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Republic of the Philippines )

Calaca City, Batangas ) S.S.

S.S JOINT AFFIDAVII Jocelyn devoma Rose Ann Secreto Rosanne Secreto We, (affiant #1) and (affiant #2) both
Filipinos, of legal ages, and residents of Daeanlge F Color. Bak. and respectively, having been duly sworn in
accordance with law, hereby depose and state: MERLIE E- perE 1. That we have personally known the person of
(Name of Petitioner/s). for a long period of time having been his/her long time friend/neighbor; 2. That we know
for a fact that a child, whom we know as (name of child) MERLIE be DEERANLESCA MERIEL ESPELEYDES 3. That
(petitioner/s) treated and introduced own child; MERIEt as his/her/their ESTELFyOPS 4. That petitioners (state
facts on actions of the petitioners showing love, affection and care for the child): 4. As such, we execute this
Affidavit or attest to the truth of the foregoing facts and for whatever legal purpose that this Affidavit may serve.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have set our hands this Philippines. at AFFIANT#1 AFFIANT #2 SUBSCRIBED AND
SWORN to before me this th day of 20 in personally appeared Affiant 1 exhibiting to me his Valid ID No. Affiant 2
set to expire on and signatures, issued on and set to expire on and exhibiting to me her Valid ID No. issued on
and as their competent evidence of identity bearing their photograph

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