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Topic 4 - describe place

8. Describe a town or ctiy where you would like to live in the future
Part 3:
1. Why do more and more people live in the city?
2. How does this affect the environment and nature?
3. Is there a way to balance city and nature?
4. What can be done to prevent damage to the nature? Are governmental controls
more important than

37. The part of a town or city that you enjoy spending time in
You should say:
Where it is located
What part of it you are most familiar with
What the important landmark and places are
And explain why you enjoy spending time there
Part 3:
What are the best facilities that you town has?
Do people prefer to live in a city than in a town?
Why do the elderly like to live in the countryside?
Why do young people like to go to public places?

47. Describe a place (not your home ) where you are able to relax.
You should say:
Where it is
What it is like
How often you go there
And how you feel about this place
Part 3
1. How do students relax themselves?
2. What activities do employers organize to help employees relax?
3. Do people nowadays have more ways to relax than in the past?
4. Do you think natural scenery is more helpful than indoor activities?

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