PART 3 Development of Human Resources Guide

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Employee Orientation

 Organizational/Overview- topics discussed include overview of the company, key

policies and procedures, compensation, benefits, safety and accident prevention,
employees and union relation if there is any, physical facilities and the like.
 Departmental and job orientation - topics about the department function and the duties
and responsibilities of the newly hired employee, policies, procedures, rules and
regulations, tour of the department, and introduction to department employees.

Orientation is a systematic and planned introduction of employees to their jobs, their co-
workers and the organization.
 -It is also called as Induction.
 -Orientation is designed to provide a new employee with the information he/she needs to
function comfortably and effectively in the organization.
 -Should be a process, not an event.
Purpose of Orientation
To reduce start up costs (associated with job learning)
1. . To reduce anxiety
2. . To reduce employee turnover
3. . To save time for supervisor & colleagues
4. . To Develop Realistic Job Expectations and Job Satisfaction 
5. .The idea is to make the new employees feel ‘at home’ in the new environment
6. . Expedite proficiency
7. . Assist in newcomer assimilation
8. . Enhance adjustment to work group and norms
9. . Encourage positive attitude
Orientation Programme
1. Orientation checklist, employee handbook and orientation program.
2. Communicate pride in the company by giving each new employee an item with the
company logo on it.
3. Encourage communication, and a sense of importance, by inviting new employees to have
coffee or lunch with the company owner or a senior manager. (showing importance to the
4. Encourage new employees to sample the product and or service that the company sells
(i.e. Some restaurants offer new employees a complimentary meal
5. Reduce the stress of starting a new job by pairing new employees with a buddy (a more
senior or experienced team member) that can help coach them through the first few weeks
on the job

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