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Personal Statement

It is quite a privilege to have been granted the opportunity of outlining my

interests regarding Medical Engineering BEng(Hons) as my chosen course. From a very
tender age as a boy growing up in a Zimbabwe, studying the human anatomy and
physiology as well as wanting to understand important physical, chemical and
biological processes in the human body has always been my passion. I have always
had a great interest in the development and analysis of different materials in
context to how they can be used to better our lives as the human species without
harming mother nature. As we continue to approach the 4th Industrial Revolution,
technological advancements have been an integral part of life in the 21st century.
Consequently, technology has been of vital aid in improving the lives of human
beings, especially the physically handicapped as well as the medically impaired
through the development of prosthetics and artificially intelligent body organs.
Surgery has also been made easier through robotic surgical instruments and lasers
which ensure a high level of precision and efficiency during medical operations.
Medical Engineering has also helped in bringing together various problem solving
aspects from many engineering disciplines, enabling the development of new medical
products such as diagnostic monitors to measure the electrical activity of the
heart. Moreover, pacemakers and defibrillators have played a significant role in
aiding the heart to correct its beating pattern. As a Zimbabwean national, I have
experienced first-hand, the poor quality of the healthcare system in a third world
country and that of the African continent as a whole. Due to inadequate medical
equipment, medical staff are severely incapacitated to such an extent that in most
cases they have no choice but to watch as their patient’s condition continues to
deteriorate to a point of no return. In a world where most of the physically
impaired have lost hope, the production of artificial body parts such as artificial
hands, legs and pacemakers has shone a ray of light in their lives as they can now
carry out normal day to day duties without their disabilities being a barrier. Most
of these stated above are some of the major reasons why I have chosen this course.
I believe that as we progress further in life as one global village, Medical
Engineering will continue to play a major role as observed by its significance
during these times of the COVID-19 pandemic as the production of medical devices
such as ventilators has played a critical role in saving lives. As an individual, I
wish to study in the UK and, in particular, at your university because of its
modern cosmopolitan feel, numerous entertainment facilities in the city and most
importantly , it’s high standard in academic excellence and in prioritising student
welfare .Moreover, your university has strong links with numerous companies and
organisations in industry. As an aspiring medical engineer , I would be more than
grateful to be a part of your institution.

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