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50: Ideas on Structure and Bonding

Complete the sentences with appropriate words

Ionic Compounds

1. Ionic compounds are made from ..…………………………………… and …………………………………………….. elements reacting together
2. Ions are electrically charged particles with different numbers of electrons…………………………………. and ………………………………….
3. When atoms react to form ions, there is a Movement……………………………….. of electrons between the atoms
4. The positive……………………………………atoms lose electrons and the negative…………………………………….atoms gain electrons in the
5. The metal ions formed are positively………………………………………..charged and the non-metal ions are
6. If an atom (M) with 12 protons reacts with an atom (X) with 6 protons, the symbols of the ions formed are magnesium……………
and carbon…………..
7. Ionic bonds are formed by strong electrostatic……………………………………….attractions between the positive…………………………and
negative………………………. ions
8. The structure of an ionic compound is a stable/solid……………………………..….arrangement of positive and negative ions
9. The properties of a typical ionic compound are:
a. High……………melting and boiling points, because of the strong electrostatic
attractions………………………………………………………………….between ions
b. Strong …………..strength because of the strong electrostatic attractions…………………..
…………………………………………………………………. between ions
c. Bad……………electrical conductors when solid because the atoms………………..are not free to move..………… ……
…………………and carry charge
d. Good……………electrical conductors when molten or solution because the atoms…………….can now freely
move…………….…….and carry charge

Covalent Compounds

1. Covalently bonded compounds are formed between non metal……………………………………………… and

2. A covalent bond is a shared………………..……..pair of electrons that hold together the two positive ions ……………………….
3. In forming covalent bonds, the atoms try to achieve full or empty Number…………………… Of shells…………………….. of
4. A covalent bond is a brittle…………………………… bond (takes a lot of energy to break)
5. Covalent compounds can exist as two structure types: molecular covalent and giant lattice………………. covalent structures
6. In molecular covalent structures, the ions……………………….are held together by strong covalent bonds and the molecules are
attracted to each other by weak electrostatic forces………………………………………………….forces
7. In giantmolecules, all of the ions…………………….. are held together by strong electrostatic…………………………………………… bonds.
The atoms are arranged in a ……………………………….., three ………………………………..structure
8. Molecular compounds have:
a. Low…………………….melting & boiling points because of the weak electrostatic……………………………………forces between
b. This means they very often exist as liquid ………………..……………. or gas………….………………… (states of matter)
c. They are weak…………………….and easy to break…………………………….when solids because of the weak…………………………
intermolecular forces
d. They are bad………………..conductors of electricity in any state. There are no atoms ……………………………….. which are
free to move
9. Giantmolecular structures have
a. Very high …………… melting and boiling points because all the atoms ae joined by
b. Are very strong………………….. and brittle…………………….. if hit with a hammer because of the structure
c. Are soluble…………………………………. In any solvents
d. Are very bad ………………………………conductors of electricity in any state (exception graphite …………………………………)


What is the name of the compounds and type of structure (ionic or covalent) formed from the following elements

1. Copper and chlorine makes copper chloride……………………………………………………which is a covalent ……………………………………

2. Magnesium and oxygen makes magnesium oxide …………………………………………………………….which is a covalent
3. Phosphorus and bromine makes phosphorus bromide …………………………………………………………… which is a
4. Silicon and oxygen makes silicon oxide ………………………………………………………………….. which is a covalent ……………………………………

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