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Name:____________________ Date:____________________ Subject: islam

1. What is the word ‘DA’WAH’ referring to? (1m)

2. What is ‘DA’WAH’ (2m)

3. What are 2 ways of giving DA’WAH (2m)

4. What are the 4 rulings when giving DA’WAH? (4m)

5. What is puberty? (2m)

6. Write 3 signs of puberty. (3m)

7. Write 04 obligations after puberty. (4m)

8. Write the 3 types of thawed with its meaning. (3m)

9. a. The sura is titled ‘Al-QALM’. What is it referring to? (1m)

b. how many ayahs does this surah consist of and in what chapter is the surah in? 2(m)

c. Where was this Surah revealed? (1m)

d. Where was this surah revealed to the prophet? (1m)

10. a. how many ayahs does surah ‘AHZAB’’ consist of and in what chapter is the
surah? 2(m)

b. Where was this surah revealed? (1m)

c. Write 3 content from this surah. (3m)

11. What does the word ‘Jihaad’ refer to? (1m)

12. What does Jihaad mean? (2m)

13. What does Jihaad al nafs mean? (2m)

14. The steps of struggles against yourself.

15. Who gives the call for prayer? (1m)


16. What is Azan? (1m)

Call for prayer

Going to pray
Call for reciting

17. Which is the most sacred place for Muslims? (1m)

Masjidul Aqsa
Red Mosque
Masjidul Nabawi

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