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Mission: Vision:

“Mabini Colleges shall provide quality

“Mabini Colleges shall cultivate a
research and extension service program at Culture of Excellence in Education”
all educational
levels as its monumental contribution to Core Values:
national growth
and development, producing God-fearing, Integrity, Benevolence, Artistic,
nation-loving, earth-caring, law-abiding,
productive locally
Mabini Colleges Inc. Nation- Caring, Accountability
and globally competitive person.




Everyone has the right to education. The objectives of education include
the full development and dignity of each person, the ability to participate
effectively in society, and the strengthening of respect for human rights.
Education helps individuals fulfill and apply their abilities and talents. It
increases productivity, improves health and nutrition, and reduces family
size. Schooling presents specific knowledge, develops general reasoning
skills, causes values to change, increases receptivity to new ideas, and
changes attitudes toward work and society. But our major interest is in its
effect on reducing poverty and increasing income. According to one
definition, educational development is "broader than faculty development
in that it comprises instructional, curriculum, organizational, and certain
faculty development features." The phrase was more specific in another
sense because it concentrated on the teaching field rather than all facets
of academic career development.

Educational development is helping colleges and universities operate

efficiently as teaching and learning communities, a sector that is
expanding and thriving. However, children in developing countries lack
education due to inequality and marginalization. Even in developed
countries, factors such as sex and cultural identity (ethnic origin,
language, religion) make children find themselves on the margins of the
education system and do not learn what is vital for their intellect and social
development. Poverty and illiteracy among parents increase non-
schooling and dropouts by 2.

In terms of education, the Philippines was rated last in reading and

second to last in science and mathematics among the 79 countries that
participated in the Program for International Student Assessment.
According to the report, around 80 percent of Filipino students fall below
the minimum level of proficiency for their grade levels.


The Philippines is one of the countries that has been investing more in its
educational system, seeing it as an instrument for accelerating the
country’s human capital development. This is reflected in the Philippine
Development Plan 2017–2022, which states that the government intends
to "achieve quality, accessible, relevant, and liberating basic education for
all," as well as "improve the quality of higher and technical education and
research for equity and global competitiveness." However, there is always
a hindrance to achieving a quality education. Challenges to education
development in the region include a lack of good learning materials and
facilities, and relevant curricula. Addressing these challenges will be
crucial to achieving Sustainable Development Goal No. 4—ensuring
inclusive and quality education and promoting lifelong learning
opportunities for all.

Factors that affects the educational development

 Role of education in national development

Several researchers had delved into the different components affecting

the educational system, more specifically, whether it can solve the
multifarious problems in society. Education has been looked into as the
means of alleviating poverty, decreasing criminalities, increasing
economic benefits and ultimately uplifting the standard of living of the
Filipino masses.

 Globalization of education

This concern was a response to the ever-changing milieu in the

international academic community where students must be globally
competitive. Thus, schools must transform their orientation from being
parochial to liberal. Programs must be realigned to meet international

 Too much politics in education

Politics in education is an issue that presently with the main purpose of

making our educational system at par with those in other countries, but
there are no concrete guidelines as to how these are to be implemented.
Most educational experts are technocrats with no experience in the field.

 Poverty

Poverty and education are inextricably linked, because people living in

poverty may stop going to school so they can work, which leaves them
without literacy and numeracy skills they need to further their careers.
Their children, in turn, are in a similar situation years later, with little
income and few options but to leave school and work.

 Lack of infrastructures/Schools

Poor infrastructures examples include dilapidated classrooms, pit toilets

and other damaged school infrastructure. These infrastructure problems in
schools not only affect academic performance, but they also infringe on
the rights to education, as well as the rights to safety and health of
learners as well as of teachers. The effects of poor infrastructure in
schools can also be seen in learners’ drop-out rates and low-teachers
retention rates.

Education can be the catalyst needed to pull families and communities

out of the cycle of poverty. Knowledge gives children the power to dream
of a better future and the confidence needed to pursue a full education,
which in turn will help future generations in an equitable way. However,
poverty and education are inextricably linked. Not every person without an
education lives in extreme poverty, but most adults living in poverty
missed out on a basic education. Poor people stop going to school
because they have to work, which leaves them without the literacy and
numeracy skills needed to improve their situation. With little income and
few options, their children are also more likely to leave school,
perpetuating a cycle of poverty that spans generations.
More than 600 million children in school are not learning the basic skills,
knowledge, and values they need. Asia and the Pacific have the highest
number of children and young people affected by low learning outcomes.
Overall, 9 out of 10 children in the region today are enrolled in primary
school. However, learning outcomes are not satisfactory, and inequalities
persist. In some countries, boys have more access to education than girls.
Children with disabilities are disproportionately excluded from education.
Internally displaced and refugee children often miss out on educational
opportunities across the region.
Education can be seen as both an objective and a component of
development, as well as "fundamental to the broader notion of expanded
human capabilities that lie at the heart of the meaning of development."
People can help themselves out of poverty, or, to put it another way, into
prosperity, by getting the education they require. One can get a better job
than a laborer's if they have schooling. He has the ability to work for the
government or in the private sector and can demonstrate talents that are
beneficial to a nation's development.

Education can transform the raw human beings into productive 'human
capital' by inculcating the skills required by both the traditional sector and
the modern sector of the economy, and makes the individuals more
productive not only in the market place but also in the household.
Education, including both technical training and general education,
contributes to economic growth through its ability to increase the
productivity of the population or the labor force in particular, which leads to
increase in individuals' earnings. The core of the human capital theory lies
in this study that education increases productivity of the labor force
leading to increase in economic growth.


The Philippine educational system is dealing with a number of difficulties

that must be addressed in order to improve education delivery to the vast
majority of the population. Three problems were identified, such as
overcrowded students in a classroom, teachers teaching subjects outside
of their expertise, and poor-quality education. These problems should be
addressed by the government, as should the solutions discuss above, like
a budget for more classrooms and more training for teachers. The
government should also focus on the needs of school stakeholders.
Indeed, "Politics has invaded and influenced already the education
system, and it produces half-baked educators and half-baked graduates
as well." Issues and bad practices by officials must be addressed first. 

Education has a great impact in every country as a requirement for

having better career opportunities. Education contributes to greater
productivity and economic growth. Education can contribute to reducing
poverty because acquired basic skills such as reading, writing, and
numeracy have a documented positive effect on marginalized populations’
incomes. It increases the rate of return on the economy.

It is necessary for every child to have the chance to receive a quality

education, regardless of their family's financial situation. Education
constitutes an essential phase in a person's emotional development, and
the issue of public vs private funding should be decided by each family.
But public education must continue to exist for those who cannot afford a
private education. If individuals can get the knowledge they need and
deserve, the world will always be a better place on every level.

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