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(45 minutes) PART 4 Questions 1-5 For each question choose the correct answer A. Printing is 20 longer alowed, 1B Amenber of taf mus approve your peadg. CC Prineng can ony be done in che Horan Micha Dont forge og to our piano Jenny is ‘A reminding Michel sbout something B teling Michael of for mising lesion, saying Michael has to miss lesson sont eran. Yu det want to isi he ast week Jenny BDespie the holy. te shop wil open The shops closed for one day. Shop Closed to observe the National Holiday. ‘Business as usual tomorrow. ‘A ‘The shop wil open ater shan normal tomorrow, Thi 29 for A babies, B smal chen, © toongors Jack, Could you give the school aring? «teat peetnos ae Simon's teacher bt havea | ating dg Traber thould boon the fee | Tanks, Sue. ‘A. Se wanes Jacke hap wth har mesting today, 1B Sve would ke Jack co rie an email © Sue aps Jack fhe can contact the schol Questions 6-10 For each qussion, choose the correct answer “The people ew al want to wee mutsum, (On che opposie page there are descriptions of eighe museums Decide which museum would be the most suable fr the people below. 10 ‘Simon tanya heey for a shore te and would ke museum wit esy wansporeaccess He keen on all things Brcsh and would ke to experience a ride on old public transport , 7 Sarah wants a museum where her chidran can get involved in old ways of fe. She would prefer to travel ‘ut ofthe cy t0 be surrounded by nature and tradionl homes. ‘Any loves spending time with her young chi, but ‘want ovis somewhere with her ave render the husband comes home rom work at § pm. She is ‘specaly keen on finding ot more about how the Incernet has dominate late 200 cencury Me. ° Cris woud tke to show his randcidren the kind of games he used to playa a young cid, but neat somewhere near the cy centre. He is happy pay for aces. Rachel prefers tobe guided around museums and loves somewhere quiet where she an read books on any opi ‘She would also lke somewhere with 2 view to en coffee PAPER | Reading City Museums Q CUT mti ‘ur muscu ile with al sorts of oye rm over the we jy our smal muse with your fay you expences hid though the ages the hearftheciy, we enjoy ext rant ks ‘Theresa sal age for admison, ° NATIONAL MARITIME MUSEUM Explore the history ofthe country at sea inthis {roe-to-enter museum, Walk on board an old saling ship and imagine what it was ike at se3 by listening to our tour uides. Relax in our café by the river and browse our naval library Box Hill Living Museum Stunted inthe surrounding countryside ofthe ‘iy Box Hl aes the visor back through cme to se Iron Age houses, [eh centry farms and otages through tne. Experience what He was Ihe for counery fol dress up and become 2 Box Hil resident The Science Museum The history of tenet incuding space plration, mein ae campating, al cme together in hs one spac. Spec ate openings for adults ever Wednesday evering om 6910p, Enances fee but donations are welcome. The Transport Museum Come and see our fantastic exis of Briteh- imide ear and London buses. Our exhibits are ‘ot toys, but ralfe, working forms of transport, Enjoy a rde ona Blackpool eam inthe heart of London. Cilren ents ree wich one au === The most popular museum inthe city and it's totaly fe! Ou fomous dinosaur exibition forms the bacbone of your vst, ps the way ely humans ved, rocks fom Mats andthe ‘evolution of fight in birds. Our museum café serves hot an old fod for you to enjoy o-- The Space Centre octet cts oc the Space Canes} an euctnes| museum ging eye ern too aot tveting n pc,te el ompte in pce mses ad eerie a 8 nae Caper teal pact! The Food Museum ‘Although we've only Been open for afew months, ‘ur small museum ie making waves in the cy See ‘ur website for how! Discover the hatory of food ure not ony inthis counery, be internationally to, Join us for our cooking workshops every wechand, ary reach by bus or tan Questions 11 = 15 For each questlon choose the correct ansvar. Writer Jasmine Lloyd on Gardening 1 | wasn my tens, hee was 10 Way that you woud catch me working nthe garden AL hat ne, | Believed it was ony for the elderly and a @ teenager, it was ot cool to be seen doing work that old people were ‘connected to, Most of my tends were only inersted in ging shopping or playing ther Computer games and Ihave to admit thats nha was interested in doing to. Hawes, at my secondary school ny ideas started to change. The choolhad acommunty ‘garden, and we were supposed to work there every week. Some students Sa i 3s 2 punishment, whereas others loved. working In the guide, geting doser to nature. The Biology teacher, Mrs Briggs, was extremely fenced and showed us how to car for the plants and vegetables that we were growing, sn found that was sting t go and workin the garden, mani because found it reasing, but ako Because allowed me to watch things gow into beaut lowers and decious vegetables tert take long fox me to become hooked, and 30 now, in my mid-wenes, | have my ‘nn garden al thanks to Mrs Brigas. My love (of gardening has alowed me to write best. Sein books onthe epic of growing your own vegeabls and iit wast fr Mrs Briggs and the schoo! garden, I doubt | would be doing ha love doing now. Who would have known that | woud have a career doing something ‘that thought was only fr ol people? ‘Wirking in the garden now felt home wth my flowers and vegetables, and even though don't belive taking to your plans works, am mare than happy to tak about my garden to anyone who vil sen, and thi Incudes school chidren when | vit tlk about my ‘are, You never know where you might ea bout your dream ob frm. PAPER I ‘Asa teenager, Jasmine belived hat 1A gardening was beter chan shoppng. B ld people were good t gang CC gardening wasn for her ag group. D her fends oi oe of coo hing. ‘What does Jasmine ay about the school community garden? [A She ehoughe ie wat 2 punishment, B The staf member showed great excitement. C She was expected to work there everyday. The garden only ad flowers ine Jasmine says she has writen books {result of working the community garden B because Mrs Briggs tod her to. on many diferent topics D since she wat 8 vonage How doa ase fee about garding now! ‘A. She regrets talking abou gardening B She baeves gardening ie her only sare, C She fel very comlorabie inher garden D She chinks school the bes place co learn about le What woul be a good introduction ths arse? In this arc. sine Lloyd describes how one of ar ceachers 2 school persuaded her to In ‘front careardrecuon ane choose wring ea ‘A asmine Lloyd expla how she became a gardener through her love of reading books on growing veges, Te B Aker discovering how to grow ‘egeabies nei fe, writer [iamine Loyd describe hr felings about saying inthe garden. Worer Jasmine Uoyd expan inthe rca how she came to her carer hough hobby she choughe was ‘only for old people ee a oro PART 4 Questions 16-20 Five sentences have been removed from the text below For each question choose the correct answer. ‘There are thre extra renences which you do not reed co re A A Special Home ed to work a8 solicitor in the cty of London and had ben doing tht for many yeas. Uving in the cy wat excting, but | ‘ays fl that there vas something missing (is)_) ‘The ad wasn aration newspaper, andit was averising fr someone who was red of ty ean loking for anew adventure (17) It ‘nas writen on behaf ofa national parka the south west of the country and they were Advertsing for a park ranger to hve in a lighthouse right next to the coat. The person had 10love nature, enjoy spending te alone tnd be wing to study to become a qualified ranger (18) had ways loved beng inthe Countryside and | was looking for something completely cerent to my cy ie, Ths could be it contacted the company and aranged an iter. To my surprie, everything went ery wall Three seks later, got the call ering me the jo. Since that phone cl has been a whichind of activity gut my jab inthe cy 1 sold my house. [19] _] As soon as | moved. my possessions nto the ighthouse, knew that 1 hid made the right decson. In longer have to deal with the crowas inthe cy and my commute to work i ust a short bicycle ide along the beach instead of a one-hour tube journey. [0] —) i's atic to get used to the fenteme wether out hereon the coat but Fm finding tan excting expesence and one that | wouldnt tac for anythin, PAPER! — Reading ‘Ae sounded tke the perfect challenge for me. B The works much easier than Iwas expecting lewas then chat | aw an adveriemene 1 ehasn aways ben easy though decided wo make 2 big change in mye F put everthing in my car and drove down, G [e sounded jus he meso I read on HI ld know exactly what | was gong co do PART 5 Questions 21-26 For each question, choose the correct answer ‘onli he Japanese (2) ‘ex of growing iy resin srl contaners that copy the shane of hormakazee tees. though (2) practices exist other Aan cute, the Japanese version of oneal dates ick to ovr a thousand years 390 “Te ean for bons nt fo 23) food or medicine, but forthe pase of growing thing of beauty, However, roving a bona ra is more fit than you might think and you need i olow specie ‘ul of eign. Ono th (24). ‘ue eat the ee must not apnedr to have been desired Any 5) ‘of he cesar must be han athe back ofthe te, which snot shown when on slay. at bonal es, itt one of those amazing at forms nether you grow your own oust ery (28) which needs tobe seen tobe belived A emisr ‘arlar lnporane A scene ooking A viewing sesing PAPER! Reading PART 6 Questions 27-32 for each quesdon, ‘Write one word for ech gp. The Tower of London | chink my fvourc place to vse in London edhe Tower of London Ie been shere a (27). always discover something deren every time | go! three or four times and es realy easy to ge to a5 there are both tube sation a bus stops nearby. so there i no problem accessing I The bling zal fanatic and ove a9) Photos of irom every angle. you lke story then thi the pace (20) yout can ge very buty though. Its probably best to go during the week when there won't en 50 many vistors learned so much when vsking the Tower but thnk the @2) iceresting par stat used to be a prison as Writing (45 minutes) pane’ ‘You must answer this question ‘Wee your anne in sbout 100 words onthe answer sheet ‘Question | Read this mall from your Enlsh-spesking fiend Rober and the notes you hve made, From: [Rober Subject [Nox woot wt Frm eal happy tobe coming 0 68 you next wes and I are wal sy with you 3¢ your house. | was wondering neded eo being anything with me ~ ofcourse "bring my clothes and personal tm, buts there anything ee ve read that there la new ation fl coming outa the cna, Sey wich and wasting we should go and se it~ oF would you prefer to Iprefer ay achore and watch a DVD? ‘Are you sill meeting a atthe train station? See you nowt Wook, Robert ‘ote your email o Robert using all he notes. PAPER2 = Welling PART 2 Choose one of thete questions ‘Wet your answer in about 100 words on the answer sheet. ‘Question 2 ‘You see this announcement in an English-language magne. WRITE FOR US! What hind of books do you ie reading? o you peer elecvonic book or paper books? Why? ‘rte an antl answering these questions and get pushed in our ‘magazin! Ne oe ‘Waite your article ‘Question 3 Your Enh teacher has asked you to wre a stor. Your sory muse begin wih dhs sentence. 4s the boat got closer to the harbour, Jane saw a face she knew. Wht your story PAPER3 Listening 4. What di the boy buyin he shop! Listening (about 30 minutes) Questions 8 For each questlon choose the correct answer ——eaeo—_—veoerree {8 You wil hear wo fends taking abou a theatre that has us re-opened: What as NOT changed in he 1A che all and bar B he cee prices € theseas ‘You wil hear ewo fends talking abou len Wht wil he man Bring A places B sandwiches drinks ‘You wl hear a an aking about work How does he fee 1 excited to sare a new job B relieved to have fished his old ob {© upset tobe leving his old colleagues ‘You wil hear swo finds talking about a fl they watched What do they agree was good about A the mala actors B the special effec the serine ‘Yu wil hear a woman taking about her fa. The ft would be beter if 1A. tho balony faced che sun B the kitchen war updated © the bathroom was Biger. ‘You wil ear owo finds talking about a tennis match What dd the woman Fi annoying! 'A not being able to hear the umpire B the other spectators being nosy {© the oie from the payers PAPER3 Listening PARTS Questions 14-19 for ech quesion wt the core answer nthe ‘Wise one or two words ora number or date or atime ‘You wilhara woman, Chr, lkng about her vist epan, aetna y tena (Clare arrived in Tyo in (14) (On the trp to the temple, she was impressed by the (15) outs When she went shopping, she bought a (16) ‘She didn't cm Mount Fuji because the (17) right Clare was surprised that (18) was a popular sport ae popular spor in (On her fina day, she saw some wondectul (19) PART 4 Questions 20-25 For each question choose the corres answer ‘You wil ear an interview witha man called Peo Angoo.a profesional alle dancer who now works 3& 120 Pero went toa profesional dance schoo bease 1 is parents waned i Be wanted co move away from home. hs dance teacher recommended How dd Padro fel about moving toa new cy? [A Ho was pleasad becaue his mother cae wih hi Bic was hard butie was 8 good dacsion. © He worled about his fay. ‘What was the most important thing Pedro discovered at dance school A to look sher hinsett B that hs eetchers wore hs bes supporcers © the importance of rendsip ro sucess ‘What was a surprise for Pedra? [A chat his masher enerd him inthe compen BB that hi teachers suggested he should cer © chat there was a scholirship a5 2 prize “Wy dd Pedro stop dancing profssonally? 1A He was gting to0 ld BB His esis was nota is bast. © He wat’ geting the roles he wanced ‘What des Pedro miss most abou dancing profsslonally? 1 his ands and colleagues B performing for ee publ the trang schedule Speaking (10-12 minutes) PART 4 Introductions ~ Giving personal information (2-3 minutes) Phase | Phove 2 Wrst your name? ‘Where do you Ivelcom from? oyou work or ae you suden? Wont do you doled? eo you ke going tothe cinema? How do you geo worduersnlalegechoc every dy? “alusboi your bes rend What your bs en he!) What di yu do is igh? PART 2 Describe photograph (2-3 minutes) Photograph A shows people playing a sport. Photograph B shows people celebrating something. (Gee Si.) Each candidate talks abou thelr own photograph, PARTS 3 & 4 (6 minutes) PARTS. Talk together about a situation using visual stimulus (2-3 minutes) In pars, talk about the sieuation below. Use the pltures for ideas (see SI ‘Ayoung woman has just moved toa new city and she would like to find some new fiend Talk ‘together about the diferent actties she coud do and say which would be the most helpful In finding now fiends, —_ Discuss the topic further (2-4 minutes) ing with ferent people! (Why?) 2 Do you prefer beng with rend or beng slone? (Why!) 3 sk importances have a ot of fiends? (Wy?) 4 (Do you think that you can be good fiend with pple one? (Why) 5 Do you think easy co mak rend (Wy?)

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