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Colégio Nossa Senhora de Fátima

Aluno(a): Nº:
Data: ____/____/
1- Rewrite the sentences with the correct information:
a- Sydney has 200 parks.
b- The aquatic centers close in the winter

3-Choose the correct option:

He is .... doctor.
a- a
b- an
c- the
d- no article
4- Complete com os “ARTICLES” e depois marque a correta:
___ bird can fly.
There is ___ child in my room.
a) a, an
b) an, a
c) an, an
d) a, a
5- Choose the correct option:
. ................................. two tables in the room?
A- Is there
B- Are there
C-There is
D-There are
6- Choose the correct alternative:
............................... many glasses here.
a-There are
b-Is there
c-There is
d-Are there

7-Choose the correct alternative:

Susan, ........................... a chair in the garden?
a- there is
b- is there
c- there are
d- are there

8- Complete as frases utilizando o artigo a ou an :

a) She has --------------------- white dog.
b) He wants -------------------piece of that cake.
c) I love to eat -------------------apple every morning.
d) She has -------------------- interesting idea.
9- Observe a imagem e responda com “short answers”

a- Are there four bananas?-----------------------------------------------------------

b- Is there a tomato?------------------------------------------------------------------
c- Is there an apple?------------------------------------------------------------------
d- Are there three oranges?---------------------------------------------------------

10- Complete the sentences using "Is there" or "Are there".

1. ------------------------ an opera in our city?
2. --------------------------- many girls in your class?
3. ------------------------------ a police-station near the hospital?
4. ----------------------------- any bananas in the basket?

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