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Approved by: ……………………….

Training manager /Amarjargal CH./

English lesson plan for the 5th grade
students of the general education school
Date: 10th of May
Book: Spark 1 – Student’s book
Module: Food
Topic: 7 - Food
Length of lesson: 40 min
Objects of lesson: Overview of module, to learn about countable/uncountable nouns
Vocabulary: Food (butter, grapes, garlic, chicken, yogurt, cheese, oranges, apples, lamb,
cabbage, beef, rice, lettuce, bread, corn, potatoes, carrots); Food groups (fruit,
vegetables, grains, dairy products, meat)
Modal 6 → Food
Topic → 7 - Food (p – 81)
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Review – let some Ss ask their quiz B
Introduce lesson topic and objectives

To present/categorize food items /Ex 1/

 Read the words. Ss listen and repeat chorally or individually.
 Elicit the L1 equivalents from Ss around the class and then ask Ss to write
the headings in their notebooks.

 Explain/Elicit the meaning of any unknown words, then Ss write the words B
under the correct headings. Ss check with their partner.

 To check Ss’ answers, write the headings on the board go under which

Answer Key
fruit: grapes, oranges, apples
vegetables: cabbage, potatoes, carrots, lettuce, garlic, corn
grains: rice, bread
diary product: butter, cheese, yogurt
meat: chicken, beef, lamb
To present countable/uncountable nouns /Ex 2/
 Ss close their books. Write on the board: I’ve got an apple. Underline an
apple. Elicit/Explain that nouns like apple can be counted so we call them
countable nouns (e.g. an apple, two apples, three apples, etc.).
 Write on the board: I’ve got some bread. Underline some bread. Point out

that we cannot use a/an before the word bread. Explain that nouns like
bread cannot be counted so we call them uncountable nouns.
 Ss open their books. Read the theory box aloud. Ss then write the
headings into their notebooks and write the nouns under the correct
headings. Write Ss’ answers on the board.
Answer Key
Countable: grapes, oranges, cabbage, lettuce, potatoes, apples, carrots
Uncountable: butter, garlic, chicken, yogurt, cheese, lamb, beef, rice, bread, corn
To practice countable/uncountable nouns (Spark 1 Grammar book/p 68/Ex1)
3mins 5mins

 Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to complete the task. B


 Check Ss’ answers.

Memorize new words
Do ex 2-3 (Spark 1 Grammar book/p 68)

Approved by: ……………………….
Training manager /Amarjargal CH./
English lesson plan for the 5th grade
students of the general education school
Date: 11th of May
Book: Spark 1 – Student’s book
Module: Food
Topic: 7a – Reading
Length of lesson: 40 min
Objects of lesson: To read for specific information, to learn about food & meals
Vocabulary: Food (cereal, soup, sandwich toast, milk, salad, pizza, pasta, cake, ice
cream, crisps, biscuits); Meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snack); Verbs (disgust,
prepare, die, try); Nouns (delicacy, restaurants, chef, special training, lettuce, pickle, brain,
oil, salt, garlic); Adjectives (weird, expensive, highly poisonous, deep fried, crispy); Adverb
(exactly); Phrase (go mad)
Modal 6 → Food
Topic → 7a – Reading (p – 82-83)
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Review – ask Ss some words of previous lesson B
Introduce lesson topic and objectives

To describe pictures and introduce the topic /Ex 1, p 82/

 Draw Ss’ attention to the pictures and ask various Ss what they can see
(a fish dish, a sandwich, insects). Elicit/Explain what the pictures show

and B

then ask Ss to guess where people eat these.

 Read the text. Ss listen and follow the text in their books to find out.

Answer Key
A - puffer fish/fugu - Japan
B - fried cow brain sandwich - Indiana, USA
C - deep fried tarantulas/a-ping - Cambodia
To read for specific information /Ex 2a, p 82/
 Allow Ss some time to read the text and answer the questions.
 Explain/Elicit the meaning of the words in the Check these words box.
 Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
1. In Japan.
2. It is poisonous if you don’t prepare it the right way.
3. A special license to cook fugu.
4. Lettuce, pickle and a slice of deep-fried cow brain in baller.
5. Fried tarantulas.
6. Fried chicken.
To present vocabulary for dishes and meals (Ex 4, p 83) B

 Explain the task and any unknown words in the rubric and read the

example aloud. Then ask various Ss around the class to make similar
Suggested Answer Key
I usually eat cereal for breakfast.
I usually eat soup for lunch.
I usually eat a sandwich for lunch.
I usually eat toast for breakfast.
I usually eat salad for lunch.
I usually eat pizza for dinner.
I usually eat pasta for dinner.
I usually eat cake as a dessert.
I usually eat ice cream as a dessert.
I usually eat crisps as a snack.
I usually eat biscuits as a snack.
Memorize new words


Approved by: ……………………….
Training manager /Amarjargal CH./
English lesson plan for the 5th grade
students of the general education school
Date: 12th of May
Book: Spark 1 – Student’s book
Module: Food
Topic: 7a – Vocabulary
Length of lesson: 40 min
Objects of lesson: To learn containers & partitives, to learn a/an, some, any, to learn how
to order food, to write about your taste in food
Vocabulary: Containers & partitives (loaf, carton, slice, piece, bag, bottle, glass, cup,
Modal 6 → Food
Topic → 7a – Vocabulary (p – 83)
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Review – ask Ss some words of previous lesson B
Introduce lesson topic and objectives

To present vocabulary for containers & partitives /Ex 4/

 Draw Explain the task and any unknown words in the rubric and

then allow Ss some time to complete the task.

 Check Ss' answers.
Answer Key
1. loaf 4. glass 7. piece 10. bar
2. bottle 5. bag 8. cup
3. carton 6 slice 9. bowl
To present a/an/some/any /Ex 5/
 Allow Read the theory aloud and explain/elicit the use of

a/an/some/any. Ask Ss to give you other examples. Point out the

difference between using any in questions and some for
 Elicit the Lt equivalents for the examples.
To practice ordering food (Ex 6)
 Explain the task and ask two Ss to read the example
exchange aloud.

 Ss complete the task in pairs using the food/drinks in Ex 3 B

and 4.

 Monitor the activity around the class and then choose some
pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class.
Suggested Answer Key
A: What would you like to eat?
B: I'd like a salad and some pasta, please.
A: Anything to drink?
B: Just a glass of water, please.
A: Here you are.
Memorize new words

Do ex 7 – Complete the paragraph about yourself.


Approved by: ……………………….
Training manager /Amarjargal CH./
English lesson plan for the 5th grade
students of the general education school
Date: 13th of May
Book: Spark 1 – Student’s book
Module: Food
Topic: 7b – Grammar
Length of lesson: 40 min
Objects of lesson: To learn much/many, a lot of/a little/a few and some/any to talk about
food, to talk about quantity
Vocabulary: Food (eggs, pears, cheese, bread, milk, biscuits, grapes, strawberries)
Modal 6 → Food
Topic → 7b – Grammar (p – 84)
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Review – ask Ss some words of previous lesson and let some Ss read their B
Introduce lesson topic and objectives
To present much/many/ a lot of/A Iittle/A few /Ex 1/
 Read the examples aloud one at a time and elicit whether the noun is
countable or uncountable in each case (e.g., milk - uncountable, apples -
countable, etc.).
 Complete the rules on the board eliciting the correct word for each gap
from the class.
 Drill Ss. Say names of food/drinks. Ss add how much/how many/a lot of.

Suggested Prompts: milk, lemons, sugar, apples, oranges, cheese. B
tomatoes, tea, etc.
T: milk I
S1: How much milk?
T: carrots
S2: How many carrots?

T: lemons
S3: A lot of lemons, etc.
 Elicit the L1 equivalents for the examples.
Answer Key
We use how many with countable nouns.
We use how much with uncountable nouns.
We use a lot of and a few with countable nouns.
We use a lot of and a little with uncountable nouns.
To practice using how much/how many /Ex 2/
 Explain the task and read the example aloud.
 Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers.
Answer Key
2. How many, many
3. How many, many
4. How many, many
5. How much, much
To practice asking questions about quantity /Ex 3/

 Explain the task and ask two Ss to read the example aloud.
 Ss complete the task in pairs. Monitor the activity around the class. Ask
some pairs to report back to the class.
Suggested Answer Key
A: How many pears are there?
B: There aren't many pears. (just two)
A: How much cheese is there?
B: There isn't much cheese. (just a piece)
A: How much bread is there?
B: There isn't much bread. (just half aloof)
A: Haw much milk is there?
B: There is a lot of milk.
A: How many biscuits are there?
B: There are a lot of biscuits.
To practice using some/any with countable/uncountable nouns (Ex 6)


 Allow Ss some time to complete the task and then check Ss' answers B
around the class.
Answer Key
1. some 3. any 5. some 7. some
2. any 4. some 6. any 8. any
Do ex 4 and 5 – You go to the supermarket every Saturday. It’s Friday

afternoon. Discuss what you need to buy from the supermarket.

Approved by: ……………………….

Training manager /Amarjargal CH./
English lesson plan for the 5th grade
students of the general education school
Date: 16th of May
Book: Spark 1 – Student’s book
Module: Food
Topic: 7b – Grammar
Length of lesson: 40 min
Objects of lesson: To learn will
Vocabulary: Activities (go to the cinema, stay at home, cook for your family, visit
grandparents, make a cake, have lunch with friends)
Modal 6 → Food
Topic → 7b – Grammar (p – 85)
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Review – let some Ss say to the class what you need to buy from the B
Introduce lesson topic and objectives
To present will /Ex 7/
 Ss' books closed. Say then write on the board: I will have lunch at 12.

 Explain that we form the future simple tense with will (not) + bare

infinitive. Explain that it is the same in all persons and that the short
forms are will = 'll and will not = won't.
 Explain that we use the future simple for actions and predictions about the
future based on what we think or believe.
 Ss' books open. Ss read the table.
To practice will/won’t /Ex 8/
 Explain the task. Give Ss time to complete the task.

 Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key
1. won’t 3. will 5. will
2. won’t 4. will
To practice using will/won’t
 Tell the students that it's the start of the summer holidays and that you
need to ask some Ss what they will do for summer.

 The students ask their partners about their arrangements for next week

using the present continuous, e.g. 'What will you do on Wednesday B
afternoon?' Their partner replies, e.g. 'I will go to the countryside'. 
 The student then writes their partner's response in their notebook. The first
student to find all their partner’s free periods in each pair wins.
Do ex 11 and 12 “Spark 1 Grammar book p 76”


Approved by: ……………………….

Training manager /Amarjargal CH./
English lesson plan for the 5th grade
students of the general education school
Date: 17th of May
Book: Spark 1 – Student’s book
Module: Food
Topic: 7b – Grammar
Length of lesson: 40 min
Objects of lesson: To learn be going to
Modal 6 → Food
Topic → 7b – Grammar (p – 85)
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Review – ask some Ss what will they be in the future B
Introduce lesson topic and objectives

To present be going to /Ex 9/

 Ss' books closed. Say then write on the board: I'm going to hove fish for
dinner. Underline I'm going to have. Explain that we use be going to +

verb to talk about future plans and intentions.


 Elicit the negative and interrogative forms by saying and writing on the B
board I'm not going to have beef for dinner. Are you going to have beef for
 Ss open their books and read through the table. Elicit any similar
structures in Ss' L 1.
To practice be going to /Ex 10/
 Explain the task. Give Ss time to complete the task.
 Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

1. 'm/'m not going to 5. 're/aren't going to
2. 's/isn't going to 6. 's/isn't going to
3. 're/aren't going to 7. 're/aren't going to
4. 's/isn't going to
To practice be going to in the interrogative /Ex 11/ B

 Explain the task, draw Ss' attention to the schedule and read out the


 Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
2. Are Tony and Rosa going to visit the museum on Thursday?
Yes, they are.
3. Is Rosa going to cook pasta on Tuesday?
Yes, she is.
4. Is Jenny going to have a party on Friday?
No, she isn't.
5. Is Tony going to go shopping on Wednesday?
No, he isn't.
6. Are Becky and Jenny going to go shopping on Monday?
No, they aren't.
Do ex 12 – Find out what your partner is going to/isn’t going to do this


weekend. D
Approved by: ……………………….
Training manager /Amarjargal CH./
English lesson plan for the 5th grade
students of the general education school
Date: 18th of May
Book: Spark 1 – Student’s book
Module: Food
Topic: 7c – Skills
Length of lesson: 40 min
Objects of lesson: To read and talk about a restaurant, to read for specific information, to
answer a survey, to listen for specific information, to write about your taste in food and
your eating habits
Vocabulary: Menu (starters, main courses, desserts, drinks); Verbs (sounds, arrive, takes
your order, bumping into); Nouns (commands, customers, batteries); Adjectives (science-
fiction, basic)
Modal 6 → Food
Topic → 7c – Skills (p – 86)
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Review – ask some Ss what your partner is going to/isn’t going to do this B
Introduce lesson topic and objectives
To introduce the topic and stimulate interest in the text /Ex 1/


 Direct Ss’ attention to the questions. B

 Elicit a variety of answers from various Ss and write them on the board.
Suggested Answer Key
Yes, I like to eat out. I usually go to a fast food restaurant with my friends. I like to eat pizza or burger
when I go out. I like to go to this place because the food is good and it’s not expensive.
To predict the content of a text /Ex 2/
 Direct Ss’ attention to the pictures and elicit what each one shows. Ss
answer the questions in the rubric in pairs.

 Read the text. Ss listen and follow the text in their books and check their
Suggested Answer Key
The pictures show a robot that looks like a waiter and a woman sitting at a table. I think this restaurant is
very modern and may serve Japanese food.
To read for specific information /Ex 3/
 Allow Ss some time to read the text and answer the questions.


 Explain/Elicit the meaning of the words in the Check these words box. B
 Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F
Do ex 4 – In pairs, design a menu for Robot Kitchen. Be creative with the

names of the dishes.


Approved by: ……………………….

Training manager /Amarjargal CH./
English lesson plan for the 5th grade
students of the general education school
Date: 19th of May
Book: Spark 1 – Student’s book
Module: Food
Topic: 7d – Everyday English
Length of lesson: 40 min
Objects of lesson: Ordering food and drinks
Vocabulary: Can I help you? I’d like a cheeseburger. Large or small? Would you like
anything to drink? That’s.20, please. Here you are.
Modal 6 → Food
Topic → 7d – Everyday English (p – 88)
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Review – let some pairs present to the class their menu B
Introduce lesson topic and objectives

To understand the context and situation of a dialogue /Ex 1/

 Ask various Ss to read the sentences aloud and then elicit the situation.

 Read the sentences. Ss listen and follow the dialogue in their books and
Answer Key
The dialogue takes place at a fast food restaurant.

To read for specific information /Ex 2/


 Allow Ss some time to read the dialogue again and answer the questions
in the rubric. Check Ss' answers.
Answer Key
Angie orders a cheeseburger, chips and a Coke. They cost £4.10.
To practice role-playing /Ex 4/
 Explain the situation.
 Remind Ss that to use the dialogue in Ex. 2 as a model as well as the
phrases in Ex. 1 and any ideas of their own to complete the task.
 Ss complete the task in pairs. To help Ss, draw the following diagram on
the board and elicit appropriate phrases Ss should use. Write them on
the board. Ss can refer to the diagram while doing the task.


Student A Student B B
Hello. Can I …? I'd Iike, ... ,please.
(Greet & ask to help.) (Give order.)
Large or ... ? ... , please.
(Ask about portion size?) (Respond.)
Would you like ... ? Yes, a .... , please.
(Ask if they want drink?) (Respond.)
That's £... Here ...
(Say cost.) (Offer money.)
Do ex 3 and make a dialogue like the one in Ex2.

Approved by: ……………………….
Training manager /Amarjargal CH./
English lesson plan for the 5th grade
students of the general education school
Date: 20th of May
Book: Spark 1 – Student’s book
Module: Food
Topic: 7e – Across Cultures
Length of lesson: 40 min
Objects of lesson: To read and talk about special dishes related to festivals around the
world, to read for specific information, to talk and write about a festival, to pronounce
/g/ /ʤ/
Vocabulary: Verbs (takes place, symbolize); Nouns (feast, patron saint, stew, lamb, beef,
pancakes, bonfire); Adjectives (religious, golden)
Modal 6 → Food
Topic → 7e – Across Cultures (p – 89)
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Review – let some pairs act out the dialogue of previous lesson B
Introduce lesson topic and objectives

To stimulate interest in the topic and listen and read for specific
information /Ex 1/
 Refer Ss to the pictures and headings and ask Ss to tell you what they

know about these festivals. Elicit answers and ask Ss to tell you what

information they would like to know about them and write their questions
on the board (e.g., What do they celebrate? When do they take place?)
 Read the text. Ss listen and follow the texts in their books and find the
answers to their questions.
Suggested Answer Key
1. When is St Patrick's Day? On 17th March.
2. When is the Maslenitsa Carnival? At the end of February.
3. Where are these festivals celebrated? Ireland and Russia,
To expand the topic and write a short description of a celebration /Ex3/
 Explain the task and allow Ss some time to complete the task.
 Ask various Ss to present their text to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

SCOTLAND - Burns Night
Burns Night is on January 25th. It celebrates Robert Burns, a famous Scottish poet. On this night people
wear traditional tartan clothes and hove a special Burns Supper. The main course of the supper is a dish
called 'haggis', which is a sheep's stomach filled with meat and oatmeal.
To pronounce /g/ /ʤ/ /Ex 4/
 Rad the words with pauses for Ss to listen and repeat chorally or

 Pay special attention to Ss' pronunciation and intonation and correct as
 Elicit other words with the same sounds from Ss around the class.
Suggested Answer Key
/g/ girl, garden
/ʤ/ Germany, range
Do ex 2 and memorize new words.

Approved by: ……………………….

Training manager /Amarjargal CH./
English lesson plan for the 5th grade
students of the general education school
Date: 23rd of May
Book: Spark 1 – Student’s book
Module: Food
Topic: 7f – Across the Curriculum
Length of lesson: 40 min
Objects of lesson: To learn about germs; to learn must/mustn’t (necessity & prohibition)
Vocabulary: Verbs (fight, store); Nouns (germs, soap, surfaces, pots, pans, dishcloths,
containers, cooked food, chopping board); Adjectives (dangerous, sick, simple)
Modal 7 → Food
Topic → 7e – Across Cultures (p – 90)
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Review – ask some words of previous lesson B
Introduce lesson topic and objectives

To introduce the topic and predict the content of a text /Ex 1/

 Read the statements 1-4 aloud and ask Ss to decide with their partner

which ones they think are true/false. B
 Read the text. Ss listen and follow the text in their books and check if their
guesses were correct.
Answer Key
1F 2T 3T 4F
To understand the use of must/mustn't /Ex 2/
 Read the Note box aloud and explain that must/mustn’t comes before the
verb and is used to express necessity or prohibition.
 Read out the example and give Ss time to complete the task. Check Ss'

Answer Key
2. You must/have to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.
3. You mustn't go swimming after a meal.
4. You must/have to drink a lot of water in the summer.
5. You mustn't/don't have to put lots of salt in the soup.
6. You must/have to cook food well.
To practice using must/mustn't /Ex 3/
 Explain the task and ask Ss to write the headings into their notebooks.

 Allow Ss time to read the text again and complete the task and check Ss' B
answers around the class.
 Explain/Elicit the meaning of the words in the Check These words box.
Answer Key
You must clean your hands with soap and water before cooking.

You must clean all kitchen surfaces.

You must use clean pots, pons and dishcloths.
You must keep fish, meat, cooked food and dairy products in the fridge.
You must 10 store food in different containers in the fridge.
You must always cook food well.
You must re-heat food only once.
You must keep raw meat away from cooked food.
You mustn't re-heat food more than once.
You mustn't leave food out of the fridge for more than two hours.
You mustn't use the same knife to cut raw meat and cooked food.
You mustn't cut raw meat and cooked food on the same chopping board.
Do ex 4 – How many types of germs do you know? Collect information and

present it to the class. D

Approved by: ……………………….
Training manager /Amarjargal CH./
English lesson plan for the 5th grade
students of the general education school
Date: 24th of May
Book: Spark 1 – Student’s book
Module: Food
Topic: 7g – Writing
Length of lesson: 40 min
Objects of lesson: To read for gist, to learn about joining sentences, to talk about special
celebrations, to write an article describing a celebration
Vocabulary: Verbs (decorate, go around, receive, celebrate, dance); Nouns (balloons,
streamers, band, adult, cake, gifts, car, soft drinks); Adjectives (generous)
Modal 7 → Food
Topic → 7g – Writing (p – 91)
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Review – ask some words of previous lesson and let some Ss to present to B
the class about germs
Introduce lesson topic and objectives
To predict the content of the text /Ex 1/


 Read aloud the words in the list and explain/elicit the meanings of any B

unknown words. Elicit Ss’ guesses as to what the text is about.


Suggested Answer Key

I think the text is about a special celebration.
To read for specific information /Ex 2/
 Allow Ss some time to read the text and answer the questions in the
 Direct Ss to the Word list to look up the meanings of the words in the
Check these words box.
 Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

They have a party at home with family and friends.
To learn how to join sentences /Ex 3/
 Read the Study Skills box aloud and ask Ss to give further examples.
 Allow Ss some time to join the sentences and then check Ss’ answers
around the class.
Suggested Answer Key
1. and 3. but 5. but
2. but 4. or 6. or
To personalize the topic and talk about birthday celebrations /Ex 4/

 Ask various Ss around the class to answer the questions. B


Suggested Answer Key

1. A person’s 12th birthday.
2. We have a party.
3. At home with friends.
4. We decorate the house, bake a cake and dance.
5. We always have a birthday cake, pizza, sandwiches, and other party food and drinks.
Do ex 5 – An international magazine is asking its readers to send in articles


about birthdays in their country. Use your answers in Ex.4 to write your D

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