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Gộp đề speaking quý II-2021

Topic 01 - Describe a person that ….

Style 01:
7. Describe someone whose music or song you like.
1. What different music do people listen to in your country?
2. Why do people listen to music?

Tính từ miêu tả người:

His personality has been an inspiration for me working harder towards my dream.

9. Describe someone who is older than you that you admire

You should say:
Who this person is
How you knew this person
What kinds of things you like to do together
And explain how you feel about this person

Gộp đề speaking quý II-2021


Part 3:
1. What kinds of things can young people learn from old people?
10. Describe a plan that has nothing to do with work and study
11. Describe a time you found very interesting on the social media
12. Describe an art and craft activity you did at school

38. Describe a polite person you know.

You should say:
Who he/she is
How you knew him/her
What he/she is like
And explain why you think he/she is polite
Part 3
1. What's the standard of being polite?
2. What behavior will be regarded as impolite?
3. Who are more polite? people from cities or those from the countryside?
4. What do you think make people polite?

39. Describe a famous person that you are interested in

You should say:
Who he/she is
How you knew about him/her
What he/she was like before he/she became famous
And explain why you are interested in him/her
Part 3:
What kinds of famous people are there in your country?
What are the differences between famous people today and those in the past?
Do you think famous people are necessarily good in their fields?
Do you think media is putting too much attention on famous people?

Gộp đề speaking quý II-2021

style 2:
43. Describe a person who you think wears unusual clothes
You should say:
Who this person is
How you knew this person
What his/her clothes are like
And explain why you think his/her clothes are unusual
Part 3:
Do you think what people wear can influence their mood?
Do you think it is a good idea to buy clothes online?
What kind of clothes do people wear in the workplace?
What are the differences between clothes worn by old people and those by young


Style 02:

31. Describe a person's home you visited that you liked, but would not want to
live in
You should say:
Where it is
What it is like
Why you visited it
And explain why you would not like to live there
Part 3:
Do Vietnamese people like to visit others’ homes?
What do Vietnamese people do when they visit others?

Gộp đề speaking quý II-2021

What kind of place do people in your country like to live in?

What’s the difference between homes in cities and those in the countryside?

criteria: tiêu chí

vocabulary - collocations idioms

fluency - coherence

adj: impressive, benevolent, well-mannered, kind, friendly, beautiful, famous, honest,

idioms: look on the bright sight

be willing to do sth

grammar: câu điều kiện, câu bị động, câu ghép và câu phức, …

43. Describe a person who you think wears unusual clothes

format/ structure:
myself - Describe - lesson - future

Gộp đề speaking quý II-2021

Let me begin by saying that …… Today I am going to talk about a famous person
in my country who I have admired since I was young. He is Professor Ngo Bao
Hoàn cảnh
diễn biến
kết quả \

I first heard about Ngo Bao Chau on the news 6 years ago when he received the
Fields Medal, which is often described as the mathematician’s Nobel Prize.

However, earlier in 2005, he was granted the title of professor in Vietnam,

becoming the country’s youngest professor ever.

Professor Ngo Bao Chau has been awarded the highest academic honor due to
his great mathematical research.

He is best known for proving the Fundamental Lemma. His work has achieved
such a distinction that it has been listed as one of the top ten scientific
discoveries of 2009 by Time magazine. The story of Ngo Bao Chau has inspired
me considerably. I remember in an interview after receiving the Medal, Ngo
Bao Chau said that he had been studying math due to his passion but not due to
a desire to achieve. This statement impressed me a lot. Besides, another
characteristic I like regarding this professor is his persistence. During the time
studying the Fundamental Lemma, I became stuck and almost failed to solve
this complex problem. Despite the difficulties, he did not choose to give up so
finally he got through them.

Gộp đề speaking quý II-2021

Bài học

analyse: phân tích

Today I am going to talk about a famous person in my country who I have

admired since I was young. He is Professor Ngo Bao Chau. I first heard about
Ngo Bao Chau on the news 6 years ago when he received the Fields Medal,
which is often described as the mathematician’s Nobel Prize. However, earlier
in 2005, he was granted the title of professor in Vietnam, becoming the
country’s youngest professor ever. Professor Ngo Bao Chau has been awarded
the highest academic honor due to his great mathematical research. He is best
known for proving the Fundamental Lemma. His work has achieved such a
distinction that it has been listed as one of the top ten scientific discoveries of
2009 by Time magazine. The story of Ngo Bao Chau has inspired me
considerably. I remember in an interview after receiving the Medal, Ngo Bao
Chau said that he had been studying maths out of /due to / because of/ owing to
his passion but not out of /due to / because of/ owing to a desire to achieve. This
statement impressed me a lot. Besides, another characteristic I like regarding
this professor is his persistence. During the time studying the Fundamental
Lemma, became stuck and almost failed to solve this complex problem. Despite
the difficulties, he did not choose to give up so finally he got through them. His
personality has been an inspiration for me working harder towards my dream.


Gộp đề speaking quý II-2021

Describe a time

Well, actually, I always deem myself as a creative person and I constantly find
one way or another to create things. Because it helps me to cultivate my sense
of interests and I can also create many fascinating products for myself. And
there was a time that I had to use and optimize my imagination and now I will
share with you about my personal experience.

Describe: what time - what - why - how

Well, if my memory recalls correctly, when I was just knee high to a
grasshopper. I had to enroll in a drawing class and in that course, my teacher
required all students to draw a picture of a house in the countryside. Honestly, I
hadn’t had any chance to travel to the rural areas due to my parents’ hectic

I was tremendously nervous initially but gradually. I tried to calm myself down,
and with all the knowledge and pictures that I accumulated through videos and
documentaries on the internet.

And I started to draw a picture of the house made of wood with two windows
showing the view of the stunning natural environment around. I drew some
chickens raised in the garden and some palm trees. There was a river in front of
the house creating a tranquil and serene atmosphere of the countryside.

Eventually, my teacher gave me an outstanding mark which was beyond my

expectation and I felt immensely proud of my efforts and imagination. ( pass
with flying colors)

Gộp đề speaking quý II-2021

After that course, I realized that imagination plays a fundamental role in our
development because it helps us to visualize what will happen in the future and
therefore we can create and generate various fascinating products to meet the
demand of modern citizens and upgrade our living standard.
Down the road, I will make an attempt to read different types of books as well
as play intellectual games to stimulate my brain to have a fertile imagination
and it helps me to be more mentally active, creative and imaginative.

due to generation gap: khoảng cách thế hệ
be knee high to a grasshopper = be a child
be really into + doing sth = like doing sth
war music: nhạc chiến tranh
vividly remember: nhớ như in
perform: trình diễn/ thể hiện = sing = sang
good soundtrack
celebrities = famous person
gain/ acquire one’s reputation: có được sự nổi tiếng
endow with special talent about music: trời phú cho những cái khả năng đặc biệt
singer: ca sĩ
modern era: kỉ nguyên hiện đại
=> thanks to cutting-edge technology => edit soundtrack => needn’t have a
good voice => beautiful song

Gộp đề speaking quý II-2021

In your opinion, were the standards for judging who is famous before better
than they are now?

As I mentioned, celebrities in the past gained their reputation by their own

talents and abilities. However, in the modern world if a person want to become
famous they ===> with assistance of social media ===> facebook, tiktok,... =>
just only impressive appearance => boost them become famous

=> as a result, past => better

rate = judge

dont judge a book by it cover

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