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Tatek Anberbir
(Mining Engineer)


National mining Corporation PLC

“Manage and Improve Granite Block Production Quantity”

-1- A contract agreement b/n Tatek A. & National mining Corporation plc. May- 2022

The project that calls by ‘owner “National mining corporation Plc” and contractor
“Tatek Anberbir (mine Eng.) as motive for the Agreement is Granite quarry project
within denotated Production Operation stage to “improve the production capacity in
means of quantity and quality” which has located at Baabile.


The contract agreement made between National mining corporation Plc (“OWNER”)
(address is ____ wereda _________Sub city, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia AND Tatek
Anberbir (CONTACTOR) address is; Selam City mall-8th floor, office #803; wereda
03: Bole Sub city; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on: -May-2022 G.C.

Terms of Service the Agreement

Contract agreement has made between “NATIONAL MINING CORPORATION
PLC”; herein after called “OWNER”,


"Tatek Anberbir" here in be CONTRACTOR (quarry Expertise) who will carry

out to the Granite block production improvement.

❖ Whereas, the Contractor will engage in the business of carrying out block
production improvement of Baabile’s Granite quarry on the contract signed with
the OWNER is nominated through the CONTRACTOR based on the following
term and conditions.

➢ This agreement document will never share to other parties only issued by
the two parties!!!!!!

-2- A contract agreement b/n Tatek A. & National mining Corporation plc. May- 2022
Article 1: Appointment

1.1. The owner here by appoints the contractor as operating and managing
quarrying of granite blocks production as determined here under, upon the
terms and subject to the conditions set forth herein.

Article 2: Scope of Services

2.1. The delivery of services and inputs by the owner to produce granite block
efficiently includes the following:

a) The owner will provide manufacturing machines (Excavator, Pneumatic

Compressor, light generator, and set of jackhammers) and spare/parts.

b) The owner should provide; all the requested spares, consumables and other
necessary items.

c) If the contractor achieved over 250-cubic meter block production per month,
the owner should provide an incentive 7% of the total performed quantity in
block to the contractor.

2.2. The delivery of services and inputs by the contractor includes the following:

a) The contractor must produce desirable production amount within both size
and quality standards.

b) The contractor must produce at least 50 cubic meter exporting standard

quality from monthly 250 cubic meter production amount.

c) The contractor should manage the loss of granite resource carefully.

-3- A contract agreement b/n Tatek A. & National mining Corporation plc. May- 2022
Article 3: payments made by the contractor;

3.1. The contractor will pay for his employees’ salary and other expenses in
accordance with their agreement of employment.

3.2. When an urgent payment (unforeseen) distribution in the field, the contractor
will pay; and the contractor will get reward charge from owner after he has
presented the costing bills.

Article 4: payments made by the

4.1. The owner should pay and supply all imputes and items that used for granite
block production operation.

4.2. The owner should pay the contractors payment (value) in three successive days
after the owner receives monthly production scored report.

Article 5: Contract Price & Terms of Payment

5.1. Meaning to payment rate determination: the contractor will pay to the qualified
expertise whose has got employee to new crew: Thus, referring with the
contractor’s expense and production quality, the owner will pay 1,693 birrs in
each cubic meter of production amount.

5.2. The owner should pay contractor’s payment in three consecutive days, after
obtains monthly production score report from contractor. If payment delays by
more than 4 days, Owner shall be pay with additional 1% of the payment
amount for each of extra days.

5.3. The contractor's payment should be made monthly.

5.4. Payments will be made in Ethiopian Birr.

-4- A contract agreement b/n Tatek A. & National mining Corporation plc. May- 2022
Article 6: Duties and Responsibilities of the contractor

6.1. The contractor has responsibility to properly manage loss of resource, and
handle the machineries/equipment materials from damage.

6.2. Assign and set the duties to the expertise and employees with refer to
employee’s skill.

6.3. The contractor shall do environmentally safe quarrying operation with

acceptable condition.

Article 7: Duties and Responsibilities of the owner

7.1. The owner must deliver special operation items precisely: “Fuel, splitter agent,
jackhammer bit rod and basic excavator spars (oil)”;

a) It must have at least a three-week reserve stock based on the typical project
consumption amount.

b) If the owner be late to supply the above listed and other required items, and
if production operation will stack under case of suppling items, the owner
should pay to the contractor for all the wasted time by the value of full (100%)
production scall with 15% of lost time production size penalty.

7.2. The owner shall be pay the payment monthly in three days after obtained the
production scored report from contractor.

Article 8: Termination of Agreement

8.1. This contract will be effective in 7-days from the date it is signed and the
contract will continue enforce as long as the parties do not terminate the
contract agreement.

8.2. Termination of this contract cannot be done without giving a month prior
notice to both the contractor and owner.

-5- A contract agreement b/n Tatek A. & National mining Corporation plc. May- 2022
Article 9: Dispute resolution & Governing Law

9.1. All disputes that may arise in the performance of this tripartite agreement shall
be resolved through first: through having a series debate and then second; if
necessary federal courts at Addis Ababa.

9.2. This AGREEMENT shall be considered, interpreted and applied in accordance

with the laws in force in the federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

Article 10: Effective Date and Duration

10.1. This AGREEMENT shall come into force on the date first above written and
shall remain in effect for project period specified on the contract unless it is
terminated with a prior written notice of Article 8.

9.2. In Witness Whereas, the contracting parties, through their duly authorized
representative, have affixed respective names and signatures in the date first
above mentioned.

-6- A contract agreement b/n Tatek A. & National mining Corporation plc. May- 2022
Tatek Anberbir National Mining corporation plc.
(Mine Eng.)

______________________ ______________________

Date ______________ Date: ___________________


Name Address Signature

1. _____________________ ____________ _____________ (OWNER)

2. ________________________ ______________ ______________ (CONTRACTOR)

-7- A contract agreement b/n Tatek A. & National mining Corporation plc. May- 2022

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