Year 7 Civics T3 Booklet 2019

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Year 7: Civics & Citizenship

Term 3 2021


Statement of Inquiry:
Systems provide equity and equality for different perspectives, faiths and cultures.


Related Concepts
Equity, Perspective

Global Context:

Social Skills

Name: William Stratton

Teacher: Mr Banister

Civics and Citizenship

Year 7 Level Description: Australia’s system of government and explores how this system aims to protect all

You will examine the Australian Constitution and how its features, principles and values shape Australia’s
democracy. You will look at how the rights of individuals are protected through the justice system. Whilst also
exploring how Australia’s secular system of government supports a diverse society with shared values.

Command Terms

Analyse: Break down in order to bring out the essential elements or structure. Identify parts, relationships, and to
interpret information to reach conclusions.

Demonstrate: Prove or make clear by reasoning or evidence, illustrating with examples or practical application.

Describe: Give a detailed account or picture of a situation, event, pattern or process.

Discuss: Offer a considered and balanced review that includes a range of arguments, factors or hypotheses.
Opinions or conclusions should be presented clearly and supported by appropriate evidence.

Document: To credit sources of information used by referencing (or citing) following a recognised referencing
system. References should be included in the text and also at the end of the piece of work in a reference list or

Evaluate: Assess the implications and limitations; make judgments about the ideas, works, solutions or methods
in relation to selected criteria.

Exemplify: Represent with an example.

Explain: Give a detailed account including reasons or causes. Explore: Undertake a systematic process of

Formulate: Express precisely and systematically the relevant concept(s) or argument(s).

Identify: Provide an answer from a number of possibilities. Recognize and state briefly a distinguishing fact or

Interpret: To use, knowledge and understanding, to recognise trends and draw conclusions from given

Investigate: Observe, study or make a detailed and systematic examination, in order to establish facts and reach
new conclusions.

Justify: Give valid reasons or evidence to support an answer or conclusion.

List: Provide a sequence of items or brief answers.

The IB learner profile

The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognising our
common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more
peaceful world. As IB learners, we strive to be:
Inquirers We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We
know how to learn independently and with others. We learn with
enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.

Knowledgeable We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge

across a range of disciplines. We engage with issues and ideas that have
local and global significance.

Thinkers We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible
action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned,
ethical decisions.

Communicators We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one

language and in many ways. We collaborate effectively, listening carefully
to the perspectives of other individuals and groups.

Principled We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and
justice, and with respect for the dignity and rights of people everywhere.
We take responsibility for our action and their consequences.

Open-minded We critical appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as
the values and traditions of others. We seek and evaluate a range of points
of view, and we are willing to grow from the experience.

Caring We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to

service, and we act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and
in the world around us.

Risk-takers We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work

independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative
strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and

Balanced We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives -

intellectual, physical, and emotional - to achieve well-being for ourselves
and others. We recognise our interdependence with other people and with
the world in which we live.

Reflective We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We
work to understand our strengths and weaknesses in order to sport our
learning and personal development.

Week 1
Task 1 Global Context focus: Identities and Relationships
In your own words, identify and describe what does identity mean to you?
A identity is something that makes you, you. It is important to me because it make me how I am

Mind map the elements of your identity: values, beliefs, culture, relationships, place and space.

Describe the elements featured in your mind map


Identify and discuss the relationships that you have with others and the places around you.

Reflect on why are relationships important?


Define equity and equality? Describe why do you think these things are important? How are they different?

In your opinion, what is freedom? Justify: Why is it important to you? Exemplify: What freedoms do you enjoy?

Debateable question
Discuss: Do you think that all people deserve equality, equity and freedom?

Formulate: How do we achieve equity and freedom for everyone? Is it possible?


Week 1
Task 2: Concept focus: Systems- What is democracy?

View the video below with your class:

In your own words, describe democracy.

Define democracy? What does democracy mean to you?

What are the features of a democratic country? What makes Australia democratic?

Make a list of other democratic countries


Pair work
Analyse: what are your rights and responsibilities in a democracy?
Rights Responsibilities

How does democracy work as a system? Is voting important?

What are some other systems of governance?


Inquiry: What are some other inquiry another political system, and compare and contrast democracy with
another political system, what are the similarities and differences?
Task 3: Visual Communication
On an A3 piece of paper create a poster digitally or by manually that advertises ‘democracy’.
Ensure you communicate the significant aspects of democracy to the viewer.

Week 2
Task 4 Concept focus: Systems
Demonstrate: What is the Australian Constitution? How does it work?
Complete the attached concept map on two different occasions: What do you already know about the Australian
Constitution? And then reflect and discuss what you know at a later date and see how can you have discovered.
How much have you learnt?

Watch and answer the questions below

Discuss: Why did the people in Australian colonies want to join together to form a nation?

Identify: Why was the Constitution written?


Describe: What happened in 1901?


Analyse: What are the key features of the Australian Constitution?

Separation of Powers (fill in the table below)

Power Role Composition




Roles of the Houses of Parliament

The Parliament of Australia has four main roles:

 ______________________ and _________________ federal _______________.
 _____________________ the people of __________________.
 Providing a place where _______________ is _________________.
 Keeping a ________________ on the work of the _______________________.

Division of powers (levels of government)

How is power divided between the federal, state/territory and local levels of government?

Federal Government State/Territory Government Local Council

Discuss: What is the aim of the Australian Constitution?


What powers are described in the Constitution?


Identify the five keys features of the Constitution:

1. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________________

Discuss: How can the Constitution be changed?

1. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________

Justify: It is important to have a Constitution in Australia because:


Analyse: What are advantages and disadvantages of having a constitution?

Advantages Disadvantages

Identify: What is the Australia parliament also known as?


The Australian Parliament comprises of two chambers known as what?


Two Chamber of Parliament What do they do?

House of Representatives

Identify and Discuss: What impact does parliament have on our lives? How is your life influenced by the work of

Identify: Where did you find your information? (Write down the website ad- dress or book title).

Evaluate: Which website or source was most helpful? Why was it useful?

Discuss: How did the information help aid your understanding?

Week 3 Concept focus: Systems

Task 5 Referendums

Define referendum?


Discuss: How do referendums work?


Evaluate: Why are referendums important?


Discuss some past referendums and describe how these have changed the way Australia is


According to your research, identify and illustrate the process of a referendum.

Case study: inquiry 1967 Referendum

Factual questions:

Describe: What was Australia’s 1967 Referendum for?


Identify: What was the purpose of 1967 Referendum?


Discuss: What was the result?


Conceptual Question:

How did the 1967 referendum change Australia?


Explain: Why was the referendum important to Indigenous Australia?


Image Analysis

Identify: What do you think this poster is trying to communicate?



Information literacy focus Task 1 to Task 5

Where did you get this information? (Write down the website ad- dress or book title).

How did the information help aid your understanding?


Which sources were most useful?


How could you expand your inquiry for next time?


Task 6 Collaborative class activity

Global Context Focus: Identities and Relationships

Concept Focus: Systems

Debating a referendum issue

1. As a class, pick a controversial or topical issue.

2. Hold a debate about the controversial issue eg shark culling, with a student chairperson to
run the meeting with two opposing sides of the discussion.
3. The chairperson calls each person to speak, alternating sides to give time to both sides of
the argument.
4. Decide on for or against as a class through voting.
5. After the debate, hold a brief class conversation about what took place. Evaluate how did
the referendum succeed today. Describe why/why not?

Write your notes for the debate below


Week 4

Task 7 Australian Law

Identify some laws that guide your lives?


Discuss: Why are laws important?


List: Who makes the laws that we follow?


If you could make a law, what would it be? Evaluate: What would the law improve? Analyse:
How would it help society?

Define the Rule of law?


Discuss: What is the aim of Australian legal system?

Why is it important that all Australians have a right to a fair trial and right to legal representation?


What is legal aid and why is it important?


Identify and discuss: What roles to do citizens’ play as witnesses and jurors?

Debateable question

In your opinion, is Australian law equitable and equal for all its citizens? Why or why not?


Week 5-6
Assessment 5 ‘Democratic Systems’
Type: Paired work
Time allowed: 7 lessons

Assessment criteria:
 Criteria A: Knowing and Understanding
 Criteria C: Communicating
 Criteria D: Thinking Critically

Statement of Inquiry: Democratic systems aim to provide equity for perspectives, faiths and cultures.

 You are to conduct an inquiry about the values, system of law and government in a Democratic country other
than Australia.
 Analyse the system’s strengths, weaknesses and interesting points: using a Y Chart: Positive, Minus and
 Compare and contrast it with the Australian democratic system using a Venn diagram.

Remember to create your own questions to guide your inquiry.

Criteria A: Knowledge and Understanding
Factual Questions:
Where is the country? (MAP) What is the country’s population? Who is the Head of State?
What type of democracy is it? Is it a secular nation? What faiths exist in the country? What levels of government does it
have? What are the roles and features of government? Do they have constitution or similar?

Conceptual Questions:
Is it a multicultural and multi-faith society? What is historical background to their system of governance? How does the
government influence decision-making and laws? What are the values and beliefs of the country? Are its citizens
allowed to have a fair trail? Do they have referendums or something similar? Are its citizens allowed to have a fair trail?
How are different perspectives, faiths and cultures recognised in the country?

Debatable Questions:
Is it a cohesive country? Is the system fair and equitable to all citizens? In your opinion, are there anything unfair about
this country?

Criteria C: Communicating
Communicate in a sequential, detailed, clear and concise manner with the Helena approved bibliography.

Criteria D: Critically Thinking

Demonstrate critically thinking through detailed discussions of how, why, impacts and consequences of your
descriptions and your analysis of the political system through detailed visual schemas Y Chart and comparing and
contrasting the inquired country and Australia through a detailed ven diagram.

Criterion A: Knowing and understanding Maximum: 8

i. use a range of terminology in context
ii. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of subject-specific content and concepts,
through descriptions, explanations and examples.

Achievement Level descriptor

level Task Specific Criteria

0 The student does not reach a standard

described by any of the descriptors below.
The student:

1–2 i. makes limited use of terminology

ii. demonstrates basic
knowledge and
understanding of content and
concepts through limited
descriptions and/or examples.

The student:

3–4 i. uses some terminology accurately

ii. demonstrates satisfactory
knowledge and understanding of
content and concepts through
simple descriptions, explanations
and examples.

The student:

5–6 i. uses considerable and relevant

terminology accurately
ii. demonstrates substantial
knowledge and understanding of
content and concepts through
descriptions, explanations and

The student:
i. consistently uses a range of
7–8 terminology accurately
ii. demonstrates detailed knowledge and
understanding of content and
concepts through developed and
accurate descriptions, explanations
and examples.

Criterion C: Communicating
Maximum: 8

i. communicate information and ideas in a way that is appropriate for the audience and purpose
ii. structure information and ideas according to the task instructions
iii. create a reference list and cite sources of information.

Achievement Level descriptor

level Task Specific Criteria
0 The student does not reach a standard described by
any of the descriptors below.

The student:
i. communicates information and ideas in a style
that is not always clear
ii. organizes information and ideas in a limited
iii. lists sources of information inconsistently.

The student:
i. communicates information and ideas in a way
that is somewhat clear
ii. somewhat organizes information and ideas
iii. creates an adequate reference list and
sometimes cites sources.

The student:
i. communicates information and ideas in a
5–6 style that is mostly appropriate to the
audience and purpose
ii. mostly structures information and ideas
according to the task instructions
iii. creates an adequate reference list and usually
cites sources.

The student:
i. communicates information and ideas in a style
that is completely
appropriate to the audience and purpose
ii. structures information and ideas
completely according to the task
iii. creates a complete reference list and always
cites sources.
Criterion D: Thinking critically
Maximum: 8

i. analyse concepts, issues, models, visual representation and/or theories

ii. summarize information to make valid, well-supported arguments

iii. analyse a range of sources/data in terms of origin and purpose, recognizing values and limitations

iv. recognize different perspectives and explain their implications.

Achievement Level descriptor

level Task Specific Criteria

0 The student does not reach a standard described by

any of the descriptors below.
The student:
i. begins to analyse concepts, issues, models,
visual representation and/or theories in a
limited way
ii. begins to identify connections between
information to make simple
iii. recognizes the origin and purpose of few
sources/data as well as few
values and limitations of sources/data
iv. identifies different perspectives.
The student:
i. completes a simple analysis of
concepts, issues, models, visual
3–4 representation and/or theories
ii. summarizes information to make some
adequate arguments
iii. analyses sources/data in terms of origin and
purpose, recognizing some
values and limitations
iv. recognizes different perspectives and suggests
The student:
i. completes a substantial analysis of
concepts, issues, models, visual
representation and/or theories
ii. summarizes information in order to make
usually valid arguments
iii. analyses sources/data in terms of origin and
purpose, usually recognizing values and
iv. clearly recognizes different perspectives
and describes most of their implications.
The student:
i. completes a detailed analysis of
concepts, issues, models, visual
representation and/or theories
ii. summarizes information to make consistent,
well-supported arguments
iii. effectively analyses a range of
sources/data in terms of origin and
purpose, consistently recognizing
values and limitations
iv. clearly recognizes different perspectives and
Week 7

Task 9 The Values of Australia

Global Context focus: Identities and Relationships

In your opinion, what is a value? List some of your values.


Think, pair, share

Brainstorm: In your opinion, what are the values of Australian society?

Describe how do Australians embody this expression?


Define the word ‘secular’, what does it mean?

Discuss: How is Australia a secular nation?


List the religions that exist in Australia


Debatable question: According to your opinion is it possible for different faiths to live together in
harmony with each other?

Inquiry sites:
multicultural-policy-booklet.pdf ural-policy.htm

Definition of multi-faith:

Task 10: Australia is a multicultural country

It is important we first understand the definitions behind the title. You need to inquire the
definitions through the use the Internet or by visiting the library. It is important you digest the
information and write your own definition of each of the following terms.

Definition of multi-cultural:

Does a multi-cultural society make Australia a unique place to live? Explain your thoughts. Can
you THINK about other places around the world that don’t have this?


Define the word cohesive:


How do the values (multi-cultural and multi-faith) create a cohesive Australian society?

Do you think Australia is a cohesive society? Yes/No explain why.


Information literacy focus Task 5 to Task 9

Where did you get this information? (Write down the website ad- dress or book title).

How did the information help aid your understanding?


Which sources were most useful?


How could you expand your inquiry for next time?


Task 11 Immigration Timeline Australia

Investigate migration to Australia and create a timeline that demonstrates your understanding of
the history of Australia’s multiculturalism, and the waves of migrations that have made Australia.
Your teacher will guide you in how to create this timeline.

Task 12: Values and laws for a cohesive classroom

Inquiry site:,_Identity,_Culture:_Creating_a_Cohesive_Classroom

Now that you understand the definition of cohesive make a poster on a piece of A3 paper to show
10 values and associated laws that would make a cohesive classroom. (This links to the concept of
your own SYSTEMS). You may use the above inquiry site for some initial ideas.

Choose 2 in your list and explain why these suggestions would make a cohesive society?

Which ones could also be considered universal values?


Choose 3 and explain why they would make a cohesive world.


Can you think of 2 different values not been mentioned before that would help make a cohesive

Week 8
Task 13:
Put your posters around the room. You will walk around the classroom with a pen and paper and
look at all the different suggestions. Write down the best 10 you observed. Then you will hold a
group discussion in class and agree on the overall best 10. Your teacher will then display these on
the wall.

Task 14:

Now decide which of these best 10 values should be taken OUT OF THE CLASSROOM and used
in society. You can use up to 4 of these suggestions. Then you need to make up 6 to make a total
of 10.

How would a truly cohesive global society make the world a better PLACE TO LIVE?

Link to the Global Context: Identities and Relationships

Can we create a better identity and a better relationship with your peers and teachers if the class
group is more cohesive?


Task 15: Citizenship

Define: What is citizenship?

List and Identify: How do people become citizens in Australia?


Link to the Related Concept: Citizenship and Integration: Do you believe the act of citizenship
naturally integrates and makes people more cohesive?

‘How far do you agree that Australia is multicultural and multi- faith society?’ Give examples to
support your answer and you need to write at least 150 words.
Task 16: Reflection of this Unit

1. What did you enjoy most about this unit?


2. What has been the most challenging part of this unit and why.

3. Name 3 things you have learnt throughout this unit.



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