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Approved by: ……………………….

Training manager /Amarjargal CH./

English lesson plan for the 5 grade
students of the general education school
Date: 11th of Apr
Book: Spark 1 – Student’s book
Module: Great animals!
Topic: 5a - Animals
Length of lesson: 40 min
Objects of lesson: To read for specific information
Vocabulary: Animals (cow, horse, sheep, fox, squirrel, duck, eagle, bear, chimpanzee, rabbits,
elephant, chicken, hamster)
Modal 5→ Animals
Topic → 5a - Animals (p – 57-58)
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Take the attendance

Review B
Introduce lesson topic and objectives

To categorize new vocabulary /Ex 1, p 57/

 Read the words. Ss listen and repeat chorally or individually. B

 Ss say what are these animals in their language.
To present animals /Ex 2, p 57/
 Explain the task and write the headings on the board. Explain/ Elicit the

meaning of any unknown words (e.g., farm – a place to raise animals to

sell for meat, the wild - a place where animals are free)
 Go through the examples and then elicit which animals go under which
headings. Check Ss’ answers on the board.
Suggested Answer Key
domestic: sheep, cow, horse, duck, chicken
wild: fox, squirrel, bear, eagle, chimpanzee, rabbit, elephant, duck, horse
pet: rabbit, hamster
To introduce the topic and stimulate interest in the text /Ex 1, p 58/
 Direct Ss’ attention to the pictures and ask if they know the names of

these fish or anything about these fish. Elicit a variety of questions about
them and write three of them on the board, one for each fish.

 Read the text. Ss listen and follow the text in their books and check if their
questions were answered.
Suggested Answer Key
Can the puffer fish swim fast? No, it can’t.
Where does the parrotfish live? The parrotfish lives near coral reefs.
Is the lionfish dangerous? Yes, the lionfish has poisonous spines.
To read for specific information /Ex 2, p 58/
 Allow Ss some time to read the text again and answer the questions.

 explain/Elicit the meaning of the words in the Check these words box
and draw Ss’ attention to the Amazing Fact box.

Answer Key
1. They are small and round with spikers.
2. They puff themselves up like a big balloon and frighten other fish away.
3. It looks like a parrot’s beak.
4. They live near coral reefs.
5. They sleep under or between rocks.
6. They hunt at night.
7. It has got poisonous spines.
Do exercise 3 and memorize new vocabulary.

Approved by: ……………………….
Training manager /Amarjargal CH./
English lesson plan for the 5 grade
students of the general education school
Date: 12th of Apr
Book: Spark 1 – Student’s book
Module: Great animals!
Topic: 5a – Vocabulary
Length of lesson: 40 min
Objects of lesson: To learn parts of animals, to listen for specific information, to describe animals,
to write a fact file
Vocabulary: Parts of animals (mouth, eyes, fin, tail, scales, horns, ears, body, legs, fur, hooves,
head, beak, feathers, claws, wings, nose, ears, teeth, fur, neck); Verbs (hide, wear, cover); Nouns
(spikes, stomach, beak, coral reefs, rocks, coat, spines); Adjectives (unique, poisonous, clumsy,
colorful, long, small, sharp, big, thick, wide); Quantifier (millions); Phrase (home to)
Modal 5→ Animals
Topic → 5a – Vocabulary (p – 59)
Stages Lesson activities T Time new

Take the attendance

Review – previous lesson’s vocabulary, write three facts you remember from B
each text.
Introduce lesson topic and objectives
To present vocabulary for parts of animals /Ex 5/

 Read the words. Ss listen and repeat chorally or individually and then B

elicit the L1 equivalents.
To use adjectives for description /Ex 6a/

 Explain the task. Explain/Elicit the meaning of the adjectives. Direct Ss to

the word list or their dictionaries to loop up any unknown words.
 Ss complete the descriptions. Check Ss’ answers on the board.
Answer Key
Parrot: sharp beak, small body, sharp claws, long tail
Bear: wide mouth. big nose, small ears, sharp teeth, thick fur
Giraffe: long neck, thin tail, small head, long legs
To ask and answer about animals /Ex 6b/
 Explain the task and read the example aloud. Ss work in pairs and ask

and answer questions to guess the animals, Remind Ss to use their

answers from Ex.5a to help them.

 Monitor the activity around the class and then ask some pairs to ask and
answer in front of the class.
Suggested Answer Key
Can the puffer fish swim fast? No, it can’t.
Where does the parrotfish live? The parrotfish lives near coral reefs.
Is the lionfish dangerous? Yes, the lionfish has poisonous spines.
To listen for specific information /Ex 7/
 Ask Ss to read through the fact and think about what type of information is

missing from each gap.
 Read the fact file. Ss listen and fill the gaps. Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1. black 3. (very) sharp 5. 65 7. 20-30
2. beak 4. wings 6. fish
Write a short fact file about an animal you like. Use the fact file in ex.7 as a

model. D
Approved by: ……………………….
Training manager /Amarjargal CH./
English lesson plan for the 5 grade
students of the general education school
Date: 13th of Apr
Book: Spark 1 – Student’s book
Module: Great animals!
Topic: 5b – Grammar
Length of lesson: 40 min
Objects of lesson: To learn adverbs of frequency, to talk about habits, to learn prepositions of
Modal 5→ Animals
Topic → 5b – Grammar (p – 60)
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Take the attendance

Review – previous lesson’s vocabulary, let some Ss present about their fact B
file to the class
Introduce lesson topic and objectives
To learn and understand the position of adverbs of frequency in sentences
/Ex 1/
 Explain the task and ask various Ss to read the sentences aloud.
 Ask questions to elicit the information to complete the rule (e.g., Which
word is the verb in the first sentence? (are) Which is the adverb of

frequency? (always) Where is the adverb of frequency in the first B
sentence before or after the verb? (after). Which word is the verb in the
second sentences? (eat) Which is the adverb of frequency? (usually)
Where is the adverb of frequency in the second sentence before or after
the verb? (before). Continue with all the sentences.
 Ss complete the rule in pairs. Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
Adverb of frequency usually go before the main verb but after the verb ‘to be’.
To practice using adverbs of frequency /Ex 2/
 Explain the task and allow Ss some time to complete the sentences about
Answer Key
1. often 2. sometimes 3. never 4. usually 5. always 6. often

To talk about habits using adverbs of frequency /Ex 3/

 Explain the task. Choose two Ss to read the example aloud. Ss work in

pairs and complete the task. M

 Monitor the activity around the class and then ask some pairs o ask and
answer in front of the class.
Suggested Answer Key
How often do you go swimming? I usually go swimming on Saturdays.
To present prepositions of time /Ex 6a/
 Go through the box and explain the use of prepositions of time.

 Check Ss’ understanding by saying different times and eliciting the correct

prepositions from Ss around the class.

To practice using prepositions of time /Ex 6b/
 Allow Ss some time to complete the sentences.
 Check Ss’ answers. Ss justify their answers.
Answer Key
1. on 3. in 5. in 7. at 9. at 11. at
2. at 4. at 6. At 8. in 10. On 12. at
Do exercise 4 and 5.

Approved by: ……………………….
Training manager /Amarjargal CH./
English lesson plan for the 5 grade
students of the general education school
Date: 14th of Apr
Book: Spark 1 – Student’s book
Module: Great animals!
Topic: 5b – Grammar
Length of lesson: 40 min
Objects of lesson: To learn comparative & superlative adjectives, to learn adverbs of degree
Modal 5→ Animals
Topic → 5b – Grammar (p – 61)
Lesson activities T Time new

Take the attendance

Review – talk about Ss’ habits B
Introduce lesson topic and objectives

To present comparatives & superlatives /Ex 7/

 Ss close their books. Explain that we use the comparative form to
compare two people, things, places, etc. We usually use than with
comparative adjectives. Janet is taller than Paul. We use the superlative
form to compare one person/thing, etc, with the entire group. Danny is the
tallest boy in the class.
NOTE: We use (not) as + adjective + as to show that two people/things,

etc, are (not0 similar. The white bag is not as expensive as the brown one.

 With one-syllable and two-syllable adjectives, we form the comparative by
adding -er and the superlative by adding -est. big – bigger – biggest
 With adjectives of more than two syllables, we form the comparative with
more and the superlative with the most. expensive – more expensive –
the most expensive
 With some two-syllables adjectives, such as clever, narrow, gentle, etc,
we form the comparative and superlative either with -er/-est or with
more/most. narrow – narrower – narrowest or narrow – more narrow –
most narrow
To practice comparative forms /Ex 8/
 Explain the task and allow Ss some time to complete it.
Answer Key
1. faster 2. more 3. thinner 4. longer 5. stronger 6. more powerful

To practice superlative forms /Ex 9/


 Explain the task and give Ss some time to complete it. M

 Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1. biggest 2. heaviest 3. largest 4. strongest 5. most unusual 6. most aggressive
To present adverbs of degree /Ex 11/

 Go through the table and explain that we use adverbs of degree to give
more information about the extent or degree of a quality/feature that the

person/animal/object, etc, has, Read out the table.
 Explain the task and read out the example sentence.
 Ss complete the task, using the key in the table.
Do exercise 10.

Approved by: ……………………….
Training manager /Amarjargal CH./
English lesson plan for the 5 grade

students of the general education school

Date: 15th of Apr
Book: Spark 1 – Student’s book
Module: Great animals!
Topic: 5c – Skills
Length of lesson: 40 min
Objects of lesson: To read and talk about festivals, to predict the content of a text, to read for
specific information, to write a short text about a festival related to animals
Vocabulary: Verbs (let off fireworks, crown, respect, compete in, last, perform, do tricks); Nouns
(spikes, stomach, beak, coral reefs, rocks, coat, spines); Nouns (weekend, treasure hunt, parade,
colorful floats, music band); Adjective (historic); Phrase (don’t miss it)
Modal 5→ Animals
Topic → 5c – Skills (p – 62-63)
Lesson activities T Time new

Take the attendance

Review – talk about Ss’ habits B

Introduce lesson topic and objectives
To predict the content of a text /Ex 1/

 Direct Ss’ attention to the pictures and elicit what animals they show and

what is happening.
 Read the text. Ss listen and follow the text in their books.
Suggested Answer Key
The picture on the right shows a cat on a float in a parade.
The picture on the left shows an elephant in a parade with a man on top. I think they must be festivals.
To read for specific information /Ex 2/
 Allow Ss some time to read the text again and answer the questions.
 Explain/Elicit the meaning of the words in the Check these words box and
read the Famous quotation aloud.
 Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1. Every three years. 5. Thailand
2. They can hunt for treasure. 6. They compete in various races, perform, do
3. In the second weekend in May. tricks and play football.

4. Surin in Thailand. 7. Two days.

To present the festivals to the class /Ex 3/

 Explain the task and write the headings on the board.

 Allow Ss time to make their notes then choose various Ss to present the
festivals to the rest of the class.
Suggested Answer Key
Name: Cat Festival
Place: Ypres, Belgium
Date: the second weekend in May every three years.
Activities: treasure hunt for children, fireworks, parade with colorful floats and music bands, people
dance and wear cat costumes, crown a Cat Queen
To learn questions with how /Ex 5/

 Explain that we use questions with how + adjective to ask about the quantity

or degree of something. B
 Read aloud the example questions and answers about the tiger and then
give Ss some time to complete the questions about the iguana.
Do exercise 4 and memorize the new vocabulary.

Approved by: ……………………….
Training manager /Amarjargal CH./
English lesson plan for the 5 grade
students of the general education school
Date: 18th of Apr
Book: Spark 1 – Student’s book
Module: Great animals!
Topic: 5d – Everyday English
Length of lesson: 40 min
Objects of lesson: Expressing fear; to pronounce /ɔ:/ /ɑ:/
Vocabulary: Would you like to see my new pet? What is it? Oh my goodness! What’s wrong?
Don’t be silly. Would you like to try?
Modal 5→ Animals
Topic → 5d – Everyday English (p – 64)
Lesson activities T Time new

Take the attendance

Review – previous lesson’s new words B

Introduce lesson topic and objectives
To identify the context of a dialogue and practice pronunciation /Ex
 Explain the task. Ss read the sentences and say what they think

the dialogue is about (a strange pet sb has that frightens their B
 Read the text. Ss listen and follow the text in their books.
 Ask various Ss to say the L1 equivalents for the phrases.
Suggested Answer Key
The dialogue is about Frank’s new spider.
To read for specific information /Ex 2/
 Allow Ss some time to read the text again and answer the
Answer Key
1. a baby wolf spider 4. No, he doesn’t
2. three months old 6. She’s afraid of spiders./She thinks it’s

3. He thinks it’s cute.
To learn synonymous phrases /Ex 3/

 read the phrases aloud. Refer Ss back to the dialogue and elicit M

the synonymous ones from various Ss around the class.

Answer Key
1. Oh my goodness! 3. I’m afraid of spiders.
2. What’s wrong? 4. Would you like to try?
To act out a dialogue /Ex 4/
 Ask Ss to work in pairs and take roles to read the dialogue

aloud. B

 Monitor thee activity around the class and ask some groups to
read the dialogue aloud in front of the class.
To present and practice /ɔ:/ /ɑ:/ /Ex 6/
 Read the words. Ss listen and repeat chorally or individually.
 Elicit other words with the same sounds from various Ss around
the class.
Do exercise 5. Imagine your friend has a new pet snake. Write a

dialogue similar to the one in Ex.1.


Approved by: ……………………….
Training manager /Amarjargal CH./
English lesson plan for the 5 grade
students of the general education school
Date: 19th of Apr
Book: Spark 1 – Student’s book
Module: Great animals!
Topic: 5e – Across Cultures
Length of lesson: 40 min
Objects of lesson: To read and talk about national animals from around the world, to read for
specific information, to write about your national animals
Vocabulary: Verbs (hop, kick); Nouns (forests, grasslands, plants, claws, bamboo); Adjectives
(national, round, strong, hard)
Modal 5→ Animals
Topic → 5e – Across Cultures (p – 65)
Stages Lesson activities T Time new

Take the attendance

Review – let some Ss read their dialogue to the class B

Introduce lesson topic and objectives
To introduce the topic /Ex 1/
 Direct Ss’ attention to the animals in the pictures and the countries

and elicit how they may be related (the animals are the national
animals of the countries).
 Read the text. Ss listen and follow the text in their books and
Answer Key
I see a kangaroo and a giant panda.
To read for specific information /Ex 2/
 Elicit/Explain the meaning of the words in the Check these words
 Allow Ss four minutes time to read the text again and do the task.

Check Ss’ answers and elicit corrections for the false statements.
Answer Key
1. F Kangaroos have got short arms.
2. T
3. F Kangaroos eat plants.
4. T
5. F They live in forests.
To check comprehension of a text /Ex 3/

 Explain the task. Ss work in pairs and complete it. Monitor the B
activity around the class.
Answer Key
1. long ears 6. hop very fast 11. heavy bodies

2. short arms 7. kick really hard 12. big round black eyes and ears
3. thick tails 8. live in forests and grasslands 13. sharp claws
4. strong legs 9. eat plants 14. live in bamboo forests
5. big feet 10. big heads 15. eat bamboo
Suggested Answer Key
Kangaroos have got long ears. They can kick really hard.
They live in grasslands.
The giant panda is the national animals of China. they are black and white, they eat bamboo.
Do exercise 4. What’s your country’s national animal? Write a short

text about it. Write: what it looks like, where it lives, what it eats, what

it can do.
Approved by: ……………………….
Training manager /Amarjargal CH./
English lesson plan for the 5 grade
students of the general education school
Date: 20th of Apr
Book: Spark 1 – Student’s book
Module: Great animals!
Topic: 5f – Across the Curriculum
Length of lesson: 40 min
Objects of lesson: To learn birds, to write a quiz
Vocabulary: Birds (parrot, pelican, owl, bluebird, pigeon, hawk, swan); Verbs (come out, keep,
spread); Nouns (world, top, insects, gardens, nuts, seeds); Phrases (under control); Prepositions
(during, including)
Modal 5→ Animals
Topic → 5f – Across the Curriculum (p – 66)
Stages Lesson activities T Time new

Take the attendance

Review – let some Ss read their short text about national animal B
Introduce lesson topic and objectives
To present new vocabulary and improve pronunciation skills /Ex 1/
 Draw Ss’ attention to the pictures.

 Read the words. Ss listen and repeat, either chorally or

 Explain/Elicit he meanings of forest, city, mountain, coast and
initiate a class discussion to match the birds to the places they live.
Answer Key
in the forest: parrot, owl, bluebird on the coast: pelican
in the city: pigeon at a lake: swan
in the mountains: pelican
To listen and read for specific information /Ex 3/
 Read the questions aloud one at a time and elicit answers from the
 Read the text. Ss listen and follow the text in their books and check
their answers.

 Explain/Elicit the meaning of the words in the Check these words

box and then read the rhyme aloud and elicit what Ss think it
Answer Key
1. Ten thousand
2. They live in different places – in forests, at the top of mountains, in gardens or near water.
3. Many eat insects, but some eat small animals, fish or other birds or plants, fruit and nuts.
4. Birds keep insects under control and help plants by spreading seeds around.
To consolidate vocabulary /Ex 4/
 Allow Ss two minutes to prepare their answers.

 Monitor the activity and help Ss with vocabulary and sentences B

 Ask several Ss to tell the class their answers.
Suggested Answer Key
There are ten thousand types of birds in the world. Birds keep insects under control. Some birds
can’t fly.
Do exercise 5. Prepare a short T/F quiz about birds. Present it to the


Approved by: ……………………….
Training manager /Amarjargal CH./
English lesson plan for the 5 grade
students of the general education school
Date: 21st of Apr
Book: Spark 1 – Student’s book
Module: Great animals!
Topic: 5g – Writing
Length of lesson: 40 min
Objects of lesson: To read for specific information, to learn about adjectives, to talk about your
pet, to write an article about your pet
Modal 5→ Animals
Topic → 5g – Writing (p – 67)
Stage Tim Add new
Lesson activities T
s e ideas

Take the attendance

Review – let some Ss ask their short T/F quiz about birds B
Introduce lesson topic and objectives
To brainstorm for types of pets /Ex 1/

 Allow Ss one minute to write down as many pets as they can think of
and then compare with their partner. Write Ss’ answer on the board.

Suggested Answer Key

hamster, horse, snake, iguana, rabbit, parrot, mouse, etc.
To read for specific information /Ex 2/

 Read the text aloud for Ss to listen and follow the text in their books.
 Allow Ss some time to answer the questions and then check Ss’
Answer Key
1. Kheng is a crocodile.
2. It has got short legs, hard scales and very sharp teeth.
3. No, it can’t.
4. Kheng eats a lot of meat.
5. Kheng sleeps beside Prayoon’s bed every night.
6. Because Kheng sleeps next to his bed every night.
To understand the word order of adjectives /Ex 3/
 Read the Study Skills box aloud and if necessary give further
examples (e.g., My dog is big. It has got blue fur, etc.).

 Allow Ss some time to complete the task and then check Ss’ answers
around the class.
Answer Key
1. My rabbit is white. 4. My cat has got a long tail.
2. Joe’s dog has got thick fur. 5. Your horse is beautiful.
3. Grandma’s budgie is yellow.
To talk about your (imaginary) pet /Ex 4/
 Allow Ss two minutes to think of their own answers to the questions

and then ask various SS to talk about their pet. If there are Ss who

don’t have a pet ask them to make one up.

Suggested Answer Key
1. It’s a hamster. 5. He can run very fast.
2. Its name is Lucky. 6. he eats nuts.
3. He is two years old. 7. He is really cute.
4. He has got white fur, big black eyes and sharp claws. 8. I love him a lot.
Do exercise 5. Write a short article about your pet. (50-70 words). Use

your answers in Ex.4. and find a title for your article.


Approved by: ……………………….
Training manager /Amarjargal CH./
English lesson plan for the 5 grade
students of the general education school
Date: 22nd of Apr
Book: Spark 1 – Student’s book
Module: Great animals!
Topic: Fun Time 5
Length of lesson: 40 min
Objects of lesson: To test/consolidate knowledge attained throughout the module; to complete
a crossword puzzle, to do a quiz, to write a quiz
Modal 5→ Animals
Topic → Fun Time 5 (p – 68)
Stage Add new
Lesson activities T Time
s ideas

Take the attendance

Review – let some Ss ask their short article about their pet B
Introduce lesson topic and objectives
Game - Guess the animal

 Play in team. Say a fact about an animal in this module.

The other team guesses what animal it is.

Answer Key
Team AS1: It is the national animal of China.
Team BS1: The Giant Panda.
To complete a crossword puzzle /Ex 1/
 Explain the task and allow Ss some time to complete the
crossword puzzle.
 Check Ss’ answers by asking several ss to read their
answers out.

Answer Key
Across Down
3. sheep 1. horse
5. cow 2. chimpanzee
7. squirrel 4. chicken
8. hamster 6. bear
10. eagle 9. elephant
11. rabbit
To revise elements presented in this module /Ex 2/
 Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the
questions and decide whether each statement is true or

false. B

 Alternatively, you may allow Ss to review the module and

find the relevant information to mark the statements
correctly. Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1. T 5. F (small)
2. F (China) 6. T
3. T 7. F
4. T
Do exercise 3. Look at Module 5 and write T/F quiz of your


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