Bda Lesson Exemplar

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
San Francisco, Quezon

School Pagsangahan National High School Grade Level 10

LESSON Teacher Marevel P. Magtibay Learning Area English
EXEMPLAR Teaching Date December 3, 2021 Quarter Second
Teaching Time No. of Days 4

Lesson Exemplar Alignment with the Module
A. Content Identify different sources of information; and use set of criteria in evaluating their
Standards content and context
B. Performance Evaluate different literary forms and genres using set of criteria; and make meaningful
Standards judgement as source of information
C. Learning Infer meaning of content specific terms using context clues
Competencies or Use annotation as an active reading strategy.
Objectives Note significant details using Venn diagram
Share brief impromptu remarks about topics discussed
D. Most Essential Evaluate and make judgements about a range of texts using a set of criteria
E. Enabling Elements how the elements specific to a selection build its theme
Competencies Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute to the theme of a particular
literary selection
II. CONTENT Evaluating and Making Judgements
Ballad of a Mother’s Heart
Jose la Villa Tierra
A. References
a. Teacher’s
Guide Pages
b. Learner’s PIVOT 4A Learner’s Material
Material 30
c. Textbook
d. Additional internet
B. List of Learning PIVOT 4A Self-Learning Module for English 10
Resources for Internet
Development and
A. Introduction Motivation:

A selection is presented before the students to read. Instruct them to understand what is
meant or described in the text. Allow students to make wild guesses as of what and
how they understand after reading.
A newspaper is better than a magazine, and on
a seashore is better than a street. At first, it is better to
run than walk. Also, you may have to try several times.
It takes some skill but it is easy to learn. Even young
children can enjoy it. Once successful, complications
are minimal. Birds seldom get too close. One needs a
lot of room. Rain soaks in very fast. Too many people
doing the same thing can also cause problems. If there
are no complications, it can be very peaceful. A rock
will serve as an anchor. If things break loose from it,
however, you will not get a second chance.


1. Unlocking of difficulties

First, review the different types of context clues. Remind learners that
context clues may be in the form of a definition, example, synonym,

antonym, restatement, or description.

2. Activating Prior Knowledge

Form three groups and assign each group a worksheet. Ask each group to
select a leader, a secretary and a reporter. Perform the task expected of

each group.
Group1: Given is a human-heart shape. Inside the icon, write the
functions of a human heart in our body.

Group 2: Through Venn diagram, compare and contrast the similarities

and differences between the mother in the poem and your mother in terms
of love expression.

Group 3: As a teenager, what qualities of a boy or a girl do you admire.

Write your answer inside the balloons.
3. Developing a Purpose for Reading

Tell the students that they are about to read a poem written by a Filipino
author who is a native of Atimonan, Quezon. As they read, advice the
students to find out the answers for the following questions:

1 How are the characters in the poem described-mother, son and
2. How is a mother’s heart being described?
3. How will you relate the context of the poem to your own mother?
4. Why do you think the author, Jose La Villa Tierra entitled his work
B. Development
Ballad of a Mother’s Heart by Jose La Villa Tierra

The night was dark, for the moon was young

And the stars were asleep and rare:
The clouds were thick, yet Youth went out
To see his maiden fair
“Dear one,” he pleaded as he knelt
Before her feet, in tears.
“My love is true; why have you kept
Me waiting all these years?”
The maiden looked at him unmoved.
It seemed, and whispered low;
“Persistent Youth, you have to prove
By deeds your love is true.”
“There’s not a thing I would not do
For you Beloved,” said he.
“Then go,” said she, “to your mother dear
And bring her heart to me.”

Without another word,

Youth left and went to his mother dear.
And opened her breast and took her heart.
He did not shed a tear!
Then back to his Maiden fair he ran,
Unmindful of the rain;
Bit his feet slipped and he fell down
And loud he groaned with pain!
Still in his hand he held the prize
That would win his maiden’s hand;
And he thought of his mother dear
So kind, so sweet so fond.
And then he heard a voice,
Not from his lips but from apart:
“Get up, “it said; “Were you hurt, Child?”
It was his mother’s heart.


1. Read Aloud
Instruct the students to read the poem aloud with the following
• First reading, altogether.
• Second reading, by two’s
• Third reading, individually

2. Using annotations
Tell students that they have to understand the text, to be able to do that,
take note of the important words or ideas in the poem. Use annotation
marks as guide in understanding the poem.

3. Directed Reading-Teaching Activity

a. Read the first stanza of the poem.
b. Ask the students,
• How is the setting described in the poem?
• Where would the Youth go on that night?
c. Make students infer.
1. Engagement Activity 1 (DYADS)

Ask students to form dyads and share their annotations with one
another beginning with the key words and the points they understood
well, followed by the unfamiliar words and the key points they do not
During the dyadic activity, encourage student to explain their answers
and try to help each other in points that they do not understand well.
Remind them of being polite in expressing their ideas and in
responding to their partner’s questions. Provide the following
questions and answer starters to guide them in the activity.

Questions and answers starter guide:

a. What are the keywords and the things you understand from the
The keywords for me are…
I understand that…
b. What words remain unfamiliar to you and which points are
I do not understand the words…
I do not understand…
c. Which part of the poem were you able to connect to your past
experiences and prior knowledge?
I make a connection with the part…because…
I can relate with the details on…because…

Engagement Activity 2 (WHOLE CLASS DISCUSSION)

Conduct a whole class discussion using the following questions :

1 How are the characters in the poem described-mother, son and
2. How is a mother’s heart being described?
3. How will you relate the context of the poem to your own mother?
4. Why do you think the author; Jose La Villa Tierra entitled his work

2. D. Assimilation
Enrichment Activity

Divide the class into three groups. Tell each group to choose their leader.
Leaders will pick a task card. Discuss the demand of each card. Ask the
groups to answer the RAFT first so that they are clear about their

Role - What is our role in the task?

Audience - Who will be our audience(reader/listener)
Format - What re we expected to produce?
Topic - What is the topic of or presentation?

Group 1: Interpretative Dance based on the plot of the poem

Group 2: Character sketches of a Youth and a mother

Group 3: Video presentation celebrating the greatness of motherhood

3. Cross Curricular Connections

Tell the students that it is important for them to be able to draw

connections between the topic and other content areas in their
curriculum. Encourage them to reflect on the importance of integrating
insights into other subjects.


I understand that

I realize that

Prepared by:

Teacher in English

Observed by:

Principal II

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