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A Brave Bouquet

Imagine hoisting yourself over jagged rocks and scaling steep ledges on a cold
mountain. As you climb higher, the air gets thinner and the sun’s rays more intense. Just
before you reach the snowline at about 10,000 feet, you find what you came looking for. A
small, white flower is nestled in craggy rocks. The name of the flower is the “edelweiss,”
and it only grows in alpine regions.
The alpine region is named after its snow-capped mountains, called the “alps.” The
French word for “high mountains” is “alpes,” which is how mountain ranges like the
Swiss Alps and the Himalayan Alps got their names. The habitat of this area is called an
“alpine” biome. Plants face many challenges living in this environment. This is why only
200 different kinds of plants can grow there.
Plants rely on oxygen, water, and sunlight to make their own food through the process
of photosynthesis. The high altitude in the alps means there is less carbon monoxide,
which makes photosynthesis more difficult. The high elevation also brings plants much
closer to the sun. The sunlight is more intense and can scorch a plant’s leaves. There is
little water in alpine areas, so the soil is dry and rocky. You also won’t find any high trees
because the cold wind would blow them over!
Alpine plants have features that help them survive the harsh alpine conditions. Like
all alpine plants, the edelweiss stays close to the ground to avoid the wind. Melted snow
is the only source of moisture, and the cold water is deep underground. So the edelweiss
grows very deep roots that push down through the rocky soil. The edelweiss leaves have
a thick covering that feels like felt. This protects the plant from the wind and the sun’s
bright rays. All these special features help the plant grow, but it still grows very slowly.
The edelweiss can withstand the alpine conditions, but humans can’t. Climbing into
the alps is dangerous and difficult. This is why the edelweiss became such a special
flower. Long ago, a young man would pick an edelweiss flower to prove his love to a
girl. It was risky to climb the rocky cliffs in search of the edelweiss. Many men died while
trying, either from falling or from the severe weather. Obtaining the flower proved that
the man was physically strong, courageous, and devoted. In fact, the word edelweiss

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means “noble and white” in German. Only a noble person could reach the flower, and
its white flowering leaves are like snowflakes—no two are alike.
Alpine plants can’t spread seeds, so it’s difficult for new plants to grow. Once all
the edelweiss flowers are gone in an area, they will not re-grow. Governments help
protect the edelweiss by declaring it an endangered plant. You won’t find people picking
the flowers like they did years ago. Today, the noble thing to do is to admire the white
edelweiss and let it continue to grow.

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The words in both columns are from the reading passage.
Use context clues to figure out which words have similar meanings.
Draw a line to connect the synonyms.

1. scaling a. rocky

2. altitude b. harsh

3. craggy c. habitat

4. severe d. climbing

5. biome e. elevation

Fill in each blank with the correct word from the word box.

snowline scorch endangered photosynthesis

alpine devoted noble withstand

High in the mountains you’ll find the 1) ____________________ biome at about

10,000 feet, just below the 2) _____________________. There is less carbon
monoxide at this altitude, so 3) ____________________ is more difficult for
plants. The sun is more intense and can 4) _________________ the plant
leaves. The edelweiss is one plant that can 5) ________________ the alpine
conditions. Young men tried to prove they were 6) _____________ by bringing
an edelweiss back from the high alps. Only a 7) _______________ person
could reach the flower. It’s difficult for edelweiss to re-grow, so today the plant is
8) _________________________.

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Answer the questions.

1. What are the conditions like in the alpine biome?


2. How many types of plants can grow in the alpine biome?


3. Why is photosynthesis difficult at high elevations?


4. Why do alpine plants stay close to the ground?


5. What features help the edelweiss plant survive?


6. Why did young men try to pick edelweiss?


7. Why is the edelweiss endangered?


8. Write the main idea of the passage.


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