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Approved by: ……………………….

Training manager /Amarjargal CH./

English lesson plan for the 5th grade
students of the general education school
Date: 25th of Apr
Book: Spark 1 – Student’s book
Module: Weather & Clothes
Topic: 6 – Seasons & Months
Length of lesson: 40 min
Objects of lesson: To talk about the weather and the seasons
Vocabulary: Seasons (winter, spring, summer, autumn); Months (January, February,
March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December);
Weather (raining, snowing, foggy, hot, cold, cloudy, sunny, warm, windy, freezing)
Modal 6 → Weather & Clothes
Topic → 6 – Seasons & Months (p – 69)
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s ideas

Take the attendance

Review – let some Ss ask their T/F quiz B

Introduce lesson topic and objectives
To present the seasons and months /Ex 1/
 Read the words. Ss listen and repeat chorally or individually.

 Elicit the L1 equivalents from Ss around the class and then ask various B
Ss to say which month their birthday is in

To present types of weather /Ex 2/

 Direct Ss’ attention to the drawings and then ask Ss to read the phrases
1-10. Ss do the task.
 Read them. Ss listen and check their answers
Answer Key
1. c 3. i 5. a 7. d 9. b
2. f 4. h 6. g 8. e 10. j
To match seasons to weather /Ex 3/
 Talk about the weather in your country with the class by asking

questions (e.g., What is the weather, like outside? Is it usually like this in
spring/summer? etc) and then ask various Ss around the class to
complete the sentences.
Suggested Answer Key
2. warm and sunny 3. hot 4. cloudy
To relate the topic to the real world /Ex 4/

 Ask What’s the weather like to day? B

 Elicit today’s weather
Suggested Answer Key
It’s warm and sunny today.

 Say the name of a month. Ss, one after the other, continuo with the read
of the months.
T: December
S1: January
S2: February etc.
 Choose a leader. He/She mimes a weather condition. Ss, in teams,
guess what the weather is like.
Leader: (mimes: freezing)
Team AS1: It’s freezing. etc.
Memorize new vocabulary.


Approved by: ……………………….

Training manager /Amarjargal CH./
English lesson plan for the 5th grade
students of the general education school
Date: 26th of Apr
Book: Spark 1 – Student’s book
Module: Weather & Clothes
Topic: 6a – Reading
Length of lesson: 40 min
Objects of lesson: To read for specific information, to learn about the weather
Vocabulary: Verbs (sunbathing, swimming, playing beach volleyball, get back, skiing,
making a snowman); Nouns (sandcastle, floating market); Adjective (freezing cold);
Pronoun (others)
Modal 6 → Weather & Clothes
Topic → 6a – Reading (p – 70-71)
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Lesson activities T Time
s ideas

Take the attendance

 Review – ask some words of previous lesson and then ask What’s the B
weather like to day? and elicit today’s weather
Introduce lesson topic and objectives
To introduce the topic and predict the content of the text /Ex 1/
 Draw Ss’ attention to the texts and ask three Ss to read the first


sentence in each one aloud. Elicit the text type and then ask Ss to read B
the first sentence in each text and say where each person is.

Answer Key
They are postcards.
Leslie is in Australia, Emily is in Austria and Ned is in Thailand.
To listen for gist /Ex 2/
 Read the text for Ss to listen and follow the text in their books. Elicit
which text matches which postcard and then ask Ss to say the sentence
from each text which best describes each picture.

 Elicit what a floating market is.

Answer Key 1
1 B Angela and Ben are making a snowman.
2 C Cara and Brian are visiting the floating market.
3 A Laura and Kelly are windsurfing.
Answer Key 2
A traditional way of selling and buying fruit, vegetables, etc., from small boats.
To make notes and use them to talk about a topic /Ex 4/
 Explain the task and go through the example.
 Ss copy the table into their notebooks, read the texts again and complete

the table.
 Choose various Ss to talk about each person using their notes as in the

Answer Key
Name Place Weather Activities
Leslie Australia hot/sunny sunbathe
Emily Austria snowing/freezing cold have hot chocolate
Suggested Answer Key
Leslie is in Australia. It’s hot and sunny. She’s sunbathing now.
Emily is in Austria. It’s snowing and It’s freezing cold. She’s having a hot chocolate.
Memorize new vocabulary and do the exercise 3 to read for specific


Approved by: ……………………….

Training manager /Amarjargal CH./
English lesson plan for the 5th grade
students of the general education school
Date: 27th of Apr
Book: Spark 1 – Student’s book
Module: Weather & Clothes
Topic: 6a – Vocabulary
Length of lesson: 40 min
Objects of lesson: To learn seasonal activities, to make suggestions, to talk about the
weather, to write about your favorite season, and seasonal activities.
Vocabulary: Activities (skiing, computer games, camping, kitesurfing, bowling,
windsurfing, exercises, swimming, basketball); Temperature (boiling hot, hot, warm, cool
chilly, cold, freezing cold, degrees)
Modal 6 → Weather & Clothes
Topic → 6a – Vocabulary (p – 71)
Stage Tim Add new
Lesson activities T
s e ideas

Take the attendance

 Review – ask some words of previous lesson and then ask questions B
about the text on the p 70 to check Ss’ homework
Introduce lesson topic and objectives
To learn the vocabulary for seasonal activities /Ex 5/
 Allow Ss some tome to complete the task in closed pairs.

 Check Ss’ answers by asking various Ss to read their answers aloud. B
 Ss then say how often they do these activities.

Answer Key
play computer games do exercise
go camping go swimming
go kitesurfing make a snowman
go bowling play basketball
go windsurfing
Suggested Answer Key
I sometimes go bowling in the winter. I usually go swimming in the summer. I never go camping in
To make suggestions /Ex 6/
 Explain the task and ask two pairs of Ss to read the example
exchanges in the box aloud.
 Explain the situation and then Ss ask and answer in closed pairs.

 Monitor the activity around the class and then ask some pairs to act
out their exchanges for the class.
Suggested Answer Key
A: Let’s go camping. A: Let’s go kitesurfing.
B: I’m sorry, I can’t B: Great!
A: Shall we play basketball? A: Shall we go windsurfing?
B: That’s a good idea. B: I’m afraid I can’t. etc.
To talk about the weather /Ex 7/
 Draw Ss’ attention to the chart. Explain the symbols and ask two Ss to
read the example exchange aloud.
 Ss listen and complete the missing temperatures.

 Ask Ss to look up the various temperatures on the thermometer to see B
the weather conditions. Explain the example exchange (e.g., 20*C

means it is warm according to the thermometer and the symbol

means it is sunny so we know it is warm and sunny in Athens.) Ss
complete the task in open pairs.
Answer Key
Dublin (5) Glasgow (-5) Vienna (15)
A: What’s the weather like in London today?
B: It’s chilly and windy.
A: What’s the temperature in London today?
B: It’s 10*C. / It’s 50*F. It’s chilly.
Memorize new vocabulary and do the exercise 8 – What’s your favorite

season? What is the weather like during that season? What do you

usually do? Write a short paragraph. Prepare to present it to the class.
Approved by: ……………………….
Training manager /Amarjargal CH./
English lesson plan for the 5th grade
students of the general education school
Date: 28th of Apr
Book: Spark 1 – Student’s book
Module: Weather & Clothes
Topic: 6b – Grammar
Length of lesson: 40 min
Objects of lesson: To learn present continuous, to pronounce (ing)
Modal 6 → Weather & Clothes
Topic → 6b – Grammar (p – 72)
Tim Add new
Stages Lesson activities T
e ideas

Take the attendance

Review – ask some words of previous lesson and then ask some Ss B
to read their short paragraph
Introduce lesson topic and objectives
To present the present continuous affirmative /Ex 1/
 As close their books. Say: I am reading now. Write it on the board.
Underline I am reading. Explain that this is the present continuous
tense. Explain that we use the verb to be and the main verb + -ing
to form the affirmative. Explain that we use this tense to talk about
B 5mins
actions which are happening now.
 Ss open their books. Ask Ss to read the table and say how we
form the present continuous.
 Draw Ss attention to the spelling rules and elicit further examples

Answer Key
We form the present continuous with: subject pronoun/noun + am/is/are + main verb + -ing

To present the present continuous negative /Ex 3/

 Ss close their books. Say, then write on the board: I am not
sleeping now. Explain that this is the negative form if the present
continuous. Give examples for all persons and explain that we
form the negative form of the present continuous with subject
pronoun/noun + am/is/are + not + main verb + -ing.
 Ss open their books. Ask them to read the table and then elicit the
L1 equivalents for the examples.
To practice using the present continuous /Ex 2/
 Explain the task and read the example aloud.
 Allow Ss time to complete the task and then check Ss’ answers.

 Elicit which season the sentences best describe (summer).

Answer Key
2. They’re sunbathing. 6. Mary and Phil are playing football.
3. Tony’s reading a book. 7. Bill’s shopping for souvenirs.
4. Claire’s taking photographs. 8. I’m making a sandcastle.
5. Mum’s eating an ice cream.
To pronounce /Ex 6/
Production  Read the words with pauses for Ss to listen and repeat chorally or

individually. B
 Pay special attention to Ss’ pronunciation and intonation and
correct as necessary.
Do the exercise 4 and 5 – to practice present continuous negative and


affirmative form. D

Approved by: ……………………….

Training manager /Amarjargal CH./
English lesson plan for the 5th grade
students of the general education school
Date: 29th of Apr
Book: Spark 1 – Student’s book
Module: Weather & Clothes
Topic: 6b – Grammar
Length of lesson: 40 min
Objects of lesson: To compare the present simple and the present continuous
Modal 6 → Weather & Clothes
Topic → 6b – Grammar (p – 73)
Stage Tim Add new
Lesson activities T
s e ideas

Take the attendance

Review – ask some words of previous lesson and then ask some Ss to read B
their short paragraph
Introduce lesson topic and objectives
To present the present continuous interrogative /Ex 7/
 Ss close their books. Say then write on the board: Am I sleeping now?
Explain that this is the interrogative form of the present continuous. Tell
Ss that we answer in short form with Ye/No, I am/am not. B 5mins
 Ss open their books. Go through the table with Ss and elicit how we form
the present continuous interrogative.

Answer Key
We form the interrogative form of the present continuous with: Am/Is/Are + subject pronoun/noun + main
verb + -ing?
To compare the present simple and the present continuous /Ex 10/
 Ss close their books. Write on the board: I watch TV in the evening. I am
watching TV now. Elicit the tense of each sentence (watch: present
simple, am watching: present continuous) and which sentence describes
a habit or routine (first) and which one describes an action happening now
 Ss open their books. Ask them to read the theory and give the l1
equivalents for the example sentences.
To practice the present continuous interrogative /Ex 8/
 Draw Ss’ attention to the picture and read the example sentence aloud.
 Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key

2. Are Bill and Tom making snowman? Yes, they are.

3. Is Mr Jones playing in the snow? No, he isn’t.
4. Is Mrs Jones talking to Bill? No, she isn’t.
5. Are Bill and Tom eating a sandwich? No, they aren’t.
6. Is Molly taking photographs? No, she isn’t.
7. Is Tim eating a sandwich? Yes, he is.
To practice the present simple and the present continuous /Ex 11/

 Explain the task and allow Ss some time to complete the postcard. B
 Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key
1. are having 6. dance 11. is singing
2. celebrate 7. go 12. is playing
3. lasts 8. is raining 13 is
4. is 9. are sitting
5. wear 10 are waiting
Do the exercise 9 and 12 – What do you and your family usually do in the

evening? What are you and the members of your family doing now? Write

true sentences. Prepare to present to the class.

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