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1. Write a C program to find the ASCII value of a character.

2. Write a C Program to swap two numbers.

3. Write a C program to find the Size of int, float, double and char.
4. Write a C program to calculate the net salary of an employee.
Calculate DA=10% of Basic Pay, HRA=15% of Basic pay, IT
deduction=5% of basic pay. Display Employee Name, age, Net
5. Write a prog in C to perform the following (a=10, b = 5, c=4, d=3)
i. a+b*c/d
ii. a–b%c+d
iii. a–b/c*c+d
6. Write a program in C to print “Eligible to vote” if the age of the
person is greater than 18
7. Write a program in C to find whether a student is eligible to sit for
placement in MOP (Criteria to appear for placement: cgpa > 7 and
8. Write a program in C to find the biggest of three numbers (Use
Nested if)
9. Write a program in C to print the grade of the student using
if..elseif ladder
10.Write a program in C to print thought for the day using statement
11.Write a C program to demonstrate the usage of shift operators.
12.Write a C program to accept and display a character.
13.Write a C program to accept and display a string.
14.Write a C program to accept input using scanf(), but limit the
number of digits in the input to 4 digits.
15. Write a C program to demonstrate the usage of accepting string
using scanf() and gets () function.

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