Narrative Report Kick Off Brigada

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Agusan del Sur
Rosario District 1

Narrative Report: Brigada Kick-Off Program

The sun rose on a vibrant morning as the community gathered at Maligaya Integrated School
to mark the commencement of the Brigada Eskwela initiative—a collective effort to prepare
the school environment for the upcoming academic year. The air buzzed with excitement as
participants from various sectors and walks of life came together for a day of collaboration,
unity, and shared purpose.

At the early hour of 7 am, a colorful parade set the tone for the day's activities. Teachers,
parents, students, community members, and representatives of different organizations
marched in unison, displaying banners, posters, and lively spirits that echoed their
commitment to supporting education. The parade culminated in the assembly area at P-6,
Maligaya, Rosario, Agusan del Sur where the day's events would unfold.

Upon arrival, participants were warmly welcomed by the registration team, ensuring a
smooth and organized entry. The morning sun cast a golden glow on the eager faces, all of
whom were eager to contribute to the betterment of the school environment.

The program commenced with a solemn prayer, uniting hearts in a moment of reflection and
unity. This was followed by the singing of the national anthem via an audio presentation,
which resonated through the venue as a powerful reminder of the shared national identity.

Rubielyn Gonzaga, Master Teacher I, took the stage to extend a heartfelt welcome to all
participants. Her words echoed the sense of community and purpose that defined the event,
setting a positive tone for the program ahead.

Maria Niñeza, Teacher III, stepped forward to acknowledge the presence of the dedicated
participants. Her recognition of each individual's contribution underscored the collaborative
spirit that makes Brigada Eskwela a success. Following this, Jocephine P. Guerrero, the
Brigada Coordinator, articulated the overarching purpose of the event—an occasion where
diverse individuals come together to invest in the future of the students.

The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as Hon. Anita E. Legaspi, the Barangay
Captain, took the podium to deliver a message of support. Her presence underscored the
importance of the partnership between the community and the school.

The Kabot Sinag Dance Troupe took to the stage, presenting an enchanting intermission
number that showcased the richness of local culture. The rhythmic movements and vibrant
costumes captivated the audience, serving as a testament to the community's talents.

P-6, Maligaya, Rosario, Agusan del sur

School ID: 501126
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Agusan del Sur
Rosario District 1

A representative from the PNP shared a heartfelt message of support, emphasizing the role of
law enforcement in safeguarding the well-being of students and the community. This was
followed by a poignant moment as partners and stakeholders joined together to sign a pledge
of support, reinforcing their commitment to education.

Arnold C. Jarina, Head Teacher II, addressed the audience with an inspiring message that
spoke of the impact of collaborative efforts and the importance of creating an enabling
environment for learning. His words resonated with the shared dedication that characterized
the event.

Jocephine Guerrero returned to the stage to announce the various Brigada Eskwela activities
for the day. Her comprehensive overview encapsulated the spirit of the event—organized,
purposeful, and community-driven.

The program drew to a close with a heartfelt closing message from Tirso Adenze, SPTA
President. His words of gratitude and encouragement brought the event full circle, capturing
the essence of community empowerment and the shared aspirations that fueled the day's

The Brigada Kick-Off Program was a resounding success, exemplifying the power of unity,
collaboration, and purpose in creating positive change. The day's activities marked the
beginning of a journey to transform the school environment into a space conducive to
learning and growth. As participants departed with a sense of accomplishment and
camaraderie, the legacy of the event remained—a testament to the potential of collective
action in shaping the future.

P-6, Maligaya, Rosario, Agusan del sur

School ID: 501126

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