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Grade & Section: Subject:

The Role of Social Media in School and in the Community

Social media plays an important role in school or education. It is a very interactive platform
wherefrom users can take help and share their ideas, information, interests, and many more things.
These ideas can be shared through various communities and various networks. Social media has become
an invaluable tool not only for promoting and selling goods and products but also in the field of
education. Many students post their problems on the social media platform and get instant help or
solutions to their problems. With the help of social media, students can get information, can fetch or
retrieve information easily, and can communicate with their teachers, friends, and classmates easily.
Students can get connected with their teachers easily and can gain knowledge and information through
its help. Social media offers a lot of opportunities and plenty of options for interaction and gaining
information and can increase the students’ learnings.
Social media has become a trusted source of providing information and it is a great platform
where students and businesses or companies can interact with their target audiences. With the help of
social media, students and teachers can improve their technological access and involvement in studies
increases because of these latest technologies. Internet and its technology also help in collaborating in
the classroom and make better and effective communication skills with students. Teachers can make
the class interesting by making the powerpoint presentation and can use various pictures and images in
it so that class students take more interest and retain more information with the attracted powerpoint
slides. Sharing of information is very necessary in order to spread the message or if you want to
communicate with the other. Despite the positive effects of social media to education, studies revealed
that improper use of social media also causes negative effects to students. It has shown that students
who spend more time on social media sites are likely to demonstrate poor academic performance. This
is because they spend time chatting online and making friends on social media sites instead of reading
books. Social media also causes distress and obstacle to minds of the students. These days, students
tend to lose their concentration from studying and instead enjoy browsing on social media. All of these
convey to waste of time without getting anything from it. Students are often incapable of submitting
their works or school projects in the specified time frame because they are more concentrated on
applying social media platforms. With the extensive use of social media, students these days are varying
more on such platforms to gain information and knowledge instead of looking out for the same in books,
journals, or notes. Because it is straightforward to obtain data online, students’ reading habits and their
learning and research skills are diminishing. Adoption of social media sites with slight carelessness can
have mental and also physical effects on one’s health. Students do not take their meals on time, do not
take proper rest, and continuously being on a phone or laptop can also have adverse effects on their
eyes. Too much use of social media can have adverse effects on students’ minds, and they may also be
exposed to bad posture, eye strain, and physical and mental stress. On the other hand, social media also
has positive effects to the community. Social media technologies and sites like Facebook, Instagram, and
Twitter allow users to create and share information with others, especially to their family and friends,
and even during a time of emergency. You can look up for someone you haven’t heard from in years and
you can find out some basic information about them. It is easier now to find out what’s going on with
people, and it’s probably going to get even easier as the technology develops. One of the greatest
advantages of social media is how easily and quickly it allows us to connect and communicate with
others. Most of the time for free, we can get news in real time and message each other instantly. Long
gone are the days of having to write letters, and we no longer have to rack up expensive phone bills just
to call each other. However, social media can have an effect on loneliness and make some people feel
more isolated. More and more studies are showing that the more a person spends time on social
networking sites, the more likely they are to feel isolated and to tend to have less engagement with
others. This feeling can be enhanced by seeing photos or videos of friends having a great time at an
event that they did not or could not attend, making them feel like they are missing out. Too much social
media can lead to poor sleep patterns and a lower quality of sleep. Social media can also negatively
affect relationships. If you go out to a restaurant and take a look around, you will see many people,
phone in hand scrolling through their social media accounts, sometimes even all four family members at
the same table doing it.
Therefore, it is important to make sure that we utilize social media platforms properly. We must
use it to our own advantage and ensure that we do not violate the laws, hurt feelings of other people,
and most importantly to be come a responsible member of the society. We can also use it to help and
protect others, especially our family and friends. When we go out to spend time with them, this is when
real social connections happen, and these social interactions are beneficial to our health. Getting to sit
and talk with other people helps us to unwind in an enjoyable, stress-free environment. So, when we go
out to socialize, be present and actually socialize and leave the phone behind.

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