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8/27/23, 7:41 AM 20 Favorite Types of Orchids - Tokopedia Blog

Home and Living

Get to know the 20 most beautiful types of orchid plants

that beautify the house
18 July 2019


Orchids are beautiful flowering plants that can add to the aesthetics of your home. Among the many
varieties, here are the most beautiful and favorite types of orchids!

Types of Orchids - Orchids are flowering plants that are familiar, because they have a unique and
alluring appearance, and have a distinctive aroma. Orchid plants have many types that can be found in
Indonesia, making them often used as house decoration plants.

Not only as decoration, orchid flowers are also often used as fragrances, herbal plants and other
benefits. Many people like to grow this plant because it is easy to care for and can be grown on their
own in the home garden .

For those of you who want to start growing orchids, it's a good idea to know the types and
characteristics of the following favorite orchids first!

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Types / Kinds of Orchid Flower Plants

1. Dendrobium Orchids

Image Source: With Our Aloha

The dendrobium orchid is a type of orchid that is loved by many people, because it has bright flower
colors and looks very beautiful.

This easy-to-find plant will certainly be very well suited to be used as a sweetener at home. Usually,
dendrobium is pure white, a mix of white and purple, to yellow.

2. Sugarcane Orchid

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This type of cane orchid might be one of the heaviest types of orchid plants, because it can weigh up to
1 ton! Not only tall, one of these beautiful orchids can be up to 3 meters high!

This orchid named Latin Grammatophyllum speciosum has a characteristic brown flower color and spots
with a tiger-like pattern. Therefore, the cane orchid is also commonly called the tiger orchid.

3. Moon Orchid

Image Source: Travaldo's Blog

The moon orchid is a type of orchid plant that is very popular with the public because of its very
beautiful and unique shape. There are two reasons why many orchid lovers choose this type of moon
orchid as a house decoration plant.

First, because the moon orchid is easy to care for. Second, the moon orchid is a plant that is easy to
grow attached to a trunk or tree.

4. Cattleya Orchid

Image Source: Free Range Stock

Cattleya orchids have a characteristic, namely their large size compared to other types of orchids. To
find this one orchid is very easy, because it has been widely cultivated.

5. Monkey Orchid

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Image Source: Charismatic Planet

As the name implies, the monkey orchid has a shape resembling the face of a Dracula monkey. Even
though it looks like a monkey, this plant with the Latin name Dracula simia is also nicknamed the "little

This type of orchid plant can grow at an altitude of 1,000 meters (m) to 2,000 m above sea level (asl)
with temperatures ranging from 27 degrees Celsius and humidity 80-90 percent.



6. Orchid Kasut Mustache

Image Source: IOSPE Photos

The Kasut Kumis Orchid or scientific name Paphiopedilum chamberlainianum is a type of orchid that has
a very unique flower shape. The shape is cute like a baby with a sleeping bag. It is green on top and
purple on the bottom.

This type grows above the ground with a height of 30 centimeters (cm) to 45 cm and is suitable for
growing at an altitude of about 1,000 meters above sea level. However, to get this plant is quite difficult
because the population is very rare.
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7. Orchid Hartinah

Image Source: IOSPE Photos

Hartinah Orchid or Tien Soeharto is a type of orchid that only grows in certain areas. Meanwhile, the
shape of the flower is like a tape that is tapered and can grow up to 50-60 cm.

There is something unique about the name of the flower that comes from Samosir Regency, North
Sumatra. The name of this plant is a tribute to Tien Soeharto's services in the world of Indonesian

8. Black Orchid

Image Source: Password Orchid

One more unique orchid, namely the black orchid originating from Kalimantan, Sumatra and the Malay
Peninsula. This orchid with the Latin name Coelogyne pandurata is actually not dominated by black. The
dark part is only slightly in the middle.

Unfortunately, the black orchid is included as a rare orchid due to the shrinking forests in Kalimantan.

9. West Kalimantan Moon Orchid

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Image Source: Flickr/Snotch

This type of orchid is one of the orchids that has a very beautiful shape. The West Kalimantan moon
orchid has a brightly colored pattern, a mix of white, yellow and red.

10. Hairy Lips Orchid

Image Source: Wikipedia

The hairy orchid is a beautiful flower native to Indonesia. However, this type of orchid named Latin
Coelogyne speciosa is not very popular. About the name, because the hairy lip orchid grows white hair
like a beard.



11. Violet Orchid

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Image Source: Fine Art America

The violet orchid flower has the scientific name Phalaenopsis violacea . This type of orchid has a
beautiful appearance with a fragrant aroma. As the name implies, this flower is dominated by violet
colors which gives a graceful and beautiful impression.

12. Orange Orchid

Image Source: Flower Meaning

As the name implies, this plant has an orange color with brownish spots. The orange orchid has smaller
flowers and is slimmer when compared to its siblings.

13. Spoon Orchid

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Image Source: IOSPE Photos

This orchid flower is named because of the characteristic shape of the leaves which are similar to
spoons. This beautiful yellow orchid has a center that looks like it is sticking out like a spoon-shaped

14. Kebutan Orchid

Image Source: Flickr/Blumenbiene

Kebutan orchids or scientific name Ascocentrum miniatum , is an orchid that is often used in wedding
decorations. Kebutan orchids are usually bright orange in color with stacked small flowers.

15. Toothbrush Orchid

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Image Source: IOSPE Photos

This orchid is called the toothbrush orchid because of its neatly arranged shape like toothbrush bristles.
This type of plant grows in the lowlands and has an alluring purple and white color.



16. Moon Star Orchid

Image Source: IOSPE Photos

Why is it called the moon star? Because the number of crowns on this flower is five. So that it forms a
star, while in the hands of flowers it forms the moon.

The plant with the scientific name Paraphalaenopsis denevei is known to come from Kalimantan. These
orchid flowers can be found near river streams or attached to trees.

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17. Twinkle Orchid

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Image Source: Wikipedia

This orchid with the Latin name Phalaenopsis violacea is an ornamental plant that has a high allure,
because of its unusual shape and ability to spread a fragrant aroma. Sadly, this orchid has been
declared endangered.

18. Vanda Orchid

Image Source: AmThai Orchids

This type of orchid has a variety of leaf sizes and shapes. There are those that are narrow, wide, thin,
thick, to the shape of a spoon, ribbon, to like a pencil. Vanda orchids grow as soil orchids and attach to
other plants.

19. Emerald Orchid

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Image Source: Orchid Roots

This orchid with the Latin name Dendrobium macrophyllum has characteristics such as hairs on flowers
similar to rambutan fruit. The appearance is unique, dominated by yellow-green and brown stripes in the

20. Orchid Ki Script

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

The Ki Aksara orchid flower is green with a pattern like a flash of lightning. This orchid, which has the
Latin name Macodes petol, has a small size compared to other types of orchids.

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This orchid is very different when compared to other types. Its beauty is enjoyed in the leaves which
have intricate patterns. It can thrive in damp areas, with an altitude of 100-800 meters above sea level.



That was a list of types of orchid plants that are famous for their beautiful shape and fragrant aroma.
Hopefully the explanation above can help Toppers who want to grow this plant. But, what needs to be
remembered, we also have to protect rare plants!

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