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Introduction to scripting:

TCL: Tool Command Language


puts puts “[message]”

Comment # [comment]
Variable and substitution set [variable name] [variable value]
$[vairiable name]
expr set [variable] [expr {[expression]}]
count Count [variable]
format set [variable [format “0.2f” [variable]


count Count [vairiable]

while while {[condition]} {
foreach foreach [vairiable] {[list1] [list2] [list3]} {
proc proc [procedure name] {

[procedure name] [vair1] [vair2] [vair3]


if if {[condition]} {
elseif [body]
else } elseif {[condition]} {
} else {
switch switch $str {
"1" {set blk "WST-"}
"2" {set blk "MG-"}
"3" {set blk "LG-"}
"4" {set blk "HG-"}
SCL: Surpac Command Language

Guio: Graphical User Interface Design Object

Guido Form set Form {

GuidoForm Form {
-label "Vairable Selector"
-layout BoxLayout Y_AXIS

GuidoPanel spnl {
-border etched true
-layout CentreLineLayout

SclCreateGuidoForm form $Form {}

$form SclRun { }

if { "$_status" != "apply" } {

Guido field GuidoField AZIMUTH {

-label "Enter Azimuth"
-default "180"
-display_length 20
-format range
#-format double / integer / string_field (x y z d1...) / decimal_angle / none
File Browser Field GuidoFileBrowserField GC_new {
-label "Enter Current Grade Control Drillhole Collar File for pit and level"
-display_length 30
-file_mask "*.str *.dtm"
-default "MPA2_220_1.str"
#-absolutePath true
#-browser_type directory
#-extension false
#-start_dir "c:/survey/pickups"
Combo Box GuidoComboBox PIT {
-label "Enter PIT"
-value_in "MPA2" "EPA2" "WPZ1" "WZ2S" "WZ2C" "WPZ3"
-default "MPA2"
Check box GuidoCheckBox PREV {
-label "File"
-height 1
-caption ""
-unselected_value "no"
-selected_value "yes"
Radio Buttons GuidoPanel Pannel {
-label "Radio Select"
-border etched true
-layout BoxLayout Y_AXIS
GuidoButtonGroupPanel method {
-layout GridLayout 2 2
GuidoRadioButton b1 {
-caption "Boundary dip"
-height 1
-selected_value "Boundary"
GuidoRadioButton b2 {
-caption "Fixed Dip"
-height 1
-selected_value "Fixed"
GuidoRadioButton b3 {
-caption "Slope strings"
-height 1
-selected_value "Slope"
GuidoRadioButton b4 {
-caption "Plane fit"
-height 1
-selected_value "Plane"

Identify Point # Select a point and print its values

set status [SclSelectPoint point "Select the point of interest" layer stringid \
segmentnum pointnum xp yp zp pointdesc]
if {$status == $SCL_OK} {
puts "Point selected OK"
puts "Layer=$layer, string=$stringid, segment=$segmentnum,
pointnum=$pointnum, \
X=$xp, Y=$yp, z=$zp"
} else {
puts "Error selecting a point - probably cancelled by the user"
Bearing and SclBearingDistance $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 brg dist
Distance puts "The bearing from ($x1,$y1) to ($x2,$y2) = [SclExpr $brg / $SCL_PI * 180.0]
degrees, distance = $dist"

Corner to corner set prompt "Create a rectangle using the mouse to click and drag"
set status [SclDragRectCornerCorner $prompt x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2]
puts "status=$status, corner position 1 x, y, z= $x1 $y1 $z1, corner position 2 x, y,
z=$x2 $y2 $z2"
Digitize point SclDigitise "Setup Point" X1 Y1 Z1 "X"

set status [ SclFunction "CREATE POINT" {


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