and mentoring

kindle creative work involvement of university academic staff

Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Attributions on

Employees’ Creative Performance: The Mediating Role of Psychological Safety

The impact of school climate on trait creativity in primary school students: the mediating
role of achievement motivation and proactive personality

Autonomy, leadership and leadership development in England’s school system

How to Organize Creative and Innovative Teams: Creative Self-Efficacy and Innovative

Team Performance

Frontline hotel employees’ proactive personality, I-deals, work engagement and their effect

on creative performance and proactive customer service performance
The value of job crafting for work engagement, task performance, and career satisfaction:
longitudinal and quasi-experimental evidence

Personality factors and safety attitudes predict safety behaviour and accidents

in elevator workers

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