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Santos, Zaki Delfin E.

BSN 2-YO-28
WEEK 10 Teaching Plan

Teaching Plan/Counseling Session for Pam:

Objective: To educate Pam about the importance of healthy lifestyle choices, including proper
nutrition, regular exercise, and medication management, to help her achieve and maintain a
healthy weight and blood pressure.

Duration: 1 hour

Introduction (5 minutes):
1. Introduce yourself and establish rapport with Pam.
2. Explain the purpose of the session: to discuss lifestyle modifications for weight management
and blood pressure control.
3. Emphasize that the goal is to empower Pam with knowledge and strategies to make
sustainable changes.

Assessment (10 minutes):

1. Gather information about Pam's medical history, previous weight-loss attempts, and current
eating habits.
2. Measure Pam's blood pressure and weight to establish a baseline.

Understanding Weight Management (15 minutes):

1. Discuss the relationship between weight, diet, and health.
2. Explain the concept of energy balance (calories in vs. calories out) and its role in weight gain
or loss.
3. Emphasize that sustainable weight loss requires a combination of healthy eating and regular
physical activity.
4. Address the importance of setting realistic weight loss goals.

Nutrition Education (20 minutes):

1. Provide basic nutrition guidelines for weight management:
a. Emphasize the importance of a balanced diet consisting of whole grains, lean proteins, fruits,
vegetables, and healthy fats.
b. Discuss portion control and the importance of mindful eating.
c. Educate Pam about the negative impact of fried foods, sugary beverages, and excessive
intake of carbohydrates.
d. Provide healthier alternatives and meal planning tips.
2. Address Pam's preference for kakanins and soda:
a. Explain that kakanins, although traditional, are often high in refined carbohydrates and
added sugars, which can contribute to weight gain and increased blood pressure.
b. Suggest healthier alternatives or modifications to traditional recipes.
c. Discuss the negative effects of regular soda consumption and encourage Pam to replace it
with water, herbal tea, or unsweetened beverages.

Exercise and Physical Activity (10 minutes):

1. Highlight the benefits of regular physical activity for weight management and overall health.
2. Discuss different types of exercises and their respective benefits.
3. Encourage Pam to find activities she enjoys and to gradually incorporate exercise into her
4. Provide suggestions for fitting physical activity into a busy schedule, such as short bouts of
exercise and incorporating movement throughout the day.

Medication Management (10 minutes):

1. Stress the importance of consistent medication use for blood pressure control.
2. Advise Pam to consult her healthcare provider to identify the antihypertensive medications she
is currently taking.
3. Discuss the possible side effects of medication non-compliance and the benefits of proper

Goal Setting and Action Plan (10 minutes):

1. Help Pam set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for
weight loss and blood pressure management.
2. Encourage Pam to start with small, achievable steps and gradually increase her efforts.
3. Assist Pam in developing an action plan that includes healthy eating, exercise, and medication
4. Discuss strategies for overcoming barriers and maintaining motivation.

Summary and Closing (5 minutes):

1. Recap the key points discussed during the session.
2. Provide Pam with educational materials or resources for further reading.
3. Answer any remaining questions and address concerns.
4. Offer ongoing support and encourage Pam to schedule follow-up appointments to monitor

Note: It is important to adapt the teaching plan based on Pam's individual needs, preferences, and
health conditions. Consider involving other healthcare professionals, such as a registered
dietitian or exercise specialist, to provide more detailed guidance in specific areas.
Teaching Plan/Counseling Session for Rene:

Objective: To educate Rene about healthy weight management strategies, including proper
nutrition, exercise, and meal planning, considering his busy schedule as a hair stylist.

Duration: 1 hour

1. Introduction (5 minutes):
a. Introduce yourself and establish rapport with Rene.
b. Explain the purpose of the session: to discuss strategies for maintaining a healthy weight and
addressing his specific concerns.
c. Emphasize that the goal is to provide him with information and practical tips to support his
weight management efforts.

2. Assessment (10 minutes):

a. Gather information about Rene's current eating habits, exercise routine, and lifestyle factors
that may influence his weight.
b. Discuss his goals and any challenges he has encountered in maintaining his weight.

3. Understanding Weight Management (15 minutes):

a. Explain the basic principles of weight management, including energy balance (calories in vs.
calories out).
b. Discuss the importance of balancing diet and exercise for sustainable weight management.
c. Highlight the impact of lifestyle factors, such as stress, sleep, and meal frequency, on

4. Nutrition Education (20 minutes):

a. Assess Rene's current eating patterns and identify areas for improvement.
b. Discuss the importance of balanced meals and snacks for maintaining energy levels and
preventing overeating.
c. Provide recommendations for healthy food choices, including lean proteins, whole grains,
fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats.
d. Discuss the benefits of meal planning and offer practical tips for preparing nutritious meals
in advance.
e. Address the issue of skipping lunch on busy days and suggest healthier on-the-go options or
strategies for fitting in a meal.

5. Exercise and Physical Activity (10 minutes):

a. Acknowledge Rene's current exercise routine and commend his commitment.
b. Discuss the benefits of regular exercise for weight management and overall health.
c. Provide recommendations for incorporating different types of exercises, such as strength
training and cardiovascular activities, to enhance his fitness routine.
d. Address any concerns or questions he may have about exercise intensity, duration, or

6. Strategies for Busy Schedule (10 minutes):

a. Discuss the challenges of maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a busy work schedule.
b. Offer suggestions for quick and nutritious meals/snacks that can be prepared or purchased
during work breaks.
c. Explore ways to incorporate physical activity into his workday, such as taking short active
breaks or stretching exercises.
d. Discuss the importance of prioritizing self-care, including getting adequate sleep and
managing stress.

7. Goal Setting and Action Plan (10 minutes):

a. Help Rene set realistic and achievable goals for weight management based on his
preferences and lifestyle.
b. Assist him in developing an action plan that includes specific strategies for nutrition,
exercise, and self-care.
c. Encourage him to track his progress and make adjustments as needed.
d. Discuss strategies for staying motivated and overcoming barriers.

8. Summary and Closing (5 minutes):

a. Recap the key points discussed during the session.
b. Provide Rene with educational materials or resources for further reading or support.
c. Answer any remaining questions and address concerns.
d. Offer ongoing support and encourage Rene to schedule follow-up appointments to monitor
progress and make any necessary adjustments to his plan.

Note: It is important to adapt the teaching plan based on Rene's individual needs, preferences,
and health conditions. Consider involving other healthcare professionals, such as a registered
dietitian or personal trainer, to provide more detailed guidance in specific areas.

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