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Subject: STHE-109

I. Most Essential Learning Competency/ies:

Identify the What is Table Setting.

II. Learning Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

A. Identify What is Table Setting;

B. Describe the style of service , food to be served; and

C. Determine the type of table appointments to be used.

III. Learning Content: TABLE SETTING

IV. Learning Resources:

A. References: Google/Internet/Youtube

B. Materials: Laptop, Internet, PowerPoint Presentation, Instructional Video

C. Platform: Classroom

V. Teaching –Learning Procedures

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity Remarks

Preliminary Activities

Good morning class Good morning, ma’am


Before we start let us have our

Can someone lead the prayer? Ma’am
Let us all stand and pray. Dear Lord thank
you for this new day that have given to us,
thank you for the blessings, protection and
love that you give. As we start our day we
ask for the forgiveness of the sins that we
have done. We pray for your guidance to our
discussion and for the rest of our day. Lord
give us the knowledge and wisdom all this
things we as in pray in Jesus name Amen.
Checking of Attendance
None ma’am.
Class Secretary, is anyone absent
Okay, Great!


Okay class, so since this is our first

meeting and discussion we don’t
have a previous lesson

Ma’am extension education a science which

deals with the creation, transmission
and application of knowledge designed to
Okay class before we start a new bring about planned changes in the
lesson lets have some recap about behaviour-complex of people, with a view to
what we discussed yesterday. What help them live better by learning the ways of
is Extension Education? improving their vocations, enterprises and
institutions”. According to Reddy A.
Adivi 1993.

Very good!
It is a type of education which is
stretched out into the villages and
fields beyond the limits of the
schools and colleges to which the
formal type of education is normally

How about the basic concept of Ma’am 1. Education is the production of

education kindly give a 3 concept? desirable changes in human behaviour.
2. Change in knowledge.
3. Change in skills (Mental and physical).

Yes, very good!

And also we have the Mental skills,
Physical skills and Change in attitude.
Also we talk about the principles and
importance of extension education.

I hope you understand our last topic.

B. Interaction

Now we can proceed to our new

Our topic for today is all about the
Importance of FRM. Let’s proceed to
the power point presentation. Are
you ready?
Yes ma’am

Is anyone can give an idea about


Proceed to the Discussion

Who can give an example of Ma’am money

Very good!
What else? Ma’am time
Is there anyone else Ma’am people

Yes that is all correct.

We need resources because we use
them to full fill our desires. Many
minerals, such as iron, copper, and
mica, are utilized in industries to
make a variety of products.
Electricity is generated using
minerals such as coal and petroleum.

We talked about the importance of

FRM and its resources did you
Yes ma’am
Know we proceed to the next topic.

How about the 2 types of

Management systems?

Very good! Ma’am Open system and Closed system

Individuals and families use what
they have to obtain what they desire
through resource management. It
starts with planning and thinking and
concludes with assessing the
activities accomplished. Individuals
and families shape their lives and the
lives of others via their decisions.

Wonderful guys now do you

understand it?
Yes ma’am

Now who can give a Factors that

affecting management?
Yes that correct, how about the Ma’am Needs, wants, goals.
others? And Available resources.

Ma’am Composition of the family

Ma’am Management of dual role
Ma’am Stages in family cycle
Ma’am Gender roles
Ma’am Employment patterns
Ma’am Socio economic status
Yes that is all correct. Very good Ma’am Values and standards
Ma’am Culture

Well done guys. I hope you

understand our lesson for today.

My question: Yes ma’am. Thank you

Why do we need to learn the
importance of FRM?
Ma’am to know how to manage and control
our resources.

C. Integration

As a student how are you going to

show the importance of family
resource management using what
we learned today?
VI. Evaluation

Direction: I. Identification

Read the sentences carefully and answer the following question.

1. Something available to achieve a goal e.g. people, time or money.

2. System which assists families in attaining goals by using all possible resources.

3. System outside the family are used to achieve family goals e.g. educational system.

4. All activities occur within the system’s boundaries.

5. as a managerial unit.

II. Enumeration

6-8. Give the 3 areas in Components of Management.

9-10. Give a Decision making process.

VII. Assignment:

Direction: Make an info graphic that shows the importance of Family Resources

Prepared by: Checked:


Pre-Service Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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