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NEET PATTERN TEST Brahmastra Major Test-04

13th NEET - Phase 11

Date: 26-Mar-2023 Duration: 3 Hours 20 Mins Max Marks: 720

Biology - Section A

1. Answer: C 2. Answer: A

Sol: Sol:

Plants possess continuously dividing cells Joseph Priestley (1770) observed that a
that have the ability to continuously candle burning in a closed space - a bell
divide and can also grow continuously. jar, soon gets extinguished. Similarly, a
These cells are the meristematic cells but mouse kept in a closed space would soon
animals do not have these meristematic get suffocated and die. However, when he
cells. placed a mint plant in the same bell jar,
he found that the mouse stayed alive and
So. Insects, Elephants, OR Humans do candle continued to burn. Priestly
not possess these meristematic cells so hypothesized that foul air or phlogiston
they cannot regularly divide. produced during burning of candles or
Hence, the correct option is "3" - animal (mice) respiration could be
Plants. converted into pure air or dephlogiston
by plants (mint). In 1774, Priestley
discovered oxygen.

So the correct answer is 'Priestley'.

3. Answer: D 4. Answer: D

Mammals from colder climates generally

have shorter ears and limbs to minimise
heat loss. (This is called the Allen’s Rule.)
In the polar seas aquatic mammals like
seals have a thick layer of fat (blubber)
below their skin that acts as an insulator
and reduces loss of body heat.

In the absence of an external source of

water, the kangaroo rat in North
American deserts is capable of meeting
all its water requirements through its
internal fat oxidation (in which water is a
by product). It also has the ability to
concentrate its urine so that minimal
volume of water is used to remove
excretory products.

Desert lizards lack the physiological

ability that mammals have to deal with
the high temperatures of their habitat,
but manage to keep their body
temperature fairly constant by
behavioural means.

The abilities of deep-sea animals to

tolerate the pressure and temperature
conditions of deep-sea habitats are due
to pervasive adaptations at the
biochemical level.

5. Answer: B 6. Answer: A


A group of related species that has more

characters in common in comparison to
species of other genera is known as

For example, Potato and Brinjal are two

different species but both belong to the
same genus Solanum.

So, they will share the maximum

common characters.

Hence, the correct option is "B" -

Potato, Brinjal.

7. Answer: A 8. Answer: B


Papaver's gynoecium consists of

multicarpellary syncarpous pistil while in
michelia, multicarpellary apocarpous pistil
shown in figure.

9. Answer: A 10. Answer: D

Sol: Sol:

The arrangement of sepals and petals of Keoladeo National Park or Keoladeo

the flowers is referred to as aestivation. Ghana National Park formerly known as
When the margins of petals overlap each the Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary in
other in such a way that one petal is Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India is a famous
completely external, one petal is avifauna sanctuary that hosts thousands
completely internal it is called as of birds, especially during the winter
imbricate aestivation as in Cassia and season. Over 230 species of birds are
Bauhinia. known to be resident. It is also a major
tourist centre with scores of
Therefore, the correct answer is option A. ornithologists arriving here in the
hibernal season. It was declared a
protected sanctuary in 1971. It is also a
World Heritage Site. Keoladeo Ghana
National Park is a man-made and man-
managed wetland and one of the national
parks of India.

11. Answer: B 12. Answer: A


13. Answer: D 14. Answer: B


In seed bearing organisms, ploidy of

zygote is always diploid, and ploidy of
endosperm. is not always triploid.

In angiosperms there are three types of

endosperm development— namely,
nuclear, cellular, and helobial.

aim:free education to all [apul]


ATP synthase is located in F 1 or

headpiece of F − F0 1 or elementary
particles. The particles are present in the
inner mitochondrial membrane. ATP-
synthase becomes active in ATP
formation only when there is a proton
gradient having a higher concentration of
H  or protons on the Foside as compared

to Fiside. Increased proton concentration

is produced in the outer chamber or outer
surface of the inner mitochondrial
membrane by the pushing of protons with
the help of energy liberated by the
passage of electrons from one carrier to

15. Answer: D 16. Answer: C


A mediterranean orchid Ophrys employs

sexual deceit to ensure its pollination by
the bees. The flower takes up the
mechanism of the pseudocopulation in
which the flower looks like the female
wasp of a particular species.In this case,
one petal of this flower bears an uncanny
resemblance to the female bee in size,
colour, and markings. The male bee gets
attracted to it as it perceives it as a
female bee.

17. Answer: B 18. Answer: C


Organisms capable of producing methane

have been identified only from the
Archaebacteria, a group phylogenetically
distinct from both eukaryotes and
bacteria, although many live in close
association with anaerobic bacteria. So,
the correct option is B.

19. Answer: D 20. Answer: D


Terminal oxidation is combination of

oxygen with electrons and protons
released from reduced co-enzymes which
produces water (metabolic water).

NADH2 & FADH2 obtained from glycolysis

and Kreb's cycle enter in electron
transport chain and form water molecule
by oxidation with the help of molecular
oxygen. In this process, energy is
released which is used for the synthesis
of ATP.

21. Answer: B 22. Answer: D


Critical Link Species are species which

play an important role in supporting
network species by functioning as
pollinators, nutrient circulators or
absorbers. Herbivores are critical link

23. Answer: C 24. Answer: D

Sol: Sol:

Alternaria belongs to    Deuteromycetes Cytokinin is known as Zeatin.

fungi mushrooms, toadstools, puff balls
belongs to basiodiomycetes. ABA also known as stress hormone.

Thus the right answer is option C. IBA also known as natural auxin.

NAA also known as synthetic auxin.

Hence, the correct answer is option D.

25. Answer: D 26. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

All organisms are dependent for their Walking fern or Maiden hair fern.  This
food on producers, either directly or name is given to them due to rapid
indirectly. So you find unidirectional vegetative reproduction. Vegetative
flow of energy from the sun to reproduction in Adiantum takes place by
producers and then to consumers. As means of leaf tip. It spreads very fast.
energy can neither be created only
transformed. In mosses vegetative propagation occurs
by fragmentation. Marchantia is a
A constant input of solar energy is the liverwort in which propagation also occurs
basic requirement for any ecosystem to by fragmentation.  Sprouting leaf plant is
function and sustain. xerophytic desert plants.

Ecosystem is self-sustaining and dynamic Hence, the correct answer is Walking

structure and is open to all sources of fern.

Hence the correct option is D

27. Answer: D 28. Answer: C


a)Denltrifying bacteria is-Thiobacillus

b)Aerobic bacteria is-Azotobacter

c)Anaerobic bacteria is-Rhodospirillum

d)Cyanobacteria is-Nostoc

Hence,the correct answer is option C.

29. Answer: C 30. Answer: C

Sol: Sol:

In broadly utilitarian, pollination (without Bryophytes are not differentiated into

which plants cannot give us fruits or true leaf, stem and roots but they have
seeds) is another service, ecosystems similar structure. They possess hair like
provide through pollinators layer – bees, rhizoids, which fix them to substratum. In
bumblebees, birds and bats absence of roots, thallus absorbs water
and minerals directly from ground or
atmosphere. Hence, they can thrive only
in moist places. Hepaticopsida is the class
of Bryophytes, which have dorsiventrally
flattened lobed plant body with unicellular
rhizoids. The other two classes belong to
division Pteridophyta. So, the correct
option is C.

31. Answer: D 32. Answer: C


C4 carbon fixation or the Hatch–Slack

pathway is one of three known
photosynthetic processes of carbon
fixation in plants.

C4 photosythesis reduces
photorespiration by concentrating CO2
around RuBisCO. To ensure that RuBisCO
works in an environment where there is a
lot of carbon dioxide and very little
oxygen, C4 leaves generally differentiate
two partially isolated compartments
called mesophyll cells and bundle-sheath
cells. Although most C4 plants exhibit
kranz anatomy.

Since the C3 pathway does not require

extra energy for the regeneration of PEP,
it is more efficient in conditions where
photorespiration is limited, like, typically,
at low temperatures and in the shade.

33. Answer: A 34. Answer: C

Sol: Sol:

There is ‘good’ ozone also; this ozone is Hairy leaves in several plants are
found in the upper part of the associated with resistance to insect pests.
atmosphere called the stratosphere, and For example:
it acts as a shield absorbing ultraviolet
radiation from the sun. UV rays are highly (i) Resistance to jassids in cotton
injurious to living organisms since DNA (ii ) Cereal leaf beetle in wheat
and proteins of living organisms
preferentially absorb UV rays, and its
high energy breaks the chemical
bonds within these molecules. 

35. Answer: A


Molecular O2 is both is only e- acceptor.

Pyruvate dehydrogenase converts pyruvic
acid to acetyl CoA.

Oxalosuccinic acid is converted into a-

ketoglutaric acid by decarboxylase
enzyme in TCA cycle.        
Biology - Section B

36. Answer: A


At the lower ends of embryonal axis, the

radical and root cap enclosed in an
undifferentiated sheath called coleorrhiza.
The portion of the embryonal axis above
the level of attachment of scutellum is
the epicotyl. Epicotyl has a shoot apex
and a few leaf primordia enclosed in a
hollow foliar structure, the coleoptile.

Hence, the correct answer is radicle,


37. Answer: A 38. Answer: D

Sol: Sol:

A swollen leaf base is called as Pulvinus. The cambial strip, which is present
This type of leaves are seen in legume between the primary xylem and primary
plants. The swelling results due to change phloem is known as the intrafascicular
in the turgor pressure. Night closure cambium.
movement of legume leaves shows this
pulvinar movement. The pulvinus The intrafascicular cambium is also
protects the young axillary bud. known as the vascular cambium. During
the secondary growth the cambial ring is
Thus the right answer is option A. formed by the inter connection of the
intrafascicular and inter fascicular

It is located inside the open vascular

bundles, between phloem and xylem
patches. During secondary growth the
derivatives are only secondary phloem
and secondary xylem.

39. Answer: B 40. Answer: B


Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is the

amount of dissolved oxygen (DO)
needed by aerobic biological organisms to
break down organic material present in a
given water sample.

Amount of oxygen decreases in polluted

water bodies.

So, living organisms like fishes dies in

polluted water bodies.

41. Answer: A 42. Answer: D


Monera phylogeny is best evidenced by

sequence of nucleotides in RNA of
ribosomes in archaebacteria. So, the
correct option is A.

43. Answer: B 44. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

For transport over long distances, it takes Kaziranga contains significant breeding
place with the help of a Vascular populations of 35 mammalian species, of
system which includes xylem and phloem which 15 are threatened as per the IUCN
both, and this process is known as Red List. The park has the distinction of
Translocation. being home to the world's largest
population of the Greater One-Horned
The absorption of water and mineral ions Rhinoceros
are taken up by the root hairs present on
the surface of roots. These root hairs are
thin-walled slender extensions of roots.
Water is absorbed along with mineral ions
( in this case calcium is a mineral) by the
root hairs and it moves deeper into the
layers by two different pathways:-

APOPLAST PATHWAY- In this, a system of

nearby cell walls which is continuous aim:free education to all [apul]
throughout the plant, this movement is
dependent on the gradient difference.

Xylem and tracheids help in water

transportation over long distances and it
is a part of the apoplastic pathway.

Hence, the correct answer is option

"2" - Apoplastic path only.

45. Answer: A 46. Answer: C


Funaria is a genus of mosses in which the

leaves are often crowded towards the
tops of short stems. The leaves are
tongue-shaped to ovate. The capsule is
pyriform. The capsules are often
numerous and are initially green and
pear-shaped, becoming yellowish to
orange-brown when ripe; they are borne
on long, usually curved setae. Riccia and
Pellia belong to the class Hepaticae.
Anthoceros belongs to the class
Anthocerotae. So, the correct option is A.

47. Answer: C 48. Answer: D


In  ringing  experiment removal of bark

breaks the continuity of epidermis, cortex
and phloem. It shows clearly that
epidermis, cortex and phloem do not take
part in transport of sap of water. It can
be easily removed because it is present
as a continuous sheet. In a similar
manner phloem cannot be removed in a
monocot stem, because of the scattered
arrangement, some of the vascular
bundles might be present near the
surface and some embedded deep inside
therefore,  ringing  experiment
is not applicable.

Hence, the correct answer is vascular

bundles are scattered.

Sacred groves are those segments of

forest that are under complete protection
and these regions are also untouched.
They are handled and protected by
religious communities.

Biosphere reserves are the protected

areas meant for the conservation of
plants and animals. It also restores the
traditional life of the tribals living in that
vicinity. They conserve the biodiversity of
that area.

A wildlife refuge, also known as a

wildlife sanctuary, is a naturally
occurring sanctuary, such as an island,
that provides protection for species from
hunting, predation, competition or
poaching; it is a protected area, a
geographic territory within which
wildlife is protected.

national park, an area set aside by a

national government for the preservation
of the natural environment.

49. Answer: A 50. Answer: C


On the basis of the quantitative

requirements of elements, they are
classified as

(i) Macronutrients - They are generally

present in plant tissues in large amounts
(in excess of 10mmole/kg of dry matter).
Carbon, hydrogen,oxygen,nitrogen,
phosphorus, sulphur, potassium, calcium
and magnesium are the macronutrients.

(ii) Micronutrients - They are needed in

very small amounts (less
than 10mmole/kg of dry matter). Iron,
mangnese, copper, molybedneum,
zinc,boron,chlorine and nickel are the
examples of micronutrients.

hence the correct combination of all three

macronutrients is represented in option

Biology - Section C

51. Answer: D 52. Answer: C


Respiration involves following steps:

Pulmonary ventilation which involves

taking in atmospheric air and releasing
carbon-dioxide rich air.

Diffusion of oxygen and carbon-dioxide

across the alveolar membrane.

Transport of gases by the blood.

Diffusion of O2 and CO2 between blood

and tissues.

Utilization of oxygen by the cells for

catabolic reactions and release of carbon-

53. Answer: D 54. Answer: D

55. Answer: C 56. Answer: D

Sol: Sol:

The right answer is option C. Metastatic cancer occurs when cancer

cells break off from the original tumor,
enter your bloodstream or lymph system
and spread to other areas of your body.
Most metastatic cancers are manageable,
but not curable. Treatment can ease your
symptoms, slow cancer growth and
improve your quality of life.

57. Answer: C 58. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

False statements Erythroblastosis foetalis is a condition

where the Anti-Rh antibodies produced in
a. Renin converts angiotensinogen in a mother with Rh-ve blood group will
blood to angiotensin I and further to attack the foetal RBCs (hemolysis) and
angiotensin II. Angiotensin II, being a ultimately kills the foetus.
powerful vasoconstrictor, increases the
glomerular blood pressure and thereby Such a situation actually arises when an
GFR. Rh − mother is impregnated by an Rh +
father resulting in the conception of an
b. ADH increases the volume of water in Rh + baby. If the woman is pregnant with
the blood which leads to the excretion of her first baby, Rh incompatibility is not
concentrated (hypertonic) urine. much of a concern because the mother is
True statements not exposed to significant amounts of
foetal blood during the first pregnancy.
c.  Protein-free fluid is filtered from blood
plasma into the Bowman's capsule. However, at the time of delivery, there is
a mixing of mother and fetal blood and
d.  Sweat produced by the sweat glands the mother develops Anti-Rh antibodies
is a watery fluid containing NaCl, small over a period of time.
amounts of urea, etc. Though the
primary function of sweat is to facilitate a In a situation where she gets
cooling effect on the body surface, it impregnated a second time and carries a
also helps in the removal of some of the Rh+ve baby, the Anti-Rh antibodies will
wastes. attack the foetus.

Thus the right answer is option B.

59. Answer: B 60. Answer: B


In human males, GnRH stimulates the

secretion of a hormone (LH) and a
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).

LH stimulates the Leydig cells for the

secretion of androgens which in turn
stimulate the process of
spermatogenesis. FSH stimulates the
Sertoli cells for spermiogenesis.

In human females, the secretion of LH

and FSH stimulates follicular
development, as well as secretion of
estrogens by the growing follicles. The LH
surge induces rupture of Graafian follicle
and the release of an ovum (ovulation).

Thus, the correct answer is option B.

61. Answer: D 62. Answer: C

Sol: Sol:

(c),(d) and (e) only A flat bone present on the thorax on its
ventral side is known as the sternum. In
the midline of the chest, it is present and
has a 'T' shape. There are 12 pairs of ribs
present in human beings and each pair
joints to the column of the vertebra and
to the sternum on the ventral end.

63. Answer: D 64. Answer: A


Controlled breeding experiments are

carried out using artificial insemination
(AI). The semen is collected from the
male that is chosen as a parent and
injected into the reproductive tract of the
selected female by the breeder.

Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer

Technology (MOET) : This  programme is
used for  herd improvement. In this
method, a cow is administered hormones,
with FSH-like activity, to induce follicular
maturation and super ovulation – instead
of one egg, which they normally yield per
cycle, they produce 6-8 eggs. The animal
is either mated with an elite bull or
artificially inseminated. The fertilised
eggs at 8–32 cells stages, are recovered
non-surgically and transferred to
surrogate mothers. The genetic mother is
available for another round of super

65. Answer: B 66. Answer: D

Sol: Sol:

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a technique

in which fertilisation occurs outside the
body in almost similar conditions as that
in the body followed by embryo transfer

In this method, popularly known as test

tube baby programme, ova from the
wife/donor (female) and sperms from the
husband/ donor (male) are collected and A is aqueous chamber.
are induced to form zygote under
simulated conditions in the laboratory. B is cornea.

The zygote or early embryos (with upto 8 C is ciliary body. Lens is connected by
blastomeres) could then be transferred ciliary body with the help of "Suspensory
into the fallopian tube (ZIFT-zygote intra ligaments" called zonula of zinn" or
fallopian transfer) and embryos with zonules. They can change focal length or
more than 8 blastomeres into the uterus shape of the lens.
(IUT - intrauterine transfer), to complete
its further development. D is iris. Iris controls the intensity of light
by increasing or decreasing the diameter
of pupil.Or regulates the size of the pupil
to let more or less light into the eye.

E is fovea. The fovea is a thinned-out

portion of the retina where only the
cones are densely packed. So it
transduces blue, green and red light.
Photoreceptors are highly concentrated at
the center of focus.

F is blind spot.

G is optic nerve. when sensory cells of

retina are sensitized than optic nerve
carries this impulse to brain or CNS.

H is choroid.

I is sclera.

J is retina.
67. Answer: D 68. Answer: B


Homologous organs are those organs,

which have the  same origin and similar
basic structure but may differ in external
appearance and function. Wings of
birds(sparrow), pectoral fins of fishes,
Hind legs of horse and bat,Hands of man,
monkey and chimpanzee, Mandibles of
cockroach, mosquito and honeybeeare an
example of the  homologous organs.
Analogous organs  are defined as
the  organs  of different animals that are
having different structure but perform the
same functions. For example- Wings of
birds & Locust, Wings of bat & Butterfly,
Legs of frog & Cockroach.

69. Answer: A 70. Answer: D


Cyclostomes (lamprey) are marine but

migrate for spawning to fresh water. After
spawning, within a few days, they die. In
Osteichthyes, skin is covered with
cycloid/ctenoid scales.  Amphioxus is
Cephalochordata chordate animal, that
does not have excretory organs in the
form of mesodermal kidneys but are in
the form of protonephridia. Camelus
(Camel) is mammal placed in tetrapoda
class. In Chondrichthyes (trygon), skin is
tough, containing minute placoid scales.

71. Answer: A 72. Answer: C

73. Answer: D 74. Answer: C


Lipids are included in acid insoluble

fraction because lipids are insoluble in
acids. All the acids are either ionic, or
they are polar. In both cases, lipids are
insoluble in them. So, they are included
in acid insoluble fraction.

75. Answer: C 76. Answer: D


A polyribosome (also called a

"polysome" or "ergosome") is a group
of ribosomes bound to an mRNA
molecule like "beads" on a "thread."
It consists of a complex of an mRNA
molecule and two or more ribosomes
that act to translate mRNA instructions
into polypeptides.

A peroxisome is a membrane-bound
organelle (formerly known as a
microbody). Peroxisomes are oxidative
organelles. Frequently, molecular oxygen
serves as a co-substrate, from which
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is then

Dictyosomes are net-like, flat,

membrane-bound cavity structures
called cisternae, which comprise the
Golgi apparatus. Proteins are stored in
the dictyosomes for further transport.

77. Answer: D 78. Answer: A


Histones are basic proteins, and their

positive charges allow them to associate
with DNA, which is negatively charged.

Primary constriction is the basic

centromere by which the early new
chromatids (newly formed chromosomes)
remain attached to each other.

A kinetochore is a disc-shaped protein

structure associated with duplicated
chromatids in eukaryotic cells where the
spindle fibers attach during cell division
to pull sister chromatids apart.

So, all the pairs are correct.

Hence, the correct answer is option

"D" - None of the above.

79. Answer: A 80. Answer: D


For production of curds or yoghurt

pasteurized milk is inoculated with a
mixture of  Streptococcus
thermophilusand  Lactobacillus
bulgaricus  and its lactose is fermented
by keeping it at 400C. The peculiar or
characteristic taste and flavour of curds
are due to presence of lactic acid and

81. Answer: D 82. Answer: A

83. Answer: D 84. Answer: A

85. Answer: D
Biology - Section D

86. Answer: D


In certain industries, especially those

involving grinding or stone breaking so
much dust is produced that the defense
mechanism of the body cannot fully cope
with the situation. Long exposure can
give rise to inflammation leading to
fibrosis (proliferation of fibrous tissues)
and thus causing serious lung damage.
Hence, the correct option is "D" .

87. Answer: C 88. Answer: C


Glomerular filtrate contains all the

constituents of blood except blood cells
and proteins.

it contains a large amount of water and

other dissolved substances such. as urea,
uric acid, creatinine, amino acids,
glucose; sodium, potassium, vitamins,

so, option (D) is incorrect.

89. Answer: C 90. Answer: D


The  exaggerated response of the

immune system to certain antigens
present in the environment is called
allergy. Common examples of allergens
are dust mites, pollen, animal dander,

Allergy is due to the release of chemicals

like  histamine and serotonin  from the
mast cells.  The use of drugs like
antihistamines, adrenaline, and
steroids quickly reduces  the symptoms
of allergy.

Hence, the correct option is C.

91. Answer: B 92. Answer: C


Among the given statements only

statement second is incorrect and rest
are correct statements.

The second statement is incorrect as

Chordae tendineae  or tendinous cords
are known as heart strings, and these
resembles fibrous cords of connective
tissue that connects the papillary muscles
to the tricuspid valve and the mitral valve
in the heart.

Hence, the correct answer is option

"2" - ii, iii, iv.
93. Answer: B 94. Answer: C


Vestibular apparatus  is sensory part for

balancing, located above the cochlea. It
consists of :

(i) three semi-circular canal (scc) (ii) one

utriculus (iii) one sacculus

The base of canal is swollen structure

called Ampulla which contain projecting
ridge called crista Ampullaris (Crista)
which has hair cells. The utricules and
sacculus contain a projecting ridge called

The crista and macula are the specific

receptors of the vestibular apparatus
responsible for maintenance of balance of
the body and posture.

Cristae control and maintain body

equilibrium at the time of movement and
maculae regulate this at static position.

95. Answer: D 96. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

Among the given options, the incorrect Vertebral column in vertebrates can be
statement is "C" as during the fertilization cartilaginous(cyclostomata) or
process Sperm contact with zona radiata bony(aves).
the outer layer of the egg.
The members of vertebrata posses
Zona pellucida is the inner layer of the notochord during embryonic development
egg that does not come in contact with .The notochord is replaced by
the sperm. cartilagenous or bony vertebral
column.Thus all vertebrates are
The other statements are correct. chordates but all chordates are not
Hence, the correct answer is option vertebrates.
"D" - A - T, B - T, C - F, D - T. Beside chordate charachters vertebrates
have pair appendages  it can be limbs
or fins.

In chordates pharynx is perforated by gill


Thus right answer is B.

97. Answer: B 98. Answer: A


NCERT 11th Page No 132

99. Answer: D 100. Answer: D

Physics - Section A

101. Answer: A 102. Answer: A



ˆ ˆ ˆ
r1 =  4i  +  7 j +  2k and 

ˆ ˆ ˆ
r2 =  1i  +  3 j +  2k

→ → →
r = r 2 − r 1 = −3 î − 4 ĵ

2 2
|r| = √(−3) +  (−4) =  5

V= = = 18 V         ....(1)
kq 90

r 5

→ →
E =   3

= = =           ....(2)
kq 90 18
|E| N/
2 C
r 25 5

Dividing (1) & (2)




V = 18 Volt

103. Answer: D 104. Answer: A

Sol: Sol:

Momentum is given by p = hν

pc 3.3×10
t1 = 39. 6 s
⇒ ν = = = 1 .5 ×10 Hz
h −34
t2 = 39. 9 s

therefore (D) is correct option. t3 = 39. 5 s

Least count of measuring instrument 

= 0. 1 s

[As measurements have only one decimal

place] Precision in the measurement
= Least count of the measuring
instrument = 0. 1 s

Mean value of time for 20 oscillations

t1 +t2 +t3 39.6+39.9+39.5
t = = = 39. 7 s
3 3

Absolute errors in the measurements

Δt1 = t − t1 = 39. 7 − 39. 6 = 0. 1 s

Δt2 = t − t2 = 39. 7 − 39. 9 = −0. 2 s

Δt3 = t − t3 = 39. 7 − 39. 5 = 0. 2 s

Mean absolute error =

|Δt1 |+|Δt2 |+|Δt3 |



= 0. 17 ≈ 0. 2  (rounding-off
upto one decimal place).

∴ Accuracy of measurement = ±0. 2 s

105. Answer: B 106. Answer: D


Here, R = 8.32 J mol–1 K–1, n =1

ΔT = 100°C– 0°C = 100°C

At constant pressure,  ΔQ = nCp Δ T and 

ΔW = nR Δ T

According to first law of thermodynamics,

ΔQ = ΔU + ΔW

∴ ΔU = ΔQ– ΔW = nCp Δ T − nR Δ T

= n Δ T(Cp – R) = nCv Δ T 

(∴ Cp – Cv = R)

For monoatomic gas, C v =



∴ ΔU = 1 × × 8. 32 × 100

= 12. 5 × 10  J

= 1. 25 × 10 J

107. Answer: C 108. Answer: D


As, When bar is moving along common

axis of two coils then current is included
in both coils. Because when magnet is
moving, there will be change of magnetic
flux linked with the circuit. And change of
flux will result into emf and finally current
is induced in both the coils and direction
in one coil will be clockwise and in other
coil it will be anticlockwise.

109. Answer: B 110. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

The total work done by the gas from D to

E to F is equal to the area of  ΔDEF.
∴   Area   of   Δ DEF = DF × EF

Here, DF =change in pressure = 600–200

= 400 Nm–2  and EF = change in volume
= 7 m3–3m3 = 4 m3 
∴   Area   of   Δ DEF = × 400 × 4  =  800 J

111. Answer: C 112. Answer: B


According to the question :

x = 6t ⇒ ux =

= 6

and y = 8t–5t2 ⇒ uy = dx

= 8 − 10t

uy(t=0) = 8 m/sec

= 10
2 2 2 2
u = √(ux ) + (uy ) = √(6) + (8)


So, option (C) is correct.

113. Answer: C 114. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

For a particle in uniform circular motion, The liquid shown in the figure is
paramagnetic in nature.
 towards centre of circle
a =

Because when a paramagnetic liquid is

placed in a non-uniform magnetic field,
they have tendency to move from weaker
part of magnetic field to stronger part of
the field.

The magnetic field is stronger near the

poles of the two magnets, and therefore
most of the liquid accumulates in that
→ v

∴   a = (−cosθ î − sinθ ĵ )

or   a
2 2
v ˆ v ˆ
= − cosθ i − sinθ j

115. Answer: B 116. Answer: A

Sol: Sol:

Given Q = 2C, F = 100N Here, K A = K, KB = 2K,  Kc =


We know that E = F/Q Let L be the length and A be area of

cross-section of each conductor
E =
= 50 N/C
respectively. Let T1 and T2 be
temperatuer of A-B and B-C junctions

At the steady state, 


KA A(100–T1 ) KB A(T1 –T2 ) KC A(T2 –0)
∴ = =

A(T2 –0)

KA(100–T1 ) 2 KA(T1 –T2 ) 2
= =

∴ (100– T1 ) = 2(T1 – T2 ) 

or 100– T1   = 2T1 – 2T2

or 2T 2 = 3T1 – 100  or  T2 =


T1 – 50  ......(i)

and 2(T 1– T2 ) =

T2  ....(ii)

Substituting the value of T2 from eqn. (i)

in eqn. (ii), we get 
3 1 3
2 (T1 – ( T1 – 50)) = ( T1 – 50)
2 2 2

 or 2 (
2T1 –3T1 +100 3T1 –100
) =
2 4

or – T
3T1 –100
1 + 100 =

– 4T1 + 400 = 3T1 − 100

or  7T1 = 500 or T1 = °C  ≈ 71 °C

117. Answer: B 118. Answer: A

119. Answer: A 120. Answer: A


Let the percentage of B atoms be x, 10

then Average atomic weight

10x+11(100−x) N 10
B 19
= = 10. 81 ⇒ x = 19   ∴ =
100 N 81
121. Answer: B 122. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

Tension 'T' in the cord is We know that 

1000 – T = 100 a Power = I 2

rms R

Acceleration should be such that the So here I = a

resultant force do not cross 60g N
then P = a 2

⇒ 100 g – 60 g = 10a
⇒ 400 g – 60 g = 100a

⇒ 400 = 100a

⇒ a = 4m/sec2

So, option (B) is correct.

123. Answer: B 124. Answer: C


Efficiency of a Carnot engine, η = 1–



where T1 is the temperature of source

and T2 is the temperature of sink

For engine a,η A = 1–


 For engine B, 
ηB = 1–

As per question, η   T T2
A = ηB ∴ 1– = 1–
T1 T

or  T


 or T 2
= T1 T2   or  T = √T1 T2

125. Answer: D 126. Answer: A


Given :

 F = ax + bx2 

W = ∫ Fdx

W = ∫ (ax + bx2) dx


W = [
2 3
ax bx
+ ]
2 3

W = [
2 3
aL bL
+ ]
2 3

127. Answer: B 128. Answer: A

129. Answer: D 130. Answer: A



W1 2 2
= m m =
W2 +W3 ℓ ℓ 1
g + g
4 4
2 2

131. Answer: C 132. Answer: C

Sol: Sol:

Recall rolling at inclined surface

sin 2 sin cos
2 2 2

By prism formula n = =
sin sin
2 2

A n 1.5 ∘ ∘
a = ∴ cos = = = 0.75 = cos 41 ⇒ A = 82
2 2 2


133. Answer: D 134. Answer: C

Sol: Sol:

MP =  f0

the phenomenon of diffraction can be
observed, when the obstacle is of the
R.P. =  1.22λ
same order as the wavelength of light
Large aperture(a) of the objective lens
provides bettern resolution

∴ good quality of image is formed and

also it gathers more light.

135. Answer: C


Both interference & diffraction happens

im YOSE.

Therefore, the correct answer is (C)

Physics - Section B

136. Answer: B

137. Answer: C 138. Answer: C

Sol: Sol:

In one time period, the particle in SHM According to Stefan-Boltzman law, rate of
comes back to its original position.Particle energy radiated by a black body is given
starts from the mean position then, it will as 
move to one extreme, covering a 4 2 4

distance A(Amplitude), and then returns e = σAT = σ4πR T

to mean position, and hence covering a Given  E = 450 W,  T1 = 500 K,  R1 = 12  cm
distance of A .

So the displacement will be zero. But the R2 =

,  T2 = 2T1 ,  E2 =  ?

distance traveled will be equal to 4 A.


2 4 2 4
E2 σ4πR2 T R2 T2
= 2
= ( ) ( )
E1 4 R1 T1
σ4πR1 T

E2 1
= × 16 = 4
E1 4

Therefore correct option (C) is correct. E2 = E1 × 4 = 450 × 4 = 1800 W

139. Answer: C 140. Answer: D

Sol: Sol:

Flux linked with each turn = 4 × 10 −3


⇒ Total flux linked = 1000 × 4 × 10 −3


⇒ ϕtotal = 4

⇒ LI = 4

⇒ L = 1H

During half cycle whenVM > VN, D1 and

D3 are forward biased. The path of
current is MABPQDCNM.

In second half cycle,VN > VM, D2 and D4

are forward biased while D1 andD3 are
reverse biased. Hence, path of current
is,NCBPQDAMN. Therefore, in both half
cycles, current flows from  P to Q from
load resistance R1. It is full wave rectifier.

141. Answer: B 142. Answer: C


m1 = m2 = m,  m3 = 3m

s1 = s2 = s3 ,  T1 = 40°C,  T2 = 50°C,  T3 = 60°C

Let T be the final temperature at the

thermal equilibrium. Using principle of

Heat gained by m 1  and  m2 = heat lost by

∴ m1 s1 (T– T1 ) + m2 s2 (T– T2 ) = m3 s3 (T3 – T)

or ms(T– 40) + ms(T– 50) = 3 ms(60– T)

or T–40 + T–50 = 3(60–T)

or 2T–90 = 180 –3T

or 5T = 270 or T = 270

= 54°C
143. Answer: B 144. Answer: B

145. Answer: B 146. Answer: C

Sol: Sol:

Bulk modulus
dp Vel
B = −V λ =
dV f

Vel = =
In Isobaric process pressure remains √μ 2

constant therefore dp = 0 λ' =


Bulk modulus B = 0

Therefore, the correct answer is (B)

147. Answer: D 148. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:


The angle between P and R is 360°– vSR = 3m/s

(150° + 120°) = 90° vS = 5m/s

By Lami's theorem, Let   speed   of   flow   of   water   be  vR

2 2 2
∴ v = v + v
= =
sin 120° sin 90° sin 150° or

2 2 2
P Q R 5 = 3 + v
= = R
1 (1/2)
vR = √16

Q vR = 4m/s
= =
2 1

Forces, P, Q, R are in the ration √3 : 2 : 1

149. Answer: A 150. Answer: A

Sol: Sol:

Body at rest may possess potential Diffraction pattern is inversely

energy. proportional to slit size.

If slit become narrow pattern will


Therefore, the correct answer is (A)

Chemistry - Section A

151. Answer: A 152. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

Numbering is done so that FG gets Usually, Sc (Scandium) does not show

minimum number. variable oxidation states.

Priority order: Functional group > double Most common oxidation states of :
bond > substituent
Mn   :   + 2, +3,   + 4,   + 5,   + 6,   + 7

Sc   :   + 3

Cr   :   + 2, +3,   + 4,   + 5,   + 6

Therefore, the correct answer is (B).

3-Ethyl-4-methyl hex-5-en-2-ol

Therefore,the correct answer is (A).

153. Answer: C 154. Answer: C

Sol: Sol:

Method I Configuration is same [2R, 3R]

2X + 2Y → X2 Y3

w w

2×36 3×24




So no reactant left over and X2Y3 is 2w

Method II
Reaction 2X + 3Y → X2 Y3

weight W gram W gram 0

w w
36 24

w×1 w w w
L. R. → =
36×2 72 24×3 72

No. one is L.R.

Molecular weight of X2Y3 = 144 g mol-1  

weight of X2Y3 = 2×36

x [144] = 2 w 

So, weight of X2Y3 = 2 [weight of X Taken


Therefore, the correct answer is (C)

155. Answer: D 156. Answer: D

Sol: Sol:

Moving top to bottom in a group size Radialnode = n-ℓ-1

increases in groups, Cs has maximum

In group 17, F being on the top in group

have smallest size

Hence CsF have lowest anion to cation

size ratio

157. Answer: D 158. Answer: C

Sol: Sol:

Due to  l.p.−l.p. repulsions, bond angle

in  H2O  is lower  (104o.5o)  than that
in NH3 (107o) and CH4(109o28'). BeF2 on
the other hand, has sp-hybridization and
hence has a bond angle of 180o.

lp of N is delocalized so availability of
lone pair is less so nitrogen can not
donate their lone pair so it least basic. In
other compounds the lone pair are
localized so they are more basic.

Therefore, the correct answer is (D)

159. Answer: A 160. Answer: C

Sol: Sol:

Methode I High solubility in benzene.

] =
N1 V1 –N2 V2

V1 +V2
Therefore, the correct answer is (C)

+ 200–50 150 1
[H ] = = =
750 750 5

= 0.2 M

Methode II

∵We know that


Normality=Morality×Valancy factor

Hence milliequivalent of
H2 SO4 → V. F = 2

Milliequivalent of Ba(OH)2=
Ba (OH) → V. F = 2

Hence the milliequivalent of acid left =


Total volume of the resultant solution

=250+500 = 750ml

From equation (1)

= = = 0.2
Milli equivalent 150
Volume (mL) 750

Therefore the correct option is (a).

161. Answer: D 162. Answer: D

Sol: Sol:

​Methode I

Equilibrium constant depends on

temperature. So temperature changes
At anode : 
equilibrium constant changes.

Methode II

The value of equilibrium constant only

affect by the change in temperature  i.e,.
whether the reaction is exothermic or Cathode : 

Therefore Keq is only depend on Na

+ OH

→ NaOH     pH ↑

According to Van't Hoff equation 

K2 ΔH 1 1
log ( )  =   ( − )
K1 R T1 T2

Hence equilibrium constant only depenpd

on temperature. While other factor, such
as concentration of reactant and pressure
of the reaction does not affect the valuje
of equilibrium constant.

163. Answer: B 164. Answer: D


[Cr (C2 O4 )(H2 O) ]

3+ 2− 0 2

(3+) + (2−) + (0) = x

x  =   + 1

Methode I
– 0.1×V–0.01×V
[OH ] =

[OH ] =

 = 0.045 = 4.5×10–2

POH = –log 4.5×10–2

 = 2–log 4.5

= 2–0.65

 POH = 1.35

pH = 14–POH

pH = 12.65

Methode II

When the equal volume of  0 .1 M NaOH

and 0 .01 M HCl are mixed

 NaOH   +   HCl   → NaCl   +  H 2O

The concentration of NaOH is (0.1) M and

the concentration of HCl is (0.01) M
+ −
NaOH   ⇌   Na + OH

The hydroxide ion concentration is

0.1 −0.01 −3
= 45 × 10  M

The POH of the solution is POH = -log

   = -log [45×10-3]

                                      = 1.35

The PH of the solution is PH = 14−POH

                                      = 14− 1.35

                                      = 12.65

Therefore, the correct option is (D)

165. Answer: C 166. Answer: A


Therefore, the correct option is (A).


1-Propanol can be prepared from propene

by B2H6 - THF and H2O2/OH– .

Whereas the other 2 reagent gives


Therefore, the correct answer is (C).

167. Answer: D 168. Answer: A


CaCO3 → Ca+2 + CO32–

Molar mass of CaCO3 = 100

[Ca+2] = = 0.07 M

1  litre

[CO32–] = 0.07 M

Ksp =  [Ca+2][CO32–] = 0.07 × 0.07 =

4.9 × 10–3

Therefore, the correct answer is (A).

169. Answer: D 170. Answer: C


Internal energy is a state dependent


u1 + u2 = 0 because we are again at

starting state A.

171. Answer: B 172. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

Two different carbonyl compound is

treated with base known as cross-aldol
Therefore, the correct answer is (B).

173. Answer: B 174. Answer: B


We know, according to Graham's law of


rate of diffustion  (r) ∝ 1


r1 d2
= √
r2 d1

Given :          
d1 1
d2 16


= √


175. Answer: D 176. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

Potassium is kept in kerosene because it In NaCl structure, Na+ ions are present at
is nature soluble & makes hydroxides and all octahedral voids i.e. at all edge
hence corrosion in a nature so kept in centres and body centre, and Cl– ions are
kerosene. present at all fcc lattice points i.e. at all
face centres and all corners.

The coordination number of Na+ ion and

Cl– ion is 6.

No. of Na+ ions in one unit cell = 12 × 1


No. of Cl– ions in one unit cell = 6 × 1

8× =4 1

Hence, no. of NaCl molecules in one unit

cell = 4

177. Answer: B 178. Answer: C

Sol: Sol:

Sodalime decarboxylation of isobutyric

acid lead to formation of n-propane.

Therefore, the correct answer is (B)

Carbylamine reaction is give by 1° amine
& aniline.

So, the correct answer is option 'C'.

179. Answer: D 180. Answer: C

Sol: Sol:

PbCl4 , SiCl , SnCl halides are readily

4 4 interionic attraction in higher
hydrolysed by water except CCl . 4 concentration range
Hydrolysis is due to utilisation of d-
orbitals to which water molecules can get

181. Answer: A 182. Answer: A


Ammonia is prepared by heating a

mixture of calcium hydroxide and
ammonium chloride.
Ca (OH)   +  2 NH4 Cl    → CaCl2   +  2H2 O  +  2 NH3

For endothermic reaction, Δ H = + ve

Δ H  = Ef – Eb, it means Eb < Ef.

Therefore, the correct answer is (A)

183. Answer: C 184. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

We know A gas such as carbon monoxide would be

most likely to obey the ideal gas law at
P°−Ps n

= xsolute =
n+N high temperature and low pressure.

where n =number of moles of non-volatile

solute and N = number of moles of
solvent in the solution 

From equation (1)

Ps n
1 − =
P° n+N

Ps n N
= 1 − =
P° n+N n+N

P° n+N N
= = 1 +
P°−Ps n n

N P°−Ps Ps
= − 1 =
n P° P°−Ps

P°−Ps n
Ps N

Therefore, the correct answer is (C).

185. Answer: C


Smoke is solid in gas dispersion

Chemistry - Section B

186. Answer: C

SN ∝ Stability   of   carbocation

Benzylic halide is more stable than alkyl

halide due to more resonating structure.

More the stability, the  more rapidly

hydrolysed towards SN1 mechanism.

Therefore, the correct option is (C)

187. Answer: C 188. Answer: A


Therefore, the correct option is (C)

189. Answer: D 190. Answer: C

Sol: Sol:

μ  = 2.84 BM = √n(n + 2) CH2=CH2 + H-Br ➝ CH3—CH2-Br

aq.  KOH Na2 CO3 /I2

n = 2 = no. of unpaired electrons −−−−−−−−−−→ C2H5-OH −−−−−−−−−−→ CHI3

haloform   reaction Haloform   reaction Idoform

Therefore, the correct answer is (C)

191. Answer: C 192. Answer: C


Diphenyl ether cannot be cleaved by

concentrated HBr, it is because in
diphenyl ether Oxygen (O) is attached to
both phenyl ring and thus the nucleophilic
attack is not feasible and also positive
charge on benzene unstable.

Therefore, the correct answer is (C)


In o-dichlorobenzene, α = 60º

        cos α = +ve,
2 2
μ = √μ + μ + 2μ1 μ2 cosα
1 2

For p-dichlorobenzene (μp = 0)

μ1 = μ2

∝ = 180

2 2 2
μps = √μ + μ – 2μ
1 1 1

       = √2μ
+ 2μ

       = 0

For m-dichlorobenzene (μm ≠ 0) ∝ = 120°

                                       cosα =–

CCl4 → (μ = 0) (tetrahedral)

Therefore, the correct answer is (C)

193. Answer: C 194. Answer: D

Sol: Sol:

CaCO3 →

CaO + CO2 ↑
Δr H = ∑Δ H fProduct  – ∑ Δ Hfreactant   
basic   oxide Acidic   oxide

42= –94-152–ΔH fCaCO3

NH4 NO3   → N2 O  + 2 H2 O 

NaNO3   →   NaNO2   +  O2 ΔHfCaCO

= – 288 KJ
 2 KClO3   →  2 KCl   +  3O2

195. Answer: B 196. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

1o alcohol −−−−−→aldehyde

KMnO4 /H
1  alcohol −−−−−−→acid

Therefore ,the correct answer is (B).

197. Answer: C 198. Answer: B

Sol: Sol:

​Methode I Graphite is a covalent solid in which

carbon is sp2-hybridized.
Ca(NO3)2 ⇌ Ca+2+2 NO –

i = 1– ∝ +3 ∝= 164



∝ =0.75

%∝ = 75% 

Methode II

Vant Hoff factor, is =

Normal   molecule  weight 164
observed   molecular  weight 69.6


α  =  
i –1

n –1

3 –1
  =  164−65.6




a =

= nearly 75%

Therefore, the correct answer is (A)

199. Answer: B 200. Answer: D

Sol: Sol:

Auric chloride (AuCl3) Fact

AuCl3 → Au3+ + Cl–  (3 e– involvement)

Silver Nitrate (AgNO3)

AgNO3→  Ag+ + NO

(1 e– involvement)

Calcium Chloride (CaCl2)

CaCl2 → Ca2+ + C1– (2e– involvement)

Copper Sulphate (CaSO4)

CusO4 →Cu2+   (2e– involvement)

Hence 1 F of electricity will liberate 1

atomic mass of metal from AgNO3
solution .

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