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Vicerrectoría de Educación Media Superior

Academia de Humanidades
Tópicos de Proyecto de Reflexión

Activity 5. Marketing strategies

Group: 7104 Date: Feb 10, 2022

Name: Rafael de Isla Gomez ID number: 611510

Name: Sergio Emilio Treviño Sánchez ID number: 614430


I. In pairs, choose 1 commercial product, it is important that you select 3 different

brands that sell the same product.
- Samsung
- Apple
- Huawei

II. Make a comparative table and identify the similarities and differences between the 3
products. Indicate the audience for each of these items.

Similarities Differences

Have the best technological specs Price can change

Manufacture phones worldwide Product diversity can vary

Manufactured in Asia Durability

Worth millions of dollars Country of origination

III. Suggest a marketing strategy (advertising) to promote this product to a new niche,
that is, a sector of the population to which it is not directed. How would you manage
to sell it?
One way to promote this type of products from the companies to a new niche will be
giving classes to third age people, who don't know how to use electronic devices.
This way they will guarantee more revenues from sales to this niche of people.

IV. Make a creative presentation with this information and remember to include photos of
the products.

V. Include references in APA format.

Vicerrectoría de Educación Media Superior
Academia de Humanidades
Tópicos de Proyecto de Reflexión

Activity 5. Marketing Strategies

0.2.- Dialoga y aprende de personas con distintos puntos de vista y tradiciones culturales mediante la ubicación de sus
propias circunstancias en un contexto más amplio.

Evaluation Criteria Excellent Good Unsatisfactory

Knowledge: They present a product with 3 different brands analyzing the 5 2 0

similarities and differences; They explain what type of public or audience the
advertising is aimed at. They include a marketing proposal to sell this same
product to a different type of audience than the one originally targeted.

Skills: Demonstrate analytical and creative thinking skills by directing your 4.5 2.25 0
marketing strategy to a different niche.

Attitude: The activity is fully answered and all team members collaborated 3.5 1.75 0

Punctuality: The activity was delivered on time and according to the teacher's 2 0


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